View Full Version : Warming Up the Furnace (Rivin, open)
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 3rd, 2004, 08:20:23 PM
Inner Rim
.5 LY from Phourra Minor
With a leftover flash of the Cerenkov radiation that deceleration from lightspeed always yeilded, the Chevalier winked into existence.
Je'gan took a moment to look through the viewport of the old transport as he recalibrated the AI for the requisite microjump. The Phourran primary was slightly brighter than the surrounding stars, a ball of yellow flame large enough to leave a negative image on the eye. They'd be there within the hour, approaching one of the system's two planets.
He glanced back over his cloaked shoulder at the darkened corridor that led to the rest of the ship. Rivin was somewhere back there, product of an unlikely alliance between the two Sith Knights and longtime rivals. The plan was as yet ephemeral, but one thing was certain: the hold contained some rather powerful explosives, crude enough to register on scanners as more innocuous than deadly. Those explosives had come from Rivin and the Molochean Hand.
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 6th, 2004, 12:34:56 PM
Rivin was in the back checking on the explosives, making sure that the cloths that were ment to help trick the sensors were all locked down, and that nothing would shift while they were decending to the planet. The cargo manifest contained mining equipment, and food supplies, and since the explosives are just overpowered mining explosives it really shouldn't be a problem, but Rivin always like to keep things safe.
As they come out of hyperspace and manuver to their final hyperspace vector, Rivin comes into he the same room at Je'gan.
"So how long till we are there? I'm guessing it will not be much longer."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 6th, 2004, 05:30:17 PM
"Another few minutes for the calculation, about that again for the actual jump, and then perhaps an hour until we're groundside."
He'd said this while examining the long-range sensor bank, situated just in front of him; now, he turned the low pilot's chair to face Rivin.
"Your people are ready to capitalize on this?" There was, he knew, a minor branch of the Molochean Hand on Phourra Minor; whether Rivin's security company was directly affiliated with the Hand or not, his sources had been unable to say. Genuinely unable: he'd probed their minds at length, possibly without their notice.
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 7th, 2004, 11:19:47 AM
"We are always willing and ready to make the most of every situation that comes our way. Which town are we settling down in?"
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 7th, 2004, 02:12:07 PM
"Palupatal," he said casually, leaning back and resting his arms on the angular rests. "Nothing like the obvious.
"Once we're there, what - hm. That was quick."
Je'gan's chair swivelled back around to face the main body of the console. His hands found a set of levers and slid them up in their slots uniformly. The starscape blurred and elongated, then flashed into the blue tunnel of hyperspace. He remained facing forward in the chair, hands resting on the dash.
"What do those explosives weigh? In other words, do I need to take control of a random passerby or a speeder's occupants?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 9th, 2004, 01:58:37 PM
"Opperations that I have a hand in have been persuaded to assist in the off loading of supplies. In the hold we have 5 metric tons of explosives, each 2 kilogram brick is able to level a small office building. If you are having troubles with the math that would come to 2500 bricks of explosives. Once we have landed they will take the explosives to an evacuated warehouse where we can deside what to do from there."
Rivin grins as he makes a final snide remark.
"I'm assuming that you didn't look in the hold after my men were finished loading the cargo?"
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 9th, 2004, 03:23:50 PM
"That's beyond overkill," Je'gan retorted, still looking out the cockpit. He gripped the levers again and moved them from slot to slot in perfect unison with a blinking light on the display. The Chevalier dropped into realspace.
"No, I didn't bother looking in the hold. I left that up to you. Apparently, I shouldn't have." He raised a hand to forestall any response from his passenger; the comm had crackled, and a message was coming through.
"Freighter Chevalier, please transmit cargo manifest and destination."
"Roger, Palupatal Control. Transmitting now."
He tapped the keys that would send the pertinent information, then turned to face Rivin again.
"You brought enough explosive to destroy the entire city. Why?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:04:09 PM
Rivin Smiles at Je'gan's reaction to the amount of explosives he loaded.
