View Full Version : I have a headache

Lady Vader
Feb 3rd, 2005, 02:02:10 PM


Ok, we need to take action. I need brain help here...

Ok, we need to play out on the simpathy of the ppl. Show how Rivin slaughtered thousands on Chandrilla. Show that there is an anonimous bounty (we need to find a way to link this to the New republic) on his head. We also need to show that we are taking steps to safeguard the planet from anymore destruction at his hands.


Rasha Vill
Feb 3rd, 2005, 02:04:39 PM
OOC, I'm sorry about being a pian in the Rear end. IC I'm having fun with Rivin. Thank you for banashing him!

Lady Vader
Feb 3rd, 2005, 02:07:38 PM
It's all good, Rasha. :)

I'm just trying to find a way that we can exploit him into being the bad guy... and Rivin being Rivin, I'm sure that won't be too hard.

You're more than welcome to help in discussing how we can reason with the Corellian ppl that this was Rivin's desperate attempt to make us out to be the bad guys.

Hmmm... and if we can do that, then we can use him as a scape goat each time something happens. >D

Feb 3rd, 2005, 04:46:28 PM
TSO should deny the info on the datapad outright, claiming that such a conspiracy theory is both as extensively ridiculous as it is a lie. Clearly Rivin is trying to stir up trouble in some sort of pathetic attempt to get back at TSO for giving him the boot.

If I let out the press releases, that's what I'd say.

Think about it though. The actual events that we RPed would sound so crazy to the average Corellian. As a matter of fact, let's say Rivin wasn't sound of mind and offer reward to any person on Corellia, or any other Sith planets for that matter, for information leading to his capture.

IMO, Problem Solved.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 3rd, 2005, 05:58:19 PM
We can also call him a pedophile and link him to unsolved disappearances of children from Coronet and area.

Feb 3rd, 2005, 06:08:21 PM
*raises eyebrow*

Nayala Palain
Feb 3rd, 2005, 06:17:29 PM
Sick... but Very interesting.

Feb 3rd, 2005, 06:29:23 PM
Southstar, good idea. Maybe we can get it going in the thread where we are meeting with Rasha (link above). feel free to post even if I don't. The weekend is upon me, and I prob won't be posting again till Monday.

Je'gan... your idea has raised my eyebrows and interested me. You can throw that out and see if the hounds take a bite.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 3rd, 2005, 07:53:19 PM
Well, he tortures kids - it's not much of a leap. That, and we can say that this was merely one aspect of his...extracurricular activitives that we overlooked.

EDIT: And I don't mean overlooked on purpose - 'his banishment and terrorist acts prompted us to look into his other pursuits more closely', with a suitable PR twist, etc.

Rasha Vill
Feb 7th, 2005, 01:54:42 PM
But Most of the population of Corellia dosen't know about what Rivin has done in the past. What most of them know is that when the Jedi bombed the hotel He was the only one to respond. His explanation takes into account what he was doing on Chandrilla, and linked it back to the propaganda that TSO has been sending out about the Jedi. Getting Into a "DID NOT! DID SO!" Argument will likely make many people think TSO is covering up the Truth.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 7th, 2005, 04:36:41 PM
Or we could simply give them access to the death figures for Chandrila and make it clear that Rivin was and always has been acting under his own interests. Give them the full Rivin dossier, unembellished - any obvious embellishment would seem that way. In fact, we could dumb it down a bit to make it look like his worst excesses could have slipped past us.

And Rivin is not the only Sith who's ever done anything for the people. Je'gan led the people against a 'Jedi' once, helped them take down the individual in question, made a public appearance afterwards. Southstar's been doing great things on Kashyyyk and a few other TSO-aligned planets, taking out obvious terrorist cells and so forth. I'm sure there are many examples from when neither you nor I was on Fans, as well. The reign of the Sith has, overall, been safe if a bit strict. It's not as if we do mass murder - often.

I think we should break the iron curtain and let the NR's reports in. Call it a gesture of good faith, but let the people know what actually happened on Chandrila, and let it come from sources that even the most radical have to trust: the NR, the Jedi. We can't be blamed for it (even if that's what the reports might say) simply because we're telling the people about it and ostensibly there's no reason to do that unless we're telling the truth. Rivin's actions stand for themselves: 'taking the fight for your freedom to Chandrila' was massively stupid wording on his part if the actual figures and circumstances are released.

