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Khendon Sevon
Feb 10th, 2005, 02:35:28 PM
Guide to Federacy Planets

The Federacy’s primary holdings are in the Kathol Sector. The sector is located on the brink of wild space and consists of Delteon, Omerose, and Wor Tandell. The Rimma Trade Route is the most traveled way into the region.

Secondary holdings consist of “Salliche Ag”, a collection of four planets formerly held by the like named, renowned corporation.

Khendon Sevon
Feb 27th, 2005, 10:59:39 AM
Centuries ago, before the Empire was forged, Omerose was a wild, rich world. Its thick forests and deep oceans accentuated its strong ties to the ancient, mysterious cultures that flourished on, and below, its surface.

The Tal’Tek were a wise and brave society of humanoids. Their culture emphasized the way of the hunter. Brave warrior priests, known as shamans, lead small families through the virgin beauty of the lands. These nomadic tribes relied on stories and ancient ways to help them survive the predator filled lands.

There was something to the Tal’Tek’s affinity for nature and its “mysticism.” For their backwards existence there was something different about their society. The first explorers to reach the planet noted that the shamans had varied “special” abilities.

The Republic scientists noted the silver eyes of Tal’Tek shamans and their family tattoos. It was hypothesized that some disturbance in the ozone layer had caused the silver eye mutation. However, it could not be determined why only the warrior priesthood experienced this change.

Later studies focused on what the Tal’Tek called the “life binding,” the shamans’ connection with Omerose and the life around it. The Jedi scientist Dannus Calidulous was called upon to see if this power was drawn from the spring well of the Force. As we all know, it was.

Calidulous found something else in the life binding. A raw energy flowed through the Jedi as he met with the shamans and learned their stories and traditions. A power filled him and grew until he felt like he could rule the galaxy single handedly.

In the night Calidulous moved to one of the tents of a sleeping shaman, Jian Sevirius, and fell upon the woman. In passion he raped and killed her. This was only found out when the scientific team failed to report in.

A military reconnaissance team was sent with the direct instructions to find out what happened. The Tal’Tek were still following their nomadic patterns, but there was no sign of the Republic team. They had vanished, as had the Jedi.

One family told a story to the soldiers. They said the beast had been let out on the night the scientists vanished. Upon further interrogation it was revealed that the Sevirius, Night Shadow, family had had something to do with the disappearance.

When the recon. group found the family they noted that all of the members were armed and armored. Thin, long swords akin to katanas were brandished as the Republic soldiers approached. The family told them to turn back, that they were tainting the life binding with their presence.

The shamans of the group rushed forward with weapons overhead. The soldiers fired. With great dexterity the Tal’Tek wielded their blades and deflected the energy blasts. The Republic soldiers were nearly slaughtered to the man. However, two escaped on speeders.

The planet was marked as dangerous for travelers and Jedi were being assembled for a trip to try and understand what had happened on the planet. They never made the trip, the dark lords of the Sith purged the Jedi.

Omerose was lost to the galaxy, forgotten.

In a time of civil war and rebirth a small company took interest in the stories of Omerose. Tarot Labs, then lead by Khendon Sevon’s great grandfather Hexidrian Everon, used its limited resources to establish a small convoy to the planet. Hexidrian, a native of Kyrin V, chose to risk everything and make the journey himself. The riches recorded by the first science team intrigued the entrepreneur.

Eventually the group arrived at the almost lost world. The Tal’Tek greeted them openly and a trust developed between the two peoples. Hexidrian met with the shamans and learned of their world and its secrets.

After weeks of negotiations and talks the Kyrian citizen purchased a large, rich tract of land and established a Tarot Labs outpost. To do this, Hexidrian had to become one of the tribe. He sealed the deal by “life binding” with Sha’an of the family Sevirius. By tradition their peoples were merged into one family. The family Sevon was forged. Se meaning dark in the Tal’Tek language and Von, a shortened form of the word Everon, translated as blood.

As the galaxy shifted and swayed the events on Omerose were non distinct. The Sevon family gained power and notoriety by bringing technology to the backwater world. In return they mined vast expanses of land, fell entire forests, and transformed the face of the lush world.

Kyrin V became a corporate center for Tarot Labs and Omerose its main production house. As time went by the company grew in power and prestige. Manufacturing plants were built on Omerose and the power of its geothermal activity harnessed. Entire rivers were dried to provide fresh water to the growing work force of Tal’Tek and Kyrians.

Sha’an and Hexidrian had a child on Kyrin. The boy was named Aliddian and instantly was brought up in the ways of the corporation. Allidian went on to push the family to greater things. He pushed away his Tal’Tek blood and, through bloody war, took control of the entirety of Omerose.

Allidian then went on to institute strict laws to convert all of the Tal’Tek ways. The shamanhood was broken. He pushed away his heritage and reclaimed his Everon name. Through underhanded deals and struggles he increased the power of Tarot Labs.

His son was born, Khendon, and quickly trained in the ways of corporate warfare. Allidian didn’t have anything against using his own son to hunt and kill his competitors. Tarot Labs was known for its destructive, evil tactics.

After three years of being an assassin Khendon broke away from his father’s company. He traveled to Omerose and studied in their labs for a few months. While he was there he met an aged remnant of the shamanhood. What happened isn’t exactly known.

Khendon then appeared in the ranks of the Sith Empire. Allidian then died violently, the details of his death are unknown. Khendon reluctantly took control of the corporation and embraced the Galactic Military Alliance as an answer to diminishing sales. He joined the military monster and pushed his products as only a successful admiral, moff, Grand Moff, and finally Vice Diktat could.

With the merger of the Big Three Omerose took on a new focus. Kyrin was abandoned as the corporate center for the new company and the backwater world raised on gossamer wings.

Billions of credits were spent to modernize Omerose. New shipyards were built with Galactic Empire funding. The profits from merging the Guild with TGE fed the industrialization of the still rich planet. Deeper mines were constructed; the forests were clear cut to build new, more technologically advanced labs and construction yards.

Neural technology was introduced into the mass of former Tal’Tek families and former Kyrian citizens. Labor was brought from the former headquarters of the companies. Nearly overnight Omerose became a mechanized planet.

As can be seen now Omerose is a technological wasteland. No forests exist, the oceans have dried up or been stored away, all the animals are dead. The culture of the Tal’Tek has been bastardized and raped and barely exists anymore.

United Imperial Technologies has established extensive underground facilities to exploit the natural heat of the planet’s core as well as to prevent the buildups that have occurred on planets such as Coruscant.

In space large scaffolds constantly construct new ships. Yards that span hundreds of kilometers assemble massive parts while factories turn out squadrons of TIE’s. Manmade moons and satellites orbit the planet in a never ending dance.

The face of the world is constantly changing as old technologies and buildings are stripped away and new ones installed. Omerose is a plant of duracrete and composite steels. Its flesh and blood has been horded away in underground lockers, awaiting utilization by the massive corporation.

That is Omerose as the Federacy knows it today.