View Full Version : New Senate RP coming soon
Senator Thareena
Dec 2nd, 2004, 05:05:51 PM
Please post here if you're going to be available to post as your senate character in the months of December/January.
I will also need the GJO liason, and the military liason present.
Details coming shortly.
Alexi Hesith
Dec 3rd, 2004, 10:18:15 AM
You can count me in. Of course it may bring the curse of Hesith down on us all, but what the hey?
James Prent
Dec 3rd, 2004, 03:30:04 PM
:eek the Curse of Hesith!?
And, if need be, we can RP the entire senate between us, might even go faster. ;) I will need the Jedi and military liasons involved as well, however.
Redic Scott
Dec 3rd, 2004, 10:21:16 PM
Senator Lorain is in.
Senator Thareena
Dec 8th, 2004, 06:36:30 PM for Hesith. The RP I mentioned earlier shall be starting after this one.
Alexi Hesith
Dec 9th, 2004, 03:18:09 AM
This does look fun.
Rasha Vill
Dec 9th, 2004, 03:16:30 PM
Will the one that you mentioned be the one that you said Via PM that Rasha may have a part in?
Telan Desaria
Dec 9th, 2004, 04:11:56 PM
Has the Imperial Representative been recalled due to hostilities or will he remain to fulfill his posted purpose - - to Oversee the Treatment of Imperial Military Personnel Captive and in Republic Territory
Senator Thareena
Dec 9th, 2004, 05:22:23 PM
This will be only for those I mentioned, and perhaps Rasha Vill.
And the Imperial representative will be barred from overseeing anything in the Senate chambers, due to the hostilities between governments.
Telan Desaria
Dec 9th, 2004, 05:37:06 PM
Of course - - but his job is not as a senate member, but to make sure that all prisoners are treated honourbly and with dignity as they are in the Empire. Prisoner beatings, relieving officers of their weapons, stealing decorations and uniform articles, starving et al will not be tolerated.
Alexi Hesith
Dec 9th, 2004, 06:31:00 PM
The escalation of hostilities at Bestine does not change the diplomatic situation. The NR and Sovereignty have always been, formally, at war.
If he were an acredited diplomat during peace time and war was declared it would be different. He would have his credentials revoked and be given 24 hours to leave. After that he would be an hostile agent in our territory i.e. a spy.
As it is the Representative is not an acredited diplomat with all the attached rights and privledges. The condititions of his presence are under control of the Senate. Hence he can be excluded from the Senate Chamber etc.
We'll probably have that as an ammendment to the Resolution dealing with Bestine. A restriction or redefinition of the Sovereignty Rep's rights. He'll still be able to deal with his main task though, just under different conditions.
James Prent
Dec 9th, 2004, 06:59:37 PM
Well I don't see how his main task means that he gets to sit in on all the Senate meetings.
edit: lol you mean if we take an Imperial officer prisoner, we're supposed to let them keep their weapons so they can shoot us and escape?? O_o
Telan Desaria
Dec 9th, 2004, 08:02:51 PM
No no no - - I m not asking for admittance to the Senate chambers. I was just asking if he would remain. That he is is what I was trying to ascertain.
On the matter of weapons - - yes. And the purpose is not so they can escape but, as officers, they can maintain discipline among the troops captured. As we let the Greeks heep their sidearms when we conquered them in 1940 and the British let us keep ours when we wre captured on the Road from Alamein. It is not a matter of escaping, but a matter of honour. Any officer who used his unaccpetably after being captured would be subjected to a court of honour and, if he killed someone again in contravention with the intended use, he would he executed.
It is a matter of a soldiers discipline before you need to get involved. We ask this since the condition for prisoners in the Empire for any soldier that has fought honourably is lavish. They are treated with every courtesyt given a fallen enemy.
Alexi Hesith
Dec 10th, 2004, 03:05:13 AM
We'll see. Perhpas an RP can be got from it.