And at this point, we should really send a more public strike force after him, in addition to Vega and Je'gan. Not that saving face is going to matter in the near future, but after all, we don't know that IC.

Mind control would be good in the quelling of the riots: Southstar can do that, for one. Let some of our more mentally skilled Sith moderate the leaders of the riots. No killings or disappearances - ever. Maybe invite a couple of the chief rabble-rousers to debates and public forums, out in the open.

For PR's sake, we should conduct a purge of the Order: exile or kill some NPC's, both Sith and servants, as subversives.

Feb 7th, 2005, 11:06:23 PM
Also mentioned was the criminals used in the Drall incident are spilling the beans. I would have expected that they would have been terminated somewhere along the way, but I guess nobody specified what happened so it's fair game. Southstar will take care of that matter himself and the end result will be that nothing more shall be spilt. There is an RPed location called Jara that is going to be renovated to act as a re-education/prison center. (It's in Chaoticans if anyone cares, found in either mine of Je'gan's bios or just the storytelling forum). People will be coming back from this rehibilitaion camp with nothing but good things to say about the Sith Order. IMO, TSO needs more of these for the disobediant citizens.

As for breaking the Iron Curtain, I think TSO should avoid it. If Corellians have more access to uncensored information, either by mouth or print, the more oppertunity there is for bad things to happen to TSO. But I suggest we allow in a group of NR and maybe Jedi to take a look around, but only at what we allow them to see.

Also mentioned is the destruction of the town of Greeson, I'm under the impression that Rivin did it (I can't find the thread), and since he did it should be easy to pin it on him. Soemone needs to come out with a whole Rivin conspiring against Corellia, not TSO, and get the idea spread. I would think that TSO has the newspapers in its pocket, print an editorial or something.

As for the riots which have been deemed in my department, I thought about this for a while. So we cut off the food supply, not directly, just by raising prices by high exportation through a third party. Famine hits Corellia and TSO tries desperately to bring food back to the planet. Meanwhile, the rabblerousers disappear, their leaders have left them when the going got tough. We'll show pictures of them enjoying the good life somewhere else. The riots die down and we feed them.

Those are my suggestions. Comments?

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 8th, 2005, 09:20:03 AM
I'm still a little iffy about the Iron Curtain bit, but otherwise, I couldn't agree more.

Feb 8th, 2005, 08:28:16 PM
Well we have been doing quite a few things that they Jedi and New Republic would know abou tif they were on planet. Drall and Southstar playing Jedi are just two examples. Besides the reasons I mentioned earlier, there is that too. Let's let them in, but make it more of a guided tour rather than a look around.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 9th, 2005, 05:56:40 PM
Well...that can be our stance, at least. It's not as if there's time to do it before they attack and all, really.

Feb 9th, 2005, 06:26:21 PM
Keep in mind, TSO is discrediting the NR as well as the Jedi. What they have to say about the events of Chandrila is irrelevent. Since they will attack, then why bother letting anything through.

Feb 9th, 2005, 06:33:19 PM
Urgh... ok, I have about 5 minutes to do some posting, so I won't be able to read all that was said. But from skimming and seeing some good thoughts, I think both Je'gan and Southstar have some good ideas as to how to go about this.

Boys, I leave you as the spear point. Now being Elders, you can post in the thread with Rasha (if you haven't already done so... haven't checked yet) and start putting your ideas into effect. Come to some sort of agreement as to what's do be done. summarize it here, and go splat it in the thread.

I'll try to participate, but I really am swamped at work this week. If need be, explain I'm dealing with other matters and I will try to meet with you if I find the time.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 9th, 2005, 07:09:08 PM
Sounds good. Baracc will be acting as Je'gan's voice, seeing as Je'gan is off with Vega, hunting Rivin :D

Here's what I've got so far:

Show how Rivin slaughtered thousands on Chandrila.

We give them the full figures and explain to the people that Rivin is nothing but a liar. We also discuss Greeson and Rivin's actions there.

Show that there is an anonimous bounty (we need to find a way to link this to the New Republic) on his head.

Have an NPC bounty hunter show up and ask questions. Besides, this is Corellia. There are bounty hunters everywhere on Corellia. They'll probably know.

We also need to show that we are taking steps to safeguard the planet from anymore destruction at his hands.

