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Silus Xilarian
Dec 14th, 2004, 08:55:33 PM
And one step further it seems.

First off, although Im sure that everyone is clear on the infiltration rules at SWFans, and how those same rules apply here. I just wanna stress that the contents of this discussion at this time are private, and are not to be discussed outside of this forum.

With that aside, there is currently a discussion among the SWFans staff about a major power shift within the RP universe. And it has been pretty strongly agreed on with a large majority of the staff that the reunification of the Empire, along with it once more regaining control of the Galaxy would be a good way to keep things interesting for the rest of the board.

At this time, however, things are very much up in the air about how this could/would take place, and I've been given the opportunity to discuss this with you guys, and get your feedback on the matter. So I'd like for us to take this time to go over comments and suggestions that we have as to how things could happen, so that we have a good idea what we as a group wanna see when/if this discussion goes boardwide.

Also, if anyone has any questions, fire away.

Telan Desaria
Dec 14th, 2004, 09:42:02 PM
Given the rising anti-me sentiment, I can have no part in this discussion lest I interfere with progress.

Teleran Balades
Dec 14th, 2004, 10:04:03 PM
Originally posted by Silus Xilarian
And it has been pretty strongly agreed on with a large majority of the staff that the reunification of the Empire, along with it once more regaining control of the Galaxy would be a good way to keep things interesting for the rest of the board.

Reunification? At this point IC the Sov and Feds are pretty much at each others throats. What with holding Khendon's wife hostage(or are we done with that?) and a few skirmishes we've had. Is reunification even remotely possible at this point or in the near future?

We at the Sov have already been wanting this power shift to take place. That's why we've pretty much restarted the Galactic Civil War. I'd definently like to see something that would shock the galaxy like this; znd the thought of merging Federal tech and Sovereignty wealth is very appealing.

What of the Balmorran standing? I know zero to nil about them.

Aegis Du' Caat
Dec 15th, 2004, 12:04:47 PM
We did this over at brand X (Dara's board for those of you not in the know) It was generally widely welcomed and really boosted activity on our board for a few months until Dara and the rest of the TSE old guard decided that we were having too much fun and basically broke up the Empire, reducing it to a basically NPC'ed faction now..

I think a unified Empire would be a boon for the board. I know what we did at SWRPG (I would link you guys, but they have deleted or hidden most of our old threads) was essentially introduce a group of Force RPers into the mix who basically kind of become System Lords ala Stargate (without all the infighting) introduced a puppet emperor (myself) that was controlled by a council of Admirals and these System Lords. The NR activity picked up, and the Conclave fleet returned.

Essentially what we did (and by no means am I suggesting that we do the same, just giving an example because our universe had a different history) We rped that the Empire had basically turned their holdings into a stronghold of Shipyards, training facilities and resource planets, that were building a large covert fleet. The NR was conversely over extending itself by annexing new systems into their fold, while cutting back military spending.

The GE stuck quickly and overran the NR's rolled back fleet and basically took over 80% of the known galaxy, leaving the Conclave witha bout 5 % and the NR witha bout 15% but 2 viable shipyards each. The premise was that the GE spread through the galaxy too quickly and they themselves had overextended themselves in an attempt to destroy the NR. A decisive battle woudl take place in which the NR would repel the GE fleet sent to finish them off, that would rally the NR and sort of create and equalibrium with the GE controlling about 60%, the NR 30% and the Conclave 10% and all sides equalizing their fleet size. We then created a list of canon planets that could be taken, and a list of created planets, each with their own individual resources and strategic value, that would consist of the main battles, Depending on how much of the lists your group controlled, that group could then take Coruscant.

Sadly we never got to implent the system fully before a rule change that crippled our plans. But if you want any help at all I'd be glad to give my two-cents to any planning comittee.

Telan Desaria
Dec 15th, 2004, 12:11:26 PM
Teleran - - hostilities between the Federacy and the Empire are dying down - -we are indeed trying to unite.

Tiberius Anar
Dec 15th, 2004, 03:09:39 PM
We are working on how to over come the remaining hostility. The plan presently being considered is to have a series of treaties that bring the two factions closer together. These would establish bodies to co-ordinate, for example, military action and foreign policy which would have the two factions working as one when it comes to the outside galaxy and a series of trade agreements that would bring us togehter economically. Think the European Union taken to its logical conclusion.

This would clear the way, we hope, for the unification of the Federacy and Sovereignty at some later date as a result of events and political momentum. The shape of this united group is a major sticking point.

I have been in favour for a long time of establishing a monarchy that would serve to unite the Empire around a single leader. An idea I put forward earlier this year was to bring in a member of the Palpatine family- a descendant by a concubine who has been in obscurity- who would be set up as a figuehead for the Empire. In theory and law this person would be all powerful but in practice it would be the old guard (Sevon, Anar, T'chort, Desaria, Piett etc) who exercise power through him. At least to begin with. After a few years on the throne whoever we put there could be able to build a power base to take over control of the Empire for himself.

Serena Laran
Dec 15th, 2004, 09:16:03 PM
The idea being bounced around in the group mods forum is that when/if Darth Viscera returns, he *somehow* gets the Sov and Federacy to re-unite under him. Or under another, third party.

My idea was this: The Chandrilan system is trying to get the NR to go into the Corellian system and investigate Corellia and the Sith Order. They will either be sending a small, investegatory fleet, or a large invasion fleet.

Either way, they'll find Imperial activity at the shipyards there, and the Sovereignty would protect what it theirs. The NR Fleet would be trounced, and sent limping back to Coruscant.

Darth Viscera has in the meantime returned to find that the Empire has lost Coruscant in his absence, and sets about getting it back. Through political allies in the Senate/on planet/technological backdoors, the former Diktat re-takes Coruscant with no fleet warfare (his fleet returning from the Unknown Regions, or any fleet for that matter, would not be able to take COruscant by storm) in only a few days. He changes the security codes, but as the regime change occurs, people flee the planet. Some senators stay, some leave, etc etc. The Jedi escape to Yavin IV.

The NR fleet returns from their defeat to find that the locks have been changed on them. :eek They are forced by Viscera's fleet to fall back to a nearby system - Chandrila or Kuat, and try to regroup.

Viscera knows he cannot keep Coruscant through his fleet and might alone, and calls in his (former) Grand Admirals, the leaders of the Federacy and the Sovereignty and the Balmorran Empire. Also my character, as he entrusted her with the Caridan system. From there I imagine that with the chance to hurt the NR while it's reeling from TWO defeats would / could entice the two military leaders to unite. Anar would have to be included as he's the political leader of the Sov, I don't know about head honchos in the Federacy.

^^ this is all just my idea, and I tend to think they're rather solid. Of course, the actual 'former Sov' and 'former Fed' would still be in the direct chain of command of Khendon and Telan. Perhaps a 'republic' of an Imperial sort, with the various 'states' (Balmorran, Federacy, Sovereignty) pretty much self governing, with a higher government holding htem together?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 15th, 2004, 09:35:56 PM
I was thinking we could set that back up like things were before, with Khendon, Telan, and Taylor as being sector overseers/whatevers. The old layout hasn't changed at all on the Imperial board proper as far as forum ordering, so we could easily tuck the Sov into the Thyferran Sector, Balmorra into the Guild sector, and the Fed into the Delteon Sector.

It makes a lot of sense to me to do that - but then again, eating steak tartar makes alot of sense to me too, so I'm not sure how people are going to like this idea.

Also, we're gonna have to drag Taylor back; at least somewhat. I'll PM him.

Serena Laran
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:43:40 AM
If we don't get Taylor back, maybe we could get his permission to allow someone else to Rp the Balmorran empire in his absence?

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 01:03:10 AM

Tiberius Anar
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:06:32 AM
In the event of Viscera's return what position would he take? Emperor or Diktat? Or Regent? (Emperor in all but name)

Serena Laran
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:17:31 PM
I would assume he'd return as Diktat, as he was when he left for the Unknown Regions.

What ideas do you have, Anar, as to the political makeup of a new Empire?

