View Full Version : Just so you know.

Feb 20th, 2005, 12:54:29 AM
Ok, so since I have the tendancy to toss out these ruling Corellia plans I was thinking that it would be better for Southstar to have an aide who did more of the operations. Southstar is a knight/lord and I feel that mixing politics and the Force is just spreading him too thin. Making him way too diverse. Being able to do both would put him on par with the Emperor and the Emperor he is not.

The real reason I want to say something to you guys first is because in the wake of the Rasha ordeal and my own opposition to people having accounts for gov't rule I think I should mention something. I would think I am more trustworthy than Rivin as I have been around just as long and would like to think I have contributed more. Not to mention I RPed my training.

So basically this is here if anyone of real importance has any questions or objections. His name is going to be Jacen Mann, by the way.

Salem Ave
Feb 20th, 2005, 05:19:23 AM
No problems here.