View Full Version : Telan - Zeltros/Zeltron Info

Azumi Rae
Dec 1st, 2004, 11:13:22 PM
Zeltros: Pleasure Planet
Part 1: Who Doesn't Like Zeltrons?

Compiled by Cory J. Herndon

Since the ancient days of the Old Republic, the planet Zeltros has been considered a jewel of the Inner Rim -- a planet whose people value pleasure and personal gratification (of all kinds) above everything else, a world that always has room for more guests at any celebration. At any given moment, at least eighty percent of the population is engaged in some sort of merrymaking. But thanks to Zeltron pheromones that literally make fun contagious and Zeltron fighting skills that almost every non-Zeltron underestimates, not even the Empire has been able to successfully invade or occupy the planet.

Our first installment is excerpted from the pre-Clone Wars edition of the popular tourist guide Luxury on the Inner Rim.
Planet: Zeltros
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Climate: Temperate
Terrain: Cities, forests, oceans, lakes, rivers
Atmosphere: Breathable
Gravity: 0.92 standard
Diameter: 11,397 km
Length of Day: 25 standard hours
Length of Year: 312 local days
Sentient Species: Zeltrons
Language: Basic
Population: 5.3 billion
Species Mix: 91% Zeltrons, 9% other
Government: Popular monarchy
Major Exports: Art, entertainment, luxury goods, high technology
Major Imports: Gourmet consumables
System/Star: Zel
Planets Type Moons
Zeloa Gas giant 14
Zeldiis Barren rock 3
Zeltros Terrestrial 2
Zelvahn Frozen desert 4
Zellone Gas giant 17
Region: Inner Rim
A Zeltron, by artist rk post.
The Ultimate Vacation Destination: Zeltros

As the saying goes, "One Zeltron is the life of the party; on Zeltros, life is the party." Since the earliest days of the Republic, the planet Zeltros has been known as one of the biggest tourist destinations on the Inner Rim, and it's easy to see why. Everyone loves Zeltrons, and everyone who's been there loves Zeltros even more!

Zeltron artists of all disciplines are renowned throughout the galaxy, and it's no exaggeration to say that their entire homeworld is an ever-changing exhibition of aesthetic skills. When not creating dazzling erotic sculpture, sensual dance numbers, or some of the most pulse-pounding theater this side of Coruscant, Zeltrons are celebrating life to the fullest in a never-ending party.

Book your tour today, and enjoy the following testimonials from satisfied travelers!

"I never thought I'd find true love on Zeltros, and I didn't. What I did find was a double-jointed Zeltron cafarel named Lissahl who taught me the errors of monogamy. I might never leave!"
-- Jiri Sools, freighter captain

"Sure, I'd heard the stories, but I didn't believe them. When you've been in this business as long as I have, you learn a few things: Nothing's more dangerous than arguing with a Wookiee, nothing's more foolish than gambling with a Jedi, and nothing's more alluring than a Twi'lek dancer. But I'm here to tell you that last one is wrong. If you like your humanoids flexible, svelte, enthusiastic, and in multiple shades of red, then the most beautiful people in the galaxy are on Zeltros. Who needs Twi'leks?"
-- Ruudi Buundaz, talent agent

"I came for the people, I stayed for the party. If it weren't for the strictly enforced zoning laws, I'd move my entire business here!"
-- Nuboocha the Hutt

"Of course, I have no biological needs or functions, and pleasure-seeking is not in my programming. That didn't keep the hostess from treating me as well as any organic guest. Without a doubt, it was the most invigorating oil bath treatment I had ever received."
-- DK-4F3, protocol droid

"Jedis, they likes to say that the Force bindses all lifes in the galaxy togethers. But after a week on Zeltros, I thinks the Force is nothings compared to the powers of Zeltrons pheremoneses."
-- Red-Eye Baldarek, bartender

Zeltrons have been gifted with the art of laziness, and they all do very well at it. Since the entire planet has been converted to a pleasure world, work is seen as a unnecessary act, and so has been declared as an offence by the Monarchy.

