View Full Version : Oh what the heck.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 12th, 2005, 03:15:41 PM
Tell me what you think of Dal>_< Grips himself..

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 12th, 2005, 03:36:05 PM
Don't grab yourself on my forums! :eek

j/k, everyone else does, i guess you can too. :p

Dalamar - What to say, what to say... I honestly don't know much about Dalamar the character, or the man. I've stayed away from reading much at the Shrine because I'm afraid I might catch some weird disease there. ;) All I know is Dalamar the warrior. Every time I see him he's either picking a fight or already fighting someone. As a suggestion, I'd work more on characterization and giving this warrior character a little depth of personality. He seems a little one dimensional at the moment.

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 13th, 2005, 10:39:17 AM
Thats just it. Every one I meet wants to fight me. It is so old... Dalamar has a big mouth. I guess thats what gets him into trouble. If you want to know about Dalamar the character read the Heart of the Dragon thread. Its all about the character with hardly any fighting.

In it you will find out about his lost love Micha, Why he's looking for his past. What happened to him that put him in a golden Sarcophagus out on the outer rim. Why a mysterious person called the Assyrian is out to get him. How he came to meet Alana and joined the Eye of the Dragon. How Tiberious the leader of that group found Dalamar in a asteroid field with the built in temple.

There is lots of characterization there... But gird yourself the story is large.;)