View Full Version : Three Days (Wei, Natia, Rognan, Open)

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 19th, 2004, 05:37:12 PM
It was three-thirty in the morning as Dr. Hayden Radnor's comm summoned him from a comfortable sleep. He blindly reached out for the comm at his bedside table...it was his day off, so being commed at this hour was very strange.

Something was going on.

Hayden found the light and switched it on then answered the comm with a yawn. "Dr. Radnor, here."

"Sorry to disturb you, Sir. This is head nurse Thea Pattelli, I'm comming on behalf of Dr. Galis..."

Dr. Galis was a neurology specialist. Hayden was wide awake now. "What's going on?"

"Dr. Galis needs you in here, it has to do with the Rakai case."


"I'm on my way!" Hayden said as he quickly moved and threw back his covers. Was she finally coming too? It had only been three days since she'd had the two major strokes that had prompted the premature birth of her son. Perhaps, it was true that Jedi healed even more phenomenallly than he had ever imagined. If Quay awakened now, it was a miracle!

It didn't take him long until he was nearly running into the med center and to the neurologists office, his high anticipation was short lived as he saw the long face of the older man.

Hayden looked at Dr. Galis. "She's not awake, is she?"

"I'm afraid not, Hayden. I was notified a half hour ago on her EEG readings...her brain waves are weakening." He paused. "We're losing her."

Hayden couldn't speak for a moment. Quay was dying. "I...I had such high hopes for her."

"We all did, perhaps moreso because she is a Jedi. But, even that will not stop death, when it is ones time." The older man paused. "You should alert the family, Hayden. Allow them some time to say their goodbyes.

Dr. Galis stopped and turned. "I am truly sorry, Hayden.."

Hayden nodded his reply as the older doctor made his leave. Alert the family. "What am I supposed to tell them, we had our hopes and now it's all for naught..." Sadness drew in his heart, he knew Quay she was a mother to a newborn infant, a child she would never hold or see.

With a deep sigh, Hayden headed for the ICU. It was time to tell the family and most were already there.

Cordell Le'Kray
Dec 19th, 2004, 09:02:45 PM
Cordell had only left briefly, to go shower and change during the gruelling three days. He would continue this for the next few months if need be.

But, at this time he was sleeping on one of the couches in the waiting area.

Yasmin was awake and standing by the window staring out at the starlit sky. She had gone to see her nephew earlier, wondering what was to become of him, if...

She shook her head, that wasn't going to happen! Yasmin sighed as Jerib steered his chair from Quay's room and into the waiting area.

Anthony was still in there and had been most of the day, Yasmin could feel the grief and guilt that lingered within him and for once she felt bad for him.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 20th, 2004, 12:49:31 PM
*Natia had come and gone frequently over the last three days. As much as she has wanted to remain here with Quay, she just couldn't drop everything she was doing. She'd been in a few times to talk to Quay when others have been asleep. To the others, she's been giving silent support, knowing how hard it must be affecting them if it's affecting her hard.

Right now, she's curled up on a chair outside of Quay's room. A nurse had brought it for her on the first day when her legs had collapsed on her. They tried to let her have a doctor look at them, but she wouldn't let them, letting them know that it's a problem she's had from when she was a young child and the Jedi have done what they could. Over the three days, more chairs had accumulated outside of Quay's room for the others.

Repeatedly, she had gone down to Aramis, praying that Quay would wake to take care of him and that she won't have to do what she promised she would if something were to happen to Quay.

Aside from talking to the nurse the first day, she hadn't said anything to the others. Her unasked questions were answered upon her arrival, Quay was still in a coma*

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 22nd, 2004, 04:31:43 AM
Hayden walked by Quay's room, but alerted Anthony to come out he had something he needed to say to everyone.

As he entered the main waiting area, everyone seemed to feel his presence and all eyes were on him with a strange silence.

"It's been three days since Quay'Na's strokes and surgeries. We all had hoped that she would miraculously recover from it all...she was a Jedi and we doctors believe that Jedi aren't supposed to pass away..."

He paused as he looked into the eyes of every person. "I'm afraid that Quay'Na's condition is worsening. Her brain waves are weakening, which in time she will be brain dead. I'm very sorry...there's nothing more we can do. She may not make it through this evening."

Jerib Rakai
Dec 22nd, 2004, 04:35:22 AM
Jerib leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Quay was dying and this time nothing could stop it. This was so unreal.

"I need to see my grandson." He announced quickly as he and Chani left the room.

Cordell Le'Kray
Dec 22nd, 2004, 04:40:11 AM
Cordell just sat there for a few moments, as all this was sinking in. "A year and a half is not long enough." He said out loud, not really to anyone. A year and a half ago, he and Yasmin had finally located Quay after about twenty years and this was the end? It couldn't be!