"Because what we do not use for our opperations will be shiped off to my mining opperations on this planet where nobody will bat an eye at this many explosives. Plus one of my warehouses on Thacose Minor was close to being raided, and I mannaged to get the contents to my tempoary storage on Corellia, but thoses the contents are checked ever month so I had to get them out of there before the next Corsec security check. I felt that this would be an effective use of an opportunity. I have no intentions of using this much at this point in time. Though if you want to level the entire city, I would have no quarls with that."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:10:09 PM
"Freighter Chevalier, attain spacelane KZ-089. Please adhere to velocity regulations. Thank you."
The transmission clicked off again; Je'gan altered course as Control had required.
"I don't appreciate, though," he said thoughtfully, "being used as impromptu shipping without my knowledge. I'm about this close to depriving you of one or two high-ranking members of the Hand."
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:17:42 PM
"If you can find any high ranking members in the Molochean Hand, and kill them before they can escape that would be your choice, though most people that work for The Hand don't even know it. So if you wish to kill them I will not stop you from culling the herd, so to speek."
Rivin pauses for a moment, then continues.
"Though I do appreacate your assistance in transporting my explosives. Though I don't see why it is a problem, it's not like We know excatly how much explosive power we would require."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:21:05 PM
"On the contrary," Je'gan said icily. "The Phorocorp building will require only two bricks. The complete demolition of the premesis is unnecessary - and the destruction of only a large portion of the building will yield greater cover in which to 'work,' as well as more scope for chaos."
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:29:17 PM
"Alright, Correction. You did not inform ME how much we would be requiring. I was unaware that we were only going to take one building. I was under the impression that we would be not only hitting the Phorocorp building, but also their law enforcment and military dispatch centers."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:57:41 PM
"No, the plan was to hit only Phorocorp...hang on."
Je'gan's hands paused on the controls, and he blinked.
"Actually, while that wasn't the plan we started with, it would be a better. The government's close relationship to Phorocorp would make it seem as though the entire strike would be one against Phourra Minor's government. That the rival security company failed to protect Phorocorp properly would only be a tiny side-note, and the speed with which your firm responded would be that much more likely to go unremarked-upon.
"By the way, I'd appreciate it if you refrained from drawing attention of any sort anywhere near this ship while we're on the ground."
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 9th, 2004, 06:53:38 PM
"With Chaos all across the city how would the expect a small security firm to cover everything. There are 10 police dispach areas in the city, and one military base. With some time, explosives could be placed on all of them, one brick for each police station, and four for the military base if we only wanted to disable, 16 if we wanted to level it. The base would include the offices, barracks, hanger, and training grounds.
As for bringing attention to your ship, I wouldn't think of doing that. It may be my fastest way off planet, so I do not want to take the expence of getting my own vessles here to get me off planet."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 9th, 2004, 07:41:28 PM
He nodded tersely.
"Fine. Just be more...careful than usual. Local clothes, weapons well-hidden, and no Force until the explosives actually go off.
"We'd better throw in a handful of other private buildings if we're going to hit the police stations. Otherwise Phorocorp is too much of an anomaly. Thoughts?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 10th, 2004, 11:20:37 AM
"AraoTech, The land-Air Speeder manufacuring plant. The have an branch here, and a large contract with the government. Also there is a nice deli that a number of officals go to and get discounts at, we could hit that place and likely get a few poiitical reps while we are at it."
Rivin rolls his eyes.
"You don't need to remind me of that part of the mission. I agreed to that part back at TSO."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 10th, 2004, 12:56:38 PM
"Forgive me," Je'gan said with awful sarcasm. "I must have forgotten."
Other vessels began to soar about them, transit from the many hyperspace exit beacons around Phourra Minor to the planet itself. Je'gan handled the little freighter adroitly enough, considering that he'd only began flying a handful of years ago, and showed - or had developed - little real talent in that regard.
"You said 'with time.' How fast can your men get the explosives planted without attracting notice?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 10th, 2004, 07:25:05 PM
"That would depend on how soon you want to do this. the more time we wait the less likely they will not attract notice. It's about mid day now in that city. With time to unload, assgine the people to the job, and for them to get it done I would give them till sunrise."
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 11th, 2004, 09:06:16 AM
"Let's do it at noon tomorrow, then," he said decisively, standing and walking past Rivin into the main body of the ship. The autopilot could handle their relatively straightforward course until they hit atmosphere.
