View Full Version : My Correspondence with Dalamar

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 6th, 2005, 02:30:56 AM
Re: Black Thoughts

Dalamar, care to edit? I threw you forward as you were facing away from me - and we'd both already walked away from each other. We're pretty darn far apart. Since I'm teaching you - remember that attention to detail is key to a convincing RP! Dalamar should at least have to catch himself from falling before he turns around, and would have to run towards LD to get anywhere near slicing her head off.

Sorry, you'll find I'm a stickler for things like this.

And, I'm not mad at you, just frustrated because it's hard to tell when you're joking or not in your posts. And, they can be very hard to read, especially your OOC posts.

So we're on the same page - LD is taking Dalamar on as an apprentice of sorts. Dal is a knight level, but he obviously feels he's top dog, so getting him into a teachable position is probably going to be painful for him. I also know that you are basically expecting to get a master test and be raised in rank. Understand that we're not running KA like other groups, and so we're not just going to raise you because you want us to, or any other arbitrary reason. If you get a master test and get raised in rank - you'll have earned it.

Hopefully I can help you be a better writer too, if you would not be too offended to accept my help.

Some things (not in character) to work on: spelling, and punctuation. Sometimes (a lot of times) you start or end dialogue in an RP without quotation marks. This makes it really hard to know when Dalamar is talking, or thinking.

If you still want training, we'll continue further on after Black Thoughts. If you decide I'm too much of a hardnose, or a bitch, or ... overly emotional ;) then we'll just do Black Thoughts and then call it quits.

- LD

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 6th, 2005, 02:11:29 PM
Oh good. :)

I don't think you understand the quotations - they need to be both at the beginning of a dialogue bit, and at the end. A lot of times you just have one at the beginning... and none at the end, which makes your dialogue run into your other sentances.

example: Dalamar sneered, "I am hot stuff, smarty pants... he never thought that she would believe him, but he liked to talk about himself anyway. I am the king of the worlds!

It should be: Dalamar sneered, "I am hot stuff, smarty pants." He never thought that she would believe him, but he liked to talk about himself anyway. I am the king of the worlds!

(see, I usually do thoughts in italics to make them stand out.)

To answer the question of 'auto-hits,' I usually leave it open to the other RPer to take the hits. If the person I'm fighting doesn't RP that any of my hits land (godmoding) then I might start getting a little more aggressive in my posts and RPing that I'm hitting them. I always try to be fair in my combat RPing, and LD usually gets pretty beat up if she's fighting someone equal to her. My RPing method is to respond to the last attack on LD, and then make an attack (sometimes I RP a hit - grabbing hair and kneeing you in the face would be something I might RP) but then I either leave it open to your interpetation (trying to decapitate you would be one I'd certainly leave open, as would any lightsaber stabs or slices. These can 'maim' and so it's important to allow the other character to RP how they want the hits to go. But, like I said, if they RP NO hits, they're godmoding) or I finish an attack and let the other RPer respond and follow with their own attack.

Vampyre Dalamar wrote on Today 09:59 AM:
okay a: I thought we were only a few feet away..

b: okay I will make a better effort to put in the quotation marks. but if no quotations he is thinking, thats how I have done it. is there a different way.

c: No I don't think your hardnosed. I think your in a hurry a lot of the times, SO I assume from the way you talk that your life is pretty hectic, between your job, your marriage and your rp I think your running 90 miles an hour...

d: I am not always joking but I never mean any ill will. I am sometimes abrupt or writing in a hurry. But I am not irritated about anything.

E: Last yes Dalamar does think he is hot shite. lol... So yeah its going to hurt. See how his uppity attitude. Just naturally assumed that you where out of control.

F: Yes, teach me how to write better. I have the stories but I lack proper punctuation its really frustrating to me..

So we are on the same page I have only one question. How do you handle combat auto hits or do you leave it open for the other person to say if the attack happened our not?

Salem Ave
Feb 9th, 2005, 02:49:28 PM
I just have to say well done to you for being able to put up with him :thumbup

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 9th, 2005, 03:09:13 PM
^_^; we'll see... we'll see.