As for the sitting in on the Senate, it is correct to say he wouldn't be allowed. I'll make sure this is dealt with when the Talk of War thread gets going again.
James Prent
Dec 13th, 2004, 02:35:02 PM
ok apparently it makes better sense to make this just an exploration okayed by the Chief of Staff?
Tiberius Anar
Dec 13th, 2004, 03:53:10 PM
If you mean "Visiting a Mentor": yes.
But that is no reason to give in just yet. There's alot to be explored here so let's explore it. For example. Thareena and Hesith clearly differ over the best way to deal with the situation. Why? How important are elections and constituents? Who values them more. How much influence does Hesith have over Thareena? etc etc
James Prent
Dec 14th, 2004, 12:49:00 AM
^_^; I'm just trying to decide what's going to be best and what's going to give me the result I want. :p
Jarek T'chort
Dec 14th, 2004, 11:24:39 AM
About Visiting a Mentor - with the NR already on a war footing against the Sov it would actually be a good IC time to press for war against the Sith. Plus the Sov share the Corellian shipyards, it would hit our war effort and take out the Sith. So I imagine Thareena would have support for her intiative.
Just a suggestion.
Arya Ravenwing
Dec 14th, 2004, 11:27:02 AM
But do we *know* that the ImpSov has shipyards there? no, no we don't.
Jarek T'chort
Dec 15th, 2004, 12:10:44 AM
Originally posted by Arya Ravenwing
But do we *know* that the ImpSov has shipyards there? no, no we don't.
Point still stands about being on a war footing anyway. Telan is the one to ask about the alliance and whether the NR would be aware.
Tiberius Anar
Dec 15th, 2004, 05:49:32 AM
I suspect that they would not. In fact it would make sense for them not to know since the Sov is quite secretive about its resources and so forth IC.
But that is no reason for them not to find out. A preliminary investigation would turn up that information---> bolstering Thareena's arguement.
Telan Desaria
Dec 15th, 2004, 12:08:07 PM
actually I must disagree.
While the terms and conditions of the Imperial/Sith alliance might not be known as well as the level of our cooperation.
However, our deployed battle stations and Heavy Destroyer Squadrons arent exactly easily hidden. The NR would know from recon passes and satellite images that we are indeed defending Corellia - - bot not to what extent.
And given the fact that the shipyards stretch over most of the orbit of Corellia, they would be able to see that we are mass producing warships.
Senator Thareena
Dec 17th, 2004, 05:42:57 PM
I've Rped that basically the Corellian system is covered by a virtual Iron Curtain - the NR knows very little as to what is going on in there, and the presence of the Sith Order (imagined or real) discourages tourists and commerce.
I agree with Hesith that a preliminary recon for the investigation fleet (a small one) would reveal the shipyards and Sovereignty activity would be seen. Then the small fleet would be bolstered by a large chunk of the NR fleet due to the hostilities between the two governments, and then we'd get the big battle we're waiting for.
edit: I'd also like to skip ahead from "Mentor" to the actual Senate thread, to save time. If we can assume Thareena did as suggested (go to CoS, spread the CoS's concern to other senators, and have someone else ready to present the motion to the floor) then we could jump right to the day that our lucky NPCed senator gets to present the motion to investigate the Corellian system fully.
Tiberius Anar
Dec 18th, 2004, 12:46:28 PM
Skipping ahead would work. But between the two of us we could rp it fairly quickly. Excerpts from the wheeling and dealing.
eg: Thareena leaving the CoS's offices. A news story about the memo (i.e. as leaked by Thareena's aide). The chatter of the Senators. The nudging of one of the Senators by Thareena/Hesith/a member of the Executive.