Increased security has already been implemented. Baracc has Je'gan's partial list of Rivin's associates in the Corellian system, and thanks to his and Je'gan's mob connections, they've got a good handle on the Molochean Hand's operations overall. Let's pull in a solid 85% of the people on the list and invade their minds, then use or kill them as required. Public trials, public executions.

TSO should deny the info on the datapad outright, claiming that such a conspiracy theory is both as extensively ridiculous as it is a lie. Clearly Rivin is trying to stir up trouble in some sort of pathetic attempt to get back at TSO for giving him the boot.


We can also call him a pedophile and link him to unsolved disappearances of children from Coronet and area.

'Further investigation' and a good bit of lying - need I say more?

And Rivin is not the only Sith who's ever done anything for the people. Je'gan led the people against a 'Jedi' once, helped them take down the individual in question, made a public appearance afterwards. Southstar's been doing great things on Kashyyyk and a few other TSO-aligned planets, taking out obvious terrorist cells and so forth. I'm sure there are many examples from when neither you nor I was on Fans, as well. The reign of the Sith has, overall, been safe if a bit strict. It's not as if we do mass murder - often.

We need to remind the people of these things.

And at this point, we should really send a more public strike force after him, in addition to Vega and Je'gan. Not that saving face is going to matter in the near future, but after all, we don't know that IC.

A small but elite team sounds about right.

For PR's sake, we should conduct a purge of the Order: exile or kill some NPC's, both Sith and servants, as subversives.


There is an RPed location called Jara that is going to be renovated to act as a re-education/prison center. (It's in Chaoticans if anyone cares, found in either mine of Je'gan's bios or just the storytelling forum). People will be coming back from this rehibilitaion camp with nothing but good things to say about the Sith Order. IMO, TSO needs more of these for the disobediant citizens.

I still like this idea, but we can't make it terribly public; we have to tread lightly for the moment.

I suggest we allow in a group of NR and maybe Jedi to take a look around, but only at what we allow them to see.

We mention this to the people as our intention, but once they attack we can simply say that they preempted our attempts at peace.

Also mentioned is the destruction of the town of Greeson, I'm under the impression that Rivin did it (I can't find the thread), and since he did it should be easy to pin it on him. Soemone needs to come out with a whole Rivin conspiring against Corellia, not TSO, and get the idea spread. I would think that TSO has the newspapers in its pocket, print an editorial or something.


As for the riots which have been deemed in my department, I thought about this for a while. So we cut off the food supply, not directly, just by raising prices by high exportation through a third party. Famine hits Corellia and TSO tries desperately to bring food back to the planet. Meanwhile, the rabblerousers disappear, their leaders have left them when the going got tough. We'll show pictures of them enjoying the good life somewhere else. The riots die down and we feed them.

This is one we have to be careful with. Rivin or someone else would simply guess that we're doing this and inflame more riots - controllable, but at a cost.

Feb 9th, 2005, 08:43:21 PM
Rivin can't incite them to riot, there is no way the people would trust him after he blew up Greeson. TSO needs to expose that like nobody's business. It is unrealistic that Rivin would be able to counter our propaganda measures in any formidable way and that Rivin would be able to do something along the datapad debacle again is absurd.

Rivin has dug himself into a hole on Corellia with the destruction of Greeson and lost all possible credibility he might have had with the people.

As for anyone else trying to unmask the starvation plan they wouldn't be able to do so (I'm trying to spare the details, but just face it; the TSO has a buttload of power and are capable of such things). But yeah, people can guess. Nobody reads about guesses in the papers, especially not state run papers. Word of mouth isn't reliable as guesses aren't accepted easily. Not to mention that anyone both knowledgable and intelligent enough is already in TSO's pocket. Assuming education is state education then everyone has learned over and over again that TSO is their friend and only trying to help.

Personally, I don't think it is feasible that this could backfire in a major way. However, what one needs to be careful of is that all these things are mentioned in the post that makes them actual IC events... which I'd be happy to do given that there are no objections.

Rasha Vill
Feb 10th, 2005, 11:29:21 AM
But at this point, TSO has no proof that it was rivin the blew up the city. Thanks to the propaganda TSO has been putting out there are many that would beleave it was the Jedi. Untill you can get PROOF to counter Rivin's claim there's not much you can do about Greeson.

And trust me the starvation method CAN backfire... :evil

Feb 10th, 2005, 11:40:01 AM
Go for it, guys. You have my blessing. :)

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 10th, 2005, 05:48:13 PM
Rasha, I think you missed the INDOCTRINATION bit. We own upwards of 95% of their minds. If we tell them that it's Rivin's fault, the vast majority of them will believe us.

