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Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 11th, 2004, 04:00:20 AM
A few of you I’ve talked to about this, but most of you I haven’t. Out of the ones I have spoken with (I know Holly talked to Morg), the majority has been agreement and what seems to be growing excitement, so I’m now putting this proposal forward for the group mods to discuss. Please note that it’s going to take a little bit of time to accomplish, and everyone is gonna have to work together, but we’re good at that :)

Basically, this is my idea: We have the Empire return to power in the Fans galaxy.

This I think will introduce a vastly different light on things, making everything much more ICly dangerous. The Jedi could be hunted once more, and smugglers could rise in a blossoming underworld created by a tyrannical galaxy-wide government. The NR would of course need to be convincingly and drastically downsized; relegating them to the Rebels of old, and once more begin their hit and run attacks.

Now this of course, will not be able to happen overnight, and a little planning has to happen to make it adequately believable for the NR to be torn apart and put again into the position of being the smaller force.

In the past, the NR and the Empire have worked together admirably to pull off very successful RP’s (The Battle of Bestine being a prime example), so I have a lot of faith that this particular aspect will go very smoothly, and Lion, Reshmar, and Redic will be more than happy to put forth ideas as well as listen to those that others have.

Another thing that makes this easier to do is the fact that the guys who play the Imperials are a lot different than the ones of old. These guys are more interested in writing a story and making it interesting rather than sit and count ships. Jarek T’chort in particular and Tiberius Anar are very good writers and very open to ideas as well as contributing their own. They are more than happy to work together in order to make things go smoothly.

And as far as the smugglers, I think it’s a given that the fringe society would simply explode with activity – there would be blockades to run and drugs and Jedi to smuggle, not to mention bounty hunting would be brought back to life with the Empire issuing Death Marks and bounties on smugglers, pirates, Jedi, etcetera.

And the Jedi – well, they would be hunted down once more. Mitch has graciously offered Nehantish as a planet to hide, so the Jedi have two places to go; Yavin IV and Nehantish (as far as I know, at least).

I honestly think this will generate more boardwide participation, and it would simply be a fountain of thread fodder.

I was told me that the only ones who could do this charismatically have either been banned or simply left, but I feel that it's time to let the newer folks prove themselves and rise to the challenge; make their own "legacies", if you will. For the older members, I personally think it would be just the spark we need to get back to our grass roots and start doing the stuff we love. Begin new quests, new adventures, etc etc.

So that’s that. Let’s talk about this; bounce ideas off of one another and all that jazz :)

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 11th, 2004, 04:54:23 AM
You know I'm up for this idea and willing to contribute any of my characters in any way they're needed, whether it's to be part of the evil Empire or to be captured and fiendishly tortured by said Empire :D

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 11th, 2004, 10:03:51 AM
I, also, am up for it, and therefore so are my apprentices. *cracks whip!* >D

Figrin D'an
Dec 11th, 2004, 05:05:14 PM
In said new Imperial regime, am I to assume that the Sith will again have a strong influence, hence the "hunting down of the Jedi" aspect of this?

If it's planned well, then I'd be all for it. Shaking up the status quo around here would certainly be a good thing. I just don't want it to be a hack job of "Imperial regimes join forces, combine fleets and plow through the New Republic." There needs to be political and social intrigue that goes into it. We need a flash point incident that sets everything into motion, and have treason from within the NR government/military or something... like people on the inside working for the Empire, opening the doors for a takeover, defections, etc.

You know... I'm not sure how this would work, but if we could somehow have a dicotic split in the Jedi, this would become a hell of a lot more interesting, too. Not necesarily have a bunch of Jedi turn to the Dark Side, but have just enough of a difference in philosophy that the Order is fractured... maybe that could be part of the weakening of the Republic.

Just an idea, though.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 11th, 2004, 05:16:05 PM
Well the Republic would be weakened if Coruscant was taken. If the Jedi were subsequently rooted out of Yavin IV shortly afterwards, and bounties taken out on their heads (rewards for padawan scalps/braids and lightsabers?) then they would be in no position to assist the NR in a military fashion.

I suggest we knight Lion with moderator status for the NR forums so he can take part in this discussion, otherwise we have no NR input on this initial discussion.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 11th, 2004, 05:19:20 PM
A split in the Jedi also gets a thumbs up from me. Not sure how the divide would work, though. It would probably be too tricky to just go for a straight pacifist/militarist division.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 11th, 2004, 06:18:39 PM
I think Yavin would be a safehaven for a little while. There is a lot of junk that screws with sensors, and lots of places to hide. But I don't imagine that most people would stick around very long.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 11th, 2004, 06:31:08 PM
Concerning a split in the Jedi, that's a great idea. It would certainly help move things along. Perhaps the divide could begin with Holly's and Hesith's thread about Corellia? With Thareena's personal desire to attack the Sith outright (if I read it right), would that be enough of a starting catalyst?

And yes, we should give Lion mod status for the NR :)

As for the political side, Hesith/Anar is the one to go to for that. The kid is nuts about politics, and knows quite a bit on how to make things work politically. He's been helping me with trying to unify the Empire for a few months now, and even wrote up a timeline. It's a good one, and I think he'd be a necessary source for the political aspect of this.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 11th, 2004, 07:00:25 PM
Yavin could hide quite a few Jedi as long as the Imps don't slag the planet, and they stay away from the temples and in the jungle.

My idea concerning Corellia is this: It is inevitable that Thareena is going to try to lead the senate into sending the NR into the Corellian system to investigate the rumors of a rogue NR attack on Drall, and for retribution for the Sith attack on her homeworld of Chandrila. However, we all know that the Sith Order isn't just going to let the NR chase them out of Corellia, no matter how it's RPed (even though the Jedi have continually been willing to give up their planets. ahem, I digress).

Therefore I also propose that when the NR sends its fleet into the Corellian system, that the Imperial sovereignty responds with might, to protect the shupyards it has in the system. In the midst of this battle, Darth Viscera comes back from his years long battle/wandering like Ulysses coming home, and consolidates the Imperial little empires. With the combined forces, they squash the NR fleet out of Corellia, the remants of which limp back to Coruscant/Kuat/Chandrila etc.

Coruscant falls from within, possibly, as it is nearly impossible to take the planet by force. Viscera used to live on the planet, so he probably has friends there still who could help with this.

The Jedi are scattered, most go to Yavin IV until the Empire goes after them there (it isn't a secret they have a place there, after all). System by system, the NR falls, some planets simply go over to the bigger bully, others stay firm.

wheee! *runs around in circles*

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 12th, 2004, 04:32:15 AM
who is an imperial spy, who is loyal to the republic cause? hysteria and paranoia sweep the galaxy! :D

Gav Mortis
Dec 12th, 2004, 07:15:42 AM
I'm well and truly up for this idea. Having a Jedi, a Sith and a bounty hunter character, I think the change in the status quo would be advantageous to roleplaying and is bound to make things far more interesting.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 12th, 2004, 12:49:55 PM
Speaking of Sin Vamel, I am still waiting on him to reply to a few RPs. ^_^; The Sector Rangers would undergo some... revamping... should this change occur.

Dec 12th, 2004, 08:36:30 PM
I like this suggestion alot.

Another thing that makes this easier to do is the fact that the guys who play the Imperials are a lot different than the ones of old. These guys are more interested in writing a story and making it interesting rather than sit and count ships. Jarek T’chort in particular and Tiberius Anar are very good writers and very open to ideas as well as contributing their own. They are more than happy to work together in order to make things go smoothly.


In said new Imperial regime, am I to assume that the Sith will again have a strong influence, hence the "hunting down of the Jedi" aspect of this?

I think the Sith should not be a part of the Imperial rise, or at least, not share their power. I think, to make things interesting, and to avoid the old routine of Jedi being constantly attacked and challeneged by every darksider in every thread they enter in to(which used to happen in the old days), that Force Users as a whole are considered outcast and untrusted. Suddenly, it is not so vogue to be one with the force. Individual Sith maybe have certain friends in certain places. Same with Jedi maybe. But by and large, both sides should feel the repercussions of the Imperial rise.

dicotic split in the Jedi,

a whatsie?

I know im not around much, but wanted to comment on this and that I like the idea.

Figrin D'an
Dec 12th, 2004, 09:13:09 PM
Originally posted by DarthHERA
a whatsie?

should be "dichotic". I misspelled it. In other words, two opposed sides. Not Light Side/Dark Side, but maybe the difference between warrior and pascifist... those who want to take the fight right to the Empire vs. those who feel the Jedi should not be a branch of the NR military (ie. the "we're keepers of the peace, not soliders" philosophy).

And I agree that having all Force users regarded as outcasts in this new regime would be far more interesting than a Empire/Sith alignment.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 12th, 2004, 09:20:30 PM
I think this is a great idea personally. The way I kinda see things playing out would put alot of focus on the Senate. If things were to go mad there, it would basically be the head being cut from the republic. That, combined with a solid leader within the Empire, could really start things going.


Btw, I forgot to mention. Hera made a very good point.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 12th, 2004, 10:27:24 PM
Considering TSO's history of trying to get the Empire to jump into their hands, I wouldn't find that surprising in the least. And it would be awesome. The distrusting Force Users bit.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 12th, 2004, 10:59:52 PM
One thing I'd like to suggest is a lull in this progression where things are about 50-50 and both sides are skirmishing rather than a landslide victory by the Empire. In fact, the timing of events could provide just as many interesting opportunities as the end result of the fall itself.

I might bring Bismarck out of retirement for this.

Dec 12th, 2004, 11:12:43 PM
I'm in support of this. I'm sure I could think of a few problems for the Cizerack to throw into all of this as well.

Zasz Grimm
Dec 12th, 2004, 11:47:13 PM
I think it should be that Dark Jedi and Sith are hunted as well. After all, why spare some force users when all can be put down?

It's interesting. Like Hera said, all should feel the repercussions. that, and I think it would be very interesting if dark siders were forced to work with the NR / other jedi to survive.

Even the most powerful.

Dec 12th, 2004, 11:52:56 PM
For whatever reason, I'm thinking about the Sentinel saga in X-Men :cool

Zasz Grimm
Dec 12th, 2004, 11:56:01 PM
Originally posted by Charley
For whatever reason, I'm thinking about the Sentinel saga in X-Men :cool

Like when Magneto and everyone else showed up at the mansion and freaked the X-Men out and they were like...

"we r teh needing you xavier. unite!"

me too. ^_^

Pierce Tondry
Dec 13th, 2004, 12:20:28 AM
That's a great comparison. Gives me some ideas, actually.

I would advise against the building of giant extermination droids in the RP world, though.

Dec 13th, 2004, 05:48:05 AM
Nothing of the sort. I was thinking more of the popularization of the anti force user mindset throughout the galaxy, in the Republic, Empire, and Confederacy alike.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 13th, 2004, 07:37:35 AM
Personally, I want to see the return of the bigoted, xenophobic, and condescending Imperials that we saw in the movies.

But that's just me ^_^;

Gav Mortis
Dec 13th, 2004, 11:21:58 AM
Originally posted by Charley
Nothing of the sort. I was thinking more of the popularization of the anti force user mindset throughout the galaxy, in the Republic, Empire, and Confederacy alike.

Peter has been talking to me about his desire to return to roleplaying lately. *Cough*Taro Idol*Cough*

This could give rise to the interest we wanted for the Taro Idol character, politically speaking, we wanted him to rise to the top or as far as he can go and hold major sway over public and political opinion. This could fit perfect for him.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2004, 12:04:17 PM
I doubt having the Republic give into the anti-force user mindset would make sense after the Empire reasserts itself. After all, Jedi would be trying to help the Republic/rebellion.

However, as the New Republic is crumbling in Coruscant it would/could make sense for the Imperial sympathizers in the Senate to try to perpetuate an anti-Jedi sentiment and subsequently when Coruscant falls the Jedi are bounced off the planet for fear of their lives, etc. Those politicians and military people truly loyal to the New Republic would still be friendly to the Jedi, imo.

I love the idea of all Force users being persecuted by the Empire (as well as non-humans, women, etc) because then the Force users IN the Empire would be forced to 'keep their secrets' as it were. However, Viscera himself is a Force user. So, this sort of falls apart. (Also love the idea of Taro Idol coming back!)

Dec 13th, 2004, 12:46:19 PM
I think a Joe McCarthy subplot would explain perfectly well a shifting mindset in the Republic regarding the Jedi. When you consider that all it takes to turn a Jedi into a Dark Jedi is a bad day and a mood swing, it is a disturbing liability for some to accept.

The senate might want to question the Jedi, maybe even register their names and whereabouts...just in case ;) A kind of gradual distancing that may or may not result in full-scale alienation and persecution, depending on how badly the war against the Empire/Confederacy goes.

Darth Viscera
Dec 13th, 2004, 03:31:19 PM
Originally posted by DarthHERA
I think the Sith should not be a part of the Imperial rise, or at least, not share their power. I think, to make things interesting, and to avoid the old routine of Jedi being constantly attacked and challeneged by every darksider in every thread they enter in to(which used to happen in the old days), that Force Users as a whole are considered outcast and untrusted. Suddenly, it is not so vogue to be one with the force. Individual Sith maybe have certain friends in certain places. Same with Jedi maybe. But by and large, both sides should feel the repercussions of the Imperial rise.

Well, the Empire has always been very closely allied with the Sith. It would take something big to completely reverse that and turn the Sith into enemies of the Empire. What did you have in mind?

And the Empire only has a few active RPers. This would be rather more feasible if suddenly there were more (ok, many more) Imp characters out there to help out with all the invading and Jedi hunting and Sith betraying and torturing of S'Ilancy and whatnot.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 13th, 2004, 03:48:08 PM
This would be rather more feasible if suddenly there were more (ok, many more) Imp characters out there to help out with all the invading and Jedi hunting and Sith betraying and torturing of S'Ilancy and whatnot.

Maybe that could be solved with the Sith and Imps merging, a bit like the 'Sith' in KOTOR?

