View Full Version : Death and Destruction
Fluffy The Slayer
Dec 18th, 2004, 06:31:22 PM
Fluffy was dropped from his ship a Killer, deady and lethal. Vampyre's everywhere feared this hunter of the dark. The Earth shook with his landing. Lightning flew from his front paws and he stepped heavily. He knew that here there be vampire's.
His powerful visage scanned the nearby flatlands. He looked for his first victim. Death on his mind and his mind on death.
He hummed out loud as he sought the undead.
Royston Basillie
Dec 19th, 2004, 05:02:32 PM
Kyzer was walking down the halls of the Cabal Cathedral when he noticed a small fluffy dog padding toward him. He forward and stoped infront of the dog "Little thing must have come up from the village" He said as he stooped down for a closer look.
Fluffy The Slayer
Dec 20th, 2004, 08:46:52 AM
Fluffy saw a man approach him. The Stink of the undead reeked off his body. He silenced his thunder and lapsed into cuteness. He would see how far the wretch would take him into the catacombs of the undead. There he could do way more damage. He drew in his inner strength and hid his cunningly cute mind.
Royston Basillie
Dec 21st, 2004, 03:43:54 PM
Kyzer picked up the small dog and walked further down the hall. after going down several more halls and turning a few corners, he came to a large thick door. He looked up and down the hall before pushing it open and stepping into the brilliant sunlight.
Kyzer was no vampyre. He had not yet been given the gift of immortality. He served the cabal and took care of matters in the village.
He set the dog down on the ground "There you go. Go that way to get back to the village" He said as he pointed in the direction of the village.
Fluffy The Slayer
Dec 23rd, 2004, 12:07:42 PM
The man still reeked of the undead. More likely a servant of there's. He little nose wrinkled from the smell. It was one of the Main reasons he had become a hunter. The stench the awful stench.
He rustled his little paws to make himself comfortable. The man came to a door and opened it. He then set Fluffy down.
"There you go. Go that way to get back to the village"
"Oh no, that wouldn't do at all." Fluffy reared his little legs into action and ran between the mans legs. He yelled after Fluffy. "Hey you!" was all he thought he heard.
He made a left and then a right down a long hall and into some double doors. He was in some great dining room. A chandelior hung from the roof. He breathed heavily hiding under the table. He cunning eyes on the look out for any vamps to kill....
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