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R. S. Esalis
Dec 6th, 2004, 06:20:00 PM
She had allowed herself a small respite from the datapads littering her desk - a break from otherwise enjoyable work. Sometimes, even the more preferred areas of her position tended to become slightly... monotonous. And every so often, R. S. Esalis permitted herself a brief halt in her duties.

Leaning back in her chair, the Grand Inquisitor cast a hardened gaze about her office. It had not changed since she'd been installed; remaining spartan, unfeeling, and emotionless. The teekwood desk she sat at was polished, her face reflecting back up at her from its' surface, and even though it was covered in datapads and flimsies, it was no easy task to see that it was a rather expensive piece of furniture. Everything in her office, though little trappings there were, had been procurred from Alderaan by a late relative before Tarkin had his way with the planet.

Her gaze swept through the interior, coming to rest on one of the leather chairs sitting before her desk. before once more dropping to the glossy surface. Reaching out, Esalis tapped a finger over an inlaid button, and the monitor nestled in her desktop came to life.

The Inquisitoriate had observation droids everywhere, though none conspicuous enough to make people feel as though they were constantly being watched.

But, watched they were. And while the Inquisitoriate did not zealously punish those who held slightly different views than the Sovereignty, they did punish those who acted on such views.

But now, her attention had been drawn to something infinitely more curious than her regular duties, and she arched a brow.

Before her, on the monitor within her desk, she watched as a Falleen made his way through customs, obviously having just exitted an inbound flight from who knew where.

And with growing interest, R. S. Esalis continued to watch, all previous thoughts of the datapads on her desk forgotten for now.

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 6th, 2004, 07:08:50 PM
It was midday as the Falleen man finally passed customs. He withdrew a datapad from a small backpack, and took in details from several maps that scrolled on the screen. The Falleen were rare enough off of their, and he knew that he would draw suspicion from the authorities of the planet.

The man was Matthaeus Xulian, Lord of the Xulian House, former controller of several large provinces on his home world of Falleen. That was until his nephew came to power, Psycho. The nephew, a practitioner of some strange sect of the force, had succeeded in uniting several of the lords, but the vast majority were loyal to Matthaeus and the Empire. But that was at least sixty years ago.

One day, long ago, the lords of Falleen began to lose their lives. The only member loyal to the Empire that survived this murderous coup was Matthaeus, ironically saved by Psycho's Uncle and his criminal organization. Nonetheless, he was framed, along with the Imperial garrison and exiled. He had been hunted, but the plan backfired when Xulian gained favor of the Emperor, and successfully had Psycho murdered, not long after his uncle, Prince Xizor, had fallen at Coruscant. While his agents ensured imperial rule on his homeworld, Xulian led a band of criminal assassins to remove threats to the Empire.

And so, when the kingdom on the hill perished, Xulian was branded a war criminal, but he escaped living secretly and controlling the criminal elements of several rim planets. Now, at least sixty years later, the still young looking Falleen had arrived in Imperial space yet again.

Matthaeus stood now wearing the ceremonial robes of his people's royalty, under which he wore camo fatigues, combat boots, his 434 'DeathHammer' hanging loosely at his right hip. He checked his weapon stealthily, then went on his way deeper into the capital.

R. S. Esalis
Dec 6th, 2004, 09:42:03 PM
She watched everything in stoic silence, observing the way he moved and the manner in which he carried himself. It was not normal to see a Falleen these days, and so when this one showed his face, Esalis felt her curiosity become piqued.

The observation droid trailing him remained high above, it's camera following his movements with precise accuracy. The Gand Inquisitor ran a slim finger over an inlad pad next to the monitor, and the view from the observation droid zoomed in so she could get a better look.

And with a deft flick of her wrist, Esalis depressed the button which would call one of the Inquisitoriate's "garrisons" littering the capital.

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 6th, 2004, 10:12:22 PM
Matthaeus followed the shuffle, his comlink vibrating ever so slightly. He glanced around, then ducked into an alley. He removed the comlink from the belt within his robed frame.

"This line is monitored. Speak."

<c>(incomprehensible mumbling followed by 3 beeps and the falleen laguage<c>

<c> They wish to meet you. Cafe. 2 Blocks south. X'an out.<c>

He shut off the comlink. Simultaneously, 2 humans moved into a corner booth in the cafe. Xulian checked his blaster yet again, then moved unnoticed into the crowd. He headed for the cafe, eyeing two men, one short and slightly over weight, another looking more athletic, each looking scruffy and reeking of the underworld. They returned with a slight nod.