Viscera wouldn't have to disband the NR's senate, simply taking the planet will send the political parts running around in all directions. The great part of my plan (haha I had to say it) is that once the NR Fleet at Corellia is trounced and then trounced again at Coruscant, everyone who voted for the investigation of Corellia will immediately be put under suspicion by the NR Intelligence, or their peers. Because, it's a supreme coincidence that while the fleet was out the planet is under attack for the first time in Many years.

^_^ I'm picturing Viscera's summit meeting in Imperial Sector in the Imperial Palace... people are still working to pull down NR decorations and put up Imperial ones while the Grand Admirals enter the hall and meet with their former Diktat. Each one on their own is still not strong enough to completely take over the NR, but together... A combined force could bring the fight to Chandrila or Kuat (wherever the NR fleet is trying to regroup) and smash their fleet once and for all.

Planets/systems could be taken by force, or politically. Not all would need Rps, but some would. Senators who stayed on Coruscant could be summoned to the summit meeting, have the new Empire's plans laid out to them, and decide to bring their systems under new leadership, for saftey's sake.

Just a thought. Or two.

edit: People who would be summoned to a summit meeting would be the people who split the empire in the first place.

Admiral Lei Lebron, Tyrel Kiterix the governor of Balmorra, Grand Admiral Taylor Millard, Grand Admiral Telan Desaria, Vice Diktat Khendon Sevon and Admiral Serena Laran (perhaps me, maybe not. I only got one system, not a sector).

Tiberius Anar
Dec 16th, 2004, 01:41:48 PM
I rather like this idea.

It'll take me a little time (till tomorrow at the earliest) for me to put together my thoughts on a new Imperial polictical system in a coherent manner. I'll post them tomorrow.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 16th, 2004, 04:25:51 PM
I'll try to get hold of Taylor as well and get something worked out with Balmorra.

Serena Laran
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:52:27 PM
Does Pode still RP Lebron, ever? And would he be willing to take part in this? I don't know the status of the Imperial Remnant, except that he was last pictured with a colander on his head. :)

edit: we could always put Silus back into the Empire.. ;) *hatches other ebil plans*

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 07:24:27 PM
Lebron is a Grand Moff in the Empire, the remnant having been absorbed by the Sovereignty and becoming the Braxant Sector.

Serena Laran
Dec 16th, 2004, 09:27:35 PM
Ok, I thought that was what had happened, but I wasn't sure on the details. :)

I did some more thinking on the whole "emperor" bit. What if we placed Viscera as Diktat or Grandest Admiral (:p) in charge of the military, and put Anar as 'Emperor' ? Then the two of them would jointly be the most powerful man in the galaxy, after the RPs were done. And the fears of "one man having too much power" in RP would be effectively taken care of.

Anar would be the political entity, and Viscera the military? They would, of course, work together OOC with the rest of the Empire, and with the NR/Rebellion.

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 09:31:22 PM

Serena Laran
Dec 16th, 2004, 09:34:23 PM
I don't think you understand how the Empire works in Star Wars.

The Empire is the bad guys. THEY ARE NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT.

I would not be in favor of unification if anyone but Viscera were in charge, at this point.

Also, you can't stop him from coming back to RP, no matter what you say. :p

Silus Xilarian
Dec 17th, 2004, 02:36:04 AM
I do think it would make things much more interesting if the seige machine that is the Empire be as evil as it was in the movies.

The officers serving the Empire dont have to be evil by any means.

One thing that comes to mind is Star Wars Galaxies. When I had to run delivery missions for the empire, alot of it was imperial propaganda spreading, such as the Empire claiming that Alderaan engaged the Death Star in hostilities, and such.

Quick edit: Also, does anyone even know that Visc is a force user IC.

Darth Viscera
Dec 17th, 2004, 03:17:10 AM
Visc goes through probably a six pack of clones every month, dresses like Palpatine and has joined TSO, so they probably do know. It's not something that he tries to hide.

@Post #17:
If that were to happen Visc would likely regard Anar as a rebel and try to have him and his followers executed. He'd consider it a mutiny.

As I've indicated to Telan before, I disagree with him on the point he mentions in post #18.

Telan Desaria
Dec 17th, 2004, 09:18:04 AM

Serena Laran
Dec 17th, 2004, 10:10:40 AM
Telan - as I see it, you were fine Rping how you wanted to. That's the beauty of Swfans, you get to Rp yout character the way you want, no matter what. Ok, *almost* no matter what.

The thing is, the entire Empire can't be politically correct. It goes against what the Empire *is* in Star Wars. If it's just the Sovereignty, fine. If we're letting the Empire take over the galaxy - it needs to have some teeth and be f-ing evil.

You may still RP Telan how you wish, of course :)

Jarek T'chort
Dec 17th, 2004, 10:29:04 AM
I see no problem in how Telan has run the Empire. Of course we are the "bad guys" - yet in the 50 odd IC years since Endor, the core ethos of the Empire has changed dependant on who rules it. Take the EU (yes I know) as an example. Thrawn was not hell bent on spreading evil - he fought with honor - but was ruthless when he needed to be. Likewise, Desaria had a different take on how the Empire should be run, which he instilled into his faction. Khendon, on the other hand, maintained a dark, evil aspect to both his character and his faction. Different strokes.

As for the reunification under Viscera, I have a feeling that it has basically already been decided for the members here, which I am not keen on. Regardless, I am open to change, perhaps it will be what the boards need.

Serena Laran
Dec 17th, 2004, 01:21:55 PM
It has not just simply "been decided." If it had been, there would be no discussion.

However, when deciding something that affect the entire board, the entire board gets to weigh in on it as well, not just you guys.

Telan Desaria
Dec 17th, 2004, 02:22:43 PM

Tiberius Anar
Dec 17th, 2004, 02:36:53 PM
I must concur with Viscera on the idea of me being Emperor, in part at least. It is a policitcal impossibility for one such as I (by which I mean a politician) to rule as Emperor. The Emperor is the Commander-in-Chief as well as the political leader of the Empire. The nature of the Empire is such that, now, only someone who was both politician and military man could take the post of Emperor. I have thoughts on how we could have an Emperor but it has little relevance to the present discussion so I will save them until they are relevant.

As may be garnered from the above, I think there is nothing to stop someone from being both political and military head of the Empire. Indeed I see it as fundamental to the principles of the New Order that one being should be in charge of everything. And I see no division between poltics and the military- the military being a political tool as much as diplomacy, economics or propaganda.

But I digress. My thoughts on the political structure under a revived Diktatship are these.

It would include the following bodies:
1. The Throne
2. The Diktat
3. The Ruling Council
4. The Imperial High Command
5. The Civil Administration
6. The Council of Moffs

Although the Throne would exist and officially it would be the highest state body, it would have no practical power. The Diktat would be Emperor like in power and in the respect shown to him he would exercise all the powers of the vacant Imperial Throne.

The legal power of the throne- appointments to the armed forces, the promulgation of laws etc have devolved, within the Imperial Sovereignty, on to a group of some four-hundred powerful aristocrats, businessbeings, military officers and politicians. In the new Imperial Govrnment it would remain in place as compensation to those who would lose power with the return of the Diktat. Officially the Ruling Council would still hold collectively the power of the throne, but in practice it would be little more than a rubber stamp, if anything, for the Diktat’s decisions giving them a veneer of legality and binding the aristocracy to him. It would also provide a pool of personnel for government jobs.

The Diktat would be effectively, then, be most powerful being in the reborn empire. As the machinery of government has become more intricate and the level of government involvement in the lives of the people has increased in the last five-years no-one can be expected to be able to handle every detail so three bodies would assist in this mammoth task.

The Imperial High Command would assume responsibility for al military matters. Although I would suggest that its role under a revived Diktatship would be more like that of a military staff than a command body. That of course would depend entirely upon the level of the Diktat’s involvement in the implementation of military/foreign policy.

The Civil Administration would remain to handle domestic matters. Obviously its powers would be reduced by the presence of a figure more powerful than the Lord High Chancellor. I imagine it would be somewhat like modern France in which the Head of State is extremely important in foreign policy and the Head of Government is left with the less interesting matter of domestic policy.

The moffs and grand moffs would see an increase in their own power and a boost to their independence, particularly in military matters. The merging of military and political authority in the office of the Diktat would permit the appointment of more militant moffs since the Civil Administration would no longer be able to block such appointments. The would be responsible for the implementation of policy within their sectors. As the Council of Moffs they would advise the Diktat matters within their sectors.


