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Kieran Devaneaux
Feb 18th, 2005, 05:58:11 PM
"Temple Control, this is freighter Devaneaux's Fury, requesting permission to land. Over."

"This is Temple Control. Permission granted, Devaneaux's Fury. Welcome back to Coruscant, Padawan Kieran."

Kieran Devaneaux sat back tiredly in his pilot's seat as the autopilot followed the beacon from the Temple landing pad, reflecting on the events he had just managed to escape from. Though the Skyrider was now in the hands of his father, the Republic had escaped intact. He would probably get a promotion out of it, but Kieran knew he would not be eligible for such a promotion without the sacrifice of the crew of the Skyrider, now left to whatever tortures Artimus had in store for them, and the 155 members of the Republic's crew who had died so that the rest could escape....so the rest could live.

Given a choice, Kieran would have sacrificed himself for those men. Oh, he knew wars had casualties, but that still did not make him feel any better. A dull thump interrupted his reverie; the ship had landed. The ramp lowered in front of him, and Kieran stepped down it and headed to his quarters in the Temple. Once there, he changed from his uniform into a simple white robe, unadorned, undecorated. He walked into the garden of the temple and went to his knees at the fountain, closing his eyes and thinking....

Kieran Devaneaux
Feb 25th, 2005, 01:12:52 AM
Kieran was silently meditating in the garden when a long-forgotten voice - that freighter captain, years ago - spoke to him again. Kieran Devaneaux, your homeworld requires your help. The Warlord of the White Hand is coming back to Reydovan Prime...and who gains control of it will determine our future - and perhaps the future of the ongoing war.

How is there anything left? Kieran asked the captain. The planet was bombarded.

Yes, it was. We have rebuilt here, and we are waiting for the first ruler of a new Prime. If that ruler is Artimus, we are doomed to Imperial slavery. If that ruler is you, we will have freedom.

Why me? I'm not even a Jedi Knight yet - and I'm not even 25.

Age or rank don't matter a damn, lad. The future of our homeworld is in your hands. Try not to drop it.

With that, the voice was gone.