Serena Laran
Dec 19th, 2004, 01:47:07 AM
Sounds good: we could put them all together as a series of vingettes (can't spell that worth a darn) in one thread. :)
Rasha Vill
Jan 7th, 2005, 02:07:43 PM
Please keep in mind that the Corellian leader is still on Coruscant and was recorded saying in a Jedi bar that she is and always will be loyal to the people of Corellia and not the Sith. She is Willing to talk to senators still and possably leak some more information that might cause for futher investagation. That is if people want her in on this still.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 7th, 2005, 03:33:15 PM
I'm keeping you in mind. However, this isn't a fast IC process, and it'll probably skip forward about a week at the LEAST from your encounter at the B&G. So, presumably, Rasha will have already gone home ... unless she's requesting assylum from the NR?
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 10th, 2005, 12:40:08 AM there I have started it. I'm leaving it closed for now, so that Hesith and I can write up the prelude to the actual meat of the RP, as discussed in our posts preceding.
Rasha Vill
Jan 10th, 2005, 12:34:15 PM
Okay, But that doesn't meen that Rasha will not come back if people request her to. She would be quite willing to make the trip to talk to people.
Alexi Hesith
Jan 10th, 2005, 01:40:08 PM
I've posted. Time for a leak, LD ;)
Senator Thareena
Jan 10th, 2005, 02:08:30 PM
Originally posted by Rasha Vill
Okay, But that doesn't meen that Rasha will not come back if people request her to. She would be quite willing to make the trip to talk to people.
we'll keep that in mind, but I think Thareena already got what she needed from Rasha Vill. bwahaha.
And stop taking leaks in threads, Senator!! Buy some Depends! ;) How about you do the journalistic aspect of this, and I'll handle some of the senators.
Also I believe that it's wanted that a motion to register Force users be initiated at this senate meeting as well. And, for it to pass.
Alexi Hesith
Jan 10th, 2005, 02:46:15 PM
Interesting you should mention the force user thing. Hesith was approached about that ages ago by General Tomahawk. It might be worth assuming that some of the ground work has already been done- initial research and hearings etc.
James Prent
Jan 10th, 2005, 04:00:40 PM
We can say that it was shelved due to no one really wanting it, and then since the leak from the Senate that Force users attacked Chandrila from Corellia blahblahblah people might start panicking.
Also there is/was a character called Taro Idol who led an anti-force user movement in the past, and had quite a few followers.
So whoever brought the motion forward in the first place will bring it up again due to pressure from their constituents, and they can justify including the Jedi in this forced registration because they simply can't leave out one of the biggest groups of Force users.
Should make for an interesting debate with the liason to the senate from GJO.
And I'm in favor of lumping both these motions into the same RP, just for the sake of time.
Tiberius Anar
Jan 11th, 2005, 03:12:44 AM
Hesith brought the motion. Lets saying it has been sitting in committee with no-one doing anything- hoping it would die there. One of the committee members could decide to use, ammend it to serve the new purpose and get it voted to the Senate.
The original purpose of the Bill was to help jedi recruitment by engaging scientists to test for midiclorians. It isn't that difficult to alter that.
Rasha Vill
Jan 12th, 2005, 07:03:47 PM
I was thinking of having Rivin attack another NR planet while this is going on. Does anybody have any subjestions? And if you say Coruscant It's already in the process of being stoped, and likely happend before this latest thread.
The discription of what Rivin is doing on Coruscant can be found here...
.... Starting at post 36. Though that thread Marcus was going to help with stoping Rivin. Here is the thread that gets the party that is going to try and stop Rivin...
..... And here is the in progress thread of them going to stop him....
.... Just incase anybody wanted to know about all this. If you want to use any of this stuff in your case on why the force users should be regestered feel free.
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 17th, 2005, 04:33:18 PM
uh you can do whatever you want to do? I honestly have no suggestions except that all Rivin is managing to do is make a complete nuisance of himself and bring all sorts of trouble on TSO.
I've been away, driving, and i'm back now, so Hesith, I'll try to make a post to the Senate thread and get things moving again.
Alexi Hesith
Jan 18th, 2005, 03:04:28 AM
At your convenience.