Serena Laran
Dec 17th, 2004, 02:52:39 PM
Anar, I love you. :love

Tiberius Anar
Dec 17th, 2004, 03:07:45 PM
Doesn't everyone?

Serena Laran
Dec 17th, 2004, 03:16:12 PM
you should have heard what Jarek had to say about you in the stormtrooper locker room!!

... don't ask what I was doing there... :uhoh

Khendon Sevon
Dec 17th, 2004, 08:32:02 PM
Just checking in. Nothing to add so far.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 18th, 2004, 10:19:15 AM
Originally posted by Serena Laran
It has not just simply "been decided."
That's cool. Simply the way I took what I read. :)

Again I'll reiterate that I am open to this union, not against. Just incase it seemed that way from my previous post.

Serena Laran
Dec 18th, 2004, 12:18:55 PM
And - it's not like *EVERYONE* IC has to enjoy being a part of the new empire. I mean, obviously working towards a common goal and all the power and glory will keep things sweet for a while, and then... people who had maybe *more* power before Viscera's arrival would start getting restless.

Darth Viscera
Dec 19th, 2004, 08:30:59 AM
Guess it's time to start outlining the aftermath of the return of my character then. In that, I could use some help coalescing all the final versions of the good ideas that have been put forth by you guys pertaining to events that'll take place after Visc returns. At least Zasz, Silus, Serena and Tiberius seem to have clear ideas of what happens next. It would be good if we could get these ideas all in one place for reference.

Personally, I have to finish up this (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=35020) thread so that Visc will have returned. I may introduce Grand Admiral Thraawn in that thread, played by Master Yoghurt (Alexander), if he's interested, because he said he wanted to have an Imp character and get involved for this thing.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 19th, 2004, 09:31:05 PM
whoa, the yogster? here? :thumbsup

Ok, everything that comes next is assumption, since i know Im not completely up to date on everything.

Ok, first off, we have the Federacy. From what I understand, Khendon is all about Visc coming back into power. I think it would make sense that Viscera would come to Khendon first.

"Blah blah, I killed some Vongs, we made some maps. I see you guys broke up. Lemme try and fix this. Where's the stuff." Khendon will be all like "Yeah, i dunno what happened. Look at my pretty boats though."

And they'll play a few games of battleship or something (they just seem like the type)

After that, im not too sure on whats gonna happen to be honest.

Visc, how public is your return gonna be.......will the NR find out the moment you drop in from hyperspace?

Darth Viscera
Dec 20th, 2004, 04:43:40 AM
A little bit of in-house "I'm back, target me and /follow" followed by the stuff that will lead to Coruscant being retaken.

And I can bitch Khendon at battleship any day of the week.

Serena Laran
Dec 20th, 2004, 12:30:53 PM

Viscera and however many men you need could 'sneak' onto the planet about an hour before his fleet drops out of hyperspace around Coruscant. Planetary shields go up...haha they're safe fromt he fleet!

But not so fast... somehow Viscera's ground team disables the shields, allowing landing craft to start coming in...?

Word gets back to bulk of fleet now in Corellia/heading there to reinforce... panic! Sovereignty trounces them. They head back to Coruscant to find out that they can't possibly fight the fleet there, and jump again, to Chandrila or Kuat. Probably Chandrila, as they wouldn't want Kuat to be accidentally targeted. Or maybe they'd decide that their shipyards need to be protected just in case...


Tiberius Anar
Dec 20th, 2004, 12:44:05 PM
I'd say that the best approach would be for Viscera to come back quietly. If the NR were to learn that Viscera had returned it would have them attacking every Imperial holding beofre you can say "That's no moon its a battle station!"Best way I can think of is this:

Visc comes back into the Galaxy with a small force and scouts around. Discovers who's who in the Galaxy now and then tells the leaders of the factions (including those smaller warlord holdings) that he has returned. Perhaps using some special code or something.

The leaders meet with Visc and he offers them a choice- join me or be considered traitors. The three main factions join up isntantly. Most of the smaller ones are convinced, but some of them resist. So one or two of them get blasted out of existence using the fleets of the Sov, Fed and Balmoreans as an example to the rest. Once that is done he'll have all the military force required to take back the galaxy plus whatever you have left from the anti-vong campaign.

Then do the Coruscant thing as Serena set it out. When the NR fleet returns they are locked out and find a combined force of Imperial warships blocking their way. They are driven off.

Then Viscera annonces his presence, proclaims the Empire restored when it is too late for the NR to do anything to stop him and too shaken to even try to throw him out. In the ensuing chaos the Empire can be consoldated (government transfered to Coruscant, High Command set up, sectors reorganised and reinforced). By the time the NR manages to regroup and reorganise we will be ready for them.

Khendon Sevon
Dec 20th, 2004, 02:27:38 PM
If an epic battle were to happen upon Viscera’s return and the NR were to respond by attacking any and all Imperials it would catalyze the coming together of Imperials around their returned figurehead.

Now, if this were done, it could be initiated with Viscera’s own fleet or with forces procured from any of the factions. Though, using faction forces would probably cause some jealousy or somesuch randomness.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 20th, 2004, 03:03:54 PM
IC, the higher ranking Sov members would largely not hold any allegiance to Viscera. There wouldn't be an instantaneous rallying to the banner, besides those who served under him. Same for any NPC warlords. Credit to Silus for this idea - Silus would act as the intermediary between the Sov and Federacy (whom I agree, Visc would go first). Relations between the two are at an all time low, so there would be some convincing Khendon and Telan to settle their differences.

Secondly - I think that the rumour of Visc's return would be started by a high level code - perhaps one of Palpatines old codes. A code that only the highest members of the respective factions would recognize. Viscera contacts Khendon directly, knowing that he is the most loyal of his old commanders. Finally, I agree with Anar - he reveals himself to the leaders of the factions and by sheer magnetism (think Hitler or indeed, Palpatine) and via sheer force of personality, convinces the respective leaders to join him. Henceforth, the Empire is reformed and integrated.

Any planning for retaking Coruscant is a little premature, we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

Perhaps, as I said, the Sov leaders would be slower to respond to Viscera's return. So, in the midst of the battle for Bestine IV, when the NR fleet is wearing down the Imperial fleet and so on, Visc drops out of hyperspace and decimates the NR forces, routing them and thereby gaining the support and respect of the Sov military.

Finally, I think the reaction of the NR would be violent, I think the doves in the Senate would be shouted down by the hawks simply due to the massive threat against them.

Serena Laran
Dec 20th, 2004, 03:23:12 PM
I think Coruscant should be taken as soon as possible, when the fleet is busy at bestine and Corellia.

I had the idea that after Serena completes her next Rp thread, she'll intercept or be sent a transmission from Viscera... maybe saying he's on his way, or he wants to stop at Carida or something. Stock up on new recruits.

She can tell him about the break up, and that she's alligned Carida with the Sovereignty. Viscera then would have the IC information he needs to formulate his IC plans. Serena would return to Thyferra and either tell Telan, or not, depending on what Viscera tells her to do.

Telan Desaria
Dec 20th, 2004, 10:34:49 PM

Khendon Sevon
Dec 21st, 2004, 12:31:41 PM
Oh, I wasn’t going to comment, but:

Telan, suck it up! We don’t need three or four posts in a thread simply talking about how you’re leaving the thread because everyone hates you or how you RP.

Considering this is an “open forum,” in the sense that all Imperials can join the discussion, we all have a voice in this.

Furthermore, stick to your guns! Don’t back down so easily. Who cares if a couple people don’t like your style! Does everyone like me? Hell no.

So, sorry about interrupting the flow of the thread. Had to get that off my chest. This isn’t just directed at Telan, it’s a general “let’s be mature and think about our actions and posts” thing.

Back to the matters at hand:

I think Viscera’s reputation as a historical figure would help support these RPs. The NR people could have fear and lower moral while the Imperials have an increase and are in awe at the man.

Anyway, I think it comes down to how Viscera wants to portray Viscera’s arrival. After all, it’s his character, he would know him best.

