View Full Version : "Venting" ?

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 1st, 2004, 03:27:50 AM

are we supposed to do anything about threads like this? I'm 99% certain that she's talking about Sieken, so it's possible that he could let off a dramabomb

Dec 1st, 2004, 03:50:07 AM
PM her and tell her that, if her post is referring to another roleplayer (here or elsewhere), then it's an indirect flame and not allowed.

That leaves it open in the 1% chance that it's not someone here.

Dasquian Belargic
Dec 1st, 2004, 10:26:43 AM
I have spoken to Sieken and he tells me that it is referring to him, so I'm closing it and sending her a PM.

This thread in in breach of FAQ section V. L. 3, which states the following:

Flaming, Insulting, or Harrassing
SWFans.net's main purpose is for entertainment and fun. Therefore, all members should make sure these ideals are upheld. Flaming, insulting, and harrassing other members will make you very unpopular, and may get you banned.

1. Flaming and Insulting is the act of calling or deeming another individual or member something derogatory and confrontational. This is not permitted. Members who can not constructively contribute to thread discussions and insist on insulting other members will be warned, and then banned if the warning is not heeded.

Although you did not directly name the poster to which you were referring to, "Venting..." is still classed as an indirect flame - therefore breaking the above rule. The thread is therefore being closed. Please refrain from posting threads of this nature in future.