View Full Version : Forging of the Morphal Crest

Jan 15th, 2005, 07:43:21 PM
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The Forging of the Morphal Crest Hephaestus of Faene
The heavy metallic panel within a room of Hera's Suites slid silently open.
For the briefest moment, the path down to the lair was illuminated, then just
as quickly was plunged again into darkness.

The beast lifted his massive head and his amber eyes peered into the gloom.
The shape of the entering figure was familiar, the footfalls, also, he was well
acqainted with. He grunted as he pulled himself up slightly from his recline along the cool
slate flooring of the Lair and waited for the Sith Lord to descend the last few steps
to him. Though she couldnt see it....he was smiling - glad always of her visits to

Hera reached her hand and, guided to him by the two glowing amber eyes, stroked his scaley muzzle, "Hello Hephaestus. Lets get some light in here shall we?"

As the Sith moved to the panel of controls to open some lights, the dragon waited for her to state the reason for her visit - not that she needed one, but he sensed an air about her tonight that was more than just a casual hello.

Posts: 2
7/14/01 10:13 pm
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest DarthHERA
She placed a chunk of what looked like meteor or some type of molton rock that had cooled and formed an uneven and ugly clump on the floor in front of the great beast. It was a dull grey brackish-type color and looked very unremarkable.

Hera's eyes gleemed excitedly.

"Hephaestus. We are going to make me a new weapon"

Faene Mistress
Posts: 1381
7/21/01 12:37 am
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest Hephaestus of Faene
Looking at the rock the dragon was unimpressed. He sniffed it and licked it with his

Speaking to his mistress through the mystical connection that
made him clear to her, but inaudible to others, Hephaestus observed
that "a rock is not a new weapon. Humans from the begining of
time had been throwing them at each other."

Laughing at his sarcasm, Hera grinned. "This is no ordinary rock"

Posts: 3
7/27/01 2:36 pm
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest DarthHERA
Picking the rock up, she held it for the dragon to see.

"Look closely, Hephaestus. This is a living creature. Its components look largely
ore and mineral, but it is infact biological. It has morphing capabilities in regards to its
shape. It can bend and twist to suit its purpose...much like the creature "chameleon" can change color to its surroundings. It has however a will of its own, which needs to be mastered.

Others in the past have tried to forge this animal to their specific design, but they have not been successful - the creature succombing to the rigor of the process. To forge this, one has to apply pressure and heat and previous attempts have used lifeless or "artificial" sources to do so - that is where their failure lies. With physical tools they have hammered or stretched or beaten or melted and tried to subdue these creatures - but have only managed to kill them.

We are going to try a different method.
We will use living forces to subdue and shape it. I through the power of the darkside of the force will overcome its will and physical form, dominating it and shaping it...you with the fire that lives inside you will set its properties. If this works, it will be fashioned to a shape that is useable, but it will still have some of its morphing ability intact.

Together, we will make a living, thinking weapon."

Faene Mistress
Posts: 1390
7/28/01 11:17 pm
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest Hephaestus of Faene
His amber eyes looked closer, but he couldnt see anything more than a clump of
dull colored ore. He tilted his head and then moved his huge form to a sitting posture.

Patiently he waited and watched for his mistress's direction. He was glad atlast to be of some use. Ever since he was brought here by Hera, he had not done much other than
prowl the Base - usually in his vapoured form (a red swirling mist that could move about freely and took up very little space) - and he had grown restless here in his lair.

He looked on silently as she got prepared for the work ahead of them.

Posts: 4
7/30/01 3:19 pm
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest DarthHERA
There wasnt much to be done in preparation, but just to start.

"Get comfortable Hephaestus, this might take a while"

Taking the "rock" she set it on a shelf that jutted out from one of the
walls of the lair. Furnishings in this room were sparse to none - a dragon did
not need such luxuries - and the shelf simply afforded Hera an easier view
of the creature.

The Sith closed her eyes and, channeling her force ability, began her assult on the conscious of her captive.

Faene Mistress
Posts: 1398
8/2/01 3:45 pm
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest Hephaestus of Faene
The hours passed and nothing seemed to be happening. Hephaestus sat immobile - he looked as if carved from stone - but his mind was alert and his eyes gleamed like two molten amber pools. He knew how to be patient. His kind had been around for centuries and days or weeks were as moments to him.

Hera hadnt moved either. Her concentration was complete, but he could sense her intensity.

The night wore on and the Lair remained silent.