Xulian sat down across the cafe. A waitdroid approached, chirping the daily specials.

"I'm fine thanks. Perhaps, a cup of caf, for me and a friend." He noded again to the men, who then slowly approached.

"What do you have for me boys, I pray it's good news."

"Negotiations have broken down. Falleen is in a state of disarray."

"Disarray to the untrained eye. No matter. The shipment?"

"Secure from the Empire. Stolen from them by our finest. Pickup is scheduled and has already made it past customs. We're ready to fly the scrap metal straight to Corellia."

"It sounds as if you have planed for everything gentlemen. I shall go secure your necessary funding." As Matthaeus stepped away he muttered under his breath.

Prepared for everything but Falleen planning.

He stopped the waitdroid creating a verbal distraction, while slipping two white capsules into the caf.

"Yes, my mistake, my guest will take my order." He flipped the bot a coin. "Good day."

Returning outside he headed for the main street. His comlink buzzed again. This time he answered, while walking toward the nearest Imperial Garrison. He spoke quietly in Falleen into the com.

<c>They are out of the way. The weapons and munitions were lifted from the Empire. Don't know know their origin, however they were headed to the opposition on Falleen. Keep my affairs inline X'an, I have theft to report.<c>

Several minutes later, he had arrived at a nearby garrison post. After brief small talk, the imperial loyalist reported the crime, then went about his business.

They would find the criminals dead at the ship.

R. S. Esalis
Dec 7th, 2004, 05:28:57 PM
"Is that so?"

Fingers drumming on the desktop, Esalis furrowed her brows in contemplation. The Falleen had made her job easier, it seemed. Turring up at the garrison had been a rather unexpected surprise, yet one that would benefit her.

Staring down at the angular face of the garrison commander, Commander Lacroix, she pursed her lips. He was a good officer, and followed orders with a zeal that not many Imperials possessed these days.

"Do not let him leave, Commander."

"Yes, Grand Inquisitor."

With a sharp salute, the transmission cut out, leaving Esalis alone with her thoughts.

* * *

Smoothing his uniform, Commander Lacroix stood straight - the look on his face one of hardened steel as he nodded to the stormtrooper at his right. A return nod was all that was given, and the bone-white armored soldier turned on his heel, exiting Lacroix's office.

The order was given just in time for the stormtoopers who stood at the posts at the entrance of the garrison. The Falleen was just approaching them, obviously intent on leaving and going beck to what he was doing, but unknown to him, his plans had changed. The stormtroopers blocked his path.

-click-"Stop right there. You're not to leave the garrison by the Commander's orders."-click-

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 7th, 2004, 08:33:02 PM
Xuliansteped back slightly. This was indeed an interesting turn of events. He elected to humor the local regieme, this could provide fruitful in the future. He nodded slightly at the shock troopers that stood before him.

"Is their a problem?" Matthaeus placed his palms slightly toward the troopers.

"I follow your command...officer." He paused slightly before uttering the final word, as if trying to be diplomatic, but failing to find the right title in time.

R. S. Esalis
Dec 8th, 2004, 05:15:47 PM
The stormtroopers didn't bother to respond to the Falleen's question - instead one of them canted his head to the side, listening to orders that were unheard by all but him. He nodded presently, hefting his carbine up just a little bit.

-click-"You will come with us, Sir. If you resist, we will be forced to subdue you."-click-

With that, the stormtroopers began leading the Falleen back into the garrison.


Deciding that her wait would be much better with a drink in hand, Esalis had made her way to the single small table that rested against the far wall. An Ithorian blown crystal decanter holding a clear liquid - Bakuran absynthe - sat atop the polished surface, with two matching glasses set upside-down beside it. The Grand Inquisitor contently pulled the stop from the decanter, filling one of the glasses midway up before replacing the stop and returning to her desk.

With a sip, Esalis leaned back in her chair, a faint smile on her lips.

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 8th, 2004, 06:14:16 PM
Matthaeus glanced at both troopers. He cleared his throat.

"I will do as commanded, however, I shall inform you that I am armed. I will make no attempt to use the weapon, however If you wish to detain it, do so now."

He Gestured to his left hip, pulling back his cloack slowly to reveal his 'DeathHammer', holstered loosley below his hip.

