View Full Version : Character Query - My Characters

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 11th, 2005, 05:25:38 PM
Feel free to copy the idea of this thread.

I would like input on my characters. Do you enjoy them? Does the idea of my character work, and does she make sense? What do you like best about them, and what do you like the least?

And, is there anything you think I could improve upon?

Characters: Lilaena De'Ville, James Prent, Arya Ravenwing and Senator Thareena.

Feb 11th, 2005, 07:51:41 PM
I'll start with LD herself...

The thing I've always liked about LD's character, style, and so forth - 'aura', almost - is that she seems like a normal person. She thinks and acts like a normal person, has flaws, makes mistakes...I like that. It's very interesting to read. As for things I don't like, I'm not sure I can name any off-hand.

James Prent:

LD lite and Light. Normal person, flaws, mistakes, kit and kaboodle. Couldn't have chosen a better Knight to lose to. A very interesting, very human character.

Arya Ravenwing:

I've read the least about her of those four characters: a couple of the Dark Fury ones, I think, and SCC 1 and 2. I like the way the Shi'ido thing is managed, or at least was managed during the original SCC - haven't seen any more on it since. Problems? Not many, and I can't think of any off-hand. Sorry.


Easily the most entertaining of the four. It's interesting to watch her different agendas, fear, facades, the usual...and, of course, the Rivin incident is turning out to be hilarious.

Strengths overall: excellent characterization. Suggestions for change: I'll get back to you. I've always considered your characters some of the best-written on Fans. Sorry I can't help more.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 11th, 2005, 08:10:40 PM
The Shi'do aspect of Arya has faded away into non-existance. I liked the idea, but it became so unreal seeming and bizarre to have her suddenly remember that she's a shapeshifter that I've replaced it with this idea: her family has a trait that they can project an illusion with the Force of them being a raven/flying/etc... or something. Arya's very unconscious of being a Force adept (on some level she knows she is, but just refuses to think about it or do anything about it) and I'd never do something with this family trait anyway...

But the whole turning into a raven bit was great fun to RP. :D

Feb 11th, 2005, 08:13:26 PM
Neat to read, too. Definitely added something to SCC.

Feb 11th, 2005, 08:38:45 PM
I haven't really rped with you, but I do enjoy your writing. I'd have to agree with Jeg about the human aspects of your characters; they're well-developed and realistic.

Nathanial K'cansce
Feb 11th, 2005, 10:32:06 PM
Haven't ever been in an RP with any of your characters (I think) besides LD or Arya (the disasterpiece (sp?) thread), and even then, we never interacted.

But from what I've heard and read out of those two, I've liked. Wish I knew more about the characters to give better input, but I haven't had the chance recently to read up on many threads. :(

Salem Ave
Feb 12th, 2005, 05:09:52 AM
There's a handful of Dark Jedi and Sith on the board that I respect and aspire to be like. De'Ville is one of them. I feel like she is this incredibly real character, with so much depth to her. She (like all of your characters really) remains consistent in attitudes/mannerisms etc every time she appears. Plus, she is soooo evil. And not in a crazy psychopathic, uncontrolled way - which is good, because I feel often that characters who are insane like that just come off as laughable rather than convincing. Like Gash said, the crux of it all is that she is human. I always like RPing with LD, particularly LD/Silus/Vega.

I look at James, and I want to give her a hug. She comes off as being vulnerable and a little neurotic at times, which again makes her seem incredibly human and believable. I think you play one of the most convincingly realistic Jedi around, to be honest.

I don’t know much about Arya, to be honest. Like most people, I’ve read SCC and other threads here and there. One thing did stand out, though. Relationships. I think its all the ties Arya has to various people that make her interesting. It’s kind of like she is part of this massive web of connections, and it doesn’t seem like she enjoys it. For example, he relationship with Dan. I always get the impression that she has got tangled up, like she owes so many favors that she’s going to spend her whole life doing errands for people to pay them off. When she isn’t getting drunk with sIl of course. :D

Ahhh, the good Senator, hehe. I like how she’s essentially given a kick start to the whole revival of the Senate. Even if she is crooked!

Vampyre Dalamar
Feb 12th, 2005, 11:32:40 AM
Arya: I just recently read a thread with her and Dan the Man. I thought that it was really good and even pmed Chuck and told him so. I should have pmed you also. I thought that it was a great read.

Again Like Salem said. Evil for the sake of being evil is so Passey. It makes no sense. Lileana has a lot of kick butt attitude. But another thing you do well is plots and twists inside the goverments you are infiltrating. Lil and Arya are all I know. I have seen the James but just haven't read anything from her. The Senator I am not familiar with at all.

PS. On a side note could you give me a link to where I would go talk about the bounty on Rivin or do I just chase the sucker down. lol :smokin

Han Fernua
Feb 12th, 2005, 11:53:29 PM
Well, I dont know much on the single characters. But I know a lot about the person behind it all and can then go into the characters from there.

Like most, if not all, have said, the way you do things just seems so realistic, in a SW kind of way. You dont over do things, keep within the rules and boundres, and just make excellent stories. In fact, I think you make some of the best known stories on the board. And, what I noticed, is that somehow a few of your characters are linked by some story line or another. Its not like you go out and just RP with everyone of your characters, but that you work a story into each one that then defines that character.

I love Thareena, though. Just the whole way she deals with people. Very good reading. :)

Feb 13th, 2005, 10:57:56 PM
Ok...I'm not going to waste your time and rewrite the same things everyone else said so I'll just agree. Though I must admit LD has to be my favorite one out of the four. The darkness and yet a softer side with Jax. Definitely a unique thing to carry and you do it so well.

Razielle Shadana
Feb 14th, 2005, 09:19:31 AM
Lilaena: Even though we only have a handful of threads together between Raz & Lil, I feel I have gotten a good sense of her as a character. It may just be, as the saying goes, "honor among theives" or however it goes.. but at any rate Raz (IC) holds great respect for her. Mostly due to the Bypath's of Destiny thread. At that point Raz was very impressionable to anything Saurron taught her and that was her first "meeting" with LD ;) She has a great balance of evil and..soul, if that makes any sense. I can see her easily ripping someone's head off and at the same time being tender to those she cares for. Raz tends to be that way as well, so you get my thumbs up :D

James: Sadly I've only had one thread with her, and I don't believe we even got to interact :( . I would like to do more with her, especially with my Jedi, Rhianna. I think they would get on well together. As a character though I'll agree that she has just the right amount of realism to make her endearing :)

Your other two.. I haven't read up enough on them to give a valid point. So I'll get going on that and get back to ya :p