Jarek T'chort
Dec 21st, 2004, 02:01:53 PM
I have to say I agree with Khendon.

Telan you lead the largest faction. We are the bulk of the Empire, IC and OOC, thusly that leaves you with a large part to play, whether other rpers dislike you or not.

I have to stress that IC the Sov really are important to Viscera's success. This should not be forgotten in these negotiations. It'd also be good for the other Sov members to post here - so if you are reading this - POST!

Serena Laran
Dec 21st, 2004, 03:16:25 PM
Serena is loyal to the Sovereignty, but she is also fiercely loyal to the "Empire" as it was before the split. If she sees a way to bring the Empire back to what it was, she'll do all she can to make it possible.

Most of the RPing I did with her was when she was the Imperial liason to Grand Admiral Millard - negotiating his return from the Unknown Regions to the Empire proper. However she can fit into helping bring the Empire back together, let me know.

After Telan - who's the second highest ranking Imp in the Sovereignty? It isn't Serena, is it?

Teleran Balades
Dec 21st, 2004, 08:13:20 PM
As I said before I like the idea of unification. It would open up a lot of oppurtunites for the empire and other factions. However, I think that too many changes in too short of a time period might upset a lot of people. I don't want us to cause others to stop RPing just because of some radical change in which they've had no, or little say (of course there is an equal chance that I am wrong). The thing that concerns me most is that it seems like us "new bloods" (me, Jarek, Travis, and Tear) are just throwing what we've accomplished out the window.

I agree with Jarek when he says the higher ranking officers of the Sov wouldn't immediatly join with him. Many of them have come to admire and beleive in Telan's doctrine of pride and honor (not to mention the wealth and power the Sov has) and despises what the empire once was. My own character, for example, used to be a minor officer in the NR, a whole string of events happened that made him feel betrayed and abondoned by the NR. He like how effecient the government works (Wow, never thought I'd say that.), feels he is treated with respect and honor (except for the Inquisitoriate), not fear and loathing. He would definently oppose reverting to the old ways.

Now to the subject on how to go about this within the Sov. I think this ties in perfectly with the conspiracy against Telan and Anar. Perhaps Lavoisier or Vesper could get in contact with Visc or something to that extent, what do you think of this Anar?

P.S. Telan, I have the greatest respect for you. You turned Jarek and me into proper RPers, because of you we've been able to make the gains we have for the Sov. Though recently you've been starting to worry me, you're not acting yourself. You put a lot of faith into honor and pride, don't ever degrade yourself by taking a passive role just because others don't act and think the way you do!

Telan Desaria
Dec 21st, 2004, 08:49:46 PM
The order on the whole, including npcs, is as follows.
This is militarily. OOC we insert Anar after/aside of T'chort.

Grand Admiral Desaria, Supreme Commander Imperial Navy
Field Marshal T'chort, Supreme Commander Imperial Army
Marshal Prem, Chief of the General Staff
Field Marshal von Laang, Supreme Commander Fighter Corps
Admiral of the Fleet Serena Laran, Supreme Commander Grand Raider Division

Way down the List

R. S. Esalis, Grand Inquisitor

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 21st, 2004, 08:54:15 PM
Haha, she's gonna raise her brows at that one :p

I'll contribute more constructively to this conversation tomorrow when I have more time to really formulate a response to things.

Serena Laran
Dec 22nd, 2004, 12:31:50 AM
However, I think that too many changes in too short of a time period might upset a lot of people. I don't want us to cause others to stop RPing just because of some radical change in which they've had no, or little say (of course there is an equal chance that I am wrong). The thing that concerns me most is that it seems like us "new bloods" (me, Jarek, Travis, and Tear) are just throwing what we've accomplished out the window. if this is directed at me, I assure you this was the farthest thing from my mind. I was asked to come and Rp here again, and I've been trying to make a go at it. I really can't help that my mind keep churning out senarios and possible Rp situations. I can stop my fingers from typing them out and posting them, so I am going to be exercising restraint.

It is not my intention to belittle anyone's previous work, or to try to whitewash over what's been going on here, not only in the Sovereignty but in the Federacy.

If I have stepped on anyones toes, I apologize,

Dec 22nd, 2004, 02:22:17 AM
*Jumps on Telerans back*

Like wise it would be nice since us the "Young bloods" as it were arent forgotten in the schemes of for lack of a better word old guys. When no one was interested in the Empire we were here with Telan and Jarek keeping the Empire alive and expanding in many ways it had died previously.

I know most of you vets started the empire and have been around longer then us weather you were actively roleplaying in the Empire at the time or not it is a slight kick to the nuts when you guys come back and steal some of the glory we were earning.

As for Telan i dont know what his opinion is in this thread since he deleted his posts but his opinion should way heavily on all of you vets who are trying to get this unification thing going. Because when everyone left Telan was still there keeping everything alive. Oh and Khendon was there too :P

Tiberius Anar
Dec 22nd, 2004, 05:29:17 AM
For those who are unaware of the conspiracy that Teleran mentioned a brief explanation is necessary. We have a long planned story arc in which a group of disaffect officers from the older generation- by which we mean men trained in the Palpatine and immediately post-palpatine eras- stage a coup d' etat. They wait for the SUPCOMS to be off world and then take the Chancellery- making it look like terrorists have killed the government. They declare martial law and take over control, intending to install an obscure descendant of Palpatine on the throne as their front man. We intend it to fail, how badly depends upon how well the loyalists rp.

I agree with Teleran that this could be made use of in the unification. How I am not sure? Any thoughts?

Darth Viscera
Dec 22nd, 2004, 06:12:34 AM
It's my opinion that a lengthy reunification would be anathematic to this story, which depends on a shocking blitz to work.

Khendon Sevon
Dec 22nd, 2004, 12:51:56 PM
I agree with the requirement for a shocking, sudden, lightning campaign that acts as a bat to the head of SWF.

Telan Desaria
Dec 22nd, 2004, 01:10:12 PM
Suprise is an excellent weapon in a strategic and tactical sense.

I agree that the process cannot go on. But Viscera had better send his messenger to the Empire (Sovereignty) WELL ahead of time.

Tiberius Anar
Dec 22nd, 2004, 02:12:29 PM
I agree that the actual actions that restore the Empire- the take over of Coruscant (if it happens) the smashing of any disenters in the Imperial ranks etc- whould happen very quickly. The preparations, however, can and, I feel, must take longer. Perhaps a few IC weeks.

These preparations would be the return of Viscera to the Galaxy, his scouting of the situation, the notification of the faction leaders and their response. The final week of the events would be the movement of troops and ships, and the hour before the action starts would be when the lesser commanders are notified of what is going to happen.

That way we have a firm IC basis for what we do, time in which the objections of any members of the factions ( of which I have no doubt there will be a few) can be dealt with and time in which the factions can disengage from their various commitments in order to serve the Diktat's orders.

A time frame of a few weeks (3-4) is, in Galatic terms, very small. Small enough to allow for surprise, but not so small as to prevent the things that have to be done from being done.

Serena Laran
Dec 22nd, 2004, 07:49:45 PM
I agree that this needs to be solid IC, so it's actually *happened.* One, or two base Rps (like viscera's return and the scouting of situation). so as not to annoy people, you don't have to read this: The imminent NR fleet excursion to Corellia could be told to Viscera from his loyal spies on Coruscant/in the Senate, and so the Sovereignty shipyards would be very well prepared to squash the fleet sent into the system. Maybe.

Aegis Du' Caat
Dec 27th, 2004, 03:09:21 PM
Heh... Sorry haven't posted here in a bit. As far as Sov Admirals, I know Du' Caat (me) my backstory is that I was Commodore or Line Captain or something in Telan's task force when Visc left and the Empire split, so Du' Caat and his Outer Rim Task Force would be more than willing to rally behind Visc. I think what you have to consider is that regardless of how new we Sov officers are OOC, most of our Backstories put us as loyal Imperial officers during the time of Visc.

As far as the Destruction of the NR fleet, I think a large fleet of perhaps Sov, Balmorran, and Fed vessels intercepting say half the NR fleet on its attempt to reclaim Coruscant would make a good way of basically crushing the NR eh just my 2 cents

Tiberius Anar
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:21:11 PM
I don't think we want to crush the NR. If we crush them then we wuill fail to achieve the objective set for this unification. To revitalise the boards by reigniting the Galactic Civil War. Lets see if we can get a plan of some sort formulated.