R. S. Esalis
Dec 8th, 2004, 06:45:28 PM
One of the stormtroopers extended a hand while his partner raised his carbine, loosely aimed at the Falleen.

-click-"Hand it over."-click-

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 8th, 2004, 07:52:24 PM
Xulian glanced at the weapon. It had been in his posession for quite some time. His face remained stoic, internally wondering if he'd see the weapon again. No matter.

He slowly lifted the heavy blaster, pointing the butt at the stormtrooper.

"May we continue?"

R. S. Esalis
Dec 8th, 2004, 08:07:21 PM
With practiced precision, the stormtrooper relieved the Falleen of the firearm, and after inspecting it, nodded to his comrade. None too gently, they led their charge back the way he'd come, though this time when entering the main building, took him through a series of doors that the Falleen had not been privy to only a short time before. Checkpoints were passed as the trio delved deeper into the complex, and at each one the Falleen was frisked with little attention paid to his comfort. It didn't matter if he'd professed to no other weapon than the one he'd already handed over; he was searched regardless.

More hallways and corridors were navigated until finally the stormtroopers stopped him at an unmarked door. Depressing a switch, one of the troopers stepped to the side so that his partner could enter first through the now opened door, followed by the Falleen, and then finally he himself would enter, bringing up the rear of the small procession.

Inside, a tall, gaunt man stood with his back to the entering trio. His black uniform was crisp and without so much as a speck of lint. anywhere upon its' surface, and upon turning around, he greeted this newcomer with a steely gaze. A nod to the stormtroopers sent them to stand guard just inside the door they'd just entered from, and they obeyed wordlessly.

Commander Krask Lacroix studied the Fallen, then wordlessly lowered himself into the leather chair that sat behind his desk. Face set in a scowl, he made a motion to one of the two chairs that sat before the expansive metal and glass desk.


It was not a request.

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 8th, 2004, 09:23:48 PM
The Falleen complied with the multiple security checks wordlessly, protest to the Empire was answered with death. No matter, these checks were for the precaution of the garrison. Had they wanted to kill him, they need not take his weapon. One of two things was obviously evident. Either he was now a prisoner of the Empire(unlikely, he had done nothing against imperial views, and even if he had, the records had already been bribed away.) or he was now a guest. Judging by the grim look on the face of the man that now sat before him, he predicted that he was a guest.

The Falleen stared coldly, his face as if it were stone, into the eyes of the officer. Nobles on Falleen learned this glare. Emotionless, yet frightening, capable of inducing paranoia in many men and women. The precise amount of emotional control exercised by the Falleen race was intimidating enough to others. As if this played the cards against other species through out the galaxy, the Falleen were masters of understanding the emotion in other races, despite their nature of superiority.

Judging by the fact that the troopers had not spit in his alien face, it could be assumed he was a guest. As such, he awaited the officer to speak, as his glare pierced the man's soul.

Matthaeus was interested to see if this Imperial could withstand the ominous probe of intention.

R. S. Esalis
Dec 11th, 2004, 10:34:42 PM
Lacroix looked at the Falleen, an unimpressed look on his face as the two stared at one another. Eyes narrowing, his gaze never left that of the man before him as he steepled his fingers, bringing their tips up to graze his already pursed lips.

"If you are trying to stare me down, I would advise against that. I don't take kindly to such behavior.

"Especially from an unregistered xeno."

While he was in no way xenophobic, Lacroix was a firm believer in the registration policies concerning foreign-born aliens. A staunch supporter of the Grand Inquisitor, he followed her orders without question. And now, sitting across from the Falleen she'd shown an interest in, he took it upon himself to find out exactly why he was here. He'd submit a datapad with his findings to Esalis when the Falleen was sent to her.

An aide entered the office then, stepping up to the desk to hand Lacroix a datapad before saluting, his heels clicking together. When the aide had departed, the Commander busied himself with skimming through the information provided.

The silence in the office was palpable, and Lacroix let it carry on as he digested the infomation provided in the reports on the 'pad.

Expelling a breath, he set it back down on the surface of his desk before looking to the Falleen. "I find it interesting that no sooner do you arrive on Thyferra, you have deigned it necessary to turn in known criminals." A brow rose as he went on, "Rather coincidental, no?"

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 12th, 2004, 12:12:53 AM
"It's about as coincidental as asking your men to escort me here instead of allowing me to leave. But, That is not a proper Introduction. I am Matthaeus Xulian. You probablly already know that. I also know that I must be the object of interest to a member of the Empire, beause If I was wanted, I'd already be dead."