Darth Viscera
Dec 13th, 2004, 03:53:51 PM
somewhere out there, Rie's head just exploded.

Well then would we be merging with the Sith or hunting them down? Can't do both.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 13th, 2004, 04:27:52 PM
There are more than just a few Imperials RPing here.

Besides; I'm sure that there are those who would find it fun to play such an intolerant, nasty, meaniepants-to-the-core Imperial, and register as such :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2004, 04:41:08 PM
There are more Imperial RPers than there are NR.

Zasz Grimm
Dec 13th, 2004, 04:41:10 PM
I'd gladly play a stormtrooper / leader of a platoon of stormtroopers.

Back in TC, I was the person that did that. (sad, I know.)

But I still don't think that the sith (as a whole) should align with the empire.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 13th, 2004, 04:41:25 PM
If we can get Rie and the other TSO oldbies (LW if she's here still) to go along with this, I'll be all for it.

Eluna would work quite nicely in this turn of events.

Darth Viscera
Dec 13th, 2004, 04:48:03 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
There are more Imperial RPers than there are NR.

and we need more NR rpers too.

But I still don't think that the sith (as a whole) should align with the empire.

sith and empire have been buddy-buddy since OLK

Morgan Evanar
Dec 13th, 2004, 04:51:42 PM
I have a pair of NR characters, I just don't play them often.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 13th, 2004, 04:56:38 PM
I think changing the 'buddy-buddy' bit of the Sith/Imperial relationship is a good idea, if done well. I mean - having a *few* Sith with a good relationship with the Empire, doesn't mean that the Empire wants to deal with all the crazies who are Sith.

Sort of like how Darth Vader used the Bounty Hunters because he had to - even though his officers were against it. And the only SIth in the old Empire were DV and the Emperor - they didn't really want competition.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 13th, 2004, 05:04:26 PM
I doubt the Empire was really cozy with the Sith, since the first thing that usually happened after a mistake was a Sith strangling an Imperial to death. Its not that hard to believe that the Empire would be fine with persecuting light and darksiders equally.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 13th, 2004, 05:08:02 PM
Originally posted by Anbira Hicchoru
I doubt the Empire was really cozy with the Sith, since the first thing that usually happened after a mistake was a Sith strangling an Imperial to death. Its not that hard to believe that the Empire would be fine with persecuting light and darksiders equally. Makes a lot of sense to me.

Figrin D'an
Dec 13th, 2004, 05:18:17 PM
Keep in mind, too, that the relationship between the Empire and the Sith doesn't have to be one extreme or the other (ie. best buddies or hated enemies). There is almost always a double standard in this sort of thing, and this can be no exception. The Empire can formally declare all Force users as "undesirables" and publically persecute them, but that doesn't necessarily mean that, behind the scenes, the Imps wouldn't have a few friends in the ranks of the Sith, or have some of their own high-ranking officers being capable of using the Force. History is full of those types of hippcracies, and having the Imps play it out in this manner would make them even more believable as big nasty bad guys.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 13th, 2004, 05:19:59 PM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
Keep in mind, too, that the relationship between the Empire and the Sith doesn't have to be one extreme or the other (ie. best buddies or hated enemies). There is almost always a double standard in this sort of thing, and this can be no exception. The Empire can formally declare all Force users as "undesirables" and publically persecute them, but that doesn't necessarily mean that, behind the scenes, the Imps wouldn't have a few friends in the ranks of the Sith, or have some of their own high-ranking officers being capable of using the Force. History is full of those types of hippcracies, and having the Imps play it out in this manner would make them even more believable as big nasty bad guys.


Morgan Evanar
Dec 13th, 2004, 05:31:56 PM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
Keep in mind, too, that the relationship between the Empire and the Sith doesn't have to be one extreme or the other (ie. best buddies or hated enemies). There is almost always a double standard in this sort of thing, and this can be no exception. The Empire can formally declare all Force users as "undesirables" and publically persecute them, but that doesn't necessarily mean that, behind the scenes, the Imps wouldn't have a few friends in the ranks of the Sith, or have some of their own high-ranking officers being capable of using the Force. History is full of those types of hippcracies, and having the Imps play it out in this manner would make them even more believable as big nasty bad guys. So true. <3

Darth Viscera
Dec 13th, 2004, 05:50:36 PM
Originally posted by Figrin D'an
Keep in mind, too, that the relationship between the Empire and the Sith doesn't have to be one extreme or the other (ie. best buddies or hated enemies). There is almost always a double standard in this sort of thing, and this can be no exception. The Empire can formally declare all Force users as "undesirables" and publically persecute them, but that doesn't necessarily mean that, behind the scenes, the Imps wouldn't have a few friends in the ranks of the Sith, or have some of their own high-ranking officers being capable of using the Force. History is full of those types of hippcracies, and having the Imps play it out in this manner would make them even more believable as big nasty bad guys.

Yeah, but Visc has kept a close relationship between the Sith and the Empire.

The Empire can formally declare all Force users as "undesirables" and publically persecute them

What would compel Visc IC to do that?

Morgan Evanar
Dec 13th, 2004, 06:08:49 PM
Because it both eliminates competition and would make him loved by the masses.

Dec 13th, 2004, 07:29:14 PM
Why would Viscera want to have people potentially (likely) stronger than him in the force riding his coattails to the top with his starfleet, only to give him an et tu Brute when it's most convenient to them?

No Sith should be cozy with other Sith. If I were in a position where Vader could do away with TSO and LV, he'd do it in a heartbeat because he abhors what he cannot control completely.

If I'm married to the painted-up tart, then it should be painfully easy for you to plot the death of other Sith.

Darth Viscera
Dec 13th, 2004, 07:44:44 PM
Ah ok, so we're going all Goa'uld with the Sith now. I can hack that. I'll be Ba'al.

Telan Desaria
Dec 13th, 2004, 08:13:52 PM
I have rped an Imperial for the better part of the past five years. I have moulded my character into a devotee of honour and dignity. To this, I apologize to Silancy for being as such since it is wished we return to xenophobia and evil. In ruling the Empire, I have sought to create a good state not reminiscent of the very Empire in question.

It is good that this suggestion comes now when the Empire is assaulting the New Republic and, to be sure, being successful. It could be the beginning of a great crusade to reconquer the galaxy - - however many years that takes.

The Empire has a good number of rpers - - while they are not all people's primary characters, they are Imperial nevertheless and have significantly added to the quality of this group, this board, and their stories.

edited by the wishes of the audience

Morgan Evanar
Dec 13th, 2004, 10:39:19 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Lord Viscera was last seen in the Unknown regions fightin ghte Vong threat with an Imperial Republic task force. He has or will have no bearing on events. I'm glad you can write off someone else's efforts so casually.

Darth Viscera
Dec 13th, 2004, 10:56:54 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Lord Viscera was last seen in the Unknown regions fightin ghte Vong threat with an Imperial Republic task force.

What? No. The IC pretense galaxy-wide is that Visc's Imperial task force and the Republic task force are out fighting the Vong. No one has seen this happen at all. Visc could be catching some rays on a nice Corellian beach trying to avoid the Popparazi for all you know. That isn't what I've written that my character is doing, so it's not happening. Sorry, god moding forbidden.

He has or will have no bearing on events.

Now just who do you think you are to tell me what I can and can't participate in with my character? Visc will have whatever bearing on events I please. It's not in your power to prevent me from RPing my character, not by a long shot.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 14th, 2004, 12:21:41 AM
Telan - TGE was Viscera's to do with as he wanted. In the interests of the boards, he agreed to the split, to try to encourage more RPing. And now, he's willing to come back and reunite everything to encourage more RPing.

I think he's more than earned the right.

And, anyway, I thought you were going to Russia soon. Are you going to have steady access to the internet there?

Telan Desaria
Dec 14th, 2004, 06:23:37 AM
Before everyone decides to commence the lengthy process of derision let it be known that on over a dozen separate occassions thrioughout the last four years I have asked and begged Viscera to come back to rping but all I ever got was ignored, derided, and berated for my efforts. He blamed a lack of interest, a lack of ideas - anything - -to not come back. And now that it suits him he is wanting to return. It simply strikes me as hypocritical.

I write no ones efforts off at all. Do not put words in my mouth Morgan.

I will depart for Russia when I hear from General Verpraxin. I have yet to hear from his headquarters and until I do, I remain CinC of the Empire.

Darth Viscera
Dec 14th, 2004, 08:25:45 AM
last four years

two years.

He blamed a lack of interest, a lack of ideas - anything - -to not come back.

Actually I blamed a lack of participation, which if this goes through as planned won't be an issue.

And now that it suits him he is wanting to return.

So basically you're saying that now that I see that participation may be likely, I want to RP again. What's your point? That's what I've been saying from the beginning! I don't see this hypocrisy you're referring to. In fact, I've been going for more participation since late 2000, before you even joined swfans, and every time I've seen an opportunity to increase participation in the war between the Republic and the Empire at the cost of giving something up to try and level the playing field, I've taken it. I have acted on every single piece of constructive criticism that has come my way, even if it came from across the aisle. I've shown nothing but flexibility. And now you're throwing that back in my face and saying that I can't RP my character, and that you've already decided the fate of Darth Viscera.

Well, I guess it's a good thing that you have no say over what I do with my character then. I'll do as I please with Visc, and if you don't like it then I'm sure you can find a cliff that's easily accessible.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 14th, 2004, 11:29:02 AM
I thought your character was big into honor and stuff - so when/if Viscera returns triumphant from the Unknown Regions, I would think that Telan would be honorbound to serve him again.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 14th, 2004, 01:00:43 PM
Lord Viscera was last seen in the Unknown regions fightin ghte Vong threat with an Imperial Republic task force. He has or will have no bearing on events.

He has or will have no bearing on events.
...or will have no bearing on events.

You said it, not me.

Telan Desaria
Dec 14th, 2004, 01:43:07 PM
Administrators may delete all references to what I said I was I eliminated them. I did not intend for everyone to misconstrue what I was trying to say and so I have rescinded it.

As far as honour, since assuming Command, Desaria has learned of the xenophobia preached and practisred under the previous administration. Once an officer acts dishonourably you are removed from your oath of honour to obey him.

Viserca - you and I need to speak in private. Morgan - - your concerns are again misconstrued and not what I meant at all.

Lileana - I am not sure where your loyalties lie.

And it has been over four years - -I started with this group near the beginning of 2001.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 14th, 2004, 03:28:06 PM
If you are referring to my Imperial character, she is simply a character that I RP, and has no bearing on what I'm saying in this OOC thread.

If you are referring to my own personal loyalties, they are to God, family, and then friends. Again, these have little to no bearing on this conversation, because I am a RolePlaying Moderator here at Sw-Fans.Net and I try to be as impartial as possible.

Lady Vader
Dec 14th, 2004, 04:19:27 PM
Right. I'm just going to comment ona few things I read back at the beginning pertaining to this new idea brought forth by s'il...

Firstly, I'd like to apologize for all the quotes. There were just several things I wanted to comment on (I'm not on that much, so my posting is quite sparse... so catching up is a bit of a read):

Therefore I also propose that when the NR sends its fleet into the Corellian system, that the Imperial sovereignty responds with might, to protect the shupyards it has in the system. In the midst of this battle, Darth Viscera comes back from his years long battle/wandering like Ulysses coming home, and consolidates the Imperial little empires. With the combined forces, they squash the NR fleet out of Corellia, the remants of which limp back to Coruscant/Kuat/Chandrila etc.

I was going to comment on what s'Il had said concerning the attack on Corellia, but you took the idea right out of my head... even down to Viscera returning.

So, we're definitely on the same page in this regard.

I think the Sith should not be a part of the Imperial rise, or at least, not share their power. I think, to make things interesting, and to avoid the old routine of Jedi being constantly attacked and challeneged by every darksider in every thread they enter in to(which used to happen in the old days), that Force Users as a whole are considered outcast and untrusted. Suddenly, it is not so vogue to be one with the force. Individual Sith maybe have certain friends in certain places. Same with Jedi maybe. But by and large, both sides should feel the repercussions of the Imperial rise.

Unfortunately this becomes difficult as there are several Sith who are also Impetials (i.e. Viscera). So, I don't think this would work. Also, besides the fact the Imperials use TSO's shipyards to build their fleets. Sure, they don't have to trust the Sith much, but it wouldn't be in their best interest to cut ties completely.

somewhere out there, Rie's head just exploded.

Visc... it's scarey how well you know me. :p

If we can get Rie and the other TSO oldbies (LW if she's here still) to go along with this, I'll be all for it.

I'm ok with the Imps not liking all the Sith, but LV has never done anything to the Empire, or remnants left. I mean, she's allowed them to utilize TSO's shipyards, and has even accepted some of them into TSO's ranks.

As for LW, I brought up this idea to her and she wasn't all thrilled about it. However she didn't go into detail about what she was feeling about it, so I'll bug her again when I talk to her next.

Keep in mind, too, that the relationship between the Empire and the Sith doesn't have to be one extreme or the other (ie. best buddies or hated enemies). There is almost always a double standard in this sort of thing, and this can be no exception. The Empire can formally declare all Force users as "undesirables" and publically persecute them, but that doesn't necessarily mean that, behind the scenes, the Imps wouldn't have a few friends in the ranks of the Sith, or have some of their own high-ranking officers being capable of using the Force. History is full of those types of hippcracies, and having the Imps play it out in this manner would make them even more believable as big nasty bad guys.

This pretty much sums up what I was thinking about this... to a point. But it's close enough. :)

painted-up tart

Yay... I'm a tart. O_o :p

Ah ok, so we're going all Goa'uld with the Sith now. I can hack that. I'll be Ba'al.

Wha? Please explain further.

And in conclusion... Finally, my bounty hunter, gun runner, and spy can get some RP time!

Silus Xilarian
Dec 14th, 2004, 04:37:27 PM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
I'm glad you can write off someone else's efforts so casually.

Telan isnt the only one guilty of this.

Originally posted by Darth Viscera
Actually I blamed a lack of participation, which if this goes through as planned won't be an issue.

