View Full Version : Pennyroyal Tea (open)

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 12th, 2005, 04:54:33 PM
The bartender of Master Yoghurt’s Bar and Grill squinted slightly. His eyes moved up, then down, appraising the figure that stood in front of him. The man wore black and was pale, with a shock of white-blonde hair. His face was young yet old all at once, and carried scars that couldn’t have come from anything other than fighting. His eyes, an eerie luminous cyan, were cold and sharp. He had all the markings of one of those evil folk that the Jedi spent their lives chasing after, and yet here he was in their favorite haunt, demanding tea no less.

“Didn’t you hear me?” he asked, a snide edge to his voice. “Are you deaf? I want some tea. Tea. T… e… a,” the man continued quickly, yet still enunciating every syllable perfectly. Still, the bartender looked at gawked at him for a moment longer, as though he was speaking a foreign language. It took little more than a frown on the Lupine’s part to stir the tender back into motion, as he hurried about getting his peculiar customers tea. Finally handing the steaming cup over, he smiled anxiously as Vega took a sip from the cup – his face twisting immediately in distaste.

“Bloody Jedi,” he groaned, and turned away. “Can’t even make a good cup of tea.”

Luna Eclypse
Feb 12th, 2005, 10:03:21 PM
A person entered Yogs and handed her weapons to the guards and making her way to the bar. She sat down next to a strange looking man with a dark feeling about him. She got the Bar tender's attention and ordered a glass of Kuati whiskey and the bartended quickly poured her a glass and wandered off to some other patron.

Luna Eclypse took a sip of her drink and let out a sigh. Her search for the two men that had attacked, and freed her, had come up with nothing. She didn't know how long she could keep searching. That one man, the one with the firey eyes and long dark hair might be able to help her. if only she could find him.

Her eyes drifted sideways at the man sitting next to her. She stared at his face, what a strange face. His eyes had a very earie look to them. she'd never seen eyes like that before. She shrugged and took another drink from her glass, and her mind when elsewhere.

Zanon will pay for what he did to be. But I need to find that man. Only he can help me get back at Zanon for what he did... for taking me from my family, for turning me into his private assassin, For stealing my life from me.

Anbira Hicchoru
Feb 21st, 2005, 10:13:30 PM
"And if they did, could you appreciate it?"

Van Derveld's arch-nemesis took the seat adjacent to the Lupine. He motioned "2" with his fingers to the bartender, who duplicated Vega's order for the Jedi Master.

"Isn't it all a means to an end, anyway?"

Vega Van-Derveld
Feb 22nd, 2005, 05:53:25 AM
The Lupine glanced up at the sound of a familiar voice. The Jedi Master may have looked different, but Vega still recognized him. The mere sight of Hicchoru made his blood boil. “To what end is this means?” he asked, lifting the hot cup of for examination, as though challenging Anbira to find some nefarious motivation behind his actions.

Luna Eclypse
Feb 22nd, 2005, 10:41:43 PM
Luna looked over at the other man as he started speaking to the man next to her. She decided to be silent and see how this turns out her thoughts turned back to her own things again. What was the name the other man used for the dark haired one... Zurt? Zerat? Zereth? something like that. Zanon only called him Lancer. Zereth Lancer... If only I could find him.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 12th, 2005, 07:43:56 PM
"You desire conflict."

Anbira held the mug beneath his mouth, feeling the radiance of the warm liquid within.

"The tea may not be remarkable here, but you're after the company that drinking it brings, ill acquaintances though they may be."

He sipped.

"Let me know when it starts sounding familiar, Lupine."