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 17th, 2004, 12:34:40 PM
After they land a few trucks pull up to the ship and unload the explosives, taking them to a warehouse as Rivin said they would. He also did send out some of his people to plant the explosives at the designated targets.
While his men are out Rivin turns to Je'gan.
"So where do you want to be when the fireworks go off?"
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 17th, 2004, 12:46:30 PM
"I'll be in a basement, meditating," Je'gan said quite calmly. "Not more than a few hundred metres from the edge of the blast radius. From there, I should be able to create whatever illusions I need to, control whatever minds I must. Why?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 19th, 2004, 01:50:54 PM
"I was just wondering, So I am to asume that I will be the only one of us visible to appear to be causing the trouble? I hope you are not just trying to pin this action on me and my people?"
Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 20th, 2004, 10:07:38 AM
He smirked bitterly. "Incompetant mentalist though you are, Rivin, I'm sure even you will be able to tell when I have you covered by an illusion of invisibility and when to...I don't know...cover your face!?!"
Stalking to a vending machine, he exchanged a handful of coins for a sealed can of a popular carbonated beverage. Over the clink of coins, he continued. "Or perhaps just try your pathetic best to create an illusion of your own. You've invested so much in your Force Lightning wannabe that you can't even begin to comprehend other aspects of the Sith arts. Certainly not enough to keep me from killing you where you stand."
The can rolled into view; Je'gan grabbed it and straightened to face the older Knight.
"You belittle and demean me at every turn. You show no sign of having listened to Malice Draclau, someone who you should have been worshipping. Your loyalty to the Order is practically nonexistant. I do not want to hear another word out of your mouth that denigrates myself or the Order. If you do it again, I will take measures that you will not enjoy. Is that clear?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 4th, 2005, 11:46:51 AM
"Very clear. Though it's not like your threats mean anything to me in the first place."
Rivin turns his back to Je'gan and goes to sit on one of the remaining crates.
"You also clearly don't know me since, you think I've invested heavly in my lightning. Telekintics and lightsaber combat are what I focus on. You will never comprehend the power behind the art of moving mater with your mind."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 4th, 2005, 02:04:46 PM
"I don't need to move matter when I can destroy it," he said flatly, cradling the unopened can. "You could lift this machine and crush me with it - I could make your kneecaps explode before it had gotten half-way. Ever lost a kneecap, Rivin?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 4th, 2005, 02:12:33 PM
"You would need far to much consentration to make my knee explode. My defences are not that of an apprentice. I have earned my title as a knight through my own work, not just cause my master told a master I was ready, like some people had."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 4th, 2005, 02:15:30 PM
"You are, perhaps," he said quietly, "too quick to underestimate my skills. 'Too much' concentration would be to destroy that same vending machine. I'm not positive I could do that - but to take out something the size of, say, a weapon...or a body part...that, I can accomplish in less than half a second without significant expenditure of power or of concentration."
The can dented slightly in his grasp.
"Still don't believe me? Try to kill me, Rivin. Go on. I give you my word I won't report it."
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 4th, 2005, 02:20:30 PM
Rivin shakes his head.
"No. You are still more use to me alive than dead. Maybe after this mission I will take you up on this offer though."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 4th, 2005, 02:24:06 PM
"That would be...entertaining."
Though he finally popped the tab of the soft drink, his guard didn't relax one bit. Calculating black eyes watched Rivin over the top of the can.
"But let's put this duel of ego behind us. Aren't you in the least bit curious to see how I measure up - now, after so long?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 5th, 2005, 11:18:46 AM
"Are you in such a hurry to end your own life? I would rather wait till this task is over with. I know when to kill, I know when to spare people, I know when it is my best interests to act, and when not to act. Now is not the time."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 5th, 2005, 12:59:01 PM
Disgusted by the other Darksider's ego - unwarranted, in his opinion - Je'gan took a long drink. He made no attempt whatsoever to cover his disgust. Everything was going as he had foreseen. Prescience hadn't been needed, merely a knowledge of Rivin's personality.
"I'm going out. You may do as you wish, but I'm coming for you tomorrow morning to finalize the plan. Be at the Obryne Cal technical insitute at sunrise."
