View Full Version : All Mine (Rules inside - open)

Trric Skyvold
Dec 15th, 2004, 11:02:22 PM
Thread "Rules"

This thread doesn't take place in the SWFans universe - it's a dream Trric is having whilst in a Force-induced coma. While in this dream, I'd like her to meet some other inhabitants of the Fans universe, but with a twist. Your character doesn't have to be exactly how they are now. Rp as a Jedi? Play your character as a bad guy. Are you a Sith-type thing? Pretend your character is a happy-go-lucky kinda guy or gal. Think Alice In Wonderland, Wizard of Oz and fairytale story characters, the stranger, the better (within reason - normal common sense rules do apply to this thread). Try something different, but mostly, have fun.
~ The Management.

The last thing I remembered was falling.

The table I was on was wheeled into the med-center, everything going passed me in a blurry haze. I know people are talking to me, but their lips are moving and nothing is coming out. A bright light swings over me, faces are swimming in and out of view. Everything sounds like it’s under water. Maybe I’ve drowned…

The light gets brighter and brighter, and the voices and sounds of the medical team gets fainter. I reach out for the light, the air rippling at my touch…


andIcantstopifIhithegroundIwillsmashtopieces.Ireac hedoutforsomethingtostopmyfallbuttheresnothin

My head snaps back as I hit the ground. My eyes flash open and I’m sitting in the back of some transport. It’s long, and lined with seats and windows. It’s barrelling through a desert, I can see the dust and sand from my seat through the looooooooooong windows that line each side. The seats are full of other passengers, of all different sizes, but black, flat like shadows. I open my mouth to shout, or scream,


Nothing came out. The passengers turn to look at me anyways, with their round dark eyes and pale white faces. My feet feel like lead as I try to run towards the front of the transport, the eyes of all the people onboard boring holes into my back. The aisle seems to grow longer and longer and longer and longer. I finally reach the driver, and open my mouth to yell at him to stop. Again, nothing comes out. He turns to me, the same deep dark eyes staring at me.

“Erehgnolebtnoduoy.ffotegotuoyrofemiT.Erehgnolebtn oduoy.ffotegotuoyrofemiT. Erehgnolebtnoduoy.ffotegotuoyrofemiT.Erehgnolebtno duoy.ffotegotuoyrofemiT. Erehgnolebtnoduoy.ffotegotuoyrofemiT.”

…I’m now in the desert. The road and strange transport have disappeared. Above, three suns are glaring down on me, all around me if nothing but sand. I stand there, and I’m not afraid. I should be, the voice of reason in my head is screaming at me that everything is wrong, that we shouldn’t be there, and that we don’t belong here. I start to walk into the sand, feeling it sink beneath the soles of my shoes. I can feel it seeping up inside them. My shoes split and tear, leaving me with bare feet as I begin my journey across the sands.

Zereth Lancer
Dec 16th, 2004, 03:03:33 PM
The sand infront of Her opened up to reveal a large black hole. something rose up out of the hole. It was a tall creature with pale skin, red glowing eyes and it only wore a pair of worn black pants. Black symbols and runes where tattooed all over its pale flesh. it had sharp claws on his hands a feet. spikes sprouted from it's shoulders and down the center of his back. Two long horns stuck out from it's forhead and it's mouth was filled with small sharp teeth. it's head was hairless.

The creature raised its eyes and looked at the girl. It said nothing and continued to stare at her. after a long while the creature walks forward and stops a few feet from the girl. It walked in a circle around her as if examaning her.

"Enter my realm you have, why that be?" The creatures lips did not move. The voice seemd to be heard by the girl's mind instead of by her ears "Belong here you do not.

The creature stoped infront of her again. It stooped down and leveled moved its face a few inches from her's and leveled its eyes with her's "Belong here you do not It reapeated.

Trric Skyvold
Dec 16th, 2004, 07:34:57 PM
I sighed, the air escaping in a small puff of vapour.

"I don't frelling know."

My voice finally cracked through the silence - it seemed weak, quiet. Like someone else was confronting this creature. It didn't frighten me.

"If I knew where I was, do you think I'd be walking through the desert in my bare feet in the middle of the day?"