"There's got to be something that can be done." He said softly as Yasmin began crying and he put an arm around her.

Random Person
Dec 22nd, 2004, 04:45:09 AM
Anthony sat there staring at Hayden as he had spoken, this was unbelievable!

"No, she can't die!" He yelled as the tears came. "I can't lose her like this! It's my fault and I wish I could just freeze everything, and rewind it, so we never would have met in the B&G. If I'd only known..." Anthony couldn't stand it anymore and quickly left.

Rognan Dar
Dec 22nd, 2004, 11:51:43 AM
Rognan slowly entered the room, just to have a few people leave in a hurry. Something was up. And it was bad. The tension and emotions flaring in the room ahead said everything. Quay's condition must have gotten worse.

Once he was in he looked at all the faces, seeing all who was here. Most of Quay's family was here, except for those that seemed intent on leaving. There was also the doctor and Natia. Natia, as always, was trying to hid her body language from everyone. But even that could be read as something. He looked back to the doctor, the one who's hopes everyone was intrusting to keep Quay alive.

"What has happened to Quay?"

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 22nd, 2004, 10:16:38 PM
It hit him like a lazerbolt as Anthony left. If he could freeze everything....was it possible?

"There may be some hope to this after all, excuse me." Hayden concluded as he rushed down the corridor towards Dr. Galis' office.

He found the man pondering over some datapads as he was walking towards the group. "Jonas, I've got an idea for the Rakai case." Hayden spoke quickly.

The older man looked up. "What are you talking about, Hayden?"

"We need to contact the cryogenics lab, Quay's body can be frozen and we can save her."

"Hayden, this is very out of the ordinary. She's had two strokes with some major brain wave dispursion. Cryogenics may not even consider it." The two were within hearing range of who was left in the group.

"They must, she's a Jedi and a mother. If anyone can talk them into this, it's you, Jonas."

Dr.Galis thought about this for a few moments. "It could be possible, Hayden. Future medicine could be the key to her surviving, but it's her family's decision in the end.

"I'm sure they will comply if it means saving their daughter, I have no doubt." Hayden said.

"Very well, I will go talk with the cryogenics lab and see what they think." Dr. Galis spoke hurriedly as he quickly headed the other way

Hayden turned and looked upon Quay's family. "If this goes through, you have a big decision to make."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 24th, 2004, 01:31:55 PM
Wei stood apart from everyone else. He leaned on the wall and a deep sigh rattled his chest as tears flowed silently down his cheeks.

"Well, we've got one in hysterics," he said in reaction to Anthony.

Cryogenics...Wei wasn't so sure. He would rather just let Quay'Na pass on, rather than force her to live bodily, but the rest of her be as good as dead anyhow.

"Doctor, what would Quay'Na benefit from being placed into this frozen state?"

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 24th, 2004, 11:43:29 PM
Hayden looked at the Jedi Knight. "I know that preserving her basically in a frozen state can sound...well, very harsh. Our medicine at this time, has no effect on her condition. But, in five or ten years, maybe her situation can be reversed, perhaps even sooner. New medicines and techniques are being made everyday, Master Jedi."

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 25th, 2004, 09:15:44 PM
Wei thought it over. His reasons were good ones. But still, the thought of prolonging Quay' Na's pain was not appealing to him.

"Will she be conscious at all while she is in this state?"

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 26th, 2004, 06:10:43 PM
Hayden shook his head. "No, she won't know of any of this. In fact, when she is taken out of it and her body has healed she'll probably believe she's still in the B&G. It won't harm her at all, Master Wei."

Rognan Dar
Dec 26th, 2004, 08:58:45 PM
"But how long is it going to take for your medical knowlege to become something able to heal her? One year? Ten? Will it really matter to her then when she comes out fifteen years from now and finds that everyone that she knew is gone, off doing other things and forgot about her? I dont want to sound like we should just let her die, but even if she could be healed later, that doesn't mean that she will come out of the comma then. Unless you can find a way to do that, too."

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Dec 27th, 2004, 08:44:27 PM
"Well, the procedure is up to the family to decide, Sir. We're just giving some options and I'm sure that even if her friends have forgotten about her, which I clearly think they would not, her family will definitely not forget about her." Hayden answered clearly.

"If the damage is reversed or healed in the years to come, Quay will likely come out of the coma on her own."

Cordell Le'Kray
Dec 27th, 2004, 10:44:27 PM
Cordell had been listening very intently to the conversation at hand. The thought of saving his daughter had struck him like lightning.