Senator Thareena
Jan 18th, 2005, 03:30:05 PM
Posted. :)
Rasha Vill
Jan 19th, 2005, 04:22:19 PM
Rivin really doesn't care about what happens to TSO, and he likes killing things, so all this is no skin off his back. :D
James Prent
Jan 21st, 2005, 01:41:42 AM
The thread is now open to the other Senators and their invited guests (Rasha is not invited, sorry)
Shanaria Fabool
Jan 21st, 2005, 11:49:51 AM
Why can't Rasha be there?
Arya Ravenwing
Jan 21st, 2005, 08:21:17 PM
'cause she's not a part of the Senate? It's a closed session, which means people can't just 'drop in'
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 30th, 2005, 03:11:04 PM
A press release on behalf of the Prime Minister Rasha Vill and Sith Mistress Lady Vader:
The Corellian Government and Sith Order express their deepest apologies and sympathies to those who have been affected by this tragedy and can only hope that such a calamity will never again transpire. Our two factions are now working even closer together to ensure the safety both of our own people and those in the galaxy around us. A memorial service is to be hold in CoroNet city at noon, with a three-minute silence in honor of those lost.
It is on this grave note that the Sith Order announces the expulsion of the so-called ‘Dark Lord’ Rivin from their ranks. Let it be known that the Sith Order does not condone such actions as those committed by the errant criminal and that it wishes to have no ties with any party that does. It has come to our attention that certain anonymous peoples have announced a reward for the capture of Rivin. Though Rivin’s location is unknown at this moment in time, we will strive to find him so that he may be brought to justice – not at the hands of bounty hunters, but in the Chandrilan Courts. This just was posted in OOC, but since our senate thread has already started, this will have been circulated shortly afterward, imo.
Oh, and the Sith Order expresses their deepest apologies? wtf? To any sith order members who read this: I was trying to keep you guys a dark and mysterious threat (as sith should be imo) through these RPs, and you're just blowing that all out of the water by being ... politically correct?! o_O
Tiberius Anar
Jan 31st, 2005, 02:58:30 AM
I'm apalled. An apology?
Although it would be ok coming from Rasha Vill since she is political head of Corellia. But definitely not from the Sith as well.
Concur with the timeit would come out. Actually why was it made anyway?
Lilaena De'Ville
Jan 31st, 2005, 11:19:08 AM
people trying to cover their asses I'm guessing... but it's like calling the fire department when there IS no fire department available to you, and the house has already burnt down.
Tiberius Anar
Jan 31st, 2005, 12:57:16 PM
I hope, for their sake, that you are wrong. If you are right then it's very poor form.
Senator Thareena
Jan 31st, 2005, 05:08:27 PM
Well, I'm only guessing, of course.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 5th, 2005, 04:02:48 PM
we got a Jedi - so we're good to start the meat of the RP now. :D
Tiberius Anar
Feb 5th, 2005, 04:12:03 PM
*dance of joy*
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 5th, 2005, 08:02:58 PM
That means it is, of course, your post. :)
Tiberius Anar
Feb 6th, 2005, 03:57:57 AM
It is? Ah...right. Ok. Will do.
*dance of embarrassment (different from an embarrassing dance in important ways)*
Senator Thareena
Feb 10th, 2005, 09:45:33 PM
Love your post - don't know that I love mine, but I think it works ^_^; Everyone in there should have some idea why the motion's being brought by this point.
Senator Thareena
Feb 18th, 2005, 01:23:53 PM hey Hesith, I need some input into what to do in this situation - I'm not feeling paticularly canny at the moment. :)
Morgan Evanar
Feb 19th, 2005, 05:59:12 PM
I wish I had more detail about the bill, but I hope I got the gist of it right. I can always edit if I missed the point.