Tossing away the empty can, he pulled back the sleeve of his robe to reveal an expanse of glossy black that extended from wrist to elbow. It peeled away to reveal a small wristband studded with recessed switches. He pressed two in rapid succession, and a second, smaller ramp descended from the freighter's belly. Ascending the ramp, he retrieved a small speeder bike and left the small-craft bay empty.
"I genuinely appreciate what little you've done for the Order, Rivin. I just want you to know that."
With a set of keypresses on the wristlet, he re-sealed the ship and armed systems. His feet angled the accelerators down and he roared off away from the city and the main body of the spaceport.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 7th, 2005, 01:28:28 PM
Rivin nods as Je'gan departs on his speeder, thought he does not go to get the last word in, he is just a little too suprised by what he could sware to be a complement comming from Je'gan. But he doesn't think about it too much, he just gets on with his work that could be done before the fun begins.
Time passes and it is almost sunrise. Rivin is dressed in clothing similar to that of the locals, with a hooded brown cape to keep his face from view. A blaster at his side and both his lightsabers hidden in his boots, Rivin was ready, now only if Je'gan would get here so he could detonate the charges.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 7th, 2005, 01:34:19 PM
Je'gan shimmered into view beside his peer, gazing down the street at another building. Obryne Cal's complex was only a couple hundred metres from Phorocorp; the building would soon go up in flame.
"You have any questions?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 7th, 2005, 01:48:32 PM
"Not really, but I just want to keep things strait. We are not to use lightsabers unless the Jedi Attack us first, we are to blend in and cause as much panic without drawing attention to us, and we are to let nobody to live if the see us use the force. Alright? Do you have anything else to say before I push the button?"
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 7th, 2005, 02:39:11 PM
"We are not to fight, period," Je'gan said, shaking his head. "This cannot be linked to Sith. If they find you out, run. I'll be right behind you."
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 8th, 2005, 12:19:53 PM
Rivin just sneers at Je'gan, as he slips his hand into his pocket, and presses the little button in there. Explosions errupt from multiple sections of the city. People dive for cover as dibris and bodies fly all over the place, the military base falls to the ground, the law enforcment stations colapse, and the Phorocorp building seems to jump 2 meters off the ground before falling into a pile of rubble. Panic strikes the people in the streets, as distruction hits the buildings.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 8th, 2005, 07:48:51 PM
"All right..."
Je'gan's voice seemed to fade, and his image blurred out of existence. One last whisper drifted through the air before the illusion disappeared entirely.
"...go to town..."
*** *** ***
Secure in a subtly commandeered office in an entirely different building, Je'gan replaced his illusory 'self' with a simpler invisibility centred around Rivin. That was easy enough, even at range; he could do a bit to magnify the panic that now began to permeate the city centre, without dropping that illusion. Unfortunately, that would not be an option. If there were Force-sensitives here, they could not be allowed to feel use of the Dark Side. Je'gan devoted the rest of his concentration to putting a Force-mask around Rivin as powerful as any he ever used for himself, removing the older Knight's presence - a step that would become increasingly critical as Rivin began to use the Force.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 11th, 2005, 12:14:39 PM
Rivin Really didn't need Je'gan force masking, but he didn't comment.He was very able to do his own masking, but this way he could do what he wanted with out having to worry about his masking.
Rivin makes his way into the panicing crouds.triping a few people, mainly young (7-15 years old) girls, with a gentle tap of the force, causing them to be trampled by the masses of people trying to escape.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 11th, 2005, 01:34:17 PM
Je'gan surveyed the devastation through the eyes of a bystander. The effect had been exactly as planned. Now, with Rivin's aid, death was persisting even after the initial blast.
But it wasn't enough.
We need some sort of secondary explosion to cover up some stronger damage. Hit a gas main, please.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 12th, 2005, 12:24:07 PM
Rivin nods as he focuses the force on a gas main near one of the burning buildings. He uses the force to pull back the main breaking it open exposing the flamable gass to the fire, causeing it to send a fire ball into the air, and fire to backflash down the pipe to the sorce where a distant explosion signifys it made it to the the main storage tank outside of town.