He leaned forward, not breaking his gaze with the officer.

"Enemies of the empire always find themselves on the short end of that stick." A thin smile passed briefly over his lips.

"I suppose you could say it is a coincidence that this meeting was to turn up on Thyferra. I bet they never even saw it comming." He sat back thoughtfully. Fishing was the objective of both sides of this conversation.

R. S. Esalis
Dec 12th, 2004, 12:36:40 AM
"Is that so," Lacroix responded noncommitally. His hands had returned to their steepled position, and he leaned back in his seat.

Another break in the fledgling conversation ensued as the Commander let his mind mull over th possibilities of the Falleen's sudden arrival coupled with this recent exposure of criminal behavior. His reverie was soon ended however, as he leaned forward once more.

"I'm afraid this meeting is in fact not coincidental - it was brought about by your own doing. I find it rather hard to believe that someone such as yourself would simply arrive here to turn in criminals first thing. Personally, I suspect you have ulterior motives and your own agenda; perhaps you are from a rival organisation? It certainly isn't outside the realm of possibility, as it would be beneficial to you to turn in someone in order to secure the credits for your own accounts.

"How do I know you weren't simply providing us with this information in order to remove your competitors from the market, as it were?"

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 12th, 2004, 11:57:33 PM
"Rival interest." He sat back in his chair, stroking his upper lip with his elongated right index finger. Dealing with the Empire, no matter what faction, was always the same. It had become a card game that Matthaeus had learned to play all too well.

"You could say that. However, If my interest was purely criminal why then would I enter the bowls of the beast that I wish to steal from." He glanced around the room. He was indeed in the stomach of a beast, albeit not as food. Not today.

"You undoubtedly know the complex political situation on my homeworld, as well as who I am." He paused slightly. Being that Falleen were rare from their home, one that wore the ring of a noble and gave his name freely to Imperial authorities was something of an interesting nature.

"I'll save you the pains of the story, suffice to say, those men were going to deliver those weapons to agents who work not only against the Empire, but against my ever-present will to return to my home. So, you could say that I was doing myself a favor. But gaining the eye of the Empire in a manner such as this is much more interesting than the disposal of my enemy. Indeed, I handed the dirty work myself. You'll note the men were found dead in the cabin of the craft containing the munitions. A headache away now from both the Empire and the Xulian house." He cradled his hands in his lap and peered at them nonchalantly.

"What was that phrase my competitor's uncle used to frequent? To contend with a Xizor is to lose?" He looked up and stared coldly at the officer.

"Who's losing now?"

R. S. Esalis
Dec 20th, 2004, 08:35:03 AM
Veritably looking down his nose at the Falleen, Lacroix let his disdain show. "I personally don't care for the troubles of your people. At this point in time my concerns are centred on your presence here, on Thyferra. I find it peculiar that you would so readily expose men who are known smugglers so soon after arriving on-planet, but my own personal suspicions unfortunately, do not completely come into play.

"However, I can assure you that the Grand Inquisitor will not be so kind as myself."

* * *

Esalis watched and listened with interest, still absently sipping at her absynthe.

It was time however, for her to come into the picture, and reaching forward, she pressed the small button that would indicate for the Falleen to be brought to her.

* * *

Distracted momentarily by the slight indicator that flashed briefly on the panel built into his desk, Commander Lacroix returned his attention to the Falleen.

He looked up then, motioning for the stormtroopers to step forward. "I'm afraid, Mr. Xulian, that our time had been severed. The Grand Inquisitor has decided to see you now.

"You will be escorted to the Citadel."

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 20th, 2004, 09:18:55 PM
"Perhaps you should...." He paused diplomatically holding his tounge. "Have a nice day. I thank you for your hospitality."

He stood tactfully, looking at the officers. It was time for annother transition, then the big fish fry.

R. S. Esalis
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:01:42 PM
Esalis sat and waited., her patience almost limitless.

Her absynthe had long since been finished, and the small cup replaced where she'd plucked it from.

She monitored the Falleen's progress to the Citadel with growing interest, watching as he was led into the massive structure, down halls and corridors past offices and magnificient works of art lining the walls, and finally she watched as he was stopped just beyond the doors to her office..

She did not stand, offered nothing in the form of ceremony - only a brief, clipped word exitted her lips.