Zeltrons are known throughout the galaxy as people to have fun with. Unfortunately, the Zeltrons think so too. May a Zeltron has been known to follow other spacers and adventurers for years in a type of love-lust.
Zeltron's skin is a deep pink, and their hair is purple. When a Zeltron is encountered, it may be found that he or she looks like somebody familiar. Many cases of this occurrence have been recorded throughout the galaxy. Why this occurs is unknown.

Attribute Dice: 12D

Special Abilities:
Charm: The Zeltrons, although a great shade of deep pink are known throughout the galaxy for their shapely bodies and irresistible smiles. It is believed that their is not a single bad looking Zeltron in the known galaxy. For this reason, Zeltrons gain +2D to Bargain, Con, Gambling and Persuasion when dealing with the opposite sex. Another condition is that both parties must be able to see each other and not just via comlink or subspace radio.

Opposite Sex Attraction: If a Zeltron sees another humanoid of the opposite sex, and this person is involved with the Zeltron is some way, the Zeltron must make a Moderate willpower roll at -2D. If the roll fails, the character falls in love with the other. This is modified by the allegiance the two have together.

Story Factors:
Pleasure Planet: The Zeltrons come from the planet of Zeltros. Zeltros is one of the most comfortable places in the universe. No work is allowed by any Zeltron and has been deemed to be an offence by the Monarch. All labour is taken care of by droids and other aliens in charge of repairs, etc. Zeltros is pro-Rebellion although while the Imperial Officers and Governors keep feeding the planet with money, who cares.

Move: 10/12
Size: 1.4 - 2 meters tall

this humanoid race was native to the planet Zeltros. The average Zeltron had the ability to project powerful pheromones at another individual, and their empathic abilities allowed them to sense the feelings of other beings. As a people, the Zeltrons cared little for military force or planetary defense, but they were continually in top physical condition. Individual Zeltrons were easily distinguished by their deep red skin and their black hair, and they were characterized by their love of gambling and their ability to love other beings unconditionally. When a Zeltron was deprived of the ability to love or gamble, they usually resorted to violence, and were known to be excellent warriors when they had no other way to channel their enthusiasm. (EGA, MC70, MC96)

Zeltron Flute
this wind instrument was created by the mistrels and musicians of the planet Zeltros. (PH)

Zeltron Lute
this stringed instrument was created by the mistrels and musicians of the planet Zeltros. (PH)

Zeltronian Spiced Wine
Dengar had drunk too much of this the night before Jabba died, and so he missed the trip to the Pit of Carkoon. (DESB)

this planet, the third world in the Zel System, was the homeworld of the Zeltrons. Sometime after the Battle of Endor, both the Hiromi and the Nagai tried to subjugate Zeltros for their own empires, but their attacks coincided with each other. This allowed the meager forces of the Alliance of Free Planets to defat both sides, maintaining Zetros' freedom. The planet was located on the edge of the Outer Rim, near the Unknown Regions. It was orbited by a pair of moons. It was said that "One Zeltron was the life of the party. On Zeltros, life is the party." Note that the Planet Hoppers entries for Zeltros claim that the planet was located in the Inner Rim. (MC73, MC104, UANT, PH)

Travis North
Dec 2nd, 2004, 05:41:29 PM
Awsome stuff. Makes me want to get back to taking your planet...

Azumi Rae
Dec 2nd, 2004, 11:00:17 PM
No-one has been able to invade and conquer Zeltros, simply because of the pheromones :mneh Silly thing.

Wtf is the guy holding in your avatar? o_O It looks like the girl is looking down and he's not wearing any pants :lol

Teleran Balades
Dec 3rd, 2004, 07:06:01 AM
Yeah, that pretty much sounds like what Travis would have as an avatar. He he

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 3rd, 2004, 07:22:02 AM
It looks like a ring box to me o_O

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 3rd, 2004, 07:46:38 AM
I thought it was an apple :huh

Telan Desaria
Dec 3rd, 2004, 08:37:49 AM
I tried not to notice.

