View Full Version : Search for the Mystic

Jan 15th, 2005, 07:44:27 PM
Hera returns to her suites mulling over the prospect
of the indellable task of not only locating
a Dragon, but of gaining its respect, establishing
an affinity with it, and inspiring it to loyalty on
her behalf...

Hera slumps unceremoniously into a chair in her quarters,
chewing absentmindedly on the hilt of her dagger.
She expells a heavy breath and shakes her head,
"BillyBones britches! Where do i begin?!!"

Leaning back and staring blankly at the ornate ceiling
of her rooms, Hera considers LadyVader and her directives from the Amazon Base::
"very well...
as we both know, dragons are powerful creatures... and quite magical too... so powerful and magical, in fact, that to master one is quite impossible for meer mortals... but not for such as our caliber...

the dragon you choose should be one worthy of calling you mistress... they should have qualities like your own... they should become respectful of you and be willing to be your partner and protector for life...

sometimes, there are dragons that sense you to be worthy of their time... other times, you have to convince them in whatever form you deem approriate... but the end result should be what I stated before...
complete loyalty and respect for you...

they can be found in this system
but there are many more systems they can be found at... as I discover them, I will let everyone know...

good luck in finding your dragon... treat him or her with respect, and I guarantee you, they will do the same to you..."

Hera decides to sleep on it and perhaps formulate her
approach. She knows this will definitely be one of the
most arduous challenges she has embarked upon ever, as
she has no reference, no prior experience, no real idea
of what the hell she is doing. Shes murmers,half in awe-half in incredulity of the prospect.."a dragon..." But she relishes the chance to adventure that this mission presents..

Hera lifts herself our of the deeply cushioned chair,
crosses the room and pours herself a goblet of mulled
Sith wine. She raises her glass as if LadyVader was
with her in the room and with a good-natured gleam in
her blue eyes, whispers..."To Dragons"

Edited by: DarthHERA at: 11/26/00 6:25:41 pm

Posts: 781
11/19/00 5:42 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
:: As Hera prepares for bed, her mind reaches
for every mention or reference to dragons
that she may have come across in the past. There
is a niggling thought that for now is ungraspable
and it is rather irritating that she cannot clearly
retreive it to mind.

She automatically goes thru the ministrations of
bathing in the adjoining room, slips on a silk niteslip
and prepares to retire for the nite.

Just as she climbs in to the great canopied bed,
its down comforter warm and inviting, Hera stops
abruptly. Not bothering to stop to don a robe, Hera
rushes from the room, lantern in hand, and moves like a shadow down the drafty great halls of
the fortress to the Annex.

Upon entering the cold quiet of the old library hall,
Hera searches for the volume that has intercepted
her and peaceful nites slumber. Looking intently thru
shelves she finally locates what she needs. She
pulls the huge volume from its place. An eight-legged hijacker scrambles to safety, its fine
web disintergrating in the violent motion of the books
retrival. Hera doesnt even notice its indignant scurrying.

Looking at the book, she smiles with satisfaction.

.....Returning to the warmth of her bedroom, Hera,once again
climbs onto the bed, book in hand and sets to locating
in the annuls of her homeplanets historical record the
mention of those elusive mystical beasts.

Hera reads long into the nite, the memory of her home
world, the sights, the smells, the loved ones come and
gone, coming alive to her again thru the reading of the
chronicles. At some point, the book sags and is released
from grasp as Hera falls into a deep sleep..... ::

Faene Mistress
Posts: 783
11/19/00 8:50 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
:: ....Walking steadily along the mossy path, heavy redwoods
and poplars obscured any clear view of the road ahead. A soft mist is forming and begining to close in as the last
fleeting strands of the afternoon light begin to fade, the warmth of the afternoon fading with it.

As the mist builds, so does Heras sense of dread. The urgent
pulling on her hand and the quickening tread of the man leading her bodes ill. Hera increases her pace to keep up and not slow down the small party's advance, stealing quick furtive glances over her shoulder as she can manage, she can see nothing. The mans voice comes ragged, but clear, "quickly girl." The small child carried in the free arm or her guide begins to cry unashamedly and Hera, cannot understand, but a terrible panick starts to grip her. It is inexplicable. She can see the concern in the face of the strong warrior ahead of her and somehow she knows this is no ordinary threat.