The doors opened then, and the Falleen was escorted inside, two Inquisitoriate officers retreated back to the safety offered outside her office walls.

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:16:13 PM
The Prince followed silently. He noted the details of the Citadel, guessing that he was the first, and presumably the last of his species to enter into this building. He had some trivial ideas about where the game was going now... but these thoughts were just that...trivial.

He was already calculating probable lines of questioning, this way he would not seem as...vulnerable. His thoughts were masked, as were his emotions, a blank slate. Briefly he pondered how others dealt with this probable uncomfortably. The imperials had their training to deal with this, and his normal tactics were not working. This however was of no concern to the Falleen, and the thought passed away never to have existed in the first place.

He stepped up to the doors, the shock troopers had been replaced with the Sovereignty's agents. Secretly he began to be slightly intimidated, and for a flash of a second his slate face fell victim to emotion.

By the time he laid eyes on her, the emotion was again murdered, and he stood before the Grand Inquisitor, before pausing and taking a seat before her.

R. S. Esalis
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:25:10 PM
"I do not recall offering you a seat," was all the woman said, her voice terribly devoid of any sort of emotion and her ice blue eyes piercing through him.

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:28:48 PM
The bait was taken, expected, and anticipated. He was in the Den of the Lioness, and was playing a dangerous game. The edge of his anxiety sank into the sea of blue that was her gaze.

He stood calmly saying nothing.

R. S. Esalis
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:40:35 PM
Esalis watched as he stood once more, and her eyes went to her desk and the datapad that rested atop the polished surface.

"My good friend Commander Lacroix has been nice enough to send me the transcript of his meeting with you."

Her eyes again met his, and she gave him a hallow smile of feigned geniality. "I trust he was kind to you."

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:45:41 PM
He let a thin, sincere smile flash for a brief moment. He was only half being sarcastic.

"I appreciate the hospitality that the Comander showed. An interesting mind game as it was. I sense that I have drawn powerful interest. I hope you are pleased by the transcript."

He studied her for a moment, took in a few glances of the office. He clasped his hands behind his back in a parade rest formation, then Let his gaze stare through the wall behind her desk.

R. S. Esalis
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:55:16 PM
"Hospitality," she repeated absently, her finger thumbing through the report Lacroix had sent to her.

"Yes, I suppose one could call it that." Another look to the Falleen, and the Grand Inquisitor leaned back in her leather chair. "You are not a member of the military; there is no need for you to stand at any sort of attention."

She set the 'pad down then, motioning for him to sit.

"Mr. Xulian, I won't go into the questions the good Commander already asked of you as to your arrival. No, I won't bother getting into that line of questioning.

"I wish to know why you are here, on Thyferra.."

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 3rd, 2005, 10:06:54 PM
Matthaeus sat down and looked directly at her. The games would end now.

"I have an interest in destroying the diseases that plague the Sovereignty. I have seen what these virii do to order and stability, I have fallen victim to the effects on my home world. These pests fight for a dangerous proposition, something that very few can handle responsibly."

He cleared his throat. "Some of them still say that the Empire got me long ago. I came to Thyferra seeking this conversation. Into the Devil's Den some may say. I am here to remove the plague. Many of our mutual enemies have fallen to Matthaeus' s Hangmen. I am fulfilling my own psychological game."

R. S. Esalis
Jan 3rd, 2005, 10:19:28 PM
"Is that so."

Esalis stared at the Falleen. So he wished to join the Sovereignty. How interesting.

"You are aware that xenos not born on Thyferra are required to register, I trust."

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 3rd, 2005, 10:24:23 PM
"A procedure that I have not been able to complete. You will forgive me for breaching protocol, I have not been of free will to do so as of yet. "

He had almost forgot about this trivial detail. It could become his greatest enemy in this game, but this remained unrevealed to the woman.

R. S. Esalis
Jan 3rd, 2005, 10:37:09 PM
Another hollow smile graced her features. "Ah good, I'm glad you have already thought of that particular technicality."

She thumbed the datapad once again, turning it off while in the same tome rising to her feet.

"That you wish to join the Sovereignty is something that would raise many brows and cause those of my normal circle to talk among themselves."

She made her way to where she kept the decantur of absynthe. "So I trust you will understand my reluctance to outright accept you with virtually no questions asked."

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 3rd, 2005, 10:51:01 PM
"Those who question the...method...of Xenos reveal interesting thoughts. Most....are the same in here." He raised an elongated finger to his head.