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 19th, 2005, 06:03:31 PM
You got the gist, except that there are more than one bill/motion on the table. The registration one has been mentioned as on the agenda, but the first item of business is the proposed motion from the Duros senator that the NR poke into Corellia to find out what's going on. Invade, or investigate.
Morgan Evanar
Feb 20th, 2005, 01:08:10 AM
James Prent
Feb 20th, 2005, 02:19:08 AM
Sorry :(
Alexi Hesith
Feb 20th, 2005, 08:07:06 AM
No problem, Morgan. We ought to have made it clearer what was going on. It's nothing a litte edit can't fix.
My thought was for the Senate to vote on Correllia then we jump forward to the next day when the Registration Bill gets its Second Reading. Morgan can be present for that, too, since it affects the Order.
When I originally got involved as Hesith with it the Bill was intended to help with Jedi recruitment. So I'm thinking that it will have been heavily altered in Committee and gets ammended during the reading to have a distinctly anti-Jedi/Force-User slant. The product of the present mood in the Senate and the wider public.
As for Rivin, give me a little time to think about it. It is an unusual situation to say the least.
Morgan Evanar
Feb 20th, 2005, 12:50:30 PM
James Prent
Feb 20th, 2005, 01:17:09 PM
Yay :)
Telan Desaria
Feb 20th, 2005, 08:23:37 PM
Sluis Van belongs to the Solaarian Confederation.
Falleen is an independet world also. Just letting you know....
Lilaena De'Ville
Feb 20th, 2005, 10:19:58 PM
I've never heard of the Solaarian Confederation.
Alexi Hesith
Feb 21st, 2005, 03:47:28 AM
Why are you telling us here, Telan?
Telan Desaria
Feb 21st, 2005, 11:56:13 AM
Wasnt sure where to post it - -I just saw it in the senate planet recounting.
The Solaarian confederation is an npc group we created that we have had an ongoing war with for sometime.
Senator Thareena
Feb 21st, 2005, 06:50:31 PM
Well it isn't on the list of planets claimed that they used for the galaxy map, which is where I took my information.
Lion El' Jonson
Feb 22nd, 2005, 03:53:17 AM there anything specific you guys would like me to post while the voting is happening?
Telan Desaria
Feb 23rd, 2005, 04:30:43 PM
The thread is complete. Now what????
James Prent
Mar 21st, 2005, 09:36:52 PM
Apologies for the brakes being put on with the "Corellian Problem" thread, but I'm unsure how far we should take this when the Imperial side basically... isn't ready.
Senator Thareena
Apr 11th, 2005, 02:50:41 PM
SENATOR HESITH, are you still alive?!?!?!
Lion El' Jonson
Apr 12th, 2005, 04:10:52 AM
It depends on whether or not you mean that in a literal or metaphorical sense. I'm certain he still draws breath, though apparently not over a keyboard directing his browser to, lol.
Tiberius Anar
Apr 20th, 2005, 01:15:19 PM
I am alive and kicking
*Pauses for applause. Is disappointed by gaping silence*
What do ya need me for? *wink*
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 20th, 2005, 04:13:42 PM
more posting please! :D We're continuing the Corellian Problem RP. :)
Alexi Hesith
Apr 21st, 2005, 01:00:15 PM
I have posted. Hope this doesn't throw a spanner in the works but I want to try something.
I want to do a little explore of the dilemma that Senators can find themselves in when they wish to do one thing and their government's want them to do another. In this case Hesith wants to help Thareena's plan but Gall's president wants him to block it. LD would you mind having Thareena come to chew Hesith out for a couple of posts?
Obviously if y'all object to this I can do an edit.
Lilaena De'Ville
Apr 21st, 2005, 05:22:48 PM
Yep I can try that. Although I don't want Thareena looking stupid. :)
Rognan Dar
Apr 21st, 2005, 11:02:56 PM
Oh, he would never do that...:rolleyes
Tiberius Anar
Apr 22nd, 2005, 03:51:59 AM
*looks innocent*
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