And you're wrong: we can do everything about Greeson. Not to touch what may be a sensitive topic, but think Iraq...and Corellia under TSO has even fewer options than the U.S. of A. did under George W.

Feb 10th, 2005, 10:31:28 PM
My real world template has always been Joe Stalin and the Soviet Union. The man puts even Palpatine to shame. Granted he was a very evil man and all that, but he was the closest to real life Sith rulers as they come.

Lady Vader
Feb 11th, 2005, 02:26:07 PM


I think Rasha is trying to give me an ulcer. :p

Obviously TSO wouldn't know about the thread going on between Rivin and Thareena. But with a little bit of intel, things can be worked out.

I believe our Minister of Information should get in on this if at all possible.

In any event, we need to act quickly to appease the ppl of Corellia with Rivin's latest attack, and completely discredit him into being an out-of-control and quite frankly crazy man. He's completely unstable, and from his past exploits, which luckily for us he didn't try to hide, can attest to this.

Also, and this is just as an afterthought... someone needs to kick Rivin's patootie out of the known universe. *couch*Vega*cough*

Ok, that is all.

Rasha Vill
Feb 14th, 2005, 12:16:23 PM
The Meeting (Southstar, Baracc, Elders, closed) (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37861)

WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE! I go away for 3 days After having a really BAD week, and hoping that I could just come back and have some fun on the boards, and the first thing I see is that people are ploting to maim, kill, and/or turn Rasha into a veggie! At least With Rivin I was informed before RP's like this came out! And at least Rivin Did something WRONG!

How the Heck do people get to the conclusion that Rasha is at fault, When her job was with the governmental side and TSO was in charge of Security! TSO has only given Rasha a small security force for her offices, and nothing more, So how could she have been expected to STOP A SITH!!

I don't tend to take things personaly too much but due to that thread and some things said in...

Whatever happened to the Good Old Days? (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37863)

... Make me think that people have something agienst me, and are taking it out on my characters! If people do have a problem with me, then take it up with ME! If it is only IC then At least give me a chance to reply before you lock them in a room and plot their Death! What's Next! Are people going to find some trumped up charge to place on Ida so you can kick her out?!

I'm Sorry if I offend anybody with this post as I've said I had a rather bad week and everything I did this weekend to try and relax and forget about just turns sour, Like going swimming and having a kid cannon ball on to my back, trying to just sleep it off and I get woken up by my parents and conscripted for yard work, Or trying to forget about it with a computer game only to have it lock up and freeze 5 times in one hour. Alot of my words above may be just the result of me missunderstanding what's going on, or preseving things as an assult on me when it is really not, but extencive stress and frustration can do that to people. Again I'm sorry if I offend anybody.

Lady Vader
Feb 14th, 2005, 02:30:38 PM
Ok, I'm going to lay it out plain and simple.

I am beginning to wonder if Rasha is working in the best interest of TSO. It just seems from the posts Rasha makes, that she's not really doing "all she can" and it also seems like you are aiding your other character, Rivin, though your Rasha character.

And to be quite blunt, all these threads you keep making, one after the other, are beginning to irritate me. We're not even done with one, and you start making others.

I'm sorry, but RPing is here to be a pass time, not a second job. And with all that's been happening, that's what it's been feeling like - a second job.

But that is my opinion. Others may want to add their own, or perhaps they have a completely opposite view.

But for the record, I am not trying to be mean. I'm just reading it how I see it. So I'm essentially being honest with you.

Feb 14th, 2005, 03:28:07 PM
I'm not so bothered by the quickened pace, I actually enjoy it, but I understand if people have other things to do. As for the decision about Rasha's termination, it's not anything real personal. My main objection was that you were at an advantage having both the head of Corellia and the rogue Sith in control. You knew enough of future plans for both characters where you had the ability to tie them together. The trap was very suspicious both IC and OOC as I felt it ran along the lines of godmoding (or one of those rules). Which is why I support not having a single account or person running IC government positions.