I suggest this as the framework within which we should work. These are major events; based upon what has been suggested so far.

Viscera returns to the Galaxy.
He contacts the leaders of the factions.
The factions agree to follow him.
The NR fleet goes to Corellia.
Coruscant falls into Imperial hands.
The NR fleet is driven off when they return to Coruscant.
The Empire is declared united, Viscera announces his presence and the Civil War is renewed.

Dec 28th, 2004, 03:27:15 PM
Wouldnt a two pronged offensive be more effective?

Possibly involving the campaign that generated this snowball? The largest NR fleet that is gathered will be heading toward Bestine not to mention thats where a good portion of the Sovereigntys offensive fleet is based at.

When the NR come to Bestine in their counter attack the other Imperials jump in from behind while the Sov fleet engages from obviously the front. There trapped. Doomed. We obliterate their biggest fleet in the sector. In addition their fleet heading toward Corellia also gets swatted by Sov forces and they limp back toward Coruscant.

But...after we're done at Bestine the 3 fleets represented by all three factions take a bee line straight for the NR capital. Theres no way they would ever comprehend a fleet that large comprised of three different Imperial factions, one of which they thought was dead and gone.

There you have it. Coruscant falls under us are is invaded and secured ala Bestine right now. (there could till be resistance and ground fighting) plus when the NR fleet comes limping back to dead silence of what they thought was the safety of their home they run into our fleet and we branch off from there.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 29th, 2004, 12:41:28 AM
^^ Someone give this man a cookie.

Telan Desaria
Dec 29th, 2004, 01:17:49 PM
Are we still bloody discussing this???

Khendon Sevon
Dec 29th, 2004, 02:57:19 PM
It hasn't gotten bloody... yet. Yet, mind you.

As of right now, what still requires discussion?

Teleran Balades
Dec 29th, 2004, 03:25:34 PM
Why are you with Intel and not High Command?

*gives him a cookie*

Seriously, though, I like this last idea. It's a good plan and will catch the NR off balance and their morale low.

Telan Desaria
Dec 29th, 2004, 05:35:03 PM
As far as I know the NR are going to attack Corellia, we are going to defend it while another of our fleets trounces their force at Bestine. A third combined fleet will take Coruscant when their Corellian force is licking its wounds.

I wonder why we are not officially planning things instead of these vagaries.

Tiberius Anar
Dec 31st, 2004, 01:04:35 PM
Becasue that is how we find a workable solution.

I like Tear's idea. It takes advantage of an existing RP. And it ties up a loose end on the Sov side that could have been a problem later on.

Might I suggest a small alteration- timing wise. If the Bestine counter attack and the Corellia investigation happen in very quick succession it would seriously deplete the reserves of the NR fleet and thus make the attack at Coruscant more plausible. (especially if elements of the Coruscant defence force were used in the Bestine counterattack).

Telan Desaria
Dec 31st, 2004, 01:41:48 PM

From a strategic standpoint - IC speaking - -the following would need to be done,

Th Bestine force would have to be contained - -trapped there via Interdictors/gravity well but not heavily engaged. This would draw out the time frame and allow the enemy assault to be launched on Corellia. When that force moves from its staging area as no communications are possible in hyperspace, we would then commit the bulk of a squadron to BEstine to crush the assault - -the force already outbound for Corellia would elminate any chance for reinforcements.

Meanwhile, after this force has been eradicated, the force at Corellia would be trounced leavin the NR spread too thin to defend Coruscant effectively. However - to keep alive the myth that the Nr is spread thin we will have to launch whether rped or mentioned a series of small spoiling attacks along the border that would fofrce them IC to keep units at the border to forestall any further attacks.

Sean Piett
Jan 3rd, 2005, 03:37:22 AM
Posting to declare my observance, as well as to add that Piett will infallibly follow Viscera's direction through whatever future events.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 3rd, 2005, 08:50:22 PM
here's my post from the group mod forum


Ok, correct me if you see any irregularities or if I’ve accidentally left something out, but this is what I see happening.

It can all start small, perhaps with Thareena’s desire to investigate what’s been happening in the Corellian system. Of course, add to that her wanting revenge for Chandrila, and that puts another spin on things. At first, she might have a majority of the senate on her side when it comes to the investigation, but soon word comes out that she also has her sights set on Chandrila and vengeance. This would be a field day for the tabloids, as they would embellish the story even further; maybe saying that Thareena was bound and determined to plunge the NR into a war with the Sith over the attack on Chandrila.

At the time all this is happening, Viscera can quietly slip back into the picture, though keeping himself somewhat hidden at the peripheral edges of the known galaxy. He would send word to Khendon of his return, and I’m sure he’d want to meet with the Federacy’s leader to once again rebuild his shattered empire. For now he would probably keep a low profile and send out loyalists to the key planets that were once the cornerstones of the Empire. These loyalists would begin to collect small pockets of Imperial sympathizers and start a small network of communications so that Viscera would be abreast of what was happening in the heart of the NR. I think that it would be these loyalists that start the first tinges of doubt concerning the Jedi, planting seeds of uncertainty into the general populace’s minds. It really shouldn’t be that hard to do, as people on the whole are a terribly excitable entity and prone to that whole lemming mentality.

And so that gives us the senate’s lovely new problem – people are calling for the Jedi to be registered, accounted for, and in some extreme cases sent to special institutions so they can’t be among the ‘normals’. Perhaps there will be a few senators who have long since harbored these same thoughts about the Jedi and force users on the whole, and they would immediately jump on this new public outcry, leading the movement to quell these force-users and remove them from society. Of course there would be those arguing against this, but that number would dwindle as more and more senators became either convinced by the outcry of their own people or they simply went along with the popular opinion.

All the while, as his subversives spread mistrust and fear of force-users throughout the NR, Viscera is rebuilding his fleet. I don’t know exactly the extent of the damage that was inflicted, but I think it’s safe to say that SOME rebuilding is going to have to happen. He makes contact with the higher-ups in the Sith Empire, procuring more materials possibly, and even maybe the help of TSO in the coming war he plans to wage to retake what the Empire lost. He enlists the help of smugglers through that universal grease called credits, and has them run guns and other supplies to his underground followers on the core worlds. As this is going on, he impresses on the factions’ honor, commanding them to reform under the unified Imperial banner (This of course brings up the discussion of honor that was previously talked of. Truthfully, honor is such an ambiguous entity that no one can really define their own version of honor as being righteous or correct above anyone else’s. After all, the Japanese kamikaze pilots killed themselves because they believed what they were doing was honorable. Much like religion, honor is a very large two-edged sword and open for much debate.).

Viscera’s operatives have done their job well, as the senate passes a bill/motion/whatever to have all force-users registered. Those that do not are considered derelicts to be registered forcefully and in some cases seen as enemies of the state. This of course sends the Jedi Council into a bit of confusion and arguing as they plead their case with the senate. The Council is split into two halves – those that wish to resolve this inner conflict peacefully and those that are adamant in refusing to register. Incidents could pop up all over the core worlds, reports of some force-users going into hiding, resisting arrest after refusing to register, and sometimes even breaking news of force-users retaliating with deadly force. This would help to paint an even darker portrait of the Jedi, and soon the status they once enjoyed would begin to horribly falter. There would of course be sympathizers to the Jedi, and hide force-users. Perhaps a sort of fledgling underground railroad would start, as those who know the Jedi as protectors of peace and justice help to shuttle force-users off anti-Jedi planets and on to safer locales.

After having finally decided to send the NR fleet to Corellia, the senate waits and watches – some fearing the worst and others already celebrating their imminent victory. The problem with force-users is forgotten momentarily as the NR readies itself for victory. And that’s when disaster strikes. Instead of the glorious triumph they had been expecting, the fleet is summarily trounced by not only the Sith, but the Sovereignty as well. It is a crushing blow, and a terrible loss.