Rivin also causes the few people that were thrown as the fire ball erupts from the pipe to be thrown into the flaming building.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 12th, 2005, 12:36:23 PM
There was a hitch, just one. Between shielding Rivin and keeping a telepathic eye on the situation, Je'gan could not effectively shield his own use of the Force. That was only a problem if there were other Forcers around, though. For now, he probably didn't have to worry about it.
Chaos had engulfed the city. The planting of the bombs had eliminated widespread buildings; now, Je'gan could take the final step, one he hadn't bothered to discuss with Rivin - but had been quite explicit about when talking with his Master. Shifting his point of view from the bystander's eyes to his own, he peeled the Shadow back from his forearm and typed a code on the wrist-mounted keypad underneath. Far away, fifteen pounds of baradium - formerly shielded within a stasis field and state-of-the-art shock absorbers - was energized, causing the freighter they'd arrived in to cease to exist in a sharply defined ball of white flame. When it faded, nothing was left but a crater in the permacrete.
He smiled and returned to observing the destruction. The freighter had been purchased with someone else's money, on a world that he'd never visited, by a fourth party who didn't remember the transaction and had a new habit of forgetting to file a flight plan. Ah, the joys of mind control.
Excellent job. It strikes me that there's a transformer on the other side of the building. Good place for some Force Lightning and general playing around, wouldn't you say?
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 12th, 2005, 12:43:58 PM
Rivin Nods at the telepathic message and makes his way so that he is hidden behind a dumpster as he casts out a hand and frys the transformer with his dark force lightning. He then makes his way to the streets and encourages one of the effected power lines to fall across the street, electricuting 15 people in the process.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 12th, 2005, 12:48:07 PM
By now, the blasts of sirens cut the air. Foam and water began to fly, but not enough to contain the blaze let alone stop it. With so many blast points and so many secondary fires, the disaster response teams were swamped and confused.
We'd better have hit something near the spaceport, or it's a simple leap to say these attacks originated off-world.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 12th, 2005, 12:56:53 PM
Rivin smiles as he causes another power line to fall, this time on to a fire truck, causing the responce teem near the truck to be electricuted and the water around the truck was now conducting the electricity into many other people near by.
The police station at the spaceport also took out the the control tower and the foot passenger waiting area when it went boom Rivin sent back to Je'gan
He also neglected to mention that he also planted explosives at a local shelter for abused women and children, that was near the spaceport, and did damage to the space port, but it's not it matters now.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 12th, 2005, 01:18:44 PM
What aren't you telling me, Rivin?
He wasn't about to peek into the other Knight's thoughts, not when respecting his allies was what he was trying to work on.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 14th, 2005, 12:43:40 PM
Rivin uses the force to cause a speeding police speeder to skid out of control, and into a group of children, ranging from the age of 7 and 17, that evacuating a school that was near one of the burning buildings, an also causes the speeder to block the door as he makes a peice of flaming wood from the next building over fall ageinst the school, lighting it on fire too.
What I am not telling, does not matter, since it was delt with allong with the rest of the places that had explosives in them.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 14th, 2005, 01:00:25 PM
Now he peeked, briefly so as not to give Rivin the wrong impression, but deeply enough to find what he wanted.
That was a poor move. To take out a government-sanctioned school would have been in character - as you're starting to do, I can see - but nobody would hit a shelter for abuse cases.
Get some more explosives, please, and make your way to the spaceport. We have to make it look like the spaceport was the main target, or this could all fall apart. Your proclivities are well-known in certain circles; somebody might finger you as the suspect, especially after your recent performance on Chandrila.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 14th, 2005, 01:10:13 PM
Rivin smiles as he can feal Je'gan's revolsion in his choice of location to blow up, but doesn't reply. he does pull out his communicator, and call some of his thugs.
"I want to blow the Spaceport. Get some more explosives and detonate them through out the spaceport." After he gets the "yes sir" responce Rivin hangs up and goes back to causing people to trip into the flames or electrifyed water.
An hour of this goes by and then a large explosion erupts from the space port, which happened to be where alot of the panicing people were gathering.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 14th, 2005, 02:10:36 PM
An hour, of course, was plenty of time to alert Vega to get out of there - not that Je'gan's Master couldn't have followed the same train of thought as the Knight himself. Meanwhile, Je'gan occupied himself with instilling a touch of panic into the minds of selected firemen. It glimmered already underneath the calm of experience in many cases; enhancing it was even simpler than creating it. Disaster response crews failed to work at peak efficiency, allowing Rivin to have his fun.
