View Full Version : Let's go back to the beginning (Natia)
Shade Magus
Nov 26th, 2004, 07:51:01 AM
The city planet's sun beamed brightly down onto Shade as he sat in a secluded area of the Jedi Temple's gardens. He had told Natia, his newest and most peculiar Padawan, to meet him here. He hadn't exactly said where, but he knew that the young girl was good with animals and as such, he chose an area that he knew a group of little furry rodents had made their home. With luck they would help her find him, but if not then he would call to her.
For the last four hours he had been wondering over and over what would be the best course of action to use with her, and finally he had decided to use what came natural to her before moving on. He had decided to help her move her empathy one step farther so that if she couldn't sense most others she would atleast be as good with other Jedi as she was with animals. It would help her when she were to work in a group or maybe even give her an edge in a fight. Yes knowing an enemies...listen to yourself. You wouldn't give anything a second thought if it had nothing to do with comabt would you? He asked himself with a slight chuckle. Unfortunately that was the draw back to having combat skills as your primary focus. Unless it had to do wtih fighting or winning battles, he would rarely give it a second thought.
As the time grew near that he was supposed to meet with her, he looked to the ground and left. There was on the the small things, squirrels was thier name if he remembered correctly. He moved his foot slightly and it shot out from the brush, obviously startled by his sudden movement and the realization that something bigger than him was in his territory.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 1st, 2004, 10:56:01 AM
*Natia was still getting used to alot of things. One of which is her Grandpa up and leaving with his daughter to raise her at a safe spot. She'd approached Shade about him taking on her training which surprised him, but he agreed. So she'd gotten a message asking her to meet him in the Gardens for her first training session.
The Gardens, a favourite spot for her to go. The animals know her, and she knows them. So, when Shade moves his foot, causing the squirrel to run out of it's territory, the squirrel spots her and runs at her and up her leg, complaining that some big thing is in its territory*
Alright, I'll go and take a look.
*Natia walks over to the bushes where Shade is and starts poking around, the squirrel on her shoulder. As she spots Shade, she smiles*
Oh, it's only you.
*Natia says with a smile on her face as she looks at Shade. She then looks at the squirrel and tells it that it's ok. This person won't hurt him*
Shade Magus
Dec 1st, 2004, 08:58:09 PM
Shade smiled.
"Glad you could join us," he said as he stood up. The squirrel looked at Natia and then him before running down her body and back over to his tree. "Now we'll begin your lessons. I want to see what you can do first just to gauge your abilities. There are four balls in this garden. I want you to use all your abilities to find them. Do it as fast as you can. And while, not before or after but I want you to tell me what the Force is to you and what you think it should be used for."
He took a few steps back to give Natia room to work. Before she could begin though he raised a hand to hold her for a moment. "Oh and by the have seven minutes. Begin."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 15th, 2004, 12:03:59 PM
*Natia smiles slightly after Shade says begin. She looks ever so slightly at the squirrel and the squirrel runs off in a direction towards one of the balls and she goes to follow*
The Force, let's see. I'm not sure how to explain what the Force is to me, but it I believe that it should be used to help those that need the help, if nothing else can help them.
*Natia bends over and scoops up the first ball which the squirrel led her to as the squirrels runs off towards the second ball. Shade did tell her to use all of her abilities, and well, communicating with animals is her main ability. As for the saying what she thinks the Force is and what it should be used for, she's not going to answer fully because some of the things that she does and believes, she doesn't tell ppl who don't share her views*
You do not use the Force for personnal gain, even if you believe it won't make a difference to everybody else.
Shade Magus
Dec 15th, 2004, 02:39:59 PM
Shade nodded. She was doing good, but he felt she could do better. "Anything else?"
The Jedi had his own version of the Force, butmost Jedi looked down on it because they tend to look away from emotions and disregarding them. Shade however felt that one could embrace emotions, but must know how to control them and not let them take over.
"I don't want you to hold anything back from me. If you feel like it needs to be said then say it. There is no punishment for an idea or theory. Now you say the Force shouldn't be used for personal gain even if it affects no one else, but what if it were to effect someone else? What if it would help out others tremendously? Would that justify using your powers for personal gain?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 16th, 2004, 10:16:44 AM
If there was a way for the person to get that gain for themselves, why should we help them?? At least I don't want ppl to come to depend on us to help them solve every little problem they have. In the end, the Jedi would turn out being babysitters, nothing more.