Travis North
Dec 3rd, 2004, 02:21:50 PM
Originally posted by Azumi Rae
No-one has been able to invade and conquer Zeltros, simply because of the pheromones :mneh Silly thing.

Wtf is the guy holding in your avatar? o_O It looks like the girl is looking down and he's not wearing any pants :lol

Well I'm not really conquering Zeltros. I'm doing it somewhat mob style(Note all communication will be done via transmissions. No setting foot on planet till the agreement is complete)... Providing 'protection' and such, we are like bouncers for your party. Your people pay by increasing trade in Imperial goods. Aswell with the war brewing.. If it comes to orbital bombardments your people are defenseless. My people will be there if someone comes in and does that. ---- Okay that reads a little odd but.... If you become a member of the Empire... You can see my top secret plans elsewhere...

As for my avatar I just wanted a new picture... When I first looked at it I thought it was an apple aswell. But now I'm sure thats a ring box. Oh well I can fix that..

Azumi Rae
Dec 3rd, 2004, 07:02:55 PM

*will post the pics when complete* Or not, they might not be PG enough for Fans XD

EDIT - mneh, made this (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v484/mneh/Azumi/zeltron3.jpg) instead. Imperial Pin-up girl!:lol

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 4th, 2004, 07:53:48 AM
Crazy, lol - I'd made a pin-up girl ages ago, but never did show it here. I don't have the .psd anymore, unfortunately, but I did manage to find the .jpg. It's a little small, and I had to edit it real quick to make if Fans safe, but here's Betty Page to go along with Dae's contribution :)

Telan Desaria
Dec 4th, 2004, 08:31:46 AM
So THIS is what stormtroopers keep in their footlockers.

Travis North
Dec 4th, 2004, 10:19:31 PM
Well what did you think we put in there?

Matthaeus Xulian
Dec 5th, 2004, 12:38:02 AM

I'm Sean, new face arround here, I'll be playing Matthaeus, Fallen noble turned scoundrel. I'll be playing one of Rae's significant others.

Telan Desaria
Dec 5th, 2004, 01:55:45 PM
OOh - -another noble. Im impressd already. Baron Telan Desaria, at your service.

Azumi Rae
Dec 5th, 2004, 06:03:39 PM
Are there any members of the Sov who ARENT noblity?

Yes, me :cry I wanna be a princess!

Teleran Balades
Dec 5th, 2004, 06:29:39 PM
*raises hand*
I'm not a noble. but I'm happy with what I have.

[Scheming] Now where to send my fleet next?:p

Telan Desaria
Dec 5th, 2004, 08:24:29 PM
Many of the Imperial Officers are not aristocracy - however, it is much like the days of the Czar and the Russian Navy. Most officers are high born not because it is a requirement but simply because they possess the cold and calculating nature needed to be an objective commander in battle.

Teleran Balades
Dec 5th, 2004, 09:40:33 PM
Originally posted by Telan Desaria
Most officers are high born not because it is a requirement but simply because they possess the cold and calculating nature needed to be an objective commander in battle.

The reason they had that nature is because they had to keep the peasants in line with an iron fist or they'd get someone like Stephen Razin rising against the government.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 5th, 2004, 10:52:43 PM
btw Teleran, you'd be much better off with a 1 1/2 inch wrench. Cresent wrenches suck for hitting people with.

I personally use a crowbar or a shovel.

Teleran Balades
Dec 6th, 2004, 09:24:20 PM
But I like my Golden Wrench of Power.:cry

S'il is the CT goddess. Take up any complaints with her.

Travis North
Dec 7th, 2004, 08:05:30 AM
Originally posted by Azumi Rae
Are there any members of the Sov who ARENT noblity?

Hah I'm of nobility. Thats a laugh. I just showed up one day and was givin the rank of Major... and beaten with wrenches. I fear that menace above Tel's head.

Silus Xilarian
Dec 7th, 2004, 04:42:21 PM
Originally posted by Teleran Balades
But I like my Golden Wrench of Power.:cry

S'il is the CT goddess. Take up any complaints with her.

1 1/2 wrench is large enough to swing like a baseball bat ;)