I don't think thats entirely an issue now, as far as the Empire goes. While Balmorra might be dead as a doornail, I can tell you that the Sovereignty boys have been plugging along doing their whole thing. They may not have 2, 4, or 5 years of RPing experience under their belts, but they're good RPers, and their efforts shouldn't be written off in any way shape or form.

Long story short, after breakup of the Empire, with no real direction, it was those guys who kept the Imperial side of roleplaying alive. They became the foundation, but when they went to build their house, they were told they couldnt. And that, to me, is hypocracy.

I personally feel that we can go back and forth from now until Christmas (of 2010) about who did what and why and how. But as to how things should be done, we should come up with the basics, such as, what groups we want to bring into play (besides the obvious Jedi/Sith NR/Empire) and discuss the finer details with the said groups.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 14th, 2004, 04:42:40 PM
I don't think anyone is trying to belittle what the Sovereignty has done/is doing - we're trying to allow the Empire to become the head of the galaxy again. I'm honestly not sure what you're referring to when you say "when they went to build their house they were told they couldn't."

And the idea was that if the group mods all agreed on this, that they would then take the idea to their respective groups, and talk to the general populace there. And after *all* that, if the majority of people are in agreement, we'd go forward with RPs.

Darth Viscera
Dec 14th, 2004, 04:47:29 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
And it has been over four years - -I started with this group near the beginning of 2001.

We're talking about how long it's been since I've been actively RPing, not how long since you joined Swfans. Re-read your post.

Wha? Please explain further.

The Goa'uld are the villains on the popular TV show Stargate SG-1. They're a feudal bunch of dudes, each of whom is always trying to control more territory than the other, and frequently engage in backstabbery. Sounds like we're focusing on super duper intensifying Sith rivalries, something that reminded me of the Goa'uld.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 14th, 2004, 04:48:35 PM
Originally posted by Charley
I think a Joe McCarthy subplot would explain perfectly well a shifting mindset in the Republic regarding the Jedi. When you consider that all it takes to turn a Jedi into a Dark Jedi is a bad day and a mood swing, it is a disturbing liability for some to accept.

The senate might want to question the Jedi, maybe even register their names and whereabouts...just in case ;) A kind of gradual distancing that may or may not result in full-scale alienation and persecution, depending on how badly the war against the Empire/Confederacy goes.

Actually, I had an idea for a thread that plays into this approach insanely well. I will scribble out a few notes on it tomorrow and then let you guys all know what my idea was so you can see if you'd like to tie it in.

As for Balmorra, theoretically I can use Bismarck as a liason to that power to coordinate between what will become the new Empire and draw it into the fold. I would only do this if necessary, because it's always been Taylor's gig and I'd rather he make final calls on its fate.

As for the rest of the idea, I'd be happy to help in a direct consulting role for devising plans and plots to bring things together as we want it to be.

Lady Vader
Dec 14th, 2004, 04:57:57 PM
The Goa'uld are the villains on the popular TV show Stargate SG-1. They're a feudal bunch of dudes, each of whom is always trying to control more territory than the other, and frequently engage in backstabbery. Sounds like we're focusing on super duper intensifying Sith rivalries, something that reminded me of the Goa'uld.

Ah, gottcha.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 14th, 2004, 04:58:30 PM
I think that the "new" Galactic Empire could keep the Federacy/Sovereignty/Balmorran/Remnant/'Viscera's fleet he took to the Unknown Regions' as semi-separate entities anyway - the same RPers would still control their factions but report to one higher power on Coruscant. And hostilities between Imp factions would be ceased.

Does that make sense?

edit: and Viscera and I already went over how he could take over Coruscant and convince the factions to merge ;)

Lady Vader
Dec 14th, 2004, 05:15:43 PM
edit: and Viscera and I already went over how he could take over Coruscant and convince the factions to merge ;)


Darth Viscera
Dec 14th, 2004, 05:18:37 PM
i sneak in the back door while the NR is out of town then change the locks

Silus Xilarian
Dec 14th, 2004, 05:21:03 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville I'm honestly not sure what you're referring to when you say "when they went to build their house they were told they couldn't."

When the Soveriegnty wanted to name Tiberius Anar as their Emperor, and instead of working things out with them, Visc told them that it would interfere with his plans, and that the establishment of an Emperor was forbidden because he hadnt ruled out the possibility of his character returning to SWFans rping, and that it would go against his plans, which apparantly werent even a sure deal. And instead of working on way so that they could continue their plans in a way that would be agreeable with both sides, the Soveriegnty guys were pushed around and more or less bullied into trashing their idea and going with something else.

That is what I'm refering to.

quick edit:
Also, before I have to run, I was wondering if it would be cool for me and S'Ilancy to mention this idea in a private forum on the Imperial boards, so they I can get their opinions on this.

Darth Viscera
Dec 14th, 2004, 05:32:52 PM
Of course, that's just one way of spinning it to make me look like a bastard.

Actually, after working with you guys and deciding that I didn't want to be seen as a bully who's preventing you from having some degree of fun, I agreed to go along with the RP. I mentioned to Matt that I would contest it IC, and all of a sudden the whole thing came to a stop. Matt wanted to go on with his Emperor/Empire thing, but WITHOUT anyone contesting it IC or OOC.

In the end, you guys went ahead and did it anyway, but in such a manner that precluded me from getting involved IC, which I thoroughly resented. If there's a bully here, it's Matt. If it weren't for Matt's intransigence, that would have been a nice RP, you and I likely would have formed a good working relationship, and you would have discovered that I'm not the bully you think I am.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 14th, 2004, 05:46:01 PM
Im not trying to make you look like a bastard. That's calling it how I saw it.

If Telan reniged on a deal you two had, im sorry, thats between you and him. It's not fair for the Sovereignty crew to get caught in the middle. In my opinion at least.

Zasz Grimm
Dec 14th, 2004, 06:05:16 PM
lol forum drama.

Idea, get over it, lets move on to constructive things.

Originally posted by Lady Vader
Right. I'm just going to comment ona few things I read back at the beginning pertaining to this new idea brought forth by s'il...

Firstly, I'd like to apologize for all the quotes. There were just several things I wanted to comment on (I'm not on that much, so my posting is quite sparse... so catching up is a bit of a read):

I was going to comment on what s'Il had said concerning the attack on Corellia, but you took the idea right out of my head... even down to Viscera returning.

So, we're definitely on the same page in this regard.

Unfortunately this becomes difficult as there are several Sith who are also Impetials (i.e. Viscera). So, I don't think this would work. Also, besides the fact the Imperials use TSO's shipyards to build their fleets. Sure, they don't have to trust the Sith much, but it wouldn't be in their best interest to cut ties completely.

I'm ok with the Imps not liking all the Sith, but LV has never done anything to the Empire, or remnants left. I mean, she's allowed them to utilize TSO's shipyards, and has even accepted some of them into TSO's ranks.

As for LW, I brought up this idea to her and she wasn't all thrilled about it. However she didn't go into detail about what she was feeling about it, so I'll bug her again when I talk to her next.

Two words: Hostile Takeover.

Just because one side is buddy buddy, doesn't mean the imps have to be just as nice. The goal seems to be power. As people said, sure, a few friends is nice.

But why allow a whole group sanctuary? Redundant. Take them out as a whole, leave a couple leaders.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 14th, 2004, 06:12:16 PM
Silus: This was originally s'Il's idea so if you and she want to hash it out in the Imp forum, that's fine. However, I think for the sake of making sure rumors don't start flying about the Imps plotting to take over the universe, all of the groups should also start discussing this in their forums as well.

Hashing out a practical way to make this happen would be nice.
It's not fair for the Sovereignty crew to get caught in the middle. In my opinion at least.And, again, don't see how anyone is trying to say the Sovereignty Rpers are bad or should be punished.

edit: Rie - ever heard of the words "IC Betrayal"? Just because the Empire turns on TSO doesn't mean they don't like you OOC. Using someone's resources and then dissing them is a great way to create conflict/RPs.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 14th, 2004, 07:20:01 PM
The two previous posts are sexy.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 14th, 2004, 08:02:57 PM
Aside from the points already mentioned, I'd just like to add one thing.

When it comes down to bottom lines, power is decided by how many moderates you can swing your way. Taking an 'anti-Force' stance will appeal to a larger group of people than supporting a particular group of Jedi, and that's why this theme is believable. No matter how strong an individual Jedi or Jedi group is, they cannot stand in defiance of an entire galaxy's will. Cutting ties with a few groups of Sith here and there while simultaneously gaining the support of entire planets is going to be preferable to the system of alliances already in place from a power-grab standpoint.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 14th, 2004, 09:24:43 PM
Also, there was an idea that I had discussed with a few others about possible leadership of the Empire.

What seems to be a good idea to me, would be to create an Emperor character, and share it between the whole of the staff. That way, their wont be any room for one or a few people putting their own concerns above the rest of the rping community, and it would give each group an equal say in matters that will affect the entire board.

Telan Desaria
Dec 14th, 2004, 09:36:22 PM
I in no way reenegged or whatever the word is on any deal - -I was told I could not pronounce an emperor and so the rp stopped. Simply put.

I yield all further comments to Tiberius Anar who will speak on the Empire's behalf in this matter. All I tried to do was keep what we have alive and for that I am berated. Pardon my good intentions.

I spoke to Viscera briefly tonight a few moments ago asking him that whatever hatred he has developed towards me (see Meras thread) that it not interfere with our IC dealings. Reuniting the Empire is a goal I have worked for to a great extent and now I vow my loyalty to its cause.

Let all discussion of the past cease and that of the future commence.

Dec 15th, 2004, 11:40:33 AM
edit: Rie - ever heard of the words "IC Betrayal"? Just because the Empire turns on TSO doesn't mean they don't like you OOC. Using someone's resources and then dissing them is a great way to create conflict/RPs.

I'm a little confused... I have no idea where you got the whole OOC thing from. I was refering to IC and the characters only. Maybe you misread or I wasn't clear? Perhaps you can help me understand how I came across as sounding though I were speaking about OOC? I just want to be able to correct that impression... :)

Anyways, yes, it would create great conflicts and RPs (great as in great stress... at least for me). If that's the direction ppl want to go, so be it. I can't stop them. But it'll most likely be up to most of the other TSOers to take care of the particulars as I think I'm gonna be cutting my RPing even more than I have done so now.

I guess I feel this idea, while I loved it in the beginning, is starting to get too complicated. :\

I just want the fun-loving simplicity that was 5 years ago... I can dream, can't I? :p

Quit edit: I just want to emphasize that I DO like s'Il's original idea. I just don't like the additions that are complicating it and will result in unneccessary drama.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 15th, 2004, 07:42:19 PM
well, if we do reunite the Empire, it would really be up to them how they choose to RP with TSO. Or any darksiders. I'm not going to say "Well, no one can go into Onderon and take it away from LD's control," because that's taking the surprise out of RPing.

Of course, LD's presence on Onderon is pretty much an IC secret to the people who would care that she's there.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:03:54 AM
Originally posted by Lady Vader
As for LW, I brought up this idea to her and she wasn't all thrilled about it. However she didn't go into detail about what she was feeling about it, so I'll bug her again when I talk to her next.

As much as I like LW, I'm only interested in her feedback on this if she's going to RP here anytime in the near future. Remember, it's cake or death here ;)

Darth Viscera
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:13:04 AM
Originally posted by Silus Xilarian
Also, there was an idea that I had discussed with a few others about possible leadership of the Empire.

What seems to be a good idea to me, would be to create an Emperor character, and share it between the whole of the staff. That way, their wont be any room for one or a few people putting their own concerns above the rest of the rping community, and it would give each group an equal say in matters that will affect the entire board.

But that WOULD in effect create a situation where one or a few peope put their own concerns above the rest of the rping community. It would in one fell swoop effectively lock me out both IC and OOC. Visc only exists to try and restore Emperor Palpatine, in a last command-esque fashion. With the Emperor Palpatine restored, Visc' usefulness would come to an end and he'd be destroyed.

Really, I think everyone else acknowledges that I've made enough sacrifices for the board, I don't see why I should have to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:14:20 AM
I now must speak.

It is the position now and will be currently when this line of rps commences that the Sith Empire is the ally of the Empire and we rely on them to delay the Jedi, our other mortal enemies.

I can say that ICly, the Sith especially the Lords and Masters in the upper echelons, can count on Grand Admiral Desaria, as honourific as he is, to defend their alliance and the Sith themselves. He himself is weary of force users, having had run ins with them in the past, but he gives credit were credit is due.

The entire Fleet owes Corellia and the Sith and he would see that they are protected as long as possible.

Anbira Hicchoru
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:22:16 AM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
I now must speak.

It is the position now and will be currently when this line of rps commences that the Sith Empire is the ally of the Empire and we rely on them to delay the Jedi, our other mortal enemies.

I can say that ICly, the Sith especially the Lords and Masters in the upper echelons, can count on Grand Admiral Desaria, as honourific as he is, to defend their alliance and the Sith themselves. He himself is weary of force users, having had run ins with them in the past, but he gives credit were credit is due.

The entire Fleet owes Corellia and the Sith and he would see that they are protected as long as possible.

So you're okay with allying yourself with religious fanatics who will kill the hell out you for really no reason, but siding with Viscera is some kind of breach of honor? You don't see the huge gaping canyon in missing logic here?

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:26:10 AM
The thing with one account that many people have access to is that the same thing can basically be taken care of with OOC threads, and with less "OMG I CAN"T BELIEVE you took that account and used it to do THAT?!" and then people posting up contradicting things with the same account....

People sharing accounts leads to headaches. I've done it, and I wouldn't do it again. When you add into that the fact that this "emperor" character would be the single most powerful character on the boards, you're just asking for a whole lot of trouble.

All we need is for the lines of OOC communication to be open, and I think the NR and the Sovereignty have proven that they are very good at talking things out OOC.

