View Full Version : Unification

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 25th, 2004, 09:41:32 AM
I've sat back and watched enough. It's time now that I come into this as not only a part of what is goin on, but as Admin of these forums as well. Keep in mind that I will be handling this with mostly an admin attitude and so do not construe what I say to be me acting like a bitch. I am performing my duties and services as overseer of what goes on here, plain as day.

I've put this in Stratcom so that you two [Matt and Andrew] and I can work through this. Yes, this is between both factions and those who are a part of them, but I want to talk to you guys, the leaders of said factions.


I've known for a while now that the Sovereignty and the Federacy have been talking about uniting to reform the Empire proper, and while I am glad these talks have come about, I also know that time must be dedicated to this - it cannot be done overnight and at the snap of someone's fingers. Yes, the split happened rather quickly, but that in no way means that the reformation of factions must happen the same way. In fact, it simply CAN NOT happen as such. Destroying a house is simple, and done in almost no time at all. However, rebuilding that house takes alot of planning, revising, and correcting. Plans must be drawn out, the foundation must be built, the structure and support must be put into place - everything must be done in order so as not to create a weak base which, at the first instance of disagreement, will crumble once more to leave you with a pile of rubble. And I know that you all have dedicated too much time and effort to see that happen.

This is what I have been given thus far in regards to something that is solidly written down. Any included italicized words are my own thoughts and notes.

Stage 1 : Non-agression pact. Border recognition. Trade agreements, which leads to opening the border. Then cross border defence co-operation and policing. - This very well could possibly come as a result of Andrew's It's War (http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37321) thread. I very much like the idea of the Fritehl (I hope to God I spelled it right this time), and I can certainly see them as being a possibly new shared enemy . Perhaps they can have an alliance with Terrisz'Voss due to the already bad blood shared between TV and the Sov.

Stage 2 : Alliance of mutual defence. This would seem to be the official announcement of the two factions working in conjuction to ward off their new shared enemy - as the thoughts on stage 1 would more than likely come about out of necessity.

Stage 3 : Commission for Military Co-ordination As the Fritehl continue their attacks, this could be an official proclomation to help assuage any fear of Imperial citizens - that two of the most powerful Impieral factions have agreed to work together in order to protect the people.

Stage 4 : A treaty of shared interest I figure it would be safe to think that the two factions - Sov and Fed - have started to realize that if they were to unify, they would rally any other smaller warlords and factions to their cause and begin to rebuild the Empire of old.

Stage 5 : Treaty of unification. As with the defense treaty, this would more than likely be the official seal stating that the two factions have become one for all intents and purposes.

- the first one can be done after bestine.

Stage 6 : Border recognition is automartic.

Stage 7 : Trade gets going and the governments regulate it with a treaty. It would be a natural extension to encourage the peoples of each faction to begin interacting. However, while this unification is still somewhat in its' infancy, there will have to be some regulating of those who trade - after all, Federacy citizens are taught to hate the Sovereignty, so this would be wonderful thread fodder for both parties involved to quell any certain "patriotic rebellions" that should no doubt come about.

Stage 8 : Then the border is opened and we have free movement of ships, people, goods. Once the people see that the two governments are serious about unifying - not to mention they have been able to see what happens when a person or group of persons defy these new events in regards to what will most undoubtedly happen in Stage 7 - they will be more willing to cooperate with eachother and establish stronger trade routes and trade relations, thus reinforcing the already military and political stitching with that of the unified masses.

- Which has to be protected- cross border policing

- By then we'll be working on the idea that what is in our interests is in their's too.

- So we agree to protect each other.

Stage 9 : Then we start co-ordinating out military efforts. A unified command structure emerges. Personally I think that this should be done in Stage 3, though as done before, this could very well be the official announcement to the citizens of the new Empire.

- By this point we are so intertwined that it is IC impossible to break us up and the OOC objections can go hang.

- It is inevitable after that unification goes ahead. Not to do so would be bad rping and no-one can stop us.