As far as all IC events go, I think Southstar acted as a Sith would have (though a Sith probably would have killed Rasha, but that's not allowed). Honestly, would you keep an employee around who had multiple major failures within a week of each other? The real probalem is that in order for Rivin to be successful, Rasha has to fail or vice versa. That is the ultimate problem.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 14th, 2005, 06:57:34 PM
As far as all IC events go, I think Southstar acted as a Sith would have (though a Sith probably would have killed Rasha, but that's not allowed). Honestly, would you keep an employee around who had multiple major failures within a week of each other?

Rasha, this isn't an OOC issue.

EDIT: I'm going to continue on this vein a bit, I think. Rasha, I dislike your characters but I don't dislike you personally. Everything that's happened is purely because of IC concerns and being true to the character. It's like s'Il said: if you play a non-Forcer, you have to be ready to take a lot of stuff. Develop Ida more and you're good to go in that regard.

Trric Skyvold
Feb 14th, 2005, 10:51:02 PM
Originally posted by Lady Vader

I am beginning to wonder if Rasha is working in the best interest of TSO. It just seems from the posts Rasha makes, that she's not really doing "all she can" and it also seems like you are aiding your other character, Rivin, though your Rasha character.


And my crack about killing Rasha was a joke. To be honest, I don't think any ONE person should play the political face of TSO. A sock-puppet account with access that only the TSO Elders (or even one or two people who are online fairly often) have would make more sense. Things would be planned out for the character, and it wouldn't come off as so biased for one person or another.

I don't know you well enough OOC to dislike you, but if you're going to play Rasha and just use her to help out Rivin, she deserves the axe, both figuratively and literally. It's what any good Sith would do, and I think Southstars post works very well.

Feb 15th, 2005, 11:05:39 AM
Originally posted by Trric Skyvold
And my crack about killing Rasha was a joke. To be honest, I don't think any ONE person should play the political face of TSO. A sock-puppet account with access that only the TSO Elders (or even one or two people who are online fairly often) have would make more sense. Things would be planned out for the character, and it wouldn't come off as so biased for one person or another.

My sentiments.

Rasha Vill
Feb 15th, 2005, 12:18:21 PM
Really I was not using her to help out Rivin and I'm sorry if it is looking that way. I had no plans for Rivin with the subjestion of the trap, and I'm sorry if I'm getting on people's nerves. As I said in my last post, I was in a bad state of mind when I started my rant.

But If She was going to Die, Which I am will to give consent to, givin the logical arguments put to that point here, I would rather her go out on her own terms, doing something to beter the lives of the people that she has pleged her life to, not caged like some animal.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 15th, 2005, 06:55:12 PM
Considering that that would very likely put TSO in a bad light, I say no death if that's the only option.

Trric Skyvold
Feb 15th, 2005, 10:05:06 PM
Assassin! Assassin! Have TSO have her killed, then pass the buck and blame some sucker for it!

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 15th, 2005, 10:28:45 PM
As an addendum to my comment above: The Sith would see to it that her death would be under controlled circumstances. No live feeds or public appearances. But doing good for the people sounds doable to some extent.

Feb 16th, 2005, 12:45:31 AM
Since its been established that the people like Rasha I think the TSO should have her killed and deny anything to do with it, later bringing the killer to justice for good old fashioned public execution. She does something good for the people of Corellia (which I'm fine with leaving up to Rasha). However, the TSO in their manipulative ways shall refer to her as a hero in the way she served TSO and Corellians, calling all Corellians to be like her and serve TSO as well. Everyone benefits. comments?

Trric Skyvold
Feb 16th, 2005, 12:57:57 AM
That's what I was saying (or meant to say).

Let Rasha be like a martyr for the Corellian people - she gives her life for them, and TSO plays that up. The assassin could be someone within the Sith, but they could always blame it on someone else. In fact, they could twist it, and possibly blame it on Rivin, saying one of his followers was the culprit. Kill two birds with one stone, maybe?

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 16th, 2005, 05:41:27 AM
Excellent idea, Southstar.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 16th, 2005, 08:01:48 AM

Feb 16th, 2005, 11:53:21 AM
Southstar... remind me to pin a medal on your chest. Well, not ON your chest... but on your clothes. Unless you LIKE to be pricked by needles, in which case I can make sure said medal has a very very large pin... O_o

But, I do agree with those that posted ater you... I LOVE the idea. Very manipulative... very Sith-like... very much TSO. Good show, old chap!