Posts: 5
8/4/01 5:15 pm
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest DarthHERA
She could almost see it now. It didnt have a face or definite form as such, but its..."being" was fighting her with all it had. Refusing to be manipulated and dominated. Hera admired its tenacity. But knew it would fail in its desparate struggle. The darkside was powerful and Hera brought to bear a relentless attack of agression, and imposed her will upon it. time slipped by unnoticed, all the focus was on the unseen battle of will.

After so long a time, the "rock" began to glow a deep blue at its core, slowly bleeding to the outer layers until it was a deep azure color all over. It also started to change in properties...instead of solid matter, it began to morph into a more pliable state, almost resembling clay on a potters wheel. It was really quite beautiful to look at.

Hera imagined the shape that she wanted the weapon to be - an elongated crescent - not quite a half moon but similar, just lengthened out a degree in the middle and curving inwardly at both ends. As she pictured it in her mind, so the creature changed shape to become the exact image.

Hera took a deep breath and motioned to the Dragon.

"This is where you come in Hephaestus - the fire of the forge."

She stood back and allowed the great scaled beast move in front of her , taking the now changed creature in his clawed hands.

Hera remembered from her first contact with Hephaestus the violence of the flame that would erupt from the dragons throat, and took a postion much further back out of harms way.

Faene Mistress
Posts: 1407
8/10/01 8:42 pm
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest Hephaestus of Faene
He was surprised to feel such a strong life force emanating from the creature as he took it in his scaled fist. what he had dismissed earlier as a chunk of meteoric rock, was a living vibrant entity - and he could not just see it by the now brilliant color of its form, but felt it as he held it firmly in his grip.

Hephaestus obeyed the directive from his mistress to bring to bear the fire of his kind on
the newly formed "weapon."

Effortlessly the dragon breathed a gush of searing flame, engulfing the creature completely. He held it tight in his clawed hand, Hephaestus himself completely unaffected by the fire- his scaley covering a natural sheild to his own vehemence, and could feel the mortifying effect the incredible heat had on the creature.

Posts: 6
8/12/01 10:40 pm
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest DarthHERA
Two days had passed and Hera returned to Hephaestus' lair.

The crest she had left on the ledge, allowing it to cool after Hephaestus had treated it with the fire. She was surprised, and angry...and disappointed, if she was honest...to see the crest had returned to its rock-like state.


She clenched her teeth and her hands in annoyance. She had felt certain she had completely dominated the being's will and the process had been completed.

She looked at the dragon who had sat, guardian-wise, infront of the creature until Hera's return. "Ready for another round Hep?"

The great beast tilted its head in agreement and waited.

Hera approached the crest, remembering how perfect it had looked when she last saw it.
No more thought than that - no force brought to bear - just the mental image of what Hera wanted the weapon to be and the rock began to glow that deep beautiful blue again. Its property changed in one fluidic motion and it became the shape it had been forged previously, the one Hera had been picturing - and then set to its metal-hard property.
Hera grinned. It was perfect.


She now needed to carry it somehow, something convenient and easy to utilize. Perhaps she could fashion a clip to her wasteband. She took the Morphal Crest and pressed it waste height to measure. The crest began to glow again and one end formed a smallprong, or two fingers , at the tip and curled around locking onto the band of her skirt. Hera was amazed at the creature - it seemed to move in response to ideas from her mind. A suggested thought and the Crest reacted accordingly. She knew she would be able to manipulate the creature to her will, once she had control of it, but it still was incredible to see it in actuality.

She moved forward and the Crest banged against her leg awkwardly....this isnt very practical..needs to be out of my way more..

The thought was barely completed when the weapon twisted up on itself to wrap in a near-complete circle around Hera's waste, setting comfortably and clinging on to her wasteband on either side of her navel.

"Well, I think this is gonna work just fine. Take some getting used to, weilding the weapon - more on my part, than its, by the looks of things. "

The Crest ceased to glow the deep blue and returned to his dark grey color, until such time as it was needed again.

Hera reached up and stoked Hephaestus lower back, his scaley hide cool to the touch. "Nice work. I knew you were just what was needed."

Faene Mistress
Posts: 1431
8/31/01 11:02 pm
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Re: The Forging of the Morphal Crest Hephaestus of Faene
His great head nodded and his amber eyes glowed like liquid fire.

As Hera admired the new weapon, Hephaestus looked on in continued
curiosity at this versatile creature his mistress now had in her service.