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 01:14:55 AM
The Sith are fanatics yes, but A they suit our purposes and B have not been ruthless to ourselves or any uniformed enemy combatant who is to be given full quarter under the Imperial Articles of War they agreed to abide by. They must be turned over to us for proper care and treatment.

I have not rped with the Sith where they have been blatantly and unwarrantedly violent and those I have read I would have no IC knolwedge of.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2004, 01:32:57 AM
;) just had an attack on Chandrila where hundreds of innocents were murdered by a Knight of the Sith Order, for no reason and with no provocation. It'll be on all the holochannels by now.

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 02:06:22 AM
Really??? I did not know that. We have doubtless then senat a harshly worded letter of reprimand.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:24:21 PM
Clearly someone should sabotage Imp/TSO reltations. :shifty

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:35:35 PM
reltations?! :lol

Dec 16th, 2004, 02:09:47 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
;) just had an attack on Chandrila where hundreds of innocents were murdered by a Knight of the Sith Order, for no reason and with no provocation. It'll be on all the holochannels by now.

Ok, I'm lost. Link?

EDIT: Ah, nm. Found the info I was searching for.

As I recall, Rivin acted on his own accord without the Order's knowledge or blessing. Therefore it was a rogue act. If the Empire asked it of us, we'd remove Rivin from our ranks if his acts were not forgiven by the Empire.

Personally, I have no intention of hurting the relations TSO has with the remnants of the Empire.

Darth Vader
Dec 16th, 2004, 02:17:22 PM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
Ok, I'm lost. Link?

EDIT: Ah, nm. Found the info I was searching for.

As I recall, Rivin acted on his own accord without the Order's knowledge or blessing. Therefore it was a rogue act. If the Empire asked it of us, we'd remove Rivin from our ranks if his acts were not forgiven by the Empire.

Personally, I have no intention of hurting the relations TSO has with the remnants of the Empire.

Does the S in TSO stand for Sith? Maybe I forgot. It's been so long since we've really fit into the truly evil niche, that I don't think anyone in the group remembers how it's done.

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 02:22:57 PM
Yes - -but this is a kinder, gentler Sith. The SITH OF TOMORROW


Figrin D'an
Dec 16th, 2004, 02:37:40 PM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
As I recall, Rivin acted on his own accord without the Order's knowledge or blessing. Therefore it was a rogue act. If the Empire asked it of us, we'd remove Rivin from our ranks if his acts were not forgiven by the Empire.

Personally, I have no intention of hurting the relations TSO has with the remnants of the Empire.

I'm not sure it's really my place to criticize, but this sounds way too Jedi-like for a group that is supposed be the most malicious and evil of the Dark Side Force users. Sith can't be too willing to compromise. Some of it ties into being patient and cunning, but too much of it is a major weakness, IMO.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 16th, 2004, 03:20:47 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
The thing with one account that many people have access to is that the same thing can basically be taken care of with OOC threads, and with less "OMG I CAN"T BELIEVE you took that account and used it to do THAT?!" and then people posting up contradicting things with the same account....

People sharing accounts leads to headaches. I've done it, and I wouldn't do it again. When you add into that the fact that this "emperor" character would be the single most powerful character on the boards, you're just asking for a whole lot of trouble.

All we need is for the lines of OOC communication to be open, and I think the NR and the Sovereignty have proven that they are very good at talking things out OOC.

If the staff shared the account, it would mean that the staff would make decisions on the character's actions. It wouldnt be "oh hey, I think i'll go blow up a planet cause I can" type deal. If someone on the staff used the account selfishly, then they shouldnt be on the staff. I see at as being used for decisions like the one we're making now. When we decide something as a group, the Emperor makes it happen.

IMO, one rper having the most powerful character in the galaxy can lead to more head aches than an entire staff, who make already make decisions that effect the entire galaxy, to share it.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 16th, 2004, 03:51:41 PM
Originally posted by Darth Vader
Does the S in TSO stand for Sith? Maybe I forgot. It's been so long since we've really fit into the truly evil niche, that I don't think anyone in the group remembers how it's done. The S used to stand for Sorsha.

Dec 16th, 2004, 03:54:55 PM
*sigh* Ok, you know what? I don't care anymore. The Sith can bloody do whatever they feel like doing.

If you want to be out-of-control-maniac-Sith, then fine. Personally, I don't see that going anywhere or bareing any fruits.

What I was going for was stealth and slyness... behind the scenes, backstabbing, etc.

But like I said, if the consensus at TSO is to be all maniacish, then fine. I don't have time top RP that. So I leave it to them.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 16th, 2004, 04:59:16 PM
I don't think it's fair that TSO gets to float free while the rest of the groups are perfectly willing to have their worlds turned upside-down. While GJO is probably going to be hardest hit, I can't imagine that things would go well for KA or the Sisters.

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 05:01:08 PM
every salvo we are not able to intercept will decimate Corellia. They wont be off without loss. Perrhaps a million will die before the battle is done.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 16th, 2004, 05:02:29 PM
Stop thinking IC for five minutes and focus on the real point, ok?

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 16th, 2004, 05:09:37 PM
Just for the record, I'm against creating a new character/account for the purpose of having the staff play an Emperor.

Also, don't think that the Sith need to be totally out of control to be evil, but it would be unfair for TSO to be unaffected when everyone else is getting a kick in the pants.

Dec 16th, 2004, 05:35:55 PM
So what did you have in mind then for it to be fair?

I don't mind having Corellia attacked. The way some threads are going, it seems ppl are planning this anyways (I only hope they let us, or at least the other members as I don't know what my participation will be, know so that the particulars can be planned out accordingly).

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:03:23 PM
I thought that was the question - from an IC standpoint. Sorry.

Dec 16th, 2004, 06:09:06 PM
I think the point Morg was trying to make was about the whole fairness deal. It just wasn't made very clear, so there's no need for you to apologize, Telan. :)

Gav Mortis
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:23:03 PM
Originally posted by Silus Xilarian
IMO, one rper having the most powerful character in the galaxy can lead to more head aches than an entire staff, who make already make decisions that effect the entire galaxy, to share it.

I am in agreement. Either that or the Emperor is an NPC.

Darth Viscera
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:23:53 PM
Originally posted by Silus Xilarian
If the staff shared the account, it would mean that the staff would make decisions on the character's actions. It wouldnt be "oh hey, I think i'll go blow up a planet cause I can" type deal. If someone on the staff used the account selfishly, then they shouldnt be on the staff. I see at as being used for decisions like the one we're making now. When we decide something as a group, the Emperor makes it happen.

IMO, one rper having the most powerful character in the galaxy can lead to more head aches than an entire staff, who make already make decisions that effect the entire galaxy, to share it.

The thing is though, I'm not unreasonable and I'm very flexible. The situation you're describing hasn't even been an issue for I'd say 3 years. And have you ever known there to be an issue regarding Visc that in the end resulted in me not compromising and giving up something big to keep the other guy happy so we could RP? I just don't see how you could attribute the word selfish to me.

I've consistently proven on numerous occasions that I'm as capable as any RPer of putting aside what's best for my character or faction and acting in the best interests of the board. Even the example you cited before as proof of my selfish intransigence is one in which I ended up acquiescing! I just don't see the problem that you have with me.

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:24:01 PM
I agree - - - I think the Emperor should be npced and his actions loosely interpreted by us as how they pertain to us.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:34:43 PM
Viscera is a member of the RPing staff - as an 'emperor' figure, not an actual emperor, he would be not only responsible to the board as a whole, but to the staff especially since he is a member of the staff.

There has not been a problem as of late with people talking things out. And for the Emperor to be NPCed, people will still have to interpet and decide upon what he'd do and say, so I really don't see the point.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:36:40 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
every salvo we are not able to intercept will decimate Corellia. They wont be off without loss. Perrhaps a million will die before the battle is done.
And I have to add - I highly doubt that the NR would be targeting the planet itself, except maybe for strategic purposes. however, the lack of intelligence on the planet woud lead to there being no targets, and as such... well anyway. A subject for another thread and another time.

Lady Vader
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:47:21 PM
We could always ask Itala to come back and play the Emperor...

Ok, sorry. Bad joke. ^_^;

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2004, 06:50:09 PM

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 07:22:09 PM
LOL Indeed

I did not mean targetting the planet - I meant collateral damage. When shots are fired and the enemy is behind you, you wil not care what is beyond your target, only hitting your target. Shots that miss will hit Corellia.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2004, 09:13:15 PM
As an aside - I've started discussion on the KA board about this prospect. So far the few replies I've gotten have been neutral or positive towards it.

Telan Desaria
Dec 16th, 2004, 09:29:04 PM
We are also discussing it in the Empire - so far, we all support unification. But we are divided on how. As for my men, we are agreed that whatever political leader assumes power will have no military authority so that the mistakes of Endor/Alderaan (hitler) will not be repeated.

Darth Viscera
Dec 16th, 2004, 09:46:26 PM
Well that's a silly thing to agree on. The nature of evil is that it is not infallible. Evil dudes act evil...fully and in the end it bites them in the ass and they end up losing spectactularly only to bounce back.

The empire IS akin to Hitler! This whole notion of a kinder, gentler evil empire is utter nonsense.

Darth Vader
Dec 16th, 2004, 10:02:36 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
The empire IS akin to Hitler! This whole notion of a kinder, gentler evil empire is utter nonsense.

So agreed. This candy-striping diet evil empire shenanigan pie is silly.

Be evil, Telan. Seriously try it. Kick a cat. Don't recycle. Kiss girls. Vote Republican. Listen to John Mayer. It's okay, nobody will tell.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 16th, 2004, 10:40:42 PM
If one wants to RP politically correct, join the NR.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 17th, 2004, 01:07:00 AM
agreed on the last three posts.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 17th, 2004, 01:49:38 AM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
The thing is though, I'm not unreasonable and I'm very flexible. The situation you're describing hasn't even been an issue for I'd say 3 years. And have you ever known there to be an issue regarding Visc that in the end resulted in me not compromising and giving up something big to keep the other guy happy so we could RP? I just don't see how you could attribute the word selfish to me.

I've consistently proven on numerous occasions that I'm as capable as any RPer of putting aside what's best for my character or faction and acting in the best interests of the board. Even the example you cited before as proof of my selfish intransigence is one in which I ended up acquiescing! I just don't see the problem that you have with me.

Also, i dont have a problem with you. I dont think it would be a good thing for any one person to have the most powerful character on the boards. I dont think it would be a good thing if *I* had the most powerful character on the boards, and I trust myself a whole lot.

Visc, I am sorry that it seems like im just trying to give you a bad rep. It wasnt my intention to simply dreg you through the mud. Im only trying to demostrate that any single one of us are capable of acting too rashly at times, and that acting rashly with power to effect the entire RP universe can cause major headaches.

We have a good idea here, I just wanna make sure all concerns are out and dealt with to avoid any big problems in the future.

Darth Viscera
Dec 17th, 2004, 02:13:38 AM
Well I don't trust myself a whole lot.

Ask anyone. Ask Christin or Charley or christ if I can remember anyone else's name but ask them anyway. I am constantly questioning and re-questioning myself to see if what I'm doing is right. Before I do anything, I always question myself to see if what I'm doing will be regarded by others as being brought on by a conflict of interest. I mean hell, I've been accused of doing just that a million and a half times since I started RPing, so you can imagine I'd get a little paranoid that I'm doing it without knowing it. Ever since I first talked to Charley more than 4 years ago, I don't think I've made a single, solitary decision based solely on my own judgement. I've always consulted people first, then re-consulted them, then re-thought my own position in order to play devil's advocate with myself and wonder how it could be perceived by others, then re-consulted them based on that. I don't rush off and do things like that. Everything of the magnitude you're talking about is calculated, and analysed, and then re-analysed, sometimes for months.

Even if I were going through the worst OOC drama ever and feeling vindictive, I wouldn't do what you're describing.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 17th, 2004, 02:24:42 AM
Personally, I think I would love it if I had the most powerful character on the boards.


Telan Desaria
Dec 17th, 2004, 09:11:02 AM
Why if everyone felt this way about my ideas, why not say something about ti earlier??? I have been rping like this for some time. I thought it would make for a good contrast. We are not politically correct and we are vehemently opposed to democracy. Had I only have known I would not have gone this far.

I am totally dejected.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 17th, 2004, 10:04:12 AM

Khendon Sevon
Dec 17th, 2004, 08:21:58 PM
Wow, so many points to make. If I misread anything, I’m sorry, I tried to skim as best as I could. I have an itching to get writing, however, and so I shall do that. I also apologize in advance for my crazy writing style when I respond to posts, it may be disorganized or something… to the meat:

There are many dark characters amongst the ranks of the Empire and the Splinters. If you’ve read some of my threads you’ll know Khendon is torn between the coal of his soul and the heat of his love and passion for Kyry. However, his love drives him to darkness—as is displayed by his instant instinct reaction to Kyry being kidnapped. I can also vouch for the blackness of Piett’s soul and his xenophobic tendencies.

I personally believe Dark Jedi/Sith should be wicked, menacing, and either resolutely evil or conflicted. But that has no bearing on the current discussion.

I do not believe the Emperor or figurehead of a unified Imperial group can be NPC’d or shared. The entire purpose of a leader is to have one voice that can be heard amongst the multitudes, to be a person to give purpose and inspiration to all under them.

If multiple RPers were to control a single account there would be discrepancies in the way the character acts, his/her goals, abilities, traits, history, so forth. Even if a unified history and characteristics could be chosen and set-in-stone they would still not act as a figurehead. They would merely be a tool without backbone to hold the character up.

If Viscera were to come back it would not be all tapers and parties, ICly. I’ve stated this to S’ilancy and to Piett: Khendon would start out as the faithful vassal and then evolve. Khendon has embellished his memory of Viscera and made him into an epic, god-like character that sacrificed himself for power and for his flag and country. Although this does not impact the current discussion, I believe it’s important to point out that there will be friction generated within the ranks of any unified Empire, regardless of leader, political stance, or so forth. (I guess I’m trying to counter the “one person having the most power” idea. No matter how much power one person has, there will always be someone able to take it away, manipulate it, or sidestep).