"If freezing her body, means that someday we'll have her back...I agree, I say do it."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:18:44 PM
*Natia remains silent, listening to everything. Quay's dieing, but there's a chance that they could still save her by freezing her body. She keeps herself still, not betraying any of her thoughts to anyone*

Yasmin Le'Kray
Dec 28th, 2004, 07:33:49 PM
Frozen...her sister's life would be suspended in a frozen state, but for how long...forever?

Yasmin cringed at the thought. "But, still she may never come out of it. There are no guarantee's."

There never were any in life threatening situations like these. "I agree with my dad, if this is the only way. Let's go for it. I'll go tell Jerib and Chani, they will be the ones to sign your papers, doctor."

Yasmin quickly walked away to go fetch the others.

Jerib Rakai
Jan 1st, 2005, 11:03:19 PM
Jerib sat in awe as he and Chani had been told of Quay's only chance for possible survival.

"They want to freeze her?" He could hardly believe it.

"It's the only way they can save her, Jerib." Yasmin told him. "You only you have the power to let it be done."

"But, how can I possibly allow it...it's like playing God."

"If you don't, we will lose her forever." Yasmin said as tears welled up in her eyes. "You have to save her, it's not playing God, it's saving her life. Allowing her to have a chance to see her son one day."

This tore at his heart, what was he to do? Lose her forever or allow her a chance to live someday?

Yasmin looked at him. "Jerib, we haven't much time...you know that as much as I do. I know, you'll do the right thing."

"But, what is the right thing? To suspend her life and allow her spirit to remain trapped in a frozen state. or to simply let her go?"

What kind of decision was this to make? He looked at Chani. "What am I supposed to do?"

"It's you're call, love." She told him quietly.

"I need more information, from the Jedi and the doctor before I say what needs to be done."

The three of them quickly rejoined the others. "What is going on with this freezing thing?" He asked quickly.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Jan 2nd, 2005, 07:51:53 AM
"It's cryogenics, Mr. Rakai." Hayden said as the three rejoined them. "Your daughter will be taken to the cryogenics lab on the first floor, there she'll be placed into a cryo-tube where her body will be put into deep freeze. It's the only way she'll survive this, Mr. Rakai. Perhaps, medicine in the future can cure her."

He paused for a moment. "The other option, is to let her go."

Jerib Rakai
Jan 2nd, 2005, 08:20:13 AM
It all made sense now as Jerib remembered a conversation with his daughter, just two nights before.

Quay'Na knew this was going to happen and she had already made arrangements.

Jeribi remembered that conversation well. He thought she had been overexasgerating about her future and the strange preporations she'd been making.

"In the event of my death or incapability to care for my son, he's going to Mylia and Ridge, Dad." She had told him.

"My dear, you're worrying over nothing, you'll be fine..." How wrong he had been, she knew.

"Dad, if the choice comes...let me go." Her voice had been stronger than ever. "I don't want to live on machines or anything else."

This was madness at the time, Jerib was sure. But, here his choice was to preserve her life or let her go.

He took his chair over to the window and looked out. There was a strange silence in the room.

"Sir?" the doctor asked.

It was the hardest decision of his life. "Let...let her go. It's what she wanted." Jerib could not go against what Quay had asked of him.

"Aramis will go to Mylia and Ridge Kincaid." He spoke as he turned and looked at Natia. "She told me of her preporations, Natia. The child shall leave with you."

Hayden brought over the datapad. "You'll need to sign this."

With shakey hands and a broken heart, Jerib Rakai signed the datapad to let his daughter go.

"Anyone that wants to be in there can be when the machines are disconnected. We'll wait until you're ready."

Jerib nodded silently as Chani hugged him.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 3rd, 2005, 08:20:54 PM
Wei nodded silently. It was done. "Sir, this has been most painful for you, I am sure," he said to Quay' Na's father. "I just want to let you know that you have my respect. If you will forgive me, I will not be staying for them to pull the plug. I have said my good bye."

Jerib Rakai
Jan 4th, 2005, 10:07:33 PM
Jerib felt numb as he nodded. "Thank you, Master Jedi for all that you gave to my daughter. She always talked so highly of you. She praised your name, because you saw through all her mistakes and you believed in her. So, I return the respect, for you gave my daughter her life back for the short time that she remained with us." Jerib was trembling as he held out a hand to the Jedi.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 4th, 2005, 11:14:47 PM
*Natia nods her head slightly, her face an expressionless mask as she finds that she's going to lose yet another person she cares about. But Quay will live on, at least in their memories and in Aramis*

When the doctors give their ok, I shall take Aramis to Ridge and Mylia.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 4th, 2005, 11:15:01 PM
The Jedi took the man's hand firmly, steadying it in his own before releasing it.