And that’s when Viscera makes his move. His fleet, now ready for battle once again, has already set off for Coruscant. By now his own underground has cultivated the seeds of distrust among the general populaces, and the faith that was once placed in the Senate has waned considerably. Viscera arrives at Coruscant and makes easy work of the skeleton fleet left behind. He overruns the planet and retakes the Imperial Palace (assuming it wasn’t destroyed when the NR took over), ushering in a new era. Recruiting posts are opened all over the core worlds, and youngsters with glory and fame clouding their vision join up, swelling the Imperial military ranks to massive numbers. This seals the subsequent final defeat of the NR fleet, as when they return to Coruscant they are greeted by Viscera’s now bolstered fleet. What occurs next is nothing short of a massacre, and Viscera is victorious once again.

Following his recent triumph, Viscera promises that every force-user will be caught, tagged, and taken from public view to special institutions specially designed to deal with such deviants. And this begins the Second Jedi Purge. It’s at this time that the Jedi’s own underground Railroad goes into full swing, smuggling force-users off Imperial planets. However, this will not stop Viscera from retaining key Sith or Dark Jedi for his own purposes. He would most likely use them to further his gains, then once those were met I can imagine he would say, as Vader said in ESB, “I’m altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it further.”

The NR, weak and almost hacked to pieces, limps to the Unknown Regions to lick their wounds. Their numbers have been downsized horrendously, and continue to drop as Imperial task forces and patrols hunt down and root out the smaller, more spread out NR fleets that had been sent to other systems. The smugglers and other pirates who had once helped Viscera by running guns and supplies now find themselves on the bad end of the blaster as the Empire turns on them as well.


This is just a possible plan of action to initiate things. I wrote this up cause I wanted to get the ball rolling. If people have more to add to it then please, feel free to do so. What exactly goes on in the RPs I have no idea; it’s up to those involved; I simply want to get a base hammered out. As far as the extraneous things - take the Bothans for example - I think it would be fun if people who were interested registered Bothan accounts and wrote a new future for them. It would be up to the Rpers which way they wanted to take them.

Another thing that was brought to my attention which would help foster anti-Jedi sentiments is a situation involving Tondry. Brian outlined briefly what he thought would help things along. In his Live Fire story arc, Tondry disappeared for a while, not reporting in. During this time he questions people for information, and even ends up torturing a man. It is something that even though he will get in trouble for, he will feel obligated to tell of. This opens the door for Gav to bring back Hermes Spearman and capitalize on this, making frontpage headlines of the story. This will of course create an even wider split in the general populace as to side with Tondry means to side with the Jedi, and if the Jedi are exaggerated as torturers due to a single isolated incident, the rift would deepen.

I’m now on page three of writing this in Word, so I think I’ll stop for now. I have more I wish to write, but I’ll save that for later. I know this is a long post, but I hope it lays down some concrete groundwork to build from and use as a starting point to get everything off the ground RP wise.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 3rd, 2005, 08:57:57 PM

(couldnt resist)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:17:52 PM
Haha you jerkface :p

Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:42:11 PM
What about Bestine?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 4th, 2005, 02:15:10 PM
I knew I forgot something. Figures it'd be something mondo-big like Bestine >_< I'll edit that in and work it into things as smoothly as possible.

Tiberius Anar
Jan 5th, 2005, 03:01:11 PM
If you can do that this will be a good plan to use as our starting point. I have only one real objection. That is how you see the NR's demise, as it were.

You treat the NR as if it will fall to pieces as soon as Coruscant falls. This is not the case. The NR is not a centralised state in which the capital is the centre of government. It is a federal state- part United Nations part United States- made up of member "states" each with its own government. The senators, Chief of State, Cabinet Secretaries, Supreme Justices and everything else on Coruscant is merely the federal level of its government dealing with the common interests of the members. They are important, and their elimination- which will almost certainly follow the capture of Coruscant- will distabilise the NR but it will not destroy it.

When Coruscant falls we will be faced with hundreds of worlds still loyal to the NR, who will fight us. Yes there will be those worlds that decide that the best course is to join the Empire, but the vast majority are going to remain against us. They might not be that well co-ordinated- after all they will have lost the co-ordinating force of the Senate and the Chief of State- but they will work together. So be prepared for a long hard fight to re-conquer the Galaxy.


Just re-read this and decided it sounds arogant, sanctimonious, not to mention patronising. I apologise for that, s'Il. My point, however, remains.

Khendon Sevon
Jan 5th, 2005, 04:48:14 PM
The normal, guiding voice of the NR will be silenced. This cessation of communication and leadership will, inevitably, cause chaos and turmoil in the withering government.

My opinion is as follows:

With this there will be a shift from the centralized to the decentralized. Planets that only mildly supported the former government will turn inwards or towards local confederations.

The overall loyalty to the name of the New Republic will crumble. Key sympathizers and strongholds of the NR will, obviously, remain. Some will devoutly hold to the idea of being bastions of democracy and so forth. Others will hide their feelings, and still more will support the rebellion and scorn the others.

Basically, we will see factions form. The New Republic relies heavily on having one standard template to apply to all of its members. When Coruscant is taken and their government center is crushed, they won’t simply relocate, they’ll cease to exist as their current form.

That’s my opinion. For a government to run without its primary figures and holdings it would take a very loose government. Of course, by moving to any new location or changing any ideals, it would become a new government!

The NR will no longer exist.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 5th, 2005, 05:47:12 PM
No no, don't worry Anar. I know nothing about how government works to the extent that you do, so your input is most wanted, no matter how you think it sounds :)

Tiberius Anar
Jan 6th, 2005, 05:08:21 AM
Oh good. I was worried I might offend.

Khen's point about the NR becoming more loose in its workings is valid. But the NR will not be "destroyed". A change in government centre or ideology (unless it is to some form of dictatorship) will not lead to the end of the NR. There are mechanisms already in place- in the Constitution of the New Republic- to replace the Senate with realtive ease and from there to replace the Executive and Judiciary.

Khendon Sevon
Jan 6th, 2005, 09:09:56 PM
And who will be looking at these or attempting to use them when their planets are in flames? When an Empire unlike any other is threatening to destroy their very way of life?

The point is, there will be sufficient chaos that it is viable that a government system will flounder and the remaining ones will be weak. What it boils down to is that with the set and standard center gone, their circle will break apart. The outer layers are only as strong as the core lets them be, in this case. If that core is shattered, the outside shall fall.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 6th, 2005, 09:15:27 PM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
The outer layers are only as strong as the core lets them be, in this case. If that core is shattered, the outside shall fall.

Holy Lord. That's HAWT :love

Telan Desaria
Jan 7th, 2005, 12:28:20 AM

Silus Xilarian
Jan 7th, 2005, 07:00:01 AM
One of the biggest advantages the Empire will have in this as well, is that they wont see the Empire coming. They've tricked themselves into thinking that there is no chance for Viscera to return (this is collectively, im sure there are still a few individuals who dont mind living with the discomfort of knowing they arent safe). Also, the last thing the NR would expect from an attack would be us hitting Coruscant first. They remember the Empire of old, who relied heavily on winning the war of attrition, due to superior numbers.

The New Republic expects us to attack the planets just outside of our borders first, and move in slowly. Thats why they freaked out so badly when Balmorra took over the Bilbringi shipyards. It was set neatly between the Balmorran Empire and the New Republic border, and it made them feel scared, to the point that they wanted to send an attack fleet. If it hadnt been for the very most awesome Balmorran Ambassador Tarkenton, we (read: Balmorra) would have had hell to pay.

The long and short:

I suspect once they realize that Coruscant is ours, we're gonna be fighting a very confused and frightened New Republic.

Jarek T'chort
Jan 7th, 2005, 12:54:52 PM
I agree with the points of Khendon and Silus. A possibility is to trick them into believing the Empire is too busy to attack them. Mock fleets, fake transmissions indicating a furthering of the hositlities between the former Sov and Federacy, whilst in reality the Fleets are banding together to assault Coruscant. The pretense would be kept up right until Viscera emerges from hyperspace above the galactic capitol.

Telan Desaria
Jan 7th, 2005, 01:29:08 PM
The Deep Core would be ideal for this - after the Fragmentation, it became a hotbed of rebel (ie - Rogue Imperial) activity and it is so densely packed with stars any long range readings would be impossible. The assault force could stage therein and hit the NR from an area it though it had contained.