The three begin the rocky ascent to what looks like the relative safety of a cave tucked upon the side of a ridge.
Scrambling for sure footing, Hera feels her fingertips tear and scrape as the man urges her,the desperation in his voice terrifying. Suddenly the 3 are struck immovable as the harsh peircing cry revverbates above them and a great creature, huge scaled body and cruel snatching claws swoops
over them, the scent of cinder and death blanketing them as it passes. The small child wails and screams as the man tries vainly to get all to the safety of the cave. They try to flatten themselves up against the wall of the shale ridge in time to see the great beast circle and begin its second run at them. There will not be a third.

The warrior placed the boy to stand beside Hera and then drew his sword. The dragon closed in, his eyes like fire brands, alive with an orange-yellow glow, the blackness of death slashed down each center.

It reared in the air, suspended by its awesome wings, its massive tail curved to balance this terrible beast. Its head moved with easy grace, deliberating on which of the 3 to snatch. Turing from the warrior to Hera, its eyes then focused on the boy and narrowed in decision. At that instant the warriors sword slashed forward, slicing a gash on the creatures right nostril. It was a noble gesture, of course, but to no avail. One flash strike of the dragons jaw and the warrior was gone. Snapped, crushed and discarded like a ripe pomegrannet, and with as little thought. Then the great beast grabbed the boy in his huge claw, knocking Hera bodily thru the wall of rock and into the cavern within. Enclosing the boy entirely in is fist, the dragon took again to flight, disappearing into the darkness... :

Hera landed with a violent thud and awoke gasping and
choking with fear, the sith wine of the night before spilling onto the thick rug and running laconically onto her hand. It was some time before she dragged herself to a sitting position and began to breath normally again, realising she was in the safety or her bedchamber. The shock however remained. What she had just seen, the sounds of the crushed bones of the warrior who died trying to protect her and the boy, the desperate desperate fear, an emotion Hera never thought she had experienced...this was not simply a nightmare - it was more than that. It was not a dream. It was a memory.

Edited by: DarthHERA at: 12/1/00 6:20:08 pm

Faene Mistress
Posts: 789
11/26/00 7:18 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
After spending the better part of that day sitting on her
bedchamber floor mulling over and over the scenes
of a clouded past, Hera resolved what she needed to

Opening the door and calling to her server droid, Hera
turned back into her room and began to gather some
items to take with her. Apart from her usual weaponry,
daggers,whip,blasters and of course the most vital,
her blue-violet lightsaber, she gathered up the history volume, a small wooden box overlayed with white gold
in her family's crest and a small canvass pouch containing
a odorless mustard-coloured powder.

The door opened and in trundled the droid - its mechanical
voice matter-of-fact "you require something mistress?"

H: "Yes, prepare the Tsunami II. We leave in 1 hour"

Without a word, the droid turned and exited the room.

Gathering up her things, Hera headed to find her crew
to advise them of her departure, leaving the Fortress in the hands of Remkah, her trusted captain and friend.
On her way, she detoured to the HeadQuarters to obtain
copies of the holomaps that would lead her on the fastest
route to her home system and the planet "Kwaylon" - the
location of that awful event, so many years before...

Faene Mistress
Posts: 793
12/1/00 6:42 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
The Tsunami II lifts gracefully from the docking
bay, departing the fortress like a majestic bird of prey.

Hera enters the co-ordinates into the navigation
consol and smirks as the droid straps himself in with
much pomp and fuss as is common with that model.
Easing on the thrusters and flipping switches Hera
directs with an automation from years of flight
experience "prepare for transition to hyperspeed".

The visaports become a blurr of streaking starlight
and with a burst of blinding flash, the Tsunami II
speeds forward to destiny..


The Ruvian with the bulbous nose and tufted red hair
wrapped repeatedly with his gravel on the burnished hardwood
pulpit, "Order! Order! The trial of Turonn-Daan will
now commence." A rise in voices and tension came like a wave, as the angry crowd grew anxious to put an end to
the sorcerer and his terrors. The gravel bounced resoundingly again and again as the judges indignation at such disrespect was flaunted in his domain. "The public will be silent or I will have you all shot!!"