I think I’ve been too longwinded, c’est la vie.

If anything needs clarification, explanation, or revision, I’ll be here to post. I’m sorry that I’ve been absent recently, I’ve been working very hard in school.

Zasz Grimm
Dec 18th, 2004, 04:50:20 PM
Originally posted by Khendon Sevon

All that he said

Wow. Be around more often to calm people down. So agreed on everything.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 19th, 2004, 05:04:58 PM
Did anyone talk to Lion about this yet? Has he been given access...??

Wait, I'm a mod. I'll go ahead and do it.

edit: And, I have. Lion has access to this forum now, as pretend moderator of the NR forums.

Telan Desaria
Dec 19th, 2004, 05:49:11 PM
Excellent. IU await his input. And I apologize for all that I have said.

Telan Desaria
Dec 21st, 2004, 09:28:26 PM
The empire has been built painstakingly and will not be eradicated easily. We have no wish to forestall progress and we wont but we will either make it one damned good rp or we will not participate. I have spoken on this matter at length with the other Imperials in my faction and we all agree.

We agree that the Empire as it stands now based on the principles of honour is something we like and something that will remain. When the unification completes, there will be a rift between regular Imperials and those Imperials. The Thyferra Sector Fleet we will reinstate and will be something of the outcast organization. This schism could create a great deal of rp fodder - - the Diktat ordering all to get along and work together while he himself disdains the alien loving officers of Thyferra. Whats more, they have corrupted the officers in Braxant, itself having been annexed many months before.

As I understand things:

Viscera will make a return to Coruscant and begin machinating there. At some point the New Republic fleet will depart Coruscant to launch an attack against Corellia which we defend. That attack is decimated by the defenses there and the fleet returns to Coruscant to engage an arrived Imperial battle fleet, this one hardened by 7 yrs of combat against the Vong. The fleet is again defeated and withdraws to Chandrila or somewhere. Coruscant is claimed in the name of Empire and the unifications proceeds from there as Viscera announces his presence and calls for his chief lieutenants - myself, Khendon, Millard, several powerful npcs - and the new breed of commanders - Anar, T'chort, von Laang, Inquisitor Esalis.

Am I correct in my synopsis?

Morgan Evanar
Dec 23rd, 2004, 05:15:25 PM
A schism in the Imperial ranks would make for awesome RP. And one group is out to get everyone, and the honorbound ones.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 23rd, 2004, 06:47:33 PM
I suggest, respectfully, that the group boards start bringing this to their people. KA already has, and so has the Imp groups.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 23rd, 2004, 09:04:56 PM
Don't have anyone to bring it to who doesn't already know. :)

FYI, I'm out till Sunday evening visiting the family in Florida. Peace out till I get back.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 24th, 2004, 03:34:55 AM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
A few of you I’ve talked to about this, but most of you I haven’t. Out of the ones I have spoken with (I know Holly talked to Morg), the majority has been agreement and what seems to be growing excitement, so I’m now putting this proposal forward for the group mods to discuss. Please note that it’s going to take a little bit of time to accomplish, and everyone is gonna have to work together, but we’re good at that :)

Yes, we do generally get along quite well. :D

Basically, this is my idea: We have the Empire return to power in the Fans galaxy.

This I think will introduce a vastly different light on things, making everything much more ICly dangerous. The Jedi could be hunted once more, and smugglers could rise in a blossoming underworld created by a tyrannical galaxy-wide government. The NR would of course need to be convincingly and drastically downsized; relegating them to the Rebels of old, and once more begin their hit and run attacks.

By and far I believe this is the right decision. Besides the strategic and RPing elements such a change would induce, I have long felt that the New Republic, and by extension, the people that RP within the NR, have never felt comfortable with a "hold-the-line" attitude. Neither has it felt right to have the NR truly go on the offensive, as this essentially a mirror of the Empire's early days of conquest. By downsizing the fleet significantly, we are once again the force struggling for our very survival.

I might add that Telan, with his extensive knowledge of military forces and tactics, probably has a much more accurate idea of how to defend a planet than I do; the knowledge I've gleaned from GlobalSecurity.Org can't measure up to real experience.

Once again the New Republic would be a loosely-connected force,constantly on the move out of necessity. Histories, military-wise, no longer matter. Even the lowliest grunt could end up at High Command. This has the added plus of strangling the problem of superheavy capital ships; nobody can hide something the size of the Executor for long without ISD's knocking on the door. Starfighters will regain a measure of power.

Now this of course, will not be able to happen overnight, and a little planning has to happen to make it adequately believable for the NR to be torn apart and put again into the position of being the smaller force.

Both Thrawn and Wedge Antilles have demonstrated that even the most elaborate defensive network can be brought down with a little bit of thinking. Ysanne Isard, the Yuuzhan Vong, and the Bothans have all shown that perception, prejudice, and emotions can tear apart even the most powerful of Empires. If we can get something going that presses the New Republic on the military, political, and cultural fronts, something that can convince people that the Empire must be welcomed back, it is logical to assume that the New Republic could collapse into the Rebel Alliance once again.

This may also require a military coup d'etat, in order to negate the (rather significant) fact that the New Republic controls a far greater number of ships than the Empire. Planets such as Sluis Van and Mon Calamari may be heavily "punished", and it's likely the local Imperial Governors will need to be reinstated to manage "rebellious populaces".

If we're left without shipyards, it will bring us back to our more "piratical" days. I'm reminded of the CG Anime Blue Sub 6, in which the world's people are forced to put aside their differences and work together in order to regain what they once had. Halo's UNSC is another excellent example, where the overbearing threat of the Covenant extinguished a hundred brushfire civil wars in order to face a common enemy. Races such as the Diamala and the Ishori, the Bothans and the Mon Calamari, would be forced to work together as equals, despite any political or interspecies rivalries.

In the past, the NR and the Empire have worked together admirably to pull off very successful RP’s (The Battle of Bestine being a prime example), so I have a lot of faith that this particular aspect will go very smoothly, and Lion, Reshmar, and Redic will be more than happy to put forth ideas as well as listen to those that others have.

If it's okay (and hasn't already been done), I'd like to inform Reshmar, at least, about the possibility of this. He's rather busy ATM, but he has played an integral part in the (partial) resurrection of the NR, and he'd surely have some ideas about this.

Another thing that makes this easier to do is the fact that the guys who play the Imperials are a lot different than the ones of old. These guys are more interested in writing a story and making it interesting rather than sit and count ships. Jarek T’chort in particular and Tiberius Anar are very good writers and very open to ideas as well as contributing their own. They are more than happy to work together in order to make things go smoothly.

I agree completely, though I'd prefer that all members of the Imperial forces be welcomed back, regardless of any inter-member conflicts. Everybody brings something unique to the table.

And as far as the smugglers, I think it’s a given that the fringe society would simply explode with activity – there would be blockades to run and drugs and Jedi to smuggle, not to mention bounty hunting would be brought back to life with the Empire issuing Death Marks and bounties on smugglers, pirates, Jedi, etcetera.

This could work very well; I'm concerned, however, about what might happen to groups such as the Sector Rangers. I know that membership in Smuggling Alliances would grow (perhaps even leading to the resurgence of Talon Karrde's operation; then again, I'm content to let Karrde be), but aside from large groups such as the Corporate Sector Authority, system militias would cease to exist...to tell you the truth, I don't even know what kind of point I just made...^_^;

The return of the Mistryl...mmmmm...

And the Jedi – well, they would be hunted down once more. Mitch has graciously offered Nehantish as a planet to hide, so the Jedi have two places to go; Yavin IV and Nehantish (as far as I know, at least).

Nehantish is excellent, Yavin IV would probably be nothing more than a staging point. After the Senate-in-Exile, the Jedi-in-Exile, and probably a bunch of other NR-in-Exiles have retreated to there, it's likely that the Imperials would have caught on by now. Perhaps it's time to make use of that big old chunk of systems we know as Wild Space, the Unknown Regions, and the Chiss Empire.

Would the New Republic be charged with defending the Jedi? I happen to remember a Jedi Fleet, better classified as a disaster. I think that if the Jedi keep nice and quiet, they should be safe; as Wedge Antilles pointed out, it was never their trading partners that sold the NR out; better yet, "War is Good for Business".

There'd be an interesting period of time where the Jedi would be forced to flee, as a sudden transition of power takes place and new orders are issued. As has been said, the Jedi make no efforts to conceal their identities anymore, meaning that we'd be on the run, attempting to get offplanet anyways.

I honestly think this will generate more boardwide participation, and it would simply be a fountain of thread fodder.

I've had 150 different ideas in the last 30 minutes. I'm dead serious. This sounds great.

I was told me that the only ones who could do this charismatically have either been banned or simply left, but I feel that it's time to let the newer folks prove themselves and rise to the challenge; make their own "legacies", if you will. For the older members, I personally think it would be just the spark we need to get back to our grass roots and start doing the stuff we love. Begin new quests, new adventures, etc etc.

If we're going to get the board back into motion, the resurgence of the NR has proven that it's going to take new ideas, new people, and renewed effort. I believe that your plan, S'il, is the best idea we've got. Whatever it takes, I'm behind this.

So that’s that. Let’s talk about this; bounce ideas off of one another and all that jazz :)

Lil, thank you for the temporary Mod Status, as well for informing me of this thread. I appreciate all of the work everyone has put into this.

I'm going to give this thread a more thorough reading in a couple of hours, and respond to some of the other ideas from posters that my sleep-deprived brain has missed. So far, however, I'm willing to bet that the New Republic will back this 100%.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 24th, 2004, 04:09:25 AM
As a note: I highly doubt that the Senate would retreat to Yavin IV - by the time the Senate runs out of planets like Chandrila to camp at Yavin IV would very likely be unsafe as well, as it is a well known (by this time IC) haven for Jedi.

The Senate/government of the NR/Rebellion might be better suited to travel with the bulk of the remaining fleet - although that is only a slight idea with no fleshing out done.

Telan Desaria
Dec 24th, 2004, 01:15:22 PM
With Lion's support, as he has proved the most steadfast and *gulp*honourable*gulp* adversary I have ever encountered, you now have mine. Unquestioningly.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 25th, 2004, 12:02:56 AM
Thank you, Telan.

Lil, I'd be fine with the Senate traveling with the bulk of the fleet, as would befit a government in exile. If possible, it might be a good idea to resurrect Ackbar's old Home One for serving the purpose of a "Headquarters" of sorts...though it's no longer as capable militarily as the newer ships, it is still one of the largest vessels in the fleet.

Merry Christmas everybody!

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 25th, 2004, 02:08:52 AM
;) exactly my thoughts, Lion el'

Telan Desaria
Dec 25th, 2004, 08:14:34 AM
It would be symbolic as well. And the Rebelliion was big on that.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 25th, 2004, 01:34:40 PM
I wanted to hit Home One, but thats just a personal dream of mine =p

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 25th, 2004, 01:44:29 PM
Planning on raising the hand again?

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 25th, 2004, 10:55:31 PM
Yes, symbolism is a big part of how the Rebellion operated. One of the best ways we raised morale was through symbolic actions.

As an aside, Telan and I are the only ones here without Supporter accounts. I feel so dirty.

Some worlds might prove to be a bigger problem than others. Would the Imperial Empire return in full, with control over all of its worlds? I'm thinking that with the collapse of central rule from Coruscant, what we'd probably see was several local systems banding together to form their own loose interplanetary governments. There's no way that the Imperial Fleet could hit 250,000 inhabited planets (or even 1,000, for that matter) and still maintain an effective punch. I'm guessing that some of these governments would maintain a loose (and quiet) alliance with the Rebels, some would ally with the Imperials, and others would "requisition" their respective local New Republic fleets to form the core of their own self-defense forces.

If this happened, it would ensure that the Imperials had plenty of systems to conquer (after all, it wouldn't do to have independent sectors with their own dangerous fleets), that the Rebel Alliance maintained some form of financial and popular backing, and that new empires could be formed in one of these "independent" systems.

Then again, this also would mean that the galaxy would be a bit more fragmented than I think S'il intended. Either way, it's something to think about.

Telan Desaria
Dec 26th, 2004, 01:28:10 AM
Exactly. We would not be able to hit them all at once, but as word spread throughout the galaxy of the fall of Coruscant, systems would pledge their allegiance to the Empire, each one remembering the price it had paid twenty thirty or forty years before for recalcitrance.

The Imperial Navy would then come calling and the systems would be falling over one another to jin us again - - and flocking from the Rebel banner. Afterall, who says no staring down a large bore turbolaser???

And Lion - - it's Galactic Empire.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 27th, 2004, 08:17:26 PM
Yes, Galactic Empire. It has been a while since I referred to it as such; you must make allowances for some brain atrophy. ^_^;

There are some planets, however, that obviously wouldn't support the Imperial rule. The most stalwart of NR allies (Bothans, Mon Calamari, Diamala, Ishori, Wookies, etc.) would be sure to oppose a resurgent Empire.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 27th, 2004, 08:19:49 PM
Actually, i think the Bothans will play both sides. They're a backstabbing lot.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 27th, 2004, 08:51:10 PM
Not in this case. Since the Bothan SpyNet got the plans for the Death Star II, and did a whole bunch of other things during the Galactic Civil War, they've been near the top of the "creatures to kill" list.

Telan Desaria
Dec 28th, 2004, 12:26:45 AM
Wookies is not a planet, my friend. Har-har Kashyyyk. A riot indeed those 3 ys.

I would assume Chandrila, Dantooine, Nebulus, Tynnia, Hapes would be resolutely Republic, each one screaming to be invaded by the resurrected Imperial war machine, while old bastions of Imperial Might would welcome back the six-pointed star, worlds such as Kuat, Fondor, Brentaal, Gyndine, Corulag, Commenor. Would definitely be fun watching the old rifts form once more.

When does the talking cease and the rp begin???

