View Full Version : Request for CT

Jan 21st, 2005, 04:29:49 PM
I need a CT here. Here is what I'd like:

Sovereignty Army Major
Aspiring Inquisitor

There is no lie that escapes the notice of a Force wielder.

Telan Desaria
Jan 21st, 2005, 07:22:56 PM
Denied as written. You cannot be a major in the Army and a major in the Inquisitoriate. One or the other.

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 21st, 2005, 08:40:46 PM
Oh, that's right. Duh, stupid me.....I need to update the damned banner when I get to a computer with Paint Shop Pro on it...........

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 21st, 2005, 08:43:30 PM
So wait, which is it? Cause if it's Inquisitoriate, I think you'd need to get in touch with Esalis since she runs them.

Telan Desaria
Jan 21st, 2005, 09:03:41 PM
i think he has - -or thought he had. I know Xulian is Inquisitoriate - - -

or are you Intelligence??? That is under the INQ banner, but a diff organization

Kieran Devaneaux
Jan 21st, 2005, 10:00:53 PM
Truth be told, I haven't a damned clue. I am GUESSING (considering my guy is a Force wielder, and working with an Inquisitor) that DK is Inquisitorate......

Teleran Balades
Jan 21st, 2005, 10:04:01 PM
Wow, that would put the Inquisitoriate at more members than navy or army.

Telan Desaria
Jan 21st, 2005, 11:50:06 PM

well - - ewll live. We have Destroyers - - they dont.

Khendon Sevon
Jan 22nd, 2005, 08:56:04 AM
I'd watch out, Force users can be slippery fellas.

I'd sugguest you put exploding collars around their necks, that way, if they betray you, you can decapitate them! Oo, or maybe implant them...

Jan 22nd, 2005, 01:18:20 PM
Well im Intel but i often work with the Inquisitoriate. At least i was Intelligence when this thing first started...

Actually i have no idea what i am right now. Oh wait i know...ShexZY:smokin

Telan Desaria
Jan 22nd, 2005, 06:19:45 PM
Your are still a Colonel in Intelligence.

Intelligence is a department of the Inquisitoriate.

Serena Laran
Jan 25th, 2005, 03:37:23 PM
I wouldn't mind a different CT. :D

Tiberius Anar
Jan 25th, 2005, 04:07:33 PM
I don't think you can deny D-K's CT. "Aspiring" means he hopes to be one. He could just be an army major who one day wants to be in the Inquisitorate you know.