"Enemies must be dealt with here." He lowered his hand, his eyes following her.

"Fear of Xenos is a weakness. I wish I could say that I was afforded the right to be born not of the Falleen species, to speed this process. However I can not. And I assure you Grand Inquisitor, those that would question you, as most would, harbor the seeds of the virus."

He entered deep thought, probing his mind for answers.

"Perhaps, my initial display may be enough to catch your eye, but your...comrades....may need further convincing. " He removed a data card from within his robed frame.

"The names of several wanted criminals several within the Sov, their current location, their planned destinations and purposes, full psychological profiles. This includes their possible responses to many of the actions the Inquisitoriate could take against them."

He placed the card on the desk. "I have had considerable amounts of time to plan their...sudden demise. Being Exiled from ones home allows one to grow with even greater power. I doubt this list of thirty or so names would be enough to impress. But I'm not here to impress anyone."

R. S. Esalis
Jan 4th, 2005, 08:31:04 PM
"Of course you aren't," was her only response as she filled the two cups with the clear liquor.

"Your offered information is most appreciated, but I'm afraid we already know where these criminals are. I have not acted against them for the simple matter that I have other business that I feel is more worthy of my time."

The Grand Inquisitor returned to her desk, setting one of the cups before the Falleen before sitting again in her chair. "My job has many facets to it, as I'm sure you can understand, and so I must prioritize my tasks and assign importance to what I feel is most vital or detrimental to the Sovereignty."

Esalis sipped lightly at her drink. "I will not inquire as to your dedication - that would have to be seen and demonstrated over time should I allow this desire of yours to fulfill itself. I will impress upon you however, that I do not tolerate insubordination in any form, and if you are to pledge yourself to the Inquisitoriate, you will answer to me above all others. What I strive for is order and conformity, but mostly obedience from my men.

"Is that understood?"

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 4th, 2005, 08:39:07 PM
Xulian nodded as the woman spoke. Loyalty would not be a problem. He offered a soft thanks for the drink. He then looked at her sharply.

"Understood, Grand Inquisitor."

He lifted the cup and sipped the liquor.

R. S. Esalis
Jan 4th, 2005, 08:54:26 PM

"I will allow you a small 'trial time', as it were, to be sure that this is something you indeed wish to be a part of."

Esalis let a moment of silence reign then, as she leaned back in her seat. After the brief hiatus in conversation, she spoke once again.

"Do you have any questions for myself."

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 4th, 2005, 08:59:12 PM
The Falleen steepled his fingers, folded one hand over the other and placed them in his lap.

"Several, ma'am. First, what is my uniform. Where will I live. What is required of me? Will I have the liberty of having my sidearm returned to me, or will I be requisitioned other....gear...and finally, when will I receive my assignment?" He sot the questions out in rapid succession, only slightly pausing in between. It would be better to cut the small talk.

R. S. Esalis
Jan 4th, 2005, 09:11:32 PM
A lofted brow was all that was returned to him as Esalis listened to his barrage of questions.

"A uniform and sidearm will be provided to you once you are given quarters in the city. I suggest you find yourself a hotel for the night until I can have everything else arranged.

"As for your first assignment, that will be given to you when I feel you are ready. For now it would be best if you acclimated yourself to Thyferra."

Another sip. "I trust this is acceptable."

The tone in her voice however indicated that any answer contrary to agreement would not be tolerated.

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 4th, 2005, 09:16:30 PM
Matthaeus nodded, "Yes, Grand Inquisitor. I will acquire a room for the time being, I trust I will be contacted, not the other way around?"

He paused and listened to her response, sipping form the cup.

"Then there is the need to be registered, how may I go about this?" He finished off the Liquor.

R. S. Esalis
Jan 4th, 2005, 10:12:01 PM
"You will have to do that through the Ministry of the Interior. I cannot help you on that front, as I do not concern myself with those whom they process for the most part."

Esalis made short work of clearing her desk then, replacing the few datapads on its' surface into their respective drawers before finishing her own absynthe.

She stood."If that is all, then I must bid you farewell as my duties for today have been completed... "

Matthaeus Xulian
Jan 4th, 2005, 10:16:42 PM
"I await my orders."

He stood and gave a small thanks for the time of the Grand Inquisitor. He waited for the word to leave, then prepared to exit the office, presuably to be escorted to the exterior of the citidel.