Silus Xilarian
Dec 28th, 2004, 07:03:29 PM
Originally posted by Lion El' Jonson
Not in this case. Since the Bothan SpyNet got the plans for the Death Star II, and did a whole bunch of other things during the Galactic Civil War, they've been near the top of the "creatures to kill" list.

All the more reason for the new rebellion to watch its back. More or less, Bothuwai (sp?) stands to have a bulleyes drawn on it unless the Bothans learn to make the Empire happy. I cringe when I think of what a bothan apology would look like.

Lion El' Jonson
Dec 28th, 2004, 08:10:34 PM
Bothans, Mon Calamari, Diamala, Ishori, Wookies

Just as Bothans are from Bothawui, and the Ishori are from Isht.

I think this idea needs some more discussion before it moves into the RP stage; just planning something like Bestine takes a while. We're going to need to write out some sort of timeline for the transition of power, with the major events sorted out; we'll have to make sure everybody knows what's going on, and we probably have to allow everybody's input. If this is going to be for the good of the entire Forums, we're going to need to address everybody's concerns.

Finally, I think it was fairly well established in the Vong saga that the Bothans aren't the backstabbing race they once were. They're still dangerous, but they've always stood by the New Republic, despite anything that has happened. Borsk Fey'lya's sacrifice kinda sealed the deal. There may still be the occasional Bothan that would be willing to betray the New Republic, but a species-wide betrayal? Unlikely, I think.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 28th, 2004, 08:45:01 PM
You're forgetting the Vong saga didn't happen the same way here at all.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 28th, 2004, 10:11:22 PM
Bothans are backstabbing, and the best spies there are, because they're always spying on themselves. You can't take anything they say at face value, unless they're triplecrossing you.

And, as Morgan said, the Vong thingy and Borrsk Fey'la's sacrifice never happened here. As I recall, I think Lady Vader killed an NPC'ed Borsk about four years ago. Can't be sure if it was her. So anyway, he doesn't even exist here anymore.

*And* and, arguing about Bothans is just about pointless. :p It only takes one group of Bothans to betray the NR, not the whole planet/species. "For the good of us all" they'll tell themselves. Bothans always look out for number one. If their best interest is staying with the NR, they will. If it isn't ... who knows. They might go indie.

As far as RPing, the Senate is going to start arguing about the invading (or not) of Corellia as soon as I start the thread.

Telan Desaria
Dec 28th, 2004, 10:11:38 PM
Sorry - - I was not reading your post properly. Sorry Lion!!!!

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 28th, 2004, 10:21:18 PM
And... I was right, Fey'la is dead.


We should get a new CoS for the Republic as well - we've RPed that Organa Solo (whoever she is, certainly not the Leia of the movies unless she's ancient) is about to retire, which will leave a spot for a new CoS, possibly a RPed one, not just NPCed.

Telan Desaria
Dec 29th, 2004, 03:22:48 AM
Hesith would make a good CoS. He is IRL one of my closest friends and he exuded politics in every aspect of his life.

Lilaena De'Ville
Dec 29th, 2004, 04:02:49 PM
We could also have the current NPC-ed CoS executed by the Empire for treason or blasphemy or something.

Hesith is good, although it might be a bit much for him to RP the head political figure of the Empire AND the Republic. And I'm not suggesting myself as a substitute.

Telan Desaria
Dec 29th, 2004, 05:36:07 PM
True. And that sounds like something Grand Inquisitor Esalis would have fun doing - -executing politicians.

Rasha Vill
Dec 30th, 2004, 12:18:06 PM
Hi Everybody! I go away for a week or two and come back to see this. I Still haven't read everything here, but I will, I was just wondering about the take over of Corellia. I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but would Rasha still have a strong holding in the Corellian Government? She is willing to do what it takes to get the best for her people, and I know it would not be agienst her morals to assist the people in taking over the planet if it ment that she could get a better life for her people on Corellia. She is not loyal to the sith, she is loyal to the people of Corellia. If people can work Rasha into to all this back stabbing that would be great! I'll read up on all these posts later though.

Telan Desaria
Jan 2nd, 2005, 01:49:16 PM
I do not know how much of a possibility this is now. The Federacy and the Empire have just gone to war.

Khendon Sevon
Jan 2nd, 2005, 01:52:22 PM
Yes, yes, war. I'm sure Viscera's arrival can solve a lot of things. It's no more difficult than having us be "nearly" at war.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 2nd, 2005, 10:18:16 PM
Something this big might end up stepping on the toes of a whole lots of smaller things. Recent events may have to be downplayed or even dropped altogether in order to make a wide-scale collapse of the New Republic believable.

It's all going to depend on how much planning and committment we can get from the members at SW-Fans. If people are unwilling to contribute to making this believable and complete, it's not going to work, or at least not as it was intended.

Finally, I don't think it's feasible to have this transition take place immediately. We'll need a bit of time to get everything smoothed out, and to address questions and concerns that the other members will have.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 2nd, 2005, 10:59:52 PM
I figured it would happen over a 2 month RL period.

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:15:00 AM
Lion, we need to talk things over. I think it would be interesting to see the Confederacy and the New Republic end up working closer and closer, thus contributing to this kind of destabilization. Consider me the Theodoric to Viscera's Atilla ;)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:55:20 PM
Ok, correct me if you see any irregularities or if I’ve accidentally left something out, but this is what I see happening.

It can all start small, perhaps with Thareena’s desire to investigate what’s been happening in the Corellian system. Of course, add to that her wanting revenge for Chandrila, and that puts another spin on things. At first, she might have a majority of the senate on her side when it comes to the investigation, but soon word comes out that she also has her sights set on Chandrila and vengeance. This would be a field day for the tabloids, as they would embellish the story even further; maybe saying that Thareena was bound and determined to plunge the NR into a war with the Sith over the attack on Chandrila.

At the time all this is happening, Viscera can quietly slip back into the picture, though keeping himself somewhat hidden at the peripheral edges of the known galaxy. He would send word to Khendon of his return, and I’m sure he’d want to meet with the Federacy’s leader to once again rebuild his shattered empire. For now he would probably keep a low profile and send out loyalists to the key planets that were once the cornerstones of the Empire. These loyalists would begin to collect small pockets of Imperial sympathizers and start a small network of communications so that Viscera would be abreast of what was happening in the heart of the NR. I think that it would be these loyalists that start the first tinges of doubt concerning the Jedi, planting seeds of uncertainty into the general populace’s minds. It really shouldn’t be that hard to do, as people on the whole are a terribly excitable entity and prone to that whole lemming mentality.

And so that gives us the senate’s lovely new problem – people are calling for the Jedi to be registered, accounted for, and in some extreme cases sent to special institutions so they can’t be among the ‘normals’. Perhaps there will be a few senators who have long since harbored these same thoughts about the Jedi and force users on the whole, and they would immediately jump on this new public outcry, leading the movement to quell these force-users and remove them from society. Of course there would be those arguing against this, but that number would dwindle as more and more senators became either convinced by the outcry of their own people or they simply went along with the popular opinion.

All the while, as his subversives spread mistrust and fear of force-users throughout the NR, Viscera is rebuilding his fleet. I don’t know exactly the extent of the damage that was inflicted, but I think it’s safe to say that SOME rebuilding is going to have to happen. He makes contact with the higher-ups in the Sith Empire, procuring more materials possibly, and even maybe the help of TSO in the coming war he plans to wage to retake what the Empire lost. He enlists the help of smugglers through that universal grease called credits, and has them run guns and other supplies to his underground followers on the core worlds. As this is going on, he impresses on the factions’ honor, commanding them to reform under the unified Imperial banner (This of course brings up the discussion of honor that was previously talked of. Truthfully, honor is such an ambiguous entity that no one can really define their own version of honor as being righteous or correct above anyone else’s. After all, the Japanese kamikaze pilots killed themselves because they believed what they were doing was honorable. Much like religion, honor is a very large two-edged sword and open for much debate.).

Viscera’s operatives have done their job well, as the senate passes a bill/motion/whatever to have all force-users registered. Those that do not are considered derelicts to be registered forcefully and in some cases seen as enemies of the state. This of course sends the Jedi Council into a bit of confusion and arguing as they plead their case with the senate. The Council is split into two halves – those that wish to resolve this inner conflict peacefully and those that are adamant in refusing to register. Incidents could pop up all over the core worlds, reports of some force-users going into hiding, resisting arrest after refusing to register, and sometimes even breaking news of force-users retaliating with deadly force. This would help to paint an even darker portrait of the Jedi, and soon the status they once enjoyed would begin to horribly falter. There would of course be sympathizers to the Jedi, and hide force-users. Perhaps a sort of fledgling underground railroad would start, as those who know the Jedi as protectors of peace and justice help to shuttle force-users off anti-Jedi planets and on to safer locales.

After having finally decided to send the NR fleet to Corellia, the senate waits and watches – some fearing the worst and others already celebrating their imminent victory. The problem with force-users is forgotten momentarily as the NR readies itself for victory. And that’s when disaster strikes. Instead of the glorious triumph they had been expecting, the fleet is summarily trounced by not only the Sith, but the Sovereignty as well. It is a crushing blow, and a terrible loss.

And that’s when Viscera makes his move. His fleet, now ready for battle once again, has already set off for Coruscant. By now his own underground has cultivated the seeds of distrust among the general populaces, and the faith that was once placed in the Senate has waned considerably. Viscera arrives at Coruscant and makes easy work of the skeleton fleet left behind. He overruns the planet and retakes the Imperial Palace (assuming it wasn’t destroyed when the NR took over), ushering in a new era. Recruiting posts are opened all over the core worlds, and youngsters with glory and fame clouding their vision join up, swelling the Imperial military ranks to massive numbers. This seals the subsequent final defeat of the NR fleet, as when they return to Coruscant they are greeted by Viscera’s now bolstered fleet. What occurs next is nothing short of a massacre, and Viscera is victorious once again.

Following his recent triumph, Viscera promises that every force-user will be caught, tagged, and taken from public view to special institutions specially designed to deal with such deviants. And this begins the Second Jedi Purge. It’s at this time that the Jedi’s own underground Railroad goes into full swing, smuggling force-users off Imperial planets. However, this will not stop Viscera from retaining key Sith or Dark Jedi for his own purposes. He would most likely use them to further his gains, then once those were met I can imagine he would say, as Vader said in ESB, “I’m altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it further.”

The NR, weak and almost hacked to pieces, limps to the Unknown Regions to lick their wounds. Their numbers have been downsized horrendously, and continue to drop as Imperial task forces and patrols hunt down and root out the smaller, more spread out NR fleets that had been sent to other systems. The smugglers and other pirates who had once helped Viscera by running guns and supplies now find themselves on the bad end of the blaster as the Empire turns on them as well.


This is just a possible plan of action to initiate things. I wrote this up cause I wanted to get the ball rolling. If people have more to add to it then please, feel free to do so. What exactly goes on in the RPs I have no idea; it’s up to those involved; I simply want to get a base hammered out. As far as the extraneous things - take the Bothans for example - I think it would be fun if people who were interested registered Bothan accounts and wrote a new future for them. It would be up to the Rpers which way they wanted to take them.

Another thing that was brought to my attention which would help foster anti-Jedi sentiments is a situation involving Tondry. Brian outlined briefly what he thought would help things along. In his Live Fire story arc, Tondry disappeared for a while, not reporting in. During this time he questions people for information, and even ends up torturing a man. It is something that even though he will get in trouble for, he will feel obligated to tell of. This opens the door for Gav to bring back Hermes Spearman and capitalize on this, making frontpage headlines of the story. This will of course create an even wider split in the general populace as to side with Tondry means to side with the Jedi, and if the Jedi are exaggerated as torturers due to a single isolated incident, the rift would deepen.

I’m now on page three of writing this in Word, so I think I’ll stop for now. I have more I wish to write, but I’ll save that for later. I know this is a long post, but I hope it lays down some concrete groundwork to build from and use as a starting point to get everything off the ground RP wise.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 3rd, 2005, 03:43:27 PM
I love it. I need to start the debating in the Senate asap, anyway. ^_^;

Jan 4th, 2005, 10:52:19 AM
Originally posted by Rasha Vill
Hi Everybody! I go away for a week or two and come back to see this. I Still haven't read everything here, but I will, I was just wondering about the take over of Corellia. I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but would Rasha still have a strong holding in the Corellian Government? She is willing to do what it takes to get the best for her people, and I know it would not be agienst her morals to assist the people in taking over the planet if it ment that she could get a better life for her people on Corellia. She is not loyal to the sith, she is loyal to the people of Corellia. If people can work Rasha into to all this back stabbing that would be great! I'll read up on all these posts later though.

There was not going to be a take-over of Corellia... just a possible invasion, though it hadn't been decided.

But, just to clarify, Corellia is not being taken over, so Rasha isn't losing her job. :p

- what all s'Il said -

Love it. :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 4th, 2005, 06:53:57 PM
no we decided that Corellia is going to become a NR hideout and that TSO is going to be homeless and lose all their assets.

Actually I just said that so I could imagine the look on your face when you read it. ;)

Jan 5th, 2005, 11:16:06 AM
:lol You're aweful.

Actually, I detected the sarcasm pretty early on into the sentence, so I avoided a heart attack. :p

Pierce Tondry
Jan 5th, 2005, 02:30:08 PM
She lies.

When I get back from vacation I will see if I can't get in touch with Dru and get a bit more of an outline for you guys on my little contribution.

Lion El' Jonson
Jan 7th, 2005, 04:11:19 AM
I haven't specifically told any of the NR members about the proposed changes, but I've gotten a firm committment from all of them that they're going to stick around. Reshmar is dealing with some RL issues, but Redic told me he'd be back eventually.

Either way, when this gets rolling, you'll have a New Republic to destroy. ^_^;

Telan Desaria
Jan 7th, 2005, 09:14:39 PM
Just what we want to hear...

Darth Viscera
Jan 10th, 2005, 03:49:34 AM
Is every Sith going to be going nuts and viewing other Sith as deadly opponents ala the Goa'uld?

Telan Desaria
Jan 10th, 2005, 12:08:50 PM
I'd like to know when we are actually planning to begin.

