View Full Version : The dreamers dream (will i be worthy?)

Feb 11th, 2005, 05:43:46 AM
Character Name: Steath hunter

Character Profile: Peaceful yet has quite a temper, tries to keep the peace where passable.

Character History: Born on naboo and raised as a trader until became self sufficient and left to join the Jedi.

Character Motivations: Steath wants to join the Jedi for only one reason... power, he has always wanted to be a Jedi, since his father told him about them but deep down inside all he wants is power and respect, and as this gives him great motivation its his greatest down fall.

Character Skills: Steath has great negotiating skills, but not many other things, he's not bad in a fire fight and can move fast.

Why should we accept you?: I think you should accept Steath because he has an unpredictable attitude

Role-playing example: I am present on a warhammer forum with the address of Html://www. invisionfree.com/warhammerforum. Under the name of jinty and if you require I will do a demonstration.

Do you understand that your application can be rejected?: Yes

Have you read the rules for application, as well as the GJO FAQ?: Yes