View Full Version : Fleet - Question

Travis North
Jan 31st, 2005, 08:54:49 AM
Does anyway have a format they use for drawing up fleet specs and statistics? I also would like to no how a fleet is devided up, such as how many battalions within a fleet and how many ships that would be?

I'm asking this because I have to write out what the Imperial Fleet is composed of for the Server I administrate. And for those wondering, yes I went back to that JKA server. Why you may ask, because I'm one of the few good Imperials they have and a one capable enough to maintain order. (It'd also be cool if some of you came and joined me aswell since you're 'Über' RPers... Tear)

Now I'm not gonna leave you again either. Infact i'd like to get back to RPs here so if I need to reply or get an RP going, let me know in this thread also. Thank you for reading, I know I deserve to be smacked a couple times for desertion and such. (Have mercy). I also had to get rid of AIM. Damn AOL pop-ups everwhere, why don't you people get the user friendly MSN. Anyway, any assistance on the above would be greatly appreciated.

Tiberius Anar
Jan 31st, 2005, 11:00:09 AM
+Ok this is how I would organise the Imperial Navy. From the bottom up.+

2 or more ships operating together forms a squadron. Commanded by officers of varying rank. Usually one higher than the rest. (A squadron of lancers would be a captain. Of Stardestroyers a Fleet Captain)

2 or more squadrons forms a battle squadron under a junior flag officer (eg a Rear Admiral or possibly a Commodore)

2 or more battle squadrons forms a division under a Vice Admiral.

2 or more divisions (I'd go for three at least) forms a fleet under an Amdiral.

+That's up to fleet level used for battles or patrols. Now higher organisation.+

Sector Fleets assigned to each sector composed of 2 or more Fleets. Commanded by the Sector Moff through a Sector Naval Staff. Put a High Admiral at the head of that and there if you want the wholoe sector fleet to operate as one entity in a battle- unlikely but plan for every eventuality.

If you have a particular purpose or need additional force organise a Battle Group composed of 2 fleets under a Fleet Admiral (in this case temporary rank conferred to a senior Admiral until task is done).

For important Sectors I'd have a permanent battle group to put fires out or to rove through the Sector at will. This would be commanded by a Fleet Admiral of the proper sort (i.e. not a temp).

+As for the rest of the Navy+

Anything not in the Sector Fleets would be under the direct command of the Emperor (or whoever) through the Central Naval Staff (part of the Imperial High Command). This would be organised much along the same lines as Sector Fleet but extra layers.

I'd divide some of it up into permanent "Super Battle Groups" under the command of a Grand Admiral or High Admiral. They would be assigned various tasks- rove throught the Empire as a whole, hunt out rebels (as Darth Vader's fleet did) or some other special task. They might also be assigned to patrol a whole chunk of the Empire- over numerous sectors.

I'd have at least one of these as Central Fleet to defend Coruscant and serve as the Emperor (or whoever's) personal command. I'd also have at least 1 set aside for special tasks that just waits for orders.

The rest would be held in reserve.

+That's how I'd do it anyway+

Travis North
Jan 31st, 2005, 03:25:30 PM
Thank you o wise and mighty chancellor.

Feb 6th, 2005, 02:16:42 AM
Sorry Trav got side tracked. Ill try to show up soon though

Telan Desaria
Feb 6th, 2005, 05:46:42 PM
There are a few things Tiberius negelcted but well done nonetheless.

A Squadron is the smallest permanent section of the Fleet, its units consisting of either a single type of vessel or ships used for a singular purpose. For example - -a cruiser squadron would be a light attack force, a Destroyer Squadron a heavy attack force with escorts attached, and a bomardment squadron heavier ships used solely for pounding something to dust.

Squadrons can be amalgamated into task forces usually composed of two or more squadrons. A typical task force here is two squadrons of the line and a support squadron consisting itself of bombardment vessels, anti fighter ships, and carriers.

Divisions can be used as the main elements of fleets with the same relationship of a regiment to an army division. Divisions can either be composewd of task forces or be used in their stead to compose a fleet.

Fleets differ from Sector Fleets in one key area - the latter have assigned territories to defend and while they can be redeployed for offensive operations, their bases are located in the sector of their hq. Regular Fleets roam or stand certain assignments such as border patrol or offensive operations.


As far as deployments for your scenario I would recommend the following:

Keep your sector fleets strong but do not continually reinforce them. Turn production into the building of regular fleets that be dispatched anywhere when needed and be used as the hammer for any attack.

Imperial High Command is going to be the apparatus that is often behind the lines/off radar. Its functions and duties will be of paramount importance but their duties routine. The General Staff will be housed herein and their duties will be strategy, logistics, operations. While Grand Admirals may dream up offensives in general terms, the GeneralStaff implements them, giving the orders to the ships, fighter units, and squadrons needed to orhcestrate the offensive. They are the supreme paperpushers but without them the Empire would halt and die.

Here I have all General Staff officers attaining some amount of battlefield experience so they do not make what I consider blind decisions.

Anythign else I can help with?

Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 6th, 2005, 07:37:14 PM
To get rid of pop-ups, try mozilla.com > firebird 1.0

Tiberius Anar
Feb 7th, 2005, 03:46:39 AM
That was wierd.

Telan Desaria
Feb 7th, 2005, 05:02:59 PM
What was weird?

Tiberius Anar
Feb 8th, 2005, 04:29:27 AM
I had forgotten that Travis had moaned about pop-ups, so when LD offered her advice it seemed out of place. Ergo I said "That was wierd." Needless to say I shall shut up now.