Jan 10th, 2005, 02:58:34 PM
Is every Sith going to be going nuts and viewing other Sith as deadly opponents ala the Goa'uld?

I duno about the others, but LV won't neccessarily be going nuts. But she will be exercising caution.

Dasquian Belargic
Jan 10th, 2005, 03:05:39 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
Is every Sith going to be going nuts and viewing other Sith as deadly opponents ala the Goa'uld?

oh yes, Vega will ^_^

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 10th, 2005, 03:31:54 PM
Originally posted by AmazonBabe
I duno about the others, but LV won't neccessarily be going nuts. But she will be exercising caution.

Vader will steal her life essence, murder her, and everyone else.

Or something.

Morgan Evanar
Jan 10th, 2005, 04:07:33 PM
I bet her life essence is chewy. Does she do anything besides play World of Warcraft anymore?

Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 10th, 2005, 04:11:54 PM

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 10th, 2005, 07:39:26 PM
The senate thread has started - when it's completed you will have two motions passed. One - that Force users should be maintained and registered, put on lists so people will know if there's one living next door, or what-have-you, and Two - that Corellia is going to be investigated, thoroughly.

The Force user act will become public knowledge fairly quickly, as the GJO will be affected by it first, and the invasion/investigation of Corellia will be more of less an IC secret (barring spies) from the Empire and TSO.

I'd assume that the Empire needs to start asap on getting your groundwork RPs started - aka the return of Viscera, etc etc.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 10th, 2005, 08:05:28 PM
A few pre-threads have been started that allude to Visc's return as far as the Empire or at least the Imperial factons are concerned. Khendon's Inferno mentions it, and I believe the Deliverence thread may be considered along those same lines the more it goes along, so we've at least got those to build from. I'll see about getting something more solid started with Brian if he wishes to dust off Bismarck.

Jan 11th, 2005, 01:32:17 PM
Vader will steal her life essence, murder her, and everyone else.

Or something.

Dream on.

Of course, if you really want me not to trust any Sith, then there will be no donations to Darth Vader and he will essentially die. Oh well. I won't be shedding any tears. :)

I bet her life essence is chewy. Does she do anything besides play World of Warcraft anymore?


Correct. You guys have essentially bored me and I have found a new entertainment to pass my time. :p

and the invasion/investigation of Corellia will be more of less an IC secret (barring spies) from the Empire and TSO.

I'll just wait until I see something that needs my participation.

Figrin D'an
Jan 11th, 2005, 08:01:00 PM
If you need me to enter the senate thread at some point, just let me know.

Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 15th, 2005, 04:23:57 AM
You can enter the Senate thread as soon as it's open, Figrin. :)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Jan 15th, 2005, 04:55:24 AM
I'm getting this mental image of Figrin doing the whole Mervyn's commercial thing, only instead of a lady standing at the doors going "Open, open open," it's Figrin standing outside the senate chamber doors and chanting "Open, open, open"


Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 18th, 2005, 03:33:29 PM
Figrin - feel free to post something in the thread that has been started (Senate: The Corellian Problem). Something along the lines of leading up to the meeting of the Senate, laying the groundwork for both motions being brought (rumors, stuff like that).

If you have any questions lemme know on AIM or PM. Lion, if you want, you can post as well. It'll be opened up as soon as we call the meeting to order, but you two can post now if you want.

Telan Desaria
Jan 18th, 2005, 06:58:49 PM
Any one need me for anything vis a vis getting this all started????

Khendon Sevon
Jan 18th, 2005, 08:03:06 PM
The Federacy isn’t very well known anywhere in the galaxy. They’ve just started to break free of their isolationist principles. This being said, the small military engagements they have had, if viewed by anyone unaccustomed to the Federacy military, would cause quite a stir. Their ships and technology are anything but standard inventory in the fleets of the galaxy. Not to mention, their tactics are quite different from those being practiced elsewhere.

If this shock value is needed, I am more than willing to help.

Sorsha Kasajian
Jan 19th, 2005, 11:00:45 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Personally, I think I would love it if I had the most powerful character on the boards.


only while the sith kat's away, my little mouse. :wings

This all sounds really cool. I don't know what I'm going to do when I get back. If I ever do. :(

Lady Vader
Jan 19th, 2005, 05:53:33 PM
Dun frett lil kitty. All you do is come back and wreak havoc as only Sorsha can. :)

Rasha Vill
Jan 19th, 2005, 07:08:37 PM
Originally posted by Darth Viscera
Is every Sith going to be going nuts and viewing other Sith as deadly opponents ala the Goa'uld?

Rivin has already gone nuts. *Kills everything in his way*

Jan 30th, 2005, 10:47:43 PM
Just to clue the fleet guys and everyone else, to whom it may concern:


Anything you guys can do to participate would be most welcome. If you have any questions, feel free to ask either in PM, here, or in the thread linked.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 1st, 2005, 06:37:43 PM
I'm curious as to the state of the Changeover. As far as I know, the NR is basically ready for it to happen as soon as we get the Senate thread "The Corellian Problem" finished.

Sanis Prent
Mar 1st, 2005, 11:31:15 PM
Confederacy is sponsoring terrism, but its going slow

Lion El' Jonson
Mar 2nd, 2005, 03:43:14 AM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
I'm curious as to the state of the Changeover. As far as I know, the NR is basically ready for it to happen as soon as we get the Senate thread "The Corellian Problem" finished.

Yes, and despite whatever objections I may have just raised in Lil's other thread in Home One's Rendezvous Point, I'll support whatever action is taken.

I'm kinda hypocritical that way. ^_^;

Lady Vader
Mar 2nd, 2005, 04:19:23 PM
TSO has taken action, and is underway to cooperate with the "charngeover". So, whenever it happens, we're pretty much set.

Just tieing up a few lose ends concerning a soon-to-be ex-Mayor. ^_^;

Je'gan Olra'en
Mar 3rd, 2005, 06:57:17 PM
Can you say 'shishkabob?'

Darth Viscera
Mar 6th, 2005, 01:33:41 AM
it's spelled "sheesh kabob" you fool!

Mar 7th, 2005, 12:22:33 PM
Give him a break! It's just the internet! Sheesh! :p

*adds BBQ sauce to shishkabob*

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 27th, 2005, 05:35:14 PM

Up up up!! let's go let's go let's go!!

At this point, I'm about ready to say okay to simply having a post written up in ooc and saying 'this has happened, and now the Empire is in control. Thank you, and have a nice day.'

Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 27th, 2005, 06:18:31 PM
I'm about at that point too. It's the end of March already.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 27th, 2005, 08:25:43 PM
We're spinning wheels in the Ill Wind thread.

Can we simply shoot James's padawan in the face and NPC her from here on?

Lion El' Jonson
Mar 28th, 2005, 04:34:37 AM
Telan's computer died. There's no way Bestine can continue without his first post. Sorry, s'Il. Personally, I don't care if we make this transition through OOC or IC means; I'm just tired of waiting. ^_^;

Gav Mortis
Mar 28th, 2005, 06:07:37 AM
At what point is the galactic story at now? I haven't been keeping tabs to be honest since it's been happening in a plethora of threads. But!

Originally posted by s'Ilancy

At this point, I'm about ready to say okay to simply having a post written up in ooc and saying 'this has happened, and now the Empire is in control. Thank you, and have a nice day.'

If you did that, you'd really regret it. No! :mad

Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 28th, 2005, 06:32:53 PM
It doesn't mean we can't RP what happened exactly, but it would be nice if we could draw the line already.

Lady Vader
Mar 28th, 2005, 06:49:44 PM
Originally posted by Milivikal k'Vik
It doesn't mean we can't RP what happened exactly, but it would be nice if we could draw the line already.

True enough. We can always RP stuff after we've set the "boundries". (Though, frankly, I like things better when they happen in "real time".) But I can certainly understand wanting to get the ball actually moving down the hill after having pushed it up the hill for so long.

Hell, TSO's as ready as it's ever going to be. I've been waiting for when the thread starts about the NR force coming to investigate/invade Corellia, and then having the NR get trounced by the Imps... but nothing yet.

So, we've been making "preperation thread" after "preperaton thread"... but there's only so much to prepare for.

Milivikal k'Vik
Mar 28th, 2005, 07:06:14 PM
Originally posted by Lady Vader
True enough. We can always RP stuff after we've set the "boundries". (Though, frankly, I like things better when they happen in "real time".) But I can certainly understand wanting to get the ball actually moving down the hill after having pushed it up the hill for so long. It's nice but we're just too individually busy. We don't have the endless summers anymore.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 28th, 2005, 08:22:01 PM
That and WoW. It has made me a bitter person; not because I have played it, but more because it seems to have stolen some of our RPers :(

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 28th, 2005, 09:54:25 PM
I agree. So many people I know online have become complete and total gibbering morons over MMORPG's and it really sickens me.

Keep in mind, this is coming from a guy who text-based RP's quite a lot - YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF NERDS.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 29th, 2005, 01:26:34 AM
Originally posted by Anbira Hicchoru
We're spinning wheels in the Ill Wind thread.

Can we simply shoot James's padawan in the face and NPC her from here on?


Originally posted by s'Ilancy
That and WoW. It has made me a bitter person; not because I have played it, but more because it seems to have stolen some of our RPers :(

A moment of silence for those of our bretheren who have fallen under the the influence of WoW and Galaxies.


Okay, enough damn silence. I do not want to just say "ok now the empire has taken over" because frankly, there is no Empire around lately to RP because one person's computer is broken (however vital he may be [no offense meant to Telan]), and so giving a bunch of people who are paralyzed atm control of the galaxy is a little scary.

Also - Viscera is also a WoW addict, which makes him not exactly 'perfect' for the job of leading the Empire. ^_^;

Dasquian Belargic
Mar 29th, 2005, 03:13:27 AM
so we appoint some new leaders?

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 29th, 2005, 12:19:17 PM
Or we could just do it and hope that we can all NPC the Empire correctly. Because that's what we'll be doing basically anyway.

Perhaps we could... make up some NPC people who can be inserted into any RP at any time - like fleet guys, stormtrooper units, inquisititors... give them names and personalities, and let them be the NPC-ed empire in addition to the RPers. That way if you want to do an RP with the Empire you don't necessarily have to wait for an Empire RPer to be available.

The NPC characters would have to be moderated heavily - to make sure RPers aren't taking advantage of them, writing them as stupid, or killing them off.

Khendon Sevon
Mar 29th, 2005, 05:53:39 PM
What happened to the heart and soul of the Empire? Seriously.

I find myself sitting here not knowing what to say.

The Galactic Military Alliance was a group of RPers with one common aim. They wanted to conquer the various groups that thrived here. We all understood that was our goal. As enemies were integrated into the Empire or split from Fans, we believed we were achieving our desires.

Then there was inactivity. Rule changes (we won’t talk about those). Fleeters simply moved on. Fans wasn’t a place for space battles anymore.

I stayed because I didn’t like the idea of moving. I started my fleeting career at fans and just didn’t want to switch over to another board. I did the next best thing, I went inactive and hoped something would happen while I was away.

What have I concluded from typing this?

Just that I’m against a merger as it is currently defined. We’ve been looking at it like it’s a holy grail. Will it change anything? Will people become more active? No. What we’ll have: two IC large groups that are semi-NPC’d and semi-active OOC.

That’s just my opinion.

Mar 29th, 2005, 06:12:22 PM
Originally posted by s'Ilancy
That and WoW. It has made me a bitter person; not because I have played it, but more because it seems to have stolen some of our RPers :(

I'm sorry. :cry

At least I post during the day. Unfortunately, most ppl don't post until the evening... but I do try to catch up the next morning.

As for Visc, I still think he'd make a good Imp leader. And he's not as addicted to WoW as you may thik. His computer has been having problems as of late getting the game to run, and I have no idea if the new 60mb patch (gawd, dling that was PAINFUL) has helped him at all.

Next time he's on, if he hasn't been around here yet, I'll point him in this direction to get his feed-back.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 29th, 2005, 06:48:12 PM
Things I remember from back in the day:

- New people threads getting artfully hijacked, and the new person feeling like they're welcome and actually getting excited to post and get in on all the action

- threads that went on and on, about nothing in particular

- shameless recruiting

- that 'Darkness Approacheth' thread; man that was alot of fun, and alot of people got in on the action, making it all the more exciting

- the Empire put bounties on Jedi

There's alot more, but my mind is failing me right now. Mark said this place would die, but I think he's wrong. Whether that means we have to rework a few rules, advertise more, or whatever, I'm of the opinion that Fans can be like it used to be.

I remember reading something Rhea Kaylen said once - about Fans being the funnest place she's been to online, and that she loves to write here. And then I remember reading what Cyrel Annat wrote, about us losing members daily. True, this place isn't for everyone, but it seems that it used to be.

Lion El' Jonson
Mar 29th, 2005, 06:57:57 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Or we could just do it and hope that we can all NPC the Empire correctly. Because that's what we'll be doing basically anyway.

Perhaps we could... make up some NPC people who can be inserted into any RP at any time - like fleet guys, stormtrooper units, inquisititors... give them names and personalities, and let them be the NPC-ed empire in addition to the RPers. That way if you want to do an RP with the Empire you don't necessarily have to wait for an Empire RPer to be available.

The NPC characters would have to be moderated heavily - to make sure RPers aren't taking advantage of them, writing them as stupid, or killing them off.

Although this would deal with some of the issues we're having, I don't know if it will work. The Empire is geared towards a specific ideal, and allowing so many people to shape that vision would undoubtably dillute it.

The biggest problem we're having is a lack of people. No matter how good a writer somebody is, there's no way that an NPC can take over for someone who has been in the Empire through several RPs, and that has taken that chance to advance their character. The New Republic has the same problem: Our core group of RPers are all excellent writers, but several of the initial battles of this conflict have to be one-sided massacres, and that precludes the use of our main characters (because we don't want them to die). As a result, we're forced to use NPCs with little-or-no backstory; characters that we don't allow ourselves to get attached to.