At last, Je'gan contacted Rivin again.
Let's move out. We've done all we can do here.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 14th, 2005, 02:17:36 PM
Rivin Nods to himself and goes to pull back to the designated meeting spot, where he waited for Je'gan to arrive.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 14th, 2005, 02:25:33 PM
Rivin rippled into visible existence at the door of the building, just as Je'gan opened the door and came out into the red-tinged noonday light. People were running and screaming; the disaster services people were doing their best, but it wasn't enough. Not for something like this.
I wiped all traces of our arrival, he said through telepathy. We'll have to hide out in the forest for a day or two while our ride gets here.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 14th, 2005, 03:30:21 PM
Rivin looks around at the panicing crowd and replys through telepathy...
That will not be nessary. If you wish to leave sooner, my mining opperations in the towns of towns of Calagala or Stillfall have ships that leave on a regular bases. If we used a speeder we could be at Stillfall in less than two hours, or if you want to walk and we take a cross-country route, we could be there in less than 10 hours.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 14th, 2005, 03:57:57 PM
Good idea. Either way, we'll blend in with people fleeing the city. Speeder would probably be best. I've got a pair of bikes stashed in an alley six blocks away. So far, they're undamaged.
Je'gan moved into the crowd, using the Force to anticipate the shifts and surges of motion that might send someone to their death. He trod on a hand - a small one - and grimaced, but continued on towards the alley in question.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 14th, 2005, 04:24:34 PM
Rivin makes his way to the Ally following behind Je'gan, allowing him to lead the way.
Now do you see why I didn't kill you before we started this. He sends to Je'gan with a joking tone in his voice.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 14th, 2005, 04:58:12 PM
We do make a fairly decent team, Je'gan admitted, alternately going with the crowd and cutting across it. The alley hove into sight, and as he entered it he saw that the tarpaulan was undisturbed. That was to be expected, of course: it was made of a thin layer of Shadow, and whatever touched it got burnt. Such an anomaly wouldn't have gone unremarked-upon for more than a day or two in a city this size, but it had only been here since sunrise, and everyone had their hands too full to take or make complaints.
Je'gan called it mentally, and the black solid streamed across the ground, slithering up his legs to wind around his forearms and hands in a pair of thick black gloves. He sat down on one uncovered bike and powered it up.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 14th, 2005, 05:14:47 PM
Rivin Smiles at the comment of them being a good team, and hops on to one of the Speeder bikes, powering it up and checking the systems, making sure that controls are standard issue. Then without saying anything he just pulls the speeder into high speed, and turns it off towards the town of Stillfall, accdently running over a few people as he leaves the city.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 14th, 2005, 07:43:37 PM
Three hours or so into the chaos, people were still running aimlessly, escaping the charred areas of the city by whatever means they could find. That included not a few speeders. Rivin and Je'gan attracted no attention as they sped into the forest that covered this small continent. The roads, of course, were too obvious: it was best to cover one's bases. Thankfully, the reflexes of both Sith Knights were up to the task of flying headlong through a forest.
They came out of the forest a few kilometres from Stillfall. The sun had begun to dip towards the horizon. Behind them, Je'gan knew, a plume of smoke and dust rose from the city.
People could be seen, thrashing around the few beleaguered freighters. Desperate to get offworld, they were preventing the ships from making their runs. Normally, that wouldn't have presented a problem...but how to get them to leave without visibly using the Force or drawing attention to the two Sith on approaching bikes would be tricky. It would probably fall to Je'gan as the less drained of the pair, but he waited for Rivin's input anyways.
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 20th, 2005, 02:30:59 PM
Rivin watches as his men beat off people as they try to load the cargo. One of the the ships were allmost ready to leave and Rivin knew what to do. He quietly called the ship, and then motioned for Je'gan to follow as he bolts down to the warehouse.
When he gets there he grabs a set of coveralls that are like the work clothing of the people there, and hands a set to Je'gan. He then clips a small trailer of supplies on the back of each speeder, and then goes to slowly tow it into the freghter allong with the last of the cargo train.
