View Full Version : Once upon a return (LV and/or elders) [CONTINUED]
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 1st, 2005, 01:21:48 PM
He had asked for some time. And she, Lady Vader, his master, had granted it to him. It wasn’t time to find himself. It wasn’t time to figure out what he wanted out of life. It was time, simply to be there for a….friend. His best friend from University had just moved to Coronet and had needed some help to settle in. And Maxim had wanted to be able to be there for her.
And not one who did anything half heartedly (at least, not the things he cared about), he had asked for a time of leave in his training rather than put half his energy into training and half into helping Keira.
No, he wanted to be fully there for his training. And now, with Keira settled, he was ready to do just that. And so it was that he returned to the castle upon the hill.
He might have been wiser. But likely not. Afterall, Maxim was stubborn and a bit of a hot head. And sometimes cocky. Who knew what he would have learned out there on his own without LV to knock him down a peg or two every time his ego acted up a bit?
In any case, with his saber at his side, his dark hair slightly tousled, but everything about him otherwise quite in order, he stepped into the Great Hall. It was a massive room, it seemed to him. Particularly after sharing Keira’s apartment with her for weeks now. He took a moment to study the room, to remember all that he admired about the Order. To remember why it was he had come here in the first place, to remember all the opportunities that had been given to him by the order – to learn to use a saber, to improve upon his mind skills, to lead a mission – it was more opportunity than he could have imagined available to him.
And his master…well, he admired her as well. At times it might not have seemed so, for he could be somewhat arrogant, or perhaps a bit tempermental, but there was no doubt that he admired and….feared, even, his master.
He knew that in coming back, in returning, it would mean grueling weeks of work. It would mean that he wouldn’t be hanging out in taverns every night as he had been with Keira. It would mean…well, it would mean that it was once again time to take on a bit of responsibility. It was time to get serious.
He had alerted her of his return. No doubt she would have known of it anyway, but it was the proper, polite and respectful thing to do. And then he had come here to await her presence. To ask for her permission to return to the palace and his training.
Lady Vader
Mar 1st, 2005, 04:51:03 PM
LV entered the Great Hall from one of the many entrances that branches to it. It was like a central hub, the entrance leading you to the grand circular entrance, which in turn branched into many hallways that lead to the bowels of the Palace.
Maxim was waiting for her, at the center of the Hall, and so she approached him and stopped a meter in front of him. With a stern look, she regarded him as a parent would a child coming back from a long vacation, gauging to see what he may have learned or unlearned in his absense.
"I received your message, Maxim." She fell silent for a moment before continuing. "What would you ask of the Sith Order?"
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 2nd, 2005, 09:26:14 AM
He had almost forgotten about that stern look of hers. The one that made him feel as if he had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. And beneath that stern gaze, he felt his cheeks flush the slightest bit, as if maybe in a bit of shame. He hadnt done anything wrong, he knew, but still. That look made him feel like it.
Brown eyes flickered to the floor and then back up to his master, meeting her gaze. His jaw set slightly and he gathered his confidence. Afterall, she had given him permission to take some time off. It wasn’t like he had gone off a traitor or anything. His head cocked slightly to the side and it might have seemed like the smallest of smirks that tugged at the corners of his mouth.
Maxim was proud. And he was sometimes a bit cocky. But more, he maybe just thought he was cute or something. Thought he would maybe always be able to get by on being a good looking, athletic kid. Afterall, that had gotten him by at school. He hadnt actually done a whole lot of homework to get that degree.
But as proud as he was, and as cocky as he was, he did actually understand that his attitude worked with some people, and not with others. And most certainly not with Lady Vader. Give her a bit too much lip and she’d likely cut his tongue out. He didn’t doubt that she would.
“With your permission I took some time off from my training.” He began, brown eyes gazing at his master. There was something in them, that mischievous light that would never fade, but the rest of his face maintained a reverent sort of expression, “And with your permission I would like to return. I have come to ask for permission to return to the castle and continue my training with you.”
He kept it brief. Lady Vader was a woman of importance and he knew she had little time for long, meandering requests. Best to get to the point. If she had questions, she’d ask them.
Lady Vader
Mar 2nd, 2005, 04:24:47 PM
LV let his last word finish it's echoes in the hall, even to the point of waiting longer in the silence. And then, the slightest, ever so unnoticable, smile crept upon her lips.
"It's about time you came home, Maxim. A lot has transpired during your absence, and you will need a lot of time to catch up on it all."
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 2nd, 2005, 04:35:01 PM
The silence that hung there seemed awfully heavy. In fact, it felt as if a thick smog had settled in, doing its very best to make it difficult for him to breath. But breath he did, a very shallow breath at first, and then a loud release of relief as the subtle smile appeared and she welcomed him back.
He couldn’t help it. That cocky grin made its appearance and he looked every bit the self satisfied apprentice. But only for a brief moment.