Finally the crowd stilled and they brought in the
accused. The slight, wiry man with tousselled black hair
stepped to the podium. He took a long slow look around the room...and a wry smile formed on his lips. Instantly the crowd were on their feet, shouting and gesticulating.
As the mob began to surge forward, the judge motioned
for the warders to remove Daan with haste, fearing he
be torn to peices right then and there.

As the accused was whisked away into the back chambers of
the building and on down to the cells, the judge was stunned at the behaviour of this towns normally placid
inhabitants. Shaking his head wearily, he dismissed the
court till further notice and muttered to himself.."there
is much more to this than even i must know.."

Faene Mistress
Posts: 796
12/3/00 11:09 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
The doors of the Court Hall burst open in a flaming
conflagaration and people scrambled as quickly as their
wits and reactions could prompt them.

A huge great beast flew in, jaws snapping and hissing at the occupants of the room as they cowered in terror. The judge tumbled backwards in alarm and peeped out from behind the bench, mouth agape and his heart almost stopped still in his chest.

The massive Dragon darted to the back of the great room seeking his objective, snatching in his claws any hapless soul that crossed his path and snapping its body into a lifeless heap. Daan turned to his captors and said in low menacing voice, "right here is where you should turn and run, my friends." But the warning came to late. The yawing jaws snatched the first jailor and bit him clean in two, then he swung and with a viscious swath of his tail, the dragon hurled the other againts the stone wall, smashing the back of the mans skull like a melon. Daan smiled and clambered onto the Dragons scaly back and let out a "whoop" as the massive creature turned about and flew from the room - blasting a deathly flow of fire from his throat, setting the whole room ablaze.

The fire and smoke swelled the old courtroom and the devastation was complete, as both beast and prisoner made there escape...


Hera's "Tsunami" landed at the central docking bay of Ruvia and she made her way down the ancient streets to the local ale-halls, knowing the best place for infomation is in the gossip of liquor-lossened townfolk.

Faene Mistress
Posts: 800
12/17/00 8:39 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
Drinking a large mug of mead, casked right there in Ruvia,
Hera enjoyed the ale of her homeworld with relish. She had forgotten how good this stuff was!

Since she walked into the taverrn, Hera had had many interesting conversations.
The town was simply buzzing with the events of the afternoon prior.

The story seemed solid - the accused sorcerer "Daan" and his dragon were notorious throughout the region. Their exploits were legendary and feared by the townsfolk.

The latest snippett of information was the most astounding tho. A plumpish merchant woman Hera was plying with beer, was adament she remembered the man Daan as being the child of the noble Knight Tubrak DrenKast, who was protector of the Royal House of Zaria Tor prior to the clan wars of 22 years ago. Word had it that the boy was snatched by the Dragon while he and his sister were being taken by their Guardian to visit his fathers sword camp.

As the woman told her tale, Hera grew increasingly excited and the memory of her dream returned in vivid detail.
Having heard enough, Hera cut the merchant woman off in mid sentence as she prattled on about the good old days under the Rule of the Zaria Tors. But ordered her another beer for her in thanks for her time.

She had much to do - she had to locate the hiding place of this Dragon before the town mercenaries did. She had to snatch her brother from its clawed grasp - just as it snatched him from her. She would break that dragon! She would make it yeild up its prize! She didnt care any more to win its respect. She wanted her brother...the brother she had all but forgotten - and all because of that wretched beast.

The tavern doors banged loudly as Hera strode purposely from the inn.

Faene Mistress
Posts: 806
2/18/01 7:07 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
The Tsunami II hovered over the landscape silently searching its target.

Hera had entered her DNA sequences into the Bio-Locator, knowing that it will find a match or one almost identical to hers, bring her to her brother's hideaway.

The graceful craft passed over the city boundaries and made a systematic flight pattern over toward the mountanous region.

The droid silently worked the controls...it finally shutup its constant chatter and fact-telling of the systems many uniquenesses when Hera threatened to snap one shiney leg off and toss the unit bodily to the Rhettaran Beast-who, according to the droid, is a titanium-consuming beast who has a verocious appetite for droid wiring power pads.

Hera's thoughts filled with images of her father, his greif at the loss of his only son and seed for his name. Of the loss of a brother she never knew, or had forgotten what little she did know.