Salem Ave
Dec 17th, 2004, 06:27:53 AM

Without explanation or warning, a small impish creature had appeared atop the baldhead of the tattooed demon. The fiend was a flighty thing, no more than three feet tall, with leathery wings and large droopy ears. It smiled through a pair of fangs that looked comically disproportionate to its little head – on top of which there slouched a hat clearly made for someone twice it’s size.

“Yourrr realm?”

The creature pressed both hands against the head on which it sat, leaning forward to peer into the glowing red eyes with its own white. It was met with a glare and quickly pushed itself off into the air, its wings beating hard to propel it away from the horned one. It bobbed and dipped precariously, as though it might fall from flight, as it approached Trric, almost already out of breath.

“Don’t mind passsty, he’s all barrrk and no bite,” it whispered in her ear, ducking again as it hovered to make sure that it was beyond the reach of the demons claws.

Zereth Lancer
Dec 17th, 2004, 01:57:41 PM
The Demon stalked forward "You dispicable little imp! I thought I told you to stay out of my realm!" His voice sounded in both the imp's and the girl's mind. The demon stoped and turned to look at the girl [i]"You sound as if you do not like my desert. How could you not like such a wonderful place?"

Trric Skyvold
Dec 17th, 2004, 07:17:58 PM
"I'd rather be home. Wherever home is."

I watched the Imp flap his wings harder, straining to keep himself afloat and away from the larger creature. I canted my head to the side.

"You," I said, addressing the Imp hovering beside me. "You must know where we are. This isn't Tatooine, is it?"

In my mind, I knew I wasn't anywhere in the known universe - unless there were more undiscovered races living on the desert planet. This place wasn't like any I had ever seen or heard of in my life. The sun was begining to sink lower, it's shade turning a deeper red.
"Are there more people here?"

Vampyre Dalamar
Dec 22nd, 2004, 12:31:18 AM
"Are there more people here?"

Just then lightning struck into the desert sand standing before the stunned three individuals stood a pale faced man in black.

“Erehgnolebtnoduoy.ffotegotuoyrofemiT.Erehgnolebtn oduoy.ffotegotuoyrofem"iT. Erehgnolebtnoduoy.ffotegotuoyrofemiT.Erehgnolebtno duoy.ffotegotuoyrofemiT. Erehgnolebtnoduoy.ffotegotuoyrofemiT.”

The man stepped forward his pale skin and black eyes could be clearly seen by Trric. He took out a mirror and flipped it onto the sand. She reconized him from the transport the one she had so recently escaped. Once the mirror landed she could also understand him. His words echoed hauntinly across the still dessert.

"She is mine her soul has departed and she ride's the black train. She willed herself off it. I am the catcher of souls and her soul was fairly caught. Rare is it that someone wills them self away from the Black Train. But nevertheless a deals a deal. She has a place next to my master in the shadow realm and though Cheron has long retired that black keeper will still not be denied.

There where no pennies for the fairy man over her eyes. She has left her body behind. That pale statue sits on the train as we speak. The Master will not accept a shell only.

He pulled out a golden etched ledger. Lightning flared from the sky and arced off the silver tipped pen as he pointed upon the engraved page's. The pen underlined Trric's name and visage.

The Master traded special for this one and here she is wandering the 10th circle of hell with two petty demons. What say you Muhalla, and Viselle vassels of the great circle that surround us all. Will you return her true for the Black Train awaits? We all have to go into the clearing when our time comes. So we do....

Dec 22nd, 2004, 10:14:05 PM

The sands kick up, wind blowing across the dunes. A dark cloaked figure appeared, red eyes burning with anger. He walked passed the demons, the imp, the pale faced man, and stopped beside Trric.

He wasn't much taller than the girl, the other demons towering over him. He leaned close to her ear, his voice purring softly to her, and only to her.

"This is your world, only you control it, and only you can decide what happens here. Dismiss these petty demons, and seek your way home."

He leaned back, a chesire grin spreading across his face. "Go on then, show them who's boss."

Zereth Lancer
Dec 22nd, 2004, 10:40:19 PM
The pale Demon's eyes burned brilliantly Petty Demons! His voice ripped through their minds. He didn't even noticed the other man appear as he stalked forward and toward the black clad man "You will die for that

The Demon raised his pale hand and snaped his clawed fingers. The sand swirled in several spots and small cretures came out. They looked just like the tall pale demon but where as small as the imp

The lesser demons moved toward the black clad man, they raised their clawed hands and opened their sharp toothed maws and prepared to strike the black clad man.