Rasha Vill
Feb 16th, 2005, 06:19:16 PM
Another Idea. TSO already know of a number of people on the pay role of Rivin and It would likely be some of those numbers that are causing the rioting. TSO could make Rasha think they were giving her a second chance, and give her an assigment to negotiate Diplomatic talks with the leaders of the uprisings, The sith then give her a datapad to take with her to the talks. That datapad records and transmits everything that is said, telling her to press a button on the pad to stop the recording at the end of the talks and when everthing is looking like it is comming to an end she pushes the button as per her instructions, and BOOM!

The recording can then be doctored to look like it was all Rivin's doing, TSO gets some more information about what's going on, and it gets Rasha, and a few trouble makers out of the way.

Of course, that is only a subjestion. others are welcome to bring up other subjestions of how it is going to happen. I like the martyr Idea, but we need a way to get her dead first.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 16th, 2005, 08:36:46 PM
I liked the idea at first, I really did, but it seems to me that fallout would be too unpredictable. Southstar, you're our political guru - heck, that's why I added a line to your CT :P What are your thoughts and what's the best way to spin something like that?

Feb 16th, 2005, 09:15:15 PM
So that's who did that :) Getting the scoop on Rivin is a good idea and we should go along with the datapad thing. What I don't like is the bomb. You're right, the fallout would be too unpredictable. We need something quiet and easily disguisable.

So the setting is Rasha and a bunch of Rivin's cohorts all together in one room. It screams fight scene. Vega and Je'gan are already on the hunt for Rivin and taking out his men seems like a good start to getting the man himself. Go in there and make sure Vega and Je'gan are the only two that leave the room (special focus on Rasha's death, maybe a little humiliation?). Kill her without a ligthsaber and TSO will spin it as an assassin's attack. Maybe Rivin's workings.

Public funeral and a few soppy eyed speeches from the elders with a vow to catch the killer. A week later we catch him and bring the public together for another meeting, the execution. We should build a little memorial to Rasha too, with a little ditty like "Leadership through servitude" (or something, that was off the top of my head) and call the people to serve TSO like Rasha did.

The key thing about her death is that it doesn't attract attention or else it will be too hard to cover up. The real spin will go on at the funeral.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 16th, 2005, 09:49:31 PM
I like.

How's this: Vega and Je'gan 'receive intelligence' that Rasha's life is in danger at the meeting, and go to save her but are, tragically, too late.

Feb 16th, 2005, 10:05:16 PM
That works. Ties Rivin in nicely too. In this case we'd need to wrongly accuse a killer, but it works out just as well.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 16th, 2005, 10:09:26 PM
I just saw Macbeth, so I'm thinking the scene where Duncan is found murdered and Macbeth, in a 'fit of rage', kills the porters. Besides - who needs to wrongly accuse? Mind control would work just fine :D Have it caught on security camera, too, but no audio.

Feb 16th, 2005, 10:19:34 PM
Macbeth... thats a damn good play. All of Shakespears stuff is awesome.

Not quite sure I understand what you're saying. Je'gan and Vega go in and clean house, or is that ruled out? I think you're saying that we should control a guy and then have him kill her on tape?

Salem Ave
Feb 17th, 2005, 03:41:24 AM
Vega's primary specialization is mind control/domination so that should be easy as pie

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 17th, 2005, 07:57:30 AM
As you said, Jen...we're lucky to have a number of persuasive talkers at our disposal...:D

Southstar, here's my thought: use mind control to make the leaders kill Rasha. Je'gan and Vega arrive just a bit too late to stop them, and proceed to kill them in a fit of rage.

Feb 17th, 2005, 01:20:07 PM
Sounds good, Je'gan. One thing though: Keep one alive, sever him all you want, to pin the crime on to bring to the public. Other than that I'd say we should get this thing started.

Feb 17th, 2005, 04:47:49 PM
Southstar, Je'gan... I am in tears. You guys have come up with the most beautiful plan I have seen in a long time.

Do it. And by golly, I will make that soppy teary-eyed speach so convincing and so compelling that everyone's gonna join me in balling their eyes out!

And the memorial! GAWD! What an idea! I am tickled PINK! :D

Rasha Vill
Feb 18th, 2005, 11:50:16 AM
*Pouts* Sheesh I don't even get credit for my part in helping work out the plans for my own death... That aside I hope people don't expect Rasha to go down with out a fight. She might take out a good chunk of them before the Sith come to her rescue. Rasha has a tendency to take a 10 shot holdout blaster and a boot knife where ever she goes, and is very good at using them.