Her duty was clear - and her burning desire was one with duty. "I will take back what was stolen from us Daan. I will restore my Fathers lineage. I will restore the life that has been denied you"

Hera scruitinised the datapads for any fluctuation or change that may signal their objective.

Faene Mistress
Posts: 807
2/18/01 7:28 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
After sitting for a long time in complete silence, the humming of the craft the only sounds to be heard, a small glip had the effect of a laser shot on both the ships occupants. Bolting upright in their seats their eyes seized on the green blip on the screen.

They had found him.

Edited by: DarthHERA at: 2/20/01 8:24:02 pm

Faene Mistress
Posts: 808
2/20/01 8:22 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
After 2 days of sitting perched high in the crosstrees of an ancient Bizzep tree, its rich foilage cammoflaging her physically and her deep concentration and discipline of force ability cloaking her sentient prescence from the mystical beast that was her prey, Hera unfurled stiff arms and legs and climbed out of the huge hideaway.

She made her way stealthily back to the Tsunami II her plan having been carefully formulated and set about putting it into action.

Hera had watched her brother and his captor as the moved about their surroundings thru her feild glasses. Monitoring their daily routine. The Beast was HUGE. Even from such a distance, she could see its powerful body and she fought back feelings of inadequacy and remebered terror that creature had brought her so many years before in her childhood.

And then there was the man.

Her brother.

The word sounded alien to her. Her closest family was only Dark Lady Jade her cousin; Eve, who she loved as a sister and those she called family whose tie was born from friendship and service together. But a real, live, birth brother - it seemed incomprehensible after so many years alone.

And then there was the two together - the Man and the Dragon. They did not seem as enemies. But as comrades. The monster must have broken his spirit! Thats it. It must be how it is.

Hera, with grim face and determined will, reached for the mustard-colored powder and prepared her snare - hatred for the dragon inspiring and strengthening her.

Edited by: DarthHERA at: 2/21/01 7:34:46 pm

Faene Mistress
Posts: 809
2/20/01 8:38 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
Taking her dagger and slicing into the fleshy part of her
thigh, Hera carefully collected the spilled blood and sealed it in a metal container.

Igniting her lightsaber, she then proceded to cauterise her wound - ever so carefully. She did not wish to injure herself in such a way as to inhibit her fighting ability. She sealed her wound and grimaced at the hot searing heat of the blade. She then coated the wound in a thick gel-like substance that would pervent any seepage outwardly, or inwardly.

Then, coating her body head to foot in the yellow paste she had made from powder, she took care to lay it thickly on her arms and legs especially, Hera reached into the equipment locker. She took out a large cord coil and some grapple irons.

Lastly, she took the blood and smeared it all thru her hair making a sticky matted mess.

She turned to the droid who looked on at the process with prim abhorrence. His worried "oh dear" made Hera smile.

Hera grinned, "the bait is ready...now for the hook"

Edited by: DarthHERA at: 2/21/01 7:50:27 pm

Faene Mistress
Posts: 810
2/21/01 7:47 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
Having sent the droid off earlier - his mission to intercept Daan on his daily forage and keep him occupied and away from the trap.

Hera, being notified by the droid thru comlink that he was in the prescence of her brother far from her planned ambush, left the ship...

...She fastened the cord in a fastknot around one ankle abd
tugging on the loose end, hoisted herself upward, the rope looped over a thick branch of a tree close to the Dragon's Den.

Dangling by her one leg, the other held up beside it to look as if she was strung up. Her light saber hilt strapped with thick leather to the inside of her left palm-she swayed in the slight breeze upwind of her quarry.

It was only a matter of time until the beast picked up the scent of human blood on the air and came for her. She did not wait for long...

Pouncing to the entrance of his Lair, the huge red dragon snorted the air. His caustic amber eyes scanned the clearing of the woods and then he saw it. The warm body of a sacrifice.. ah yes, it reminded him of old times past, the traditions had been lost, but someone had remembered to honor his kind!

Moving his great leathery wings with easy grace, the monster lifted itself from the rocky ground and flew with great speed and delight, swooping to land directly in front of the woman. It reared up on its huge tail and snapped its huge gapping jaws forward at the prize..

Edited by: DarthHERA at: 2/22/01 8:07:50 pm

Faene Mistress
Posts: 811
2/22/01 7:56 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
Hera saw the massive teeth, just before they struck and instantly ignited her blade and swept it before her in an arc, smacking the underjaw of the beast just before it could pull away.

