View Full Version : Bereavement Policies - General Moan

Nov 26th, 2004, 08:36:50 AM
I attended my great uncles (Nans brother) funeral yesterday and so got the day off of work to attend. Ive come back into work today and been told that the day has to be booked off as holiday, since that relative is not imediate family and so not covered under compasionate leave.

I had a feeling that might be the case, remembering back to my contract but I just had to vent my feelings on how much that sucks.

Holiday time, in my opinion should be a time for you to be able to take off, recharge your batteries ready to come back to work refreshed and ready to go. After a funeral, I can safely say Ive never met anyone that feels like that.

The service went as well as you could hope and it was nice to see all your family again, albeit under bad circumstances. Coming back to work the day after, you cant help but feel down about your loss. Having to hear that you need to book that day off as holiday simply leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. So far, since starting this job, I havent taken a single day sick and so I would have gladly taken that day off ill, had I known for sure that I would need to book it off as a days holiday. I certainly wish I didnt have to have the day off to be at a funeral for a family member. Im sure he didnt ask for it, and neither did I. At the same time I cant not go because you want to pay your last respects to someone you knew, someone of your bloodline. You want to be there for other family members in their hour of need especially my mother and my Nan who were both extreamly upset.

I guess I just see it as wrong that someone could quite easily phone in sick and there are no questions asked, but to visit someones funeral, who isnt imediate family you have to book a days holiday as if it were a day of leisure.

Some things in life are just a load of crap.

Karthon Vanar
Nov 26th, 2004, 09:23:01 AM
That's ridiculous, what a wonderful way for them to promote good staff relations...

It depends on the company I suppose or maybe we have a different work ethos over here. With a reasonable boss I might well offer to make the day up out of politeness but if a company insisted that I book it as a holiday, I'd be inclined treat them in the same manner with my days off.

Especially bothering you with that the first day your back, you'd think people might show a little more tact.

Navaria Tarkin
Nov 26th, 2004, 03:39:01 PM

My job recently added in for extended family, so I am fortunate. I'm sorry that you dont have such time off given to you, which is ridiculous.