*Natia bends over and picks up the second ball as the squirrel runs off towards the third ball, she turns to follow the squirrel*
What I don't understand though is why Jedi supposedly aren't allowed emotions. 'There is no emotion, there is peace.' I don't understand that. If we keep it so our emotions don't control us, then why is if a problem feel our emotions. It's our emotions which help set us apart as individuals.
*Natia speaks cautiously, and keeps an eye on Shade to see how he reacts to what she just said as she reaches up to grab the third ball. Then the squirrel runs off towards the fourth ball*
Shade Magus
Dec 16th, 2004, 12:01:12 PM
"And that is something I have been asking myself for a very long time. That quote, I believe, means that our emotions should not control us, but rather we should be at peace with them. Many would dare to call what I am about to say blasphemy or heresy to the Jedi code, but I do not believe that the Force is necessarily light or dark. I believe that the Force is. It is what is inside the person that makes us lightsiders or darksiders. I believe a Jedi may strike out in agression, but they must understand why they are doing it and it must be for the greater cause."
He paused to take a breath.
"But do not be mistaken by what I am saying. Don't go out looking for fights, but if you are put in a situation that a fight is inevitable, do not just sit there and wait for them to move. Defend yourself both offensively and defensively."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 17th, 2004, 11:56:37 AM
Fights are something that I do not go looking for. It is all a persons perceptions that determine whether things are good or bad. Light or Dark. Perhaps a person could be angry when using the Force, but they are using it for good but by the definition that ppl have put on the Force, then they are using the Darkside.
*Natia stops and looks up at the squirrel which is standing in a tree next to the fourth ball. She smiles as she uses telekinesis to grab the ball and bring it down to her before she turns to look back at Shade, a smile on her face*
Shade Magus
Dec 17th, 2004, 04:21:25 PM
"That's something I am a little touchy on. I don't believe a person should be angry when using the Force. As the past has shown us all, anger blinds us and manipulates us. If we are angry then we may lose sight of what we are trying to accomplish," he said looking at the four balls. "Very good with the balls., by the way."
"Now if someone is angry then what prevents them from killing unnecessarily? I believe one should have a clear mind when using the Force, but one should be able to feel their emotions at the same time. Just don't abuse them."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 19th, 2004, 10:56:08 AM
But if a person is angry, but still has their control so that their anger does not dictate their actions, what is wrong with that??
*Natia says as she holds up her hand to the squirrel which jumps out of the tree and onto her hand. She turns back to face Shade, happy for a chance to ask her questions which have been burning inside of her for a good while. As she asks these questions though, her face is an expressionless mask*
Shade Magus
Dec 19th, 2004, 11:14:33 PM
"If a person were to have control over their anger then my previous statements would apply. However it is very rare for a person to have any control over their anger. In my life I have met only a few who could...and unfortunately those people were Sith or Dark Jedi. I have never met a Jedi who has complete control over their emotions. Which is why I strongly argue against the use of this philosphy by untrained Padawans. Even seasoned Jedi may have a hard time dealing with this type of training."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 29th, 2004, 10:35:19 AM
Anger is difficult to control, I admit that, and most of the time you will do more harm then good with it.
Shade Magus
Dec 29th, 2004, 10:15:54 PM
"Then we have come to an understanding. Something that you will be doing a lot in training with the Force. You must come into an accord with the Force for your own benefits. The sooner you understand what your strengths and weaknesses are, the more you will grow in the ways of the Force."
He walked to stand in front of her and sat down cross legged. "Please sit down and I'll show you some of the basics. Stretching out your awareness and a few meditation and relaxation techniques."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Dec 30th, 2004, 10:56:32 AM
*Natia nods her head as she plops herself down onto the ground, being careful so she doesn't disturb the squirrel that is getting quite comfortable in her hand*
We'll see.