As the dragon pulled back in rage and shock, Hera swung her upper body up to her legs and slashed at the cord that suspended her, then dropped down to the ground, spinning round to face her foe

Faene Mistress
Posts: 812
2/22/01 8:47 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA

The dragon roared out in anger. His eyes flashed wickedly and he stretched forward his long neck, shooting out a huge burst of fire, making Hera throw herself bodily to the ground to avoid its flame.

Faene Mistress
Posts: 813
2/22/01 8:59 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
Hera rolled repeatedly to avoid the fire and when she stopped, the dragon was right upon her.

She scrambled to her feet, but not quickly enough. The huge creature struck and his gaping jaws closed tightly on her right arm.


The Sith screeched in pain and anger, but at the same moment felt a shrill of triumph!

Her one arm still in the dragons jaws, Hera spun forward and with a fell slash of her lightsaber, sliced cleanly off her right arm, searing the flesh closed and freeing herself from the grasp.

Faint from the trauma of loosing her limb, Hera stumbled backward and dropped to her knees. The sound of her arm crunching and snapping as the beast devoured it was nauseating. Finally the dragon swallowed it. She looked across at the Dragon and grinned, waiting for the powders effects to reveal themselves on him.

Edited by: DarthHERA at: 2/22/01 9:11:35 pm

Faene Mistress
Posts: 814
2/22/01 9:08 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA

The dragon felt victory was near. He took his time chewing flesh and bone. He was pleased with himself.

Strangely tho, his throat began to tingle.
His head and neck felt heavy to lift.
His eyes furrowed with incomprehension, and he growled low
and gutterally.

His head, so heavy.

Hera grinned like a wolf at him and did not take her eyes from him.

The beast was becoming alarmed and extremely angry.

He found he could not lift his neck or head up, no matter
how hard he tried. He could not burst forth any flame.
He felt the tingling move down his chest and to his middle.
The weight of his body was too much for his legs and he sank, helpless to the ground.

The mustard powder had paralysed him. Should Hera have failed completely and the beast devoured her whole, the quantity of yellow paste would have killed him for certain and ensured, atleast, her brothers freedom.

Seeing the huge creature completely incapacitated, only the end of his tail twitched a little, Hera got to her feet.

Her saber ignited. Her matted hair and her killer glare was a disturbing thing to see.

"I know your mind still functions Dragon, tho your body is now useless. Look at me and remember who i am, before i snatch your head from your body - as you these many years gone, snatched a vital part from me"

Faene Mistress
Posts: 815
2/22/01 9:23 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
She moved around infront of the dragon. She felt weakend and ill from the loss or her arm, but she had yet to finish what she had come to do. She summoned the hate and the force of the darkness that coursed through her being and stood stong, determined, and with no compassion.

"Aaah, i see you are remembering" Her smile was cold and ruthless.

Faene Mistress
Posts: 816
2/23/01 3:53 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA

The dragon did indeed remember her. He had even been expecting her arrival, but she had come sooner than he had

He stared at the sith. He had no fear. He knew destiny was a taskmaster all must bow too. He did not wish it to end this way - he had not realise his time with Daan was so short. But he knew he would die at this humans hand. It was foreseen.

Though he could not move, the bitterness he felt was clear in the amber glow of his eyes and emotion in the air.

Hera said, matter-of-factly, "Good. Then you know and accept your end, beast. I will dispatch you swiftly."

Hera moved to the side of the great horned head of the dragon. With her purple lightsaber humming eerily in the silent woods, she raised her arm and prepared to lower it across the thick scaley neck.

"Die well, Dragon"

A split-second before she swung, an anguished shreik resounded from the edge of the trees, and Daan burst through the thick growth, unbeleif and fear distorting his fine features.
NO!! I beg, you! NOOOOO!"

Faene Mistress
Posts: 817
2/23/01 4:04 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA

Hera, please, dont do it!

Stunned firstly by him using her name, then by his throwing of himself across the dragons neck in way of the saber, Hera stepped backward confused and incomprehending.

"You dont understand, Hera. You must let me tell you. I know who you are. I know you have come back for me." Looking at the dragon, "he always said you would. Please, listen to me"

She stood not knowing what to say. Her emotions overwhelmed her with the pathetic look of love the boy had for his captor. And how did he know her name, how did he know her?