So if we are going to do the fight sciene, It would most likely start when the men start to think that Rasha is asking to many question about things other than the stuff related to the riots. and If people could happen to figure out which one of those resistnace leaders has the largest following, he should be the one that get's left alive. Or maybe have a few of them live and have a mass public execution.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 18th, 2005, 01:26:52 PM
Don't worry, Rasha, you get a share of the credit. The seeds of all this were yours, after all.


Rivin's people start to think Rasha is trying to ferret out information. Je'gan and Vega prompt them all to action remotely. Rasha and the envoys get into a fight, which more or less becomes a standoff inside the meeting room when Je'gan and Vega arrive. They kill Rasha and the envoys, leave one or two alive but horribly maimed, remove his/their memory of the true means of Rasha's death...sound good, all?

Feb 20th, 2005, 12:23:08 AM
Sounds good.

Rasha Vill
Feb 21st, 2005, 01:18:42 PM
Okay, So who will be NPCing the thugs?

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 21st, 2005, 01:21:33 PM
I'd suggest Southstar :P

Lorani T'sava
Feb 21st, 2005, 01:38:24 PM
Or maybe Thug?

Dasquian Belargic
Feb 21st, 2005, 04:11:31 PM
Originally posted by Je'gan Olra'en
I'd suggest Southstar :P

Feb 21st, 2005, 04:30:33 PM
I'll do it. Any suggestions for a name?

Rasha Vill
Feb 25th, 2005, 10:36:35 AM
Okay Southstar sounds good.

Originally posted by Lorani T'sava
Or maybe Thug?

The reason why no Thug character, Is I don't want to have to fight myself to the death.

Southstar would you be wanting to use Random Person? As you know It is a shared account and I'm willing to give you access to it.

Feb 25th, 2005, 10:57:35 AM
OK, yeah. I'll use the random person account as I really don't want to create a new account for only this purpose.

Rasha Vill
Feb 25th, 2005, 11:30:17 AM
Okay PM comming your way shortly.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 26th, 2005, 03:27:50 PM
*high-fives Southstar* Our plan is in motion...:D

Feb 26th, 2005, 07:08:23 PM

Is there a thread yet or am I too blind to see it.

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 26th, 2005, 07:20:24 PM
Just what we've started in the current Elders thread. We had to set it up IC, after all.

Feb 26th, 2005, 07:23:15 PM
Ah yes. I kind of figured the planning was implied as a precursor to the action, but hey, either way works for me.

Lady Vader
Feb 28th, 2005, 07:02:24 PM
*Keeps an eye on the boys, by popping them out and sticking one to each.*

Ew. :p

Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 28th, 2005, 09:57:14 PM
Phooey. I wanted caribou eyeballs...

Lady Vader
Mar 1st, 2005, 11:14:55 AM
*replaces her eye with a caribou eye*

Better? :rolleyes

Rasha Vill
Mar 15th, 2005, 12:07:42 PM
Question? How are we going to start this thread where I get killed? and Will people be wanting me to start it or will others want to start it.

Mar 15th, 2005, 01:12:22 PM
I don't know... I've got the minor role in it so I'm looking at you major players.

Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 16th, 2005, 07:51:47 AM
I'd start it, but I just finished staying up late to write a paper and I have no energy.

Lady Vader
Mar 21st, 2005, 08:19:55 PM
Well, I did start something somewhere about getting you out of the locked room, but I dunno if you ever saw it or not.

Dammit, trying to remember which forum. The same forum where they locked you up. Yeah, that one.

Lorani T'sava
Mar 22nd, 2005, 03:50:18 PM
It's in the Customs Outpost.

Mar 22nd, 2005, 04:15:55 PM
Ah, thank you. That's the one.

Ya see... us old geezers need you younguns to help us remember these things. :p

Rasha Vill
Apr 19th, 2005, 01:53:38 AM
I got the PM From Lorani about that thread today and I've posted in it. Sorry about the wait... :(

Je'gan Olra'en
Apr 19th, 2005, 05:23:43 AM
It's all good. Welcome back.

Lorani T'sava
Apr 22nd, 2005, 02:57:43 AM
I only knew what forum it was in because I saw it awhile back. Other then that, I wouldn't have known at all.

Lady Vader
Apr 22nd, 2005, 04:43:39 PM
No prob, Rasha. I noticed you posted in it and did likewise. It'll get underway one way or another. :)