Oh, and if you're wondering, I had Ogre do the access here ahead of time, so I wasn't bugging him endlessly for little access changes. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 17th, 2005, 01:16:40 AM
http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=707812#post707812 ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?

Post 49 - nice counter of my Destruction, innovative, and I liked it. Then "He held his blade in front of him running lines of the force on each side. Concussion blasts rippled along the sides of him breaking windows down the street in a wave of power." WTF? I don't even know what this means, let alone if it's a force power, or if he's running and breaking the speed of sound which was what I thought originally could be the only explaination to the windows breaking out. But he said he wasn't running. So...

Post 54 - he slices my neck "something he had done to countless Masters." Ha! Godmoding.

Gav Mortis
Feb 17th, 2005, 02:38:23 AM
Originally posted by Salem Ave
I just have to say well done to you for being able to put up with him :thumbup

Originally posted by Salem Ave
I just have to say well done to you for being able to put up with him :thumbup
Originally posted by Salem Ave
I just have to say well done to you for being able to put up with him :thumbup

Originally posted by Salem Ave
I just have to say well done to you for being able to put up with him :thumbup

Originally posted by Salem Ave
I just have to say well done to you for being able to put up with him :thumbup

Thought I'd place a wee bit of emphasis on this while you're having your Nyquill doped-up sex with your hubby and the Harajuku girls. Bitch! :mad

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 17th, 2005, 11:13:37 AM
:mneh you're just jealous.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 17th, 2005, 03:54:42 PM
originally sent by me 02/17/05 @ 1:54 pm

I posted to this, and took your attack and added LD's response to it. I hope you understand why (I'm going to explain ;)).

When we discussed "auto-hits" and I said that I did them sometimes, I never meant to imply that I RPed cutting people, or stabbing them. I do not, and I believe that if you auto-hit anything that will leave more than a bruise on your opponent that you're leaving yourself open to being accused of godmoding.

You RPed that you used the force to cause the ground in front of me to explode, and then you also jumped up and cut my neck with your boot blade, and then you also said that you landed, pressed the attack, and moved forward with fangs bared.

Even with the rank of Master, I would be wary of doing so many actions in one post of a fight thread. As I said before (I think?) the rule of thumb that I use is that in a post you can respond to your opponents attack, and make one yourself. Generally a bit of "their lightsabers flashed as they fought, Dalamar pressing the attack" is fine - you're not saying either one is getting through the other's defences.

Your post (as you have the rank of Knight) should have been limited to the ground exploding (a force attack that requires some concentration) and then you jumping up and attempting to cut LD. Leave it to your opponent to RP out their own weaknesses. And remember to have some weaknesses yourself. I couldn't allow LD to take the cut on her neck, because she had plenty of time to anticipate the attack and do something to block it.

I did give her the stab through the palm, however, which is a compromise I hope you find agreeable. If you have any questions, let me know. :)


Silus Xilarian
Feb 17th, 2005, 05:53:11 PM
I would just Rp that as the droplets of blood from the cut to my neck hit the ground, they turned into smaller, yet more evil versions of me, and pressed a counterattack.

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 17th, 2005, 06:06:30 PM
I was thinking that if he tries biting her, I'll just RP that her blood is like liquid sunlight, and he dies from the inside out. >D

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 18th, 2005, 11:08:01 AM
Vampyre Dalamar wrote on Today 07:28 AM:
could you find the thread with you and Soth. I think if I read that I could get the idea your looking for. Actually Ill find it and read it. Oh and the compromise is fine. I have been really sick for 2 weeks. So sorry for the lackadaiscal posting. I don't know I just can't muster up enthusiasm for fighting LD. I guess I really am getting burnt on all the rp fighting... I have an idea... lol.. aha...

The thread with me and Soth would be a bad example - because he godmoded through almost the entire thread. I can't remember what it's called, but it was in storytelling. Try looking in the KA archives at my list of threads.

I've been sick too this week, so I know how you feel. :hug