IC - Ill have Desaria at Corellia during this time helming the defense there.

Khendon Sevon
Jan 7th, 2005, 09:58:56 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
The Deep Core would be ideal for this - after the Fragmentation, it became a hotbed of rebel (ie - Rogue Imperial) activity and it is so densely packed with stars any long range readings would be impossible. The assault force could stage therein and hit the NR from an area it though it had contained.

Sooo... do what they did in the NJO books when the NR took Coruscant back from the Vong?

Telan Desaria
Jan 8th, 2005, 01:40:23 AM
I dont know - -I didnt read that far in that series.

Serena Laran
Jan 9th, 2005, 07:14:28 PM
The NR might be fractured when Coruscant falls, but it will probably take a few more planets (Chandrila, Mon Cal, other staunch NR planets) falling to the Empire to completely shatter it and turn it back into the Rebellion.

Once Coruscant is taken the Senators and other officials on the planet will either have to run for their lives, or be captured by the Imperials. This effectively leaves the NR with half of a government, and less than half of their fleet. The Chief of State we're prepared to sacrifice to the Imperials, I believe (right Anar?).

So ... the short of it is that I agree with most of what's been said on those points. The NR will be terribly weakened and 'frightened.'

Telan Desaria
Jan 9th, 2005, 07:17:40 PM
I think the Inquisitoriate can sneak through Imperial Lines after Coruscant is taken and go on a rampage of murder and plunder, eradicating and destroying every symbol of the Republic - -including its officials.

Jan 9th, 2005, 08:28:07 PM
Jedi included of course:smokin

Tiberius Anar
Jan 10th, 2005, 03:42:58 AM
I think we may have drifted from the point. Have we a plan?

Telan Desaria
Jan 10th, 2005, 12:09:42 PM
No, I dont believe we do.

Khendon Sevon
Jan 10th, 2005, 01:31:59 PM
We need Viscera to be a bit more active for anything to work. Viscera, where are you!? Stop playing WoW ;)

Darth Viscera
Jan 10th, 2005, 05:48:41 PM
Lurking and trying to fix my computer so that I CAN play WoW, which I can't :verymad

I'd give anything to be able to put hours and hours a day into that game again.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 10th, 2005, 06:55:30 PM
No, we have a plan. I just need to add something to it then it will be complete.

Tiberius Anar
Jan 11th, 2005, 03:08:18 AM
I take this is the edited (to include Bestine) version of what you laid out earlier?

Jarek T'chort
Jan 11th, 2005, 11:10:27 AM
As far as Jarek is concerned, I think his role in the taking of Coruscant should be thus --

Imperial ground troops land, secure key targets (shield generators/turbolaser cannons) and destroy pockets of resistance on the planet. T'chort's troops also take part in aiding the Inquistorate in silencing the Jedi and rounding up political prisoners, whose names would be given to them beforehand. On the spot excecutions and so on can be handled by the Storm Corps.

A final idea: I would like T'chort to capture Organa Solo and deliver her to Viscera. I think I could have some fun Rping with that.

Tiberius Anar
Jan 11th, 2005, 02:27:30 PM
LD and I are thinking of killing of Organa Solo in the attack itself. It will add to the confusion since it is necessary to know whether the CoS is dead or not before she can be replaced. If she dies during the attack the NR will not know- adding further to the chaos that is desirable from a narrative point of view. It will be especially good if her Deputy, Brosk Feylaya (sp), actually gets away because it will give some sort of leadership (adding to our challenge) but a divisive and unsteady one.

As for the executions- public executions would be the preferred propaganda tool. Bring in, read them the charge and sentence and carry it out.

"You, X, have been found guilty of Crimes against the State. The sentence is death. Sentence to be carried out immediately."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 11th, 2005, 09:06:50 PM
Yeah, that addition is Bestine.

And I better not be having dumb-dumb charges dumped on me cause everyone here knows I'm a delicate, flower petal of a lady.

Of course, Visc did threaten to come out of retirement just so he could torture and maim me, and I'm sure all the rest of you are dying for a chance to get back at me for being such a smartalec ^_^;

Darth Viscera
Jan 11th, 2005, 10:05:20 PM
Actually I promised to torture and kill you. You're gonna die, bitch.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 11th, 2005, 10:26:28 PM
You can't kill me :(

Serena Laran
Jan 17th, 2005, 07:55:49 PM
Borsk Fey'yla was killed about four RL years ago by some Sith operatives, one being Lady Vader. We'll have to invent a different political entity to take the role of second in command.

And I think that if we actually let her be captured it would be more devastating as she would then be publically executed on the holonews. >D

Of course, until the Empire let on that they had her, the NR wouldn't know what had become of their CoS.

Silus Xilarian
Jan 17th, 2005, 10:16:28 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
Actually I promised to torture and kill you. You're gonna die, bitch.

Let me carry out the order!!!!!!!!!

Tiberius Anar
Jan 18th, 2005, 02:59:28 AM
Ok. Hadn't realised that Borsk had died. Will deal with that. As for the Chief of State being captured and executed- yes more devastating but in the meantime her deputy would still be able to run the show. Article IV Section 9 of their Constitution allows for that. Not saying it would remove all the problems but still would let them function to an extent.

Whilst we are on this, I think we should be careful not to make the defeat of the NR too easy. We want an enemy to fight, they are the best target. If we take Coruscant and then start eroding NR holdings, driving them away from the core we'll have much more fun than simply saying "Oh look the Republic has collapsed. Hurrah!"

Jarek T'chort
Jan 18th, 2005, 11:14:53 AM
Originally posted by Serena Laran
Borsk Fey'yla was killed about four RL years ago by some Sith operatives, one being Lady Vader. We'll have to invent a different political entity to take the role of second in command.

And I think that if we actually let her be captured it would be more devastating as she would then be publically executed on the holonews. >D

Of course, until the Empire let on that they had her, the NR wouldn't know what had become of their CoS.

Yep. :)

Though I agree with Tiberius, there would hardly be an immediate victory with the sizeure of Coruscant. There would be a prolonged campaign to take back the rest of the galaxy. Not to mention the sizeable sector Fleets employed by the NR.

Serena Laran
Jan 18th, 2005, 01:04:54 PM
The capture of Coruscant would only be the beginning, agreed.

Telan Desaria
Jan 18th, 2005, 01:32:23 PM
Indeed. When you cut off the head of the beast, its death ahs become inevitable. That does not mean in the throes of its death it cannot paralyze he who has slain it.

When does this assault begin? We are contuing the Bestine stroyline and I am going slow intentionally with my Dash to the Wire thread but we need to get moving. This planning is wonderful but now that we have decided something is going to happen let us begin.

For example - I have no idea whatsoever what Desaria is going to do.

Serena Laran
Jan 18th, 2005, 06:17:59 PM
http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37641 the NR is getting underway with agreeing to poke into Corellia. After this thread is completed it's pretty much up to the Empire to get their ducks in a row so we can start the thread where the NR goes to Corellia.

Tiberius Anar
Mar 2nd, 2005, 03:26:56 AM
Righto. We have had a question from LD. Are we ready to assualt Coruscant when the time comes?

I would like to add my own question. Is there anything at all that needs clarification, tidying up or just repetition so that everyone is in the know?

Khendon Sevon
Mar 2nd, 2005, 12:46:35 PM
Wait... what's the Federacy doing in all of this, again?

Tiberius Anar
Mar 2nd, 2005, 12:52:58 PM
As I recall you are going to Visc's first port of call after he returns to the Galaxy proper. After scouting round he contacts you and begins preparations for bringing the rest of the factions to him. Based on the assumption that the Diktat is more likely to trust Sevon than any of the other leaders. Visc, correct me if I'm wrong.

Darth Viscera
Apr 5th, 2005, 07:01:27 PM
Telan, Khendon, I need a description of the inside of the places both of you call your headquarters. You guys have Imperial courts, right? I'll give you an example of what I mean by an Imperial court. See attached for an image of a royal court of Byzantium. Aides, probably consuls, slaves, more aides, random court people come to meet the roman emperor, probably a dancing twi'lek in there somewhere, etc.