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 20th, 2005, 05:21:19 PM
The press of people began to notice the speeders, parting before the noses of the heavy-laden vehicles and letting the two men through. Though he didn't show it, Je'gan kept a close eye on those around him. Shock and panic had both taken hold in these desperate refugees running from the smoking city.
The speeders went inside. Rivin's men knew what they were doing: the hatch irised open and shut with perfect timing, letting the speeder bikes and accompanying repulsorsleds inside but giving nobody else a chance to enter.
Je'gan got off the bike and powered down, looking about in the airlock's dim lighting. "I can't say much for the ventilation," he opined with a trace of sarcasm, "but you really have a lovely place here."
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 26th, 2005, 04:26:48 PM
"Thank you." Rivin says as he ties down the speeder he was on. "It's not the most comfortable way to travel but it gets you to where we have to go. This frieght is going to Tallus, from their we can find our own way to Corellia."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 26th, 2005, 04:46:20 PM
Je'gan paused in the act of tying down his own speeder, and after a moment turned to look sharply at Rivin.
"Talus, in the Corellian system? Any stops between here and there?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 26th, 2005, 05:33:29 PM
"It will stop at Omwat, Renvar, Hoth, Da'scosha IV, Duros, and Drall before it reaches Tallus, in the Corellian System. If you want to get off before Tallus you are quite aloud to. It will be a long ride if you take the whole route."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 26th, 2005, 07:46:16 PM
"Rhen Var and Hoth, eh?" the Sith Knight mused, stroking his chin. "Got some interests in the old iceballs?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 28th, 2005, 10:36:48 AM
Rivin just grins.
"I have reasons of being where I go. if people dont lie it then tough."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 28th, 2005, 11:02:32 AM
Je'gan moved past Rivin into the ship. Small, a bit cramped, it didn't feel like the freighter they had come here in. Not by a long shot.
"And, of course," he said deadpan, "there's so much money to be made in popsicle real estate. Cryogenics? Or simply looking into Rhen Var's Sith background?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 28th, 2005, 11:11:00 AM
Rivin gets sorta like a who me look on his face.
"I have no idea on what you are talking about. I liked the property, so I bought it."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 28th, 2005, 11:22:05 AM
Je'gan shook his head; chuckling, he threw himself down on a seat in a little recess and propped his boots up on a game table.
"Looked into Vjun yet? Built anything over Endor?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 28th, 2005, 11:50:06 AM
"And if I have that is really none of your consern. I choose all my locations to build for their tatical reason, and for how I can best use them to suit my own needs."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 28th, 2005, 01:03:54 PM
"Oh, come off it man," Je'gan said, stretching back against the seat and propping his neck up on his arms. "I'm just toying with ye. Ah well - so long as you don't get the Vjun resear..." He bit off his words and adjusted his position to lean across the table, which now that he noticed it had a hologrid. "Care for a game? I can take time out of my schedule if you can."
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 28th, 2005, 01:23:34 PM
"The Jedi ransacked Vjun's Research facility a long time ago. It is of no futher interest to me." Rivin sits down at the table. "Very well Since it will be a long ride."
Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 28th, 2005, 01:32:04 PM
Shaking his head once more, this time a bit more serious, Je'gan flicked the table online. Dejarik was an old game with almost a cultish following; this set had been well-loved for a long time. The beasts made low growls, barely audible.
"The Jedi ransacked them, yes," he said slowly. "The main ones; who knows what else resides on Bast? Then came the purge, where everything the Jedi had was taken or destroyed by the Empire. Then came the schism - and the Empire split. Time destroys, but it also yields...loopholes.
"You know what happened on Vjun, of course?"
Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 31st, 2005, 01:47:14 PM
Rivin nods as he gets ready to play the game.
"I am aware of what happend on Vjun, as I am Aware of what has happened in many places in this galaxy."
Je'gan Olra'en
Feb 1st, 2005, 07:28:59 AM
Mentally gritting his teeth, Je'gan moved his first piece, the kintan strider, aiming to send it on a looping path towards an unexpected portion of Rivin's front ranks. Anger at Rivin's unceasing, groundless arrogance motivated him; Illusion made it seem as though the strider moved one space closer than it really had.
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