Deactivating her saber, she found her voice with difficulty,
"Then speak, boy"

Faene Mistress
Posts: 818
2/23/01 4:12 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
Wiping a tear from his eye, and stroking the motionless beast with a comforting hand, the young man began his story.

"His name is "Tridor". I named him myself. He takes a new name with each new master"
He smiled as he said this, a fond memory for him it seemed.

All those years ago, his former master had died falling from a high shale rockface he was climbing. This left Tridor with no one to serve. A dragon must have a master. He is a mystical being and his life force is linked with another - the master's well being intertwined with his own. In order to survive, he needed to serve another.

All those that he ever came in contact with, were warriors and knights of the king. All whom tried to kill him on sight. That is why, when he saw our little band in the forrest that day, he saw his opportunity. He chose me, because i was young - because i would forget my past easily - because i would love him without hesitation. And so he took me. To survive.

At this point, Daan turned his crystal blue eyes onto his sister and looked directly to her heart.

He always told me the time would come when my sister would return for me. On that day, I would be freed to make my own way and, he, would either gain a new master - or be "released" another way. The decision is yours to make, Hera, but know this - I will not let you kill him. You will have to kill us both."

Faene Mistress
Posts: 819
2/23/01 4:27 pm
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Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
It was alot to take in.

"You mean...you love this animal? Enough to die for it? Even though he stole your life from you?"

The young man nodded solemnly.

Hera rolled her eyes heavenward. "Well, it would figure" she thought to herself.

She took a deep breath.

"So who is to be the new master?"

As Daans face broke into a wide knowing grin, Hera let out a loud bark of a laugh as it all sank in. "He will serve me after I tried to kill him?"

"It is the "destiny" Hera. The two roads part and we choose the one. Which shall it be, my sister?"

For Hera, the choice was easy. She would not dream of harming her brother. The dragon, she would try to love him as best she could, if he would let her.

She clipped her weapon to her sideand moved toward Daan.
"It will be you let me embrace you little brother, and then you and i will set to and nurse our friend back from the effects of my yellow-powder."

Daan leapt up from off Tridor and threw his arms around Hera. He whispered in her ear, "I have looked so farward to the day that i could do this, sister"

Faene Mistress
Posts: 820
2/23/01 4:36 pm
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Jan 15th, 2005, 07:45:12 PM
Re: Search for the Mystic DarthHERA
Four weeks had passed and Tridor had recovered well from the effects of the paralysing powder.

Hera's droid had fashioned a cybernetic arm from elements stored in the Tsunami II. It was crude and unpretty to look at. Its cold metal surface quite an eyesore, but it was functionable and would do until a more state of the art replacement could be made.

Hera was actually quite proud of it and delighted in taking it on and off like a garment, much to Daans queasy disgust.
She still had the sensation of her arm attached to her body, and often forgot that she had no limb there at all.
"This will take some getting used to" she thought.

Daan had always wanted to sail the oceans of the galaxy. Tridor had told him tales of adventure and excitement of those who ventured across the great deeps, and it had always been his dream to see them for himself. Now was his time.

Saddened that they would not be spending more time together, Hera made her brother promise that he would, after a time, come and stay with her at ShadowFaene - at least for a while.

After making their respective goodbyes-an emotional time for all- and seeing Daan safely commissioned into a crew of adventureres from the planet "Asten", Hera, the droid and Tridor boarded the Tsunami II.

The ship moved into deepspace and the 3 sat quietly with each their own thoughts, mulling over the events of the last few weeks. It was the dragon that broke the silence,

"You have yet to think of a name for me, Lady Hera"

Hera smiled, not taking her eyes off the co-ordinate screen.

"I have your name, Dragon." She turned to look at him now as he waited expectantly.
"Your name is "Hephaestus - after the Greek god of Fire"

I will tell you more about him some day. He and Hera were linked inextricably in greek mythology and though our stories are not identical, there are some similarities between us and they. For one, your ability to spew fire. And im sure, thru time, it will be revealed your craftsman abilities. I look forward to "our" story unfolding.

Hephaestus smiled, the name was a good one and he felt proud.

The Tsunami II flew into hyperdrive and headed for Heras domain.