I think that enforcing the proposed NPCs is a good idea, but is it really realistic? The second a moderator is forced to decide what constitutes abuse or ignorance, the impose their views on that character. Furthermore, if this "Grand Campaign" moves like it's supposed to, the military will literally have half-a-dozen threads running at a time (a la the Clone Wars Campaign). That doesn't take into account the other factions on Fans. I don't know if we can really expect the mods to be willing to keep an eye out for every NPC reference in a thread, especially given how few mods actually RP with the NR or the Empire.

Then again, maybe I'm wrong. We really won't know unless we try it.

~"Pretend" Moderator Lion~

EDIT: s'Il, I miss those days. ^_^;

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 29th, 2005, 08:10:33 PM
Well it was just an idea to try to make up for a lack of participation on the side of the Empire. ^_^;

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Mar 29th, 2005, 09:14:10 PM
Frrrankly, jI'm just gojing to NPC my way to takjing overrr the entjirrre galaxy wjith Black Sun. :cat

Figrin D'an
Mar 29th, 2005, 09:55:29 PM
I'd really like to be more involved in this, but between the aforementioned WoW, and life in general kicking my ass lately, things just have not been conducive to good RP for me. And I'm not going to give it a half-hearted effort.

Sorsha Kasajian
Mar 30th, 2005, 10:08:54 AM
well, I'm going to start moving things along my own way. I'm tired of waiting for the shoe to drop.

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 30th, 2005, 10:54:37 AM
me too. I'll begin the invasion tonight :) Anybody who wants to help gets a cut of the spoils ;)

Mar 30th, 2005, 12:06:10 PM
I'll just play catch-up tomorrow morning then and see if anything needs my immediate attention.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 31st, 2005, 10:13:07 AM
This is my personal opinion, so i'm sure not everyone - or hell, maybe not anyone - is going to share it.

To me, it seems as if we've alienated some of the different RP styles (and those that prefer them) which used to permeate Fans. We had fleeters, soap opera junkies, extreme storytellers, and others I can't really label adequately. Now we have only storytellers of various degrees; and while I love reading a good intruiging thread, I know others wallow in fleeting and character dramabombs (who's my baby's daddy??!!!). We've stopped catering to multiple styles and interests.

I know Fans has been a large proponent of common sense RPing, and I myself am a big supporter of that rule of thumb. But the problem is, I think we've become too selective in our 'clientelle' if you will to the point that it is now hurting us.

What if we opened our doors again, so to speak? I'm not saying unban everyone who's been perma-banned - frankly I'm happy without Xazor's little toadish attitude and Daegal's backstabbing garbage - but allow people like Piett and Khendon and Viscera; who love the ordered aspect and challenge of fleeting, to bring that aspect back? I remember listening as Walter reminisced upon the old days of fleeting, and how he and his group built the GMA up from nothing with everything on the line. It's something I know he's intensely proud of, and an achievement which was taken away from everyone who was a part of it when the new fleet rules were re-written.

And the soap junkies? Let them do their thing. I hardly ever if at all payed attention to their 'oh I love you threads', and I generally didn't talk with any of them outside of still chatting with Cyrel and Smidget occasionally. Outside of the politics of RPing, they are both very amiable and nice people. And I'm pretty sure most of those guys who like that style of RP are the same way. They just like to explore a different aspect of the Star Wars universe than others do. Nothing wrong with that.

I feel we've taken things to extremes in many respects, and because of that we're suffering. I say examine what made us great in the past and apply it now. It was the diversity of our players and other posters which inspired us and got us excited - the people who wanted to interact with others and have fun.

But again, this is all just my opinion and I wanted to get it out.

Morgan Evanar
Mar 31st, 2005, 12:19:18 PM
Fleeting has a really nasty history here, and the way things have gone is on that part is largely because of it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 31st, 2005, 01:33:22 PM
I'm not sure that we can do anything about the "soap opera" people as they all hate Sw-fans for unknown reasons and left of their own accord. I do not think that we did anything to restrict their RPing in any way.

Khendon Sevon
Mar 31st, 2005, 07:35:49 PM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
Fleeting has a really nasty history here, and the way things have gone is on that part is largely because of it.

And on my side of the fence fleeting had a golden history filled with great RPers, brilliant battles, and memorable occurrences and was shot down by non-fleeters. Let’s try to look at each mode from the participants’ perspectives.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 31st, 2005, 09:07:46 PM
Aye, that whole AraMir thing threw me for a loop, and I really have no clue why they left. As far as I knew, we let them do their thing. I know I was pretty confused when it was said that we were too crowded, then right after that 'posting was slow' (but hey, I'm all for a good oxymoron). You'd be more in the know about that than us though, Je'gan.

Fleeting? I understand that some saw it as a bad thing, but it seems just as many people loved it - and thrived on it. I really don't see anything wrong with letting it back - if only to see how it is played out this time. Alot of the fleeters left when the rules were changed, taking a large chunk out of the Empire's command structure from my understanding. But, I know that those that've stayed have matured, and I think they're more responsible in terms of arguing a fleet thread. Plus, let them re-write the rules and submit them to the staff for review. They're the ones who were active in it, and know it best, and can explain anything we might not understand fully. Who knows, if we give them a chance, what harm could it really do? At best it'll bring people back - and possibly bring new people to Fans who like fleeting. At worst, the first thread will just sit there and nothing will happen.

It's just seeming to me that back then, it was about having fun, bringing your character to life, and taking over the galaxy/starting a bar brawl. Now it's just alot of politics it seems :\

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 31st, 2005, 09:40:04 PM
ack and politics is BORING. Although I do my best to keep it interesting. ;)

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Mar 31st, 2005, 09:48:51 PM
like watching the grass grow ;)

Navaria Tarkin
Mar 31st, 2005, 09:51:16 PM
or a pot boiling over :)

Well... as for fleeting... I am one of those that stayed outta it because it gave me a headache...

If the majority of the RPers and staff want to deal with it again

:: le sigh :: :)

then it's something that we have to at least think about and not give a half hearted attempt so it IS fun... that was always the probelm.. there was more debating then fleeting :\

Lilaena De'Ville
Mar 31st, 2005, 11:25:57 PM
Well maybe Khendon or Telan or both would like to be 'fleeting' moderators? JUST A THOUGHT

Telan Desaria
Apr 1st, 2005, 09:02:22 PM
I accept - - -

I am on a friend's computer right now. But I will return shortly. Verizon is supposed to have fixed it several days ago but they have more problems than the first verison of the Panzer V -Panther.

Apr 2nd, 2005, 04:01:50 PM
I'm fine with fleet guys going back to old school rules and whatever, but my concern over this is where the line is drawn.

The reason is because fleeting has the unfortunate side effect of affecting every other facet of roleplaying here. It would be one thing if we could keep it to non-territorial issues and beat the crap out of each other, but the fuel of progress under the old rules was planets. To gain ships at a greater pace, you gain planets, which means you have to change affiliations on planets, where people who aren't involved with fleet RPing are doing their own thing.

We need a different incentive program if the bean counters are coming back. Keep them out of the hair of the other roleplayers.

Telan Desaria
Apr 2nd, 2005, 07:39:55 PM
Wait - - -I didnt mean bring back bean counting. I am firmly opposed to it. The common sense rules allow for the greater writer to dominate the greater number/ As it should be. I am for the retention of the current rules.

Gav Mortis
Apr 2nd, 2005, 09:10:07 PM
Please, let us make the distinction that the greater writer does not equal a greater roleplayer. That concept may as well be as primitive as the bean-counting days of fleeting.

Khendon Sevon
Apr 2nd, 2005, 10:09:02 PM
Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
Well maybe Khendon or Telan or both would like to be 'fleeting' moderators? JUST A THOUGHT

I don’t know if we have to do that. S’ilancy has really, really, really been an amazing listener and problem solver. In my mind, she is worthy of any fleeting moderator distinction. Additionally, she has shown an amazing amount of initiative and responsibility through her concepts for the Imperial merger, etc.

Originally posted by Charley
I'm fine with fleet guys going back to old school rules and whatever, but my concern over this is where the line is drawn.

Completely understandable. As has been expressed, a lot of people view fleeting with lukewarm feelings. Sadly, I don’t have any ideas—hopefully I will get some soon—that can improve fleeting beyond its current “injured” condition while keeping out what many consider the unpleasant side.

Originally posted by Charley
…fleeting has the unfortunate side effect of affecting every other facet of roleplaying here.

That’s part of the nature of fleet roleplaying. It’s on an epic scale. That’s what makes it appealing.

As has been stated, this epic level creates friction between people performing an RP on a planet encountering a massive invasion. Additionally, those that call a planet their homeworld don’t particularly like the world’s fate suddenly changing.

Basically: the nature of fleeting is to change the environment around it. This conflicts with others’ wants.

Currently, this isn’t a problem for normal RPers, just fleeters. Additionally, it’s one that I know won’t be fixed for fleeters. It will remain as is due to its nature. Personally, I find it realistic. But realism isn’t always loved, especially in a galaxy far, far away.

That being said, I have no clue what we're going to do about anything.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 3rd, 2005, 12:19:30 AM
I think for this to work we'd need a stickied conflicted planets list with links. I realize this could be much more work for fleeters, but it would really help the regular joe/jane know what was going on.

Telan Desaria
Apr 3rd, 2005, 08:48:09 AM

Khendon Sevon
Apr 3rd, 2005, 10:02:56 AM
Morgan, I love that idea.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 3rd, 2005, 12:55:51 PM
Thanks. It could actually create roleplay opportunities and, to a degree, put everyone on the same page.

Telan Desaria
Apr 3rd, 2005, 03:32:52 PM
I agree. There would have to be a stickied thread and someone to edit when we post. Much like the news forum - - the first post is that which is edited, the following posts updates from the concerned parties identifying the planets and such. Once modifications to the list proper have been made, the advisory posts can be deleted.

Much like the planet's list from TRF.

I again, for the record, renew my objection to bean counting. We are having a mjuch better time without fleet lists and I do not want to see things degenerate into that once more. I remember very vivdfly the battle that ended the Empre - - Viscera, myself, Sevon jumping in on a campaign that would have incincerate the Jedi Academy on Yavin IV - - there were so many ships everyone just scrolled and saw the endless lines and hit backspace - - new thread.

Let us not have that again.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 3rd, 2005, 04:34:55 PM
Well, unless it's on the active list, planets will be assumed "normal" for that planet.

Khendon Sevon
Apr 3rd, 2005, 04:55:43 PM
The interesting part is that this is similar to an MMORPG PvP system. Certain planets are deemed “contestable” areas where fleets can engage in an effort to capture the planet. Any one not expressly flagged for this type of combat would require additional communication—OOC talking with the group that holds it or individuals that have allegiances to it.

Still, I feel like there has to be some incentive to capture planets and maybe some incentive to put planets on the contested list. Should fleet groups have to have all of their planets on the list? A percentage? How will that work out?

I like the direction this is going in :)

Morgan Evanar
Apr 3rd, 2005, 05:27:49 PM
No, only the currently contested planets. We'll have a master list somewhere and who owns what, but only the contested planets will be stickied.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 3rd, 2005, 10:30:08 PM
If I'm understanding this correctly - any planet would stil be fair game for the contested list. atm we only have Coruscant that is not available for the list as that is the capital planet and whoever owns that practically can dictate the galaxy.

Or does each group have one planet that isn't 'contestable' ? TSO has Corellia, the Jedi, Yavin...?

Morgan Evanar
Apr 4th, 2005, 06:51:15 AM
We've decided collectively that for a time, that's out the window.

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 4th, 2005, 07:13:51 AM
Just a head's up, I'm putting the Confederacy - NR war into play within the next few days. If you'd like a piece of the action, lemme know.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 4th, 2005, 10:11:51 AM
Originally posted by Morgan Evanar
We've decided collectively that for a time, that's out the window.

ok that's also what I was thinking but I didn't want to ruffle feathers by saying "all planets are contestable" without being positive. ^_^;

Darth Viscera
Apr 5th, 2005, 04:09:17 PM
I'm not a WoW addict, I've just been contanstly diagnosing my computer and more recently worrying about my teeth. After seeing the dentist today, I'm good to go. AIM me or PM me with the fill-me-in and I'll get to posting.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 6th, 2005, 12:09:35 AM
I'm not sure who you're speaking to, but I think you should visit the Imp forums and get the fill in there.

Master Yoghurt
Apr 8th, 2005, 09:12:12 AM
.. although he probably allready got "filled in" at the dentist :)

Lady Vader
Apr 8th, 2005, 10:06:38 AM
Originally posted by Master Yoghurt
.. although he probably allready got "filled in" at the dentist :)

Ooooohhhh... you are ebil, Mr. Yoghurt! EBIL! :lol

Sanis Prent
Apr 12th, 2005, 10:21:38 PM


Ok, so it's a start at least ;)

Lady Vader
Apr 13th, 2005, 02:27:58 PM
You said stabies. That's funny. :)

Telan Desaria
Apr 14th, 2005, 09:33:19 PM
For all of you suffering from Desarian withdrawl, I am returned. Effective 1700 today, my internet returns.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 14th, 2005, 11:35:43 PM
awesome :) let's ge this show on the road. :D

Darth Viscera
Apr 15th, 2005, 10:49:07 PM
We've started the RP that will tie in to Imperial unity and Coruscant, as of last Saturday.

Two thoughts:
Firstly, blah blah blah blah blah no no this wasnt a good idea i thought up

Secondly, could we add into the arc the Empire taking over the home planet of the Jedi (if they're not based out of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, in which case nevermind, since that's already covered)? I was thinking that if we could have something of an "Escape from Hoth"-esque theme going on, where the Jedi flee to another planet, it might add to the RP.

Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 16th, 2005, 12:37:06 AM
Visc sometimes I think you're not paying attention. :p The Jedi temple is on Coruscant. They're going to have to flee Coruscant, and they're going to regroup on Yavin IV. Then they'll also leave that planet (too well known) for relative safety elsewhere.