"I only did what was natural," Wei said. "In some sense, she was my daughter too."

Jerib Rakai
Jan 5th, 2005, 06:02:03 PM
"She will be missed greatly, Master Jedi." Jerib said as he looked at the younger girl. "Natia, I thank you for what you've done and what you'll do be doing for Aramis."

Jerib looked at Master Wei. "I do hope that you can check on him from time to time, and perhaps teach him one day, Master Wei."

Rognan Dar
Jan 5th, 2005, 11:24:36 PM
"I shall be leaving as well. I can't stand to see her plugged in like that, and shall not be able to watch her do. Her life ment alot to many. She will be greatly missed..."

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 6th, 2005, 11:10:42 AM
It's the least I can do Jerib. I consider Quay to be my sister. Her and I have been through alot together. She is, and always will be, a member of my family. If there is anything I can do for you and your family, please, don't hesitate to call on me.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Jan 6th, 2005, 07:39:47 PM
Hayden sighed as he waited to do the unthinkable. Quay was going to die and there was nothing he could do about it, it was out of his hands now.

Jerib Rakai
Jan 6th, 2005, 07:41:43 PM
"Thank you, Natia. I..." Jerib began.

Cordell Le'Kray
Jan 6th, 2005, 07:52:10 PM
"Are you insane, man?!?" Cordell stormed as he stepped up. "We have a chance to save her!! You're just going to throw that away?"

Cordell grabbed him around the shirt collar and drew his arm back, ready to slug him.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 7th, 2005, 10:41:37 AM
*Natia frowns as she sees a fight about to start. She uses the Force to grab Cordell's arm, the one that he is going to use to hit Jerib, preventing Cordell from hitting Jerib*

Enough, we have enough problems as it is without you causing more. This is what Quay wants. Do not go against her wishes.

Wei Wu Wei
Jan 7th, 2005, 11:46:06 AM
Wei stepped backwards as the conversation among Quay's relatives took its course.

"I'll be sure and do that. Aramis will be trained under my supervision. You have my word."

Cordell Le'Kray
Jan 8th, 2005, 08:56:59 PM
Cordell's arm drops as he realizes what he's about done. His head lowers. "I'm sorry, my friend...I don't know what's gotten into me."

Yasmin comes up behind him and hugs him. "We have to let her go, Dad. It's what she wanted."

The first tears come when he holds onto his daughter. "I can't do this..." he cried.

"We have to, Daddy. We have to because we love her."

Jerib Rakai
Jan 8th, 2005, 09:05:26 PM
Jerib nods to Cordell. "We all feel the same, Cordell." He tells the man quietly. "Quay will remain in our hearts and our minds and in the spirit of our grandson and he's the one we must protect now."

Jerib looks at Master Wei and Rognan. "I thank you for all you have done for my daughter. Her legacy will continue in her son, I know it will."

With a deep sigh, Jerib looks at Dr. Radnor. "I believe we're all that will be in with Quay."

"Wait!" A voice calls from the hallway. A solemn looking Anthony appears. "I want to be there."

Jerib smiles and nods. "She would want you there, Anthony."

Grim looks plaster each face as they enter Quay's room and gather around her bed.

Jerib takes ahold of one hand, while Cordell takes the other and kisses it. "May the Force be with you on your new journey, love and always know that we love you." Tears are shed as he straightens, still holding onto her limp hand.

Dr. Hayden Radnor
Jan 8th, 2005, 09:16:36 PM
It's a sad day for the Rakai and Le'Kray family. Hayden sighs as he stands by and watches the nurses begin to unplug Quay's machines.

No one makes a noise as the Quay's resporator is shut off, the only sound left is the slowing blip of the Padawan's heart monitor.

Her brainwaves were slowly dying as machine after machine was being turned off. It was too much for her weakening body to handle and finally the heart monitor flat-lined.

Hayden looked at his chrono then recorded it into Quay's datapad.

Quay'Na Rakai pronounced dead at 4:56 am.

He slowly turned and allowed the family time to grieve over the family member they had just lost. So, unfair was death, even moreso for a Jedi, the young doctor thought as he heard the cries from Quay's family members.

Good-bye, my friend. May the Force be with you. Was Hayden's last thought as he continued down the corridor.

imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 9th, 2005, 10:44:53 AM
*Natia stands at the door of Quay's room until Quay was pronounced dead. As Dr. Hayden comes out of the room, she places a hand on his shoulder and gently squeezes it before walking off to the nursery to look at Aramis, who will grow up never knowing his Mother*