I'm going to do an RP called The Message in which I send a dude to ask you guys to join with the Diktat. I need this info for the description of your bases.

Also I need the name of the planets which your bases are on.

Khendon Sevon
Apr 5th, 2005, 08:11:00 PM
quick sketch, more info to come

Darth Viscera
Apr 6th, 2005, 04:52:01 AM
that's a rather nice sketch

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Apr 6th, 2005, 06:50:12 AM
It's the stick figures in the back that do it for me :lol

Awesome job - makes me want to build a model of it in Max :D

Tiberius Anar
Apr 7th, 2005, 05:22:38 AM
Gotta say love that pic Khendon!

Who will you be sending your man to, Visc? Anar or Desaria?

Darth Viscera
Apr 7th, 2005, 07:57:04 AM
Visc doesn't know who Anar is. The same cannot be said for Telan. So, Telan.

Tiberius Anar
Apr 9th, 2005, 02:21:36 PM
Thought that would be the case. You will want to go to the Imperial High Command. I am afraid that I haven't got any details for you and Telan doesn't seem to be around.

Telan Desaria
Apr 9th, 2005, 06:37:35 PM
Telan is indeed around.

(((quiets applause)))

I still am having unexpected ISP issues.

WE will stage the thread after Desaria's return from his crusade to find and avenge his lost love, back in command and all well with the attack again. Desaria will be in Imperial High Command

Your representative will enter through the lobby, ityself a grand reception hall that is a mix of modern architecture with a glass facade and interior columns of marble laced with ivory and gold. There is a ring of desks with scantily clad yet professional females and security officers of the Imperial Guard. From there you will be escorted solely - -your adjutant in tow but no personal guards - into the Grand Admiral's office.

The office itself is a tall room, about fiften feet from floor to ceiling. It sits on the corner of the pyramidal strucutre with glass windows on either of two sides and an orante desk in the corner. Wooden chairs and cabinets abound with a collection of archaic weaponry displayed.

In attendance will be Marshal Prem, Chief of the General Staff, a short and stoudt but smart fellow with thinning grey hair, Field Marshal von Laang, a Faleen and head of the Fighter Corps - tall and blue-green skined. Also possible Field Marshal T'chort head of the Army, and Grand Inquisitor Esalis.

Darth Viscera
Apr 9th, 2005, 06:52:42 PM

Also I need the name of the planets which your bases are on.


Khendon Sevon
Apr 9th, 2005, 07:31:07 PM
Khendon conducts all business and meetings on Delteon or aboard any of the powerful star destroyers found in the Federacy’s fleet.

Physical description:

Any wishing an audience with Khendon are ushered to an adorned, extremely large oak door in the Imperial palace on Delteon. Images of epic battles between titans and man along with the clashes of starships are carved in the dark stained wood.

As the door silently swings open, the person is greeted with a corridor disappearing into darkness. The assistant leaves the side of the guest at this time. The door is sealed behind.

A step down the corridor darkens the door and makes it appear as if either end of the long hallway never ends. After a substantial downward walk, an ornate steel door comes into view. It is bathed in a silver hue that increases to a white light as the guest nears.

Once at the threshold of the second gateway, the mighty entrance opens and reveals the throne room of the Imperial Federacy.

The room itself is dark and strewn with symbols of the Empire and Federacy. Its vaulted ceiling smoothly flows into immense and intricately carved pillars of stone. These great structures are not only warm to the touch, but seem to have moving, stormy swirls of dark blues on their dark surfaces.

The polished floors pick up and mildly reflect the few glow panels in the room. As the guest walks in they immediately realize the enormous Federacy seal (reminiscent of the Empire’s) intricately formed by red light-strips flush with the floor.

To either side, caught in the haze of shadows, are flowing, mildly rippling banners from ceiling to floor with the Federacy crest and a single, full-length red line. The line has swirls of sharp black angles that are only noticeable at close proximity.

A raised platform has the Federacy’s throne. Around the back of the seat of power and coming to either side is a desk of dark, ancient oak. Guests are expected to approach the raised area but not step up to the Imperator’s level.

The room is a neural hotspot with sophisticated infiltration systems and plenty of bandwidth. On the wall behind the throne is located an enormous view screen… you can basically see the rest in the sketch.

Misc stuff:
Each pillar contains a field generator that can place a protective field in front of Khendon’s location. They are articulate enough to activate and deactivate specific layers based on where the Imperator stands (accomplished through neural tracking).

There are always two elite Stormguardsman lurking in the shadows. Each officer has a suit a full grade above the heavy combat SG armor. One always has a laser gatling. Each has a telescoping vibro-pike that can become a vibro-sword at will. (no other guards or persons present)

The entire room is isolated from the rest of the Imperial palace. It has its own shock absorption system, life support, shield gen, etc.

Darth Viscera
Apr 9th, 2005, 09:20:48 PM
The Message (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=38169)

Tiberius Anar
Apr 11th, 2005, 05:20:59 AM
I suggest that for security's sake the message would be for the eyes of Khendon and Telan only, on the basis that Viscera knows only them and none of their subordinates and advisers.

Darth Viscera
Apr 11th, 2005, 10:08:20 AM
I don't see how their court peeps listening in hurts anything

Darth Viscera
Apr 12th, 2005, 12:38:36 PM
bump for The Message

Telan Desaria
Apr 14th, 2005, 05:15:22 PM
It doesnot - -he is saying that it should be addressed EYES ONLY for the Grand Admiral and the Imperator because they are the only two men Viscera knows,.

BTW - - my net returned to me this afternoon. I am back.

Viscera - -please edit the message to me - - your last act beforfe leaving was promoting me Grand Admira,, I havent been an Admiral for 5 years,

Darth Viscera
Apr 14th, 2005, 09:34:55 PM
1st question: Diktat needs it read with witnesses present

2nd question: Visc speaks in the familiar, so he would leave out the whole title and just refer to you as Admiral, like someone might refer to a Brigadier General as simply General.

Darth Viscera
Apr 19th, 2005, 05:19:20 AM
The next thread (which I'm thinking up now) will be called "Conspiracy". I'm thinking the basic plot of the RP is this:

Visc waits for Khendon in the throne room of his command ship, in the tarkanis cluster. Though it seems that he's simply lost in thought, he's in touch with a Republic senator who is actually an Imperial spy. Tthis Senator Vrex (for lack of a better name) has a strong link with the Diktat through the force, and so there are times when Visc can experience everything that Vrex is experiencing. Right now, Visc is watching through Vrex's eyes as the Senate deliberates on the topic of Corellia, and discusses the viability of an exploratory mission to that system.

Then, a comm comes through from the Juggernaut's captain that they're prepared to activate the nav buoy. The nav buoy powers up, and Khendon's ship drops out of hyperspace nearby. Khendon comes aboard, Visc explains to him that the rebellion will soon send a battle fleet to Corellia, and when they do, the Empire will be there to surprise them.

Then, rinse and repeat when Visc heads to Thyferra to speak with Telan.

Tiberius Anar
Apr 20th, 2005, 01:09:33 PM
I drop my objection to the "court peeps", but I would think it better if it were not so many. That is just my thought.

Viscera is correct about the familiar form of address when it comes to calling Telan "Admiral"- it is considered demeaning to those of a lesser degree of flag rank to use the full title because it reminds them of their "lowly status."

Senate thing sounds intrigung. LD and I practically RP the Senate together so if you want us to help in anyway don't hesitate to ask. Not sure about the force link working when it comes to the Senate Chamber because of security around the room though- Jedi and Ysalmari, will check.

Darth Viscera
Apr 21st, 2005, 12:16:53 AM
the "The Message" RP is already done.

well the force link thing was my idea to tie into the notion of a spy in the senate, as well as the need for the empire to go to Corellia.

Tiberius Anar
Apr 21st, 2005, 12:27:31 PM
A good idea, too. All I want to do is make sure that it can work- we had a thread wrecked by force related issues last year and I don't want a repeat.

Darth Viscera
Apr 21st, 2005, 06:27:47 PM
But how else could we do it?

Tiberius Anar
Apr 22nd, 2005, 03:50:49 AM
Could you browse through the Senator's memory when he/she returns to their home?