View Full Version : So I'm a follower....sue me..

Feb 13th, 2005, 11:00:21 PM
Let's try and have a field day with these characters: Shade, Yurza, Kathrine, and Jacen. Those are pretty much my main characters right now. Until I do something more with Alf and am able to develope him farther I'll hold off, but if you want to comment on him then go for it.

Han Fernua
Feb 13th, 2005, 11:14:08 PM
Ok, where to start, where to start.....

Shade: This has been a interesting character for me. You play out such a strict, yet friendly person. What I'm getting at is some training threads you have done with him. ;) Over all, I haven't seen to much of the character of him. What I have, though, shows that he may be a strong Jedi, and a good on that tries and follows the rules, yet he is not god and does not just go and do things without permission or caring for what others think.

Jacen: Now, I love this character. Mostly because he is what I might call the "perfect padawan." Most people who go through the padawan stage try and get it done as soon as possible. So they put in a small piece of text that says they struggled with this, but then did and blah blah blah. But for Jacen, you make it mostly a struggle, and ask questions. I love questions. Not only may you learn something in and out of character that way, but so does your teacher because they then ahve to think about what they are saying and try and make it understand able.

I have great hopes for him. I just hope that I can do my best to keep things going with him. For tips...maybe a little more personal. I know that you have plans for this...I think...but thats how I think of Jedi. They need to be open to one another. The same with Shade.

Now Yurza and Kath I dont know much about. Yurza just seems to be a little twisted in the brain. Thats about all I know.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 15th, 2005, 10:44:09 AM
I only know Shade. I thought you played him well in that one thread we where in. But since I didnt get to rp with you much thats about all I know.

Feb 15th, 2005, 11:11:21 AM
Originally posted by Han Fernua
Mostly because he is what I might call the "perfect padawan."


Oh yeah...

Feb 15th, 2005, 06:46:45 PM

Impassioned is the first word that comes to mind. Very attached to things, which could easily have been his downfall. A more or less normal Jedi character - I don't know too much about him.


One of these days she's going to get wiped from the face of the earth and it's going to be fun to watch. A junior Vega: everyone loves to hate her.


Skinning people alive was a nice touch. I'm incensed; very good. Also like the relationship with Aliandra and the mindset of being one of the very few males in the SoC. Keep up the good work.