View Full Version : Journey into Darkness: Ill Omen

Dec 5th, 2004, 07:35:26 PM
OOC: Takes place directly after the events in "A Jedi Never Fears." (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=32673)

The positively alluring scent of death hung heavily in the crisp night air, lingering from the brutal battle pasted, accompanied by the sweet aroma of scorched flesh, burnt or rather boiled to a near crisp. How glorious the battle must have been, to see a mighty Jedi fall to his knees, to hear him scream out in utter pain as he begged for his life. Death held the Jedi Padawan within its iron grasp as he lay near unconsciousness upon the ground in which he was painfully cast to. Life drained from him with every passing minute, he would surely succumb to his wounds if he remained unaided. It seemed the help in which he desperately needed to survive would not arrive in time. As hope for life slowly dwindled from the Jedis mind a sudden chill swept over him, consuming him completely, though it was not the swift, cold hand of death, no it was something much worse. As Ka'al fell in and out of consciousness he heard a thunderous yet gentle voice call to him, echoing in his mind, bidding him not to give up. The blackened shadows of the room began to stir as something of incredible strength and power drew near. Slowly a dark ominous figure emerged from the living shadows, standing like death himself before the half dead Jedi. There was a flare in his eyes unlike any other.

Gracefully he moved, seeming to glide across the sewage infested ground rather then walk upon it. A thick cloak of crimson and gold hung loosely from the mans broad shoulders, revealing beneath it, a well toned and muscular body clad in black. His face appeared as though it was chiseled from stone, hardened by the battles he had fought in, though deep down a look of concern played. The mans eyes remained completely fixated upon the Jedi as he drew to his side. Crouching beside him he placed a hand upon the Jedis brow as he meticulously scanned his entire body, taking in the severe damage inflicted upon him.

" You shall live Master Jedi, do not worry yourself my friend you are out of harms way. Rest now, you shall be better when you awaken. "

His voice was soft as he spoke in a gentle tone. Continuing to scan his body he stopped momentarily to get a better look at the mans right arm and right eye, they would need to be removed, the raw sewage had infected them. A warm smile played upon the mans rose colored lips, reassuring the Jedi that he spoke the truth. Leaning down a bit the man peered deep into the Jedis eyes, seeming to search his very soul. Without a moments hesitation he began to pick up the Jedi, sliding both hands beneath him, lifting his from his resting place.

" Rest easy my friend, no harm shall befall you. "

With that he turned to leave with the Jedi in his arms.

Ka' el Darcverse
Dec 5th, 2004, 08:27:39 PM
The Padawan's frame was dead weight in his benefactor's arms. His labored breathing was the only sign of life in his battered, pale body. There were no outward signs of cognizance of what was going own around Ka' el. He simply lay in the arms of him who carried him, motionless and broken.

The boy's mind had shut down its consciousness as a defense mechanism used to shield his fragile psyche from the pain he was enduring. His flesh nearly boiled off his bones, he had nearly been cooked alive. His right eye was destroyed, his right arm would have to be amputated, the raw sewage had made useless even the miraculous healing power of bacta. However through all of this the young padawan's sub-conscious was quite active.

The Padawan dreamed, horrible dreams, not even the term nightmare could accurately describe the torture with which Ka' el was enduring mentally. The horror of his assault had been magnified by the monsters of his mind. Inside the deepest recesses of the young Jedi's soul there lay a dormant beast , one that had been lulled into a slumber by the young man's daily meditations and by the defense wall he had constructed to hold his emotions inside. But now, without the distractions of the world to help him ignore the urges he felt inside, he had to face this creature of his own making, he would have to face the darkside that tempted all Jedi, but Ka' el was at a distinct disadvantage, he was not facing his inner-demons on a battleground of his own choosing. He was not in a meditation garden, surrounded by his friends and comrades, no he was within their domain. He was trapped within the very walls he had created to keep the demons inside him.

Dec 13th, 2004, 07:57:24 PM
A dark sadistic grin spread across his thinly pressed lips like a plague as he saw the Jedi fall deep into unconsciousness. He chuckled lightly to himself in a sinister tone as he walked through the door, all was as he had foreseen. His time for resurrection had come. If things continued to go as planned he would soon be walking among the most powerful of the Sith, an elite. Looking down at the man in which he held in his arms the grin he wore only widened, looking truly demonic. It had been easy thus far, though not a soul knew of his plans, none the less it was no reason to get sloppy. Stepping out into the darkness of night his crimson eyes gleamed, burning brightly as the fire of an eternal hatred was held within them. His eyes scanned the landscape before him, looking down the long barren streets of the now desolate city.

Though he carried a great weight within his arms, a burden to be sure, he showed no signs of it. He moved silently through the dead of night with unnatural speeds, even for that of a skilled force user. A lifetime seemed to pass before he stopped again, the night lingering in the blackened skies above. They now stood before a large gothic domicile, with an enormous iron gate blocking their path to the house. The house itself was constructed of ancient stone, standing three stories tall and nearly just as wide. With but a thought the gate swung open soundlessly. As they quickly approached the house, the door opened, revealing the inside. It was dark and eerie, barely lit at best, only candles of morbid design illuminated the house, their light dancing on the darkly colored walls. As they entered the door shut quietly behind them. Turning the man walked up the stairs to where the young Jedi would be staying, resting to regain his strength. Entering a room on the top floor, the man laid down the Jedi Padawan on a plush, giant of a bed. The room was huge and highly decorated; red littered the room like drops of blood. Pulling the covers up the man left the room without a word.

Days passed and still the Jedi did not awaken, the damage and torment he endured was extensive. Doctors came and went; he would need to be well rested before they could begin working on his injured limb and eye. If they rushed it he could die, which was unacceptable. All he needed was time.

Ka' el Darcverse
Feb 2nd, 2005, 10:18:34 PM
The dreams did not come as often anymore, though how can one be sure how often dreams come when one is never concious? The young padawan drifted in a sea of subconcious emotions and feelings. The repressed anger at the length of his apprenticeship reared its ugly head once again in his dreams.

The part of him he thought he could repress with his training and meditation, it grew while he slept, the anger, the pride, but most of all the unfettered ambition. The boy's secret desires for power, for prestige, to grow in name with the legends of his needs created a hunger within him, that he could not defend in this place.

Even while he slept he felt its power and it fed the dark parts of him, it made him stronger, even though he should have felt weaker. Slowly the calm center of his soul twisted and burned creating a swirling vortex of rage that could be felt it one dug just beneath the boy's icy calm exterior. The tethered ambition that was now fueling this new power threatened to rip the slumbering boy apart and though his dreams were less frequent the dark visions within them grew and slowly he realized the monster chasing him, was no one other than himself.

"Hunh! What?! Where am I?!" the lad roared as he snapped awake from his fitful slumber. Flailing thunder and fury but there was no bite to his bark, soon he was painfully aware of his situation and he groaned as the pain bit once again.

"Ohhhh... What happened? Why can't I see out of my left eye?"