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View Full Version : Warlock: The Timestreamer

Nov 28th, 2004, 04:42:21 AM
Full name: Tobias Moriarty
Known as: Warlock
Age: 68
Race: unknown
Rank: Sith Elder / Magister of the Subryn
Affiliation(s): The Sith Order / The Subryn Coven
Master: none
Weight/Height: 120lbs/5'7"
Primary Weapon: the Epoch staff
Home Planet: unknown

From an early age, Tobias Moriarty was fascinated by everything bizarre and unusual. A studious young man, he gained a degree in Galactic Ancient History from one of Coruscant's finest univerisites. For a time, he pursued the possibility of working as a curate at the planets National History museum, but in the end found himself working in one of Coruscant's many libraries. It was here that, fifty years ago, Zachariah Darmok first met with Tobias (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29570&highlight=warlock) and introduced him to the Subryn.

It was no secret that Tobias was an avid reader of all things to do with the occult, and his interest had attracted the attention of the leaders of a secret underground cult, of which Darmok was an acolyte. A trainee necromancer, Zachariiah brought his newest recruit to the Canon Temple, deep beneath Coruscant - a place which Moriarty would grow to call his home. It was there that he spent the next thirty years of his life, amongst scores of other fanatics and zealots, all hell-bent on gaining access to all the magicks that the Force had to offer.

After many years, the pair rose to become two of the groups most respected members, at the forefront of each of their chosen skills. They were indoctrinated (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34602&highlight=dumah) as leaders of the coven, and it was at this time that Tobias shed his birth name for the alias 'Warlock' (there are only a handful of people, to this day, who know his real name). For a number of years Warlock continued to aide in the running of the Coven, before retreating to the solitude of a forest retreat for a decade.

It was here that, once again, Darmok would come looking for his old friend (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24392&highlight=warlock), bringing him back to the Subryn. Not long after he resumed leadership of the cult, Warlock also joined the Sith Order, and was quickly recognised as a natural leader by Lady Vader, thus being given the title of Sith Elder, in spite of his relatively basic skills within the Force.