View Full Version : The Blindness of Loyalty

Adraudia Basillie
Nov 25th, 2004, 09:03:20 PM
Adraudia had escorted her Mistress' guest from his ship, warning him of the gravity shifts that were prevalent throughout the Keep. She advised him, only because Dalethria had commanded it, to follow her steps carefully to avoid being injured. At times they were walking normally but most of the time it was sideways or upside down upon the stone surfaces.

"We're almost to the meeting area. The shifts are not as bad there."

His escort continued for three more floors downward until the pair reached an opened room. It was a little more furnished since the last visitation, which were mostly rugs covering the floor underneath the furniture.

"Sit. My Master will be here soon." The Witch did not take a seat however, preferring to stand next to the entrance of the room like always.

Severen Morkonis
Nov 27th, 2004, 10:26:54 AM
Sieken had ventured here but once, a very long time ago, but never into the fortress itself. The home to the Sisters was strange, never a moment were there any normality in the place. Ether you were walking completely upsidedown, on the walls or ceilings, or strange noices or feelings could be heard or felt. Sieken however was used to this.

He had been the servant of Sorsha for more than a year and so places like these did little to his mind these days, in the service of the Witch, he had seen everything.

Kasstra, the Sith Lord was lead to a large, well furnished hall where he was adviced he would be meeting, for the first time, the great Dalethria Mal-Pannis, master to Vega Van-Derveld who in turn was master to the rebelleous Sieken Kasstra, one of only a handfull of great Sith lines in the galaxy, the three, if allied, could create such havok.

Easier said than done however.

' I would rather stand, thank you...' Kasstra said, giving a weak smile in return. ' I would rather be standing in her entrance than sitting...'

This was it, he was about to meet the woman that had taken his former Master grace from under her. How he would destest her.

Adraudia Basillie
Nov 28th, 2004, 05:01:35 PM
The Witch looked at Sieken oddly. His politeness surprised her but mainly she was confused by what he said. "I do not understand what you mean by your statement."