“Thank you.” His words were more relieved almost than anything and his expression darkened just a bit to reveal his more serious side. He was relieved that she had taken him back, and relieved that he would be able to return and continue his training and as much as he might have tried to hide this for the sake of his own ego, it was still visible.
“Where would you like me to begin to get caught up?” He asked, eager to prove to her that he was serious about his studies – that he was ready to return and work hard. If he really understood what that was….
Lady Vader
Mar 2nd, 2005, 04:44:04 PM
"Well, for starters, you can dust your room. I believe it has a alyer of dust thick enough where you can't make out the furniture." She was joking, of course.
"But really, we can continue your training from where you left off with no problem. What I am more concerned about is getting you caught up in what has been happening with the Order itself." She cocked her head slightly. 'I'm assuming you've been watching the newsvids*?"
*OOC: Best to read some of the more recent threads in the Great Hall and also meander into the Sith Discussion. If you don't have access there, PM me and I will grant it.
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 3rd, 2005, 12:12:04 PM
(ooc: I did that before even deciding to come back, just to be sure. :) )
The newsvids. For a while, he had forgotten that real life existed at all. He had been fooling around – returning to a life he had once know as a student back at the university. Drinking to all hours of the night and partying it up as he always had. But then…as the days and weeks had gone by, partying lost its excitement as it no longer seemed such a foreign, forbidden thing, and he had actually found himself returning to habits formed at the order.
Much better habits than he had ever formed at school. Habits instead that kept him informed, for knowledge could be a dangerous weapon, he had learned.
He nodded.
“Yes, Master.” He replied. For he could honestly say that yes, as of late, he had been keeping up with the news.
“Is there a particular event you wish me to be informed about?” This was asked seriously, for truly, he was eager to settle back in to life at the Order.
Lady Vader
Mar 7th, 2005, 12:39:56 PM
They walked down one of the hallways, not going anywhere in particular.
"There are changes brewing on the horizon, Maxim. Rumors have it that something big is occuring within the NR. And many of our elder Sith here have felt something, albiet fuzzy, coming soon." She stopped and looked at him. "We are bringing our ships up to speed and date in technology and weaponry. We are warming up all war cells, to be prepared. Those projects near completion at the shipyard have been doubled to complete, while the newer ones have been delayed and stowed for the time being. Our Imperial allies have been brought up to speed on what we may fear, and they have also brought their war capabilities to speed and to protect us should we need the help." She paused. "I've even ordered the Saiatah home so that we may utilize her capabilities should we need them. We've even begun activating our underground operating facilities, beefing security throughout the planet, and beginning the download of all data from the Library."
She locked eyes with Maxim. "Things are going to happen that will bring about change. I don't know what those changes are yet, but we are preparing ourselves in every way we can." She placed a hand on his shoulder. "And that means all Sith must be prepared... for better or worse."
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 8th, 2005, 09:59:04 AM
He fell into step with her upon her cue. And his brown eyes looked ahead – to where they walked, to the future of the Order, to his future in the order. And on occasion, they flickered back to look at his master, to nod in understanding, and in practice of active listening.
He would be prepared. For whatever it was, for whatever was needed of him, he would be prepared. The Order had given him a new leash on life. Lady Vader had made it possible for him to move beyond the trouble he had once been in and move on to begin to grow up just a bit.
And while Maxim was still young – mid twenties and out there to have a good time – he had also begun to learn that he did have responsibilities in life. Responsibilities to the Order. To his Master.
And those he took very seriously.
When his master locked eyes with him and rested her hand upon his shoulder, he felt the power of her words right down to his very core.
Responsibility called to him from his every fibre.
“What can I do to be better prepared?” He asked of his master, ambition flowing through in the tone of his voice. Eagerness to prove himself evident in his expressions, in his demeanor.
Lady Vader
Mar 8th, 2005, 01:32:33 PM
LV smiled an released his shoulder, answering his question. "We will continue your training from where we left off. I will also be asking you to help in retrieving the files from the library. We need to save tat history in the event things do not go according to plan."
They continued their walk towards the entrance to the training grounds.
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 9th, 2005, 09:16:33 AM
He was her servant. Not the groveling sort, but there was no denying that as an apprentice, he was the servant of his master. There was still much to learn and much to be accomplished. And it sounded like there was a short amount of time in which to do it.
"How do you plan to protect them?" He asked, referring to the files that they would move.
(ooc: Do you want me to start a thread on the training grounds?)
Lady Vader
Mar 9th, 2005, 03:49:28 PM
(OOC: Go ahead. :) )
"They are being downloaded and moved to an undisclosed planet. When the time comes, I will share such information with you."
"In the meantime," They reached the training grounds and walked onto them. There were some Sith already there, practicing their art. "We need to refresh you in your training ("
Maxim Vasilijev
Mar 10th, 2005, 02:12:53 PM
(ooc: Its posted on the training grounds. Thanks LV)
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