*Natia comments softly to herself*
Shade Magus
Dec 31st, 2004, 05:35:39 PM
"Now it is pretty obvious you can sense life through the Force as we can see with your ability to speak with animals, but how far is the question. Reach out with you senses and tell me what you feel."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:08:03 AM
*Natia tilts her head slightly as she thinks. How far can she sense with the Force?? She's never really tried to find out before. She then settles herself more comfortably on the ground, moving the squirrel up to her shoulder as she starts to reach out with the Force, just sensing what is around. Shade, the Garden with it's inhabitants, the GJO, then the ppl walking past on the streets, ppl moving about on lower levels. As she's sensing this, she's telling Shade*
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:19:21 AM
Shade smiled. "Excellent. That is very good, though I should have expected such from you. How about danger? Can you feel the subtle shifts in the Force that allow us to react so quickly to threats? To find out here is a little exercise. Here put this blindfold on."
He handed her a small red piece of cloth.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:29:36 AM
*Natia takes the red cloth and puts it around her eyes, blindfolding herself*
It's helped out in the past.
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:33:14 AM
Shade stood up and moved around her softly. He walked a few circles around her, quickening and slowing his pace so she would be able to tell where he was. Quietly he pulled two small rubber balls from his robes. He quickly launched one at her right shoulder and the other at her left knee. "Catch."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:37:02 AM
*Natia remains seated on the ground and uses the Force to catch the ball thrown at her right shoulder and reaches out with her left hand, she grabs the second ball*
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:48:44 AM
"Very good," he said taking a seat back in front of her. "Now that that's out of the way we'll go over a few meditation techniques, but don't let your gaurd down at anytime. You'll never know when I or someone else will pull a test on you."
Shade pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around them so that only his ankles where crossed as he looked at Natia. "For know I'm just going to teach a basic area. The way you choose to grow in your meditations are completely up to you. Maybe later on as you progress I'll show you the levitating technique. For now though just sit as you are and place your hands in your lap.
Keep your eyes open, but if you need to concentrate better you can close your eyes while you are learning and breathe in through your nose and focus entirely on what it feels like as the air comes in...Just focus on breathing in. Hold your breath a moment and finally exhale through your mouth, focusing entirely on that process. Then simply repeat. The the Force flow through you. Let it show you what it wants to show you. Don't try to control it or anything. Just enjoy it's warmth."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:55:58 AM
*Natia removes the blindfold as she listens to what Shade is saying. Meditation, something she's not thrilled with, but she doesn't say so, or give any indication what so ever about it. She folds her hands together, knowing that she needs to be comfortable in order to do this. She then focuses on her breathing, as she's been instructed to. Breath in, hold briefly, breath out*
Question, what's to point of meditating??
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 11:58:27 AM
"To focus one's mind. Also if used in the right way it can leave a person feeling refreshed and vitalized. Why do you ask?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:00:34 PM
I've never seen the point to meditating. It just leaves my muscles cramped and causes more problems then it's worth.
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:02:45 PM
"Then I don't think you are doing it right. Like I said every person is different and does it in a different way. When are you the most relaxed? What are you doing?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:05:04 PM
When I'm hanging out with my friends having fun with them.
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:06:07 PM
"What about when you are alone? Anything then?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:08:47 PM
I've never alone. I always around others or Pol is with me. Either that or I'm sleeping, getting my strength back so I can keep going.
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:16:59 PM
"I see...well then we'll just have to find something later down the road. For now however that is it. Since the meditation doesn't seem to be going well, I'm not going to try and force it on you. Tonight however, get your rest. Tomorrow I want you in training room 127A. Wear something comfortable and something you wouldn't mind getting torn or dirty."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:18:31 PM
Ok. What time do you want me to be there so I know when to get my sleep.
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:20:46 PM
"Ten sharp. Anything you want to ask me? If not you are free for today, but do leave me a way to contact you if need be."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:23:17 PM
Nope, no questions right now, as for a way of contacting me, there's always the comm system in my room here, but that's no garentee of getting ahold of me.
*Natia says, omitting her personal comm*
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:24:55 PM
"Very well. Then I shall see you tomarrow."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:26:08 PM
*Natia stands up, grabbing the squirrel and placing him on Shades shoulder*
Now, you be a good boy. Both of you.
*Natia turns then and walks off, out of the Garden*
Shade Magus
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:28:23 PM
Shade smiled as she left.
"She's going to be a handful," he said to the squirrel. He then put the squirrel on the ground and left himself.
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