After watching everything that has happened thus far, I would like to add one more thing. The Empire was not just full of soldiers. It had its' share of politicians as well. Tiberious Anar personifies the Imperial politician and defines it to a T. I know you guys think he's being bossy and butting in, but here's the deal. He's introducing a balance into the inner structure of the Empire that hasn't been around for a very very long time. He's acting on politician's instincts, and frankly I admire that. It takes a lot of guts to do what this kid is doing, and he's not getting any thanks for it. He's taken the time to write out what he saw as a means to achieve unification not only fairly, but in a timeframe that will allow the foundation to become strong and flourish. He's trying to provide level-headed solutions for what is going on, and while I know you two aren't fond of the political aspect within the Empire, he is. All I ask is that he be treated with the respect he deserves.

I want any thoughts, ideas, or comments on this, as to be honest, they are needed. This needs to be finalized before any unification begins so that I don't have to watch the Empire fall to pieces around me.

Khendon Sevon
Nov 26th, 2004, 09:51:14 AM
I like the idea of using the Frihtel as a means of initiating involvement between the Sovereignty and the Federacy. The Frihtel have many more ships than the Federacy and weapons powerful enough to cut through the most steadfast shields in our inventory. Eventually, help will be required. An alliance between the Frihtel and Terrisz'Voss certainly would qualify as a danger to both the Sovereignty and Federacy, one worthy of inter-group communication, aid, and so forth.

One thing will have to be worked out: The Federacy would not request help from the Sovereignty outright. It might be a good idea for the Sovereignty to encounter the Frihtel and for it to be brought to the attention of our ambassador (Piett). This would allow some sort of organized treaty to come about or verbal agreement or extension of aid and would be acceptable IC.

Of course, before any treaties can be made one this really has to be resolved: the kidnapping of Kyry. This is one of the reasons Khendon stepped up military production and training. It’s also a reason we took more planets and expanded our total weapons and food production.

This cannot be resolved through talking, however, and will require some actual action. My current ideas revolve around Khendon taking a small squad of Storm Guard and tracking down his wife. I would, of course, also like to have a duel between Khendon and Tear over said person.

I’ll think more about this and see if I can make any more comment. I have to say, “GREAT JOB!” S’il for all of your work in organizing everything and for taking this initiative. ;) Very happy we have an admin that works with us “old fleeters.”

Telan Desaria
Nov 26th, 2004, 01:31:33 PM
We could encounter the Frithel. They can interfere with our Solaarian operations giving an us even better reason to become involved. Since the Grand Admiral - me - -will be directly involved in the Solaarian war, he can go up against the Frither and witness their power.

As an aside - -perhaps they can be handing the Solaarians their hat and when w go to assault say Sluis Van we encounter them instead forcing us to seek allies on the other side of their realm.

As far as Kyry goes, she was abducted without the knoweldge of Desaria or most of the regular Imperial government.military - -Khendon must find this out. It was an Inquisitoriate operation - - so when he duels with Tear, he must know his vengeance is against them not the Imperial Armed Services which would not do that - - -we believe in honourable warfare.

On the matter of Anar - -he is an excellent roleplayer and a new breed, taking on spectres we never considered. I simply dont like his idea on the grounds that it takes far too long.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 27th, 2004, 12:42:36 AM
I'm going to address everything point by point to keep things orderly and hopefully curb any confusion.

Originally posted by Khendon Sevon
I like the idea of using the Frihtel as a means of initiating involvement between the Sovereignty and the Federacy. The Frihtel have many more ships than the Federacy and weapons powerful enough to cut through the most steadfast shields in our inventory. Eventually, help will be required. An alliance between the Frihtel and Terrisz'Voss certainly would qualify as a danger to both the Sovereignty and Federacy, one worthy of inter-group communication, aid, and so forth.

Exactly. Not only would the Frihtel pose a viable threat to the Federacy, but the added firepower and support of Terrisz'Voss would cause the Sovereignty to get involved, as they would no doubt see such actions as that of an insurgent planet aiding and actively taking part in such vicious attacks and happenings. Especially if, as Matt said, the Frihtel would be showing up in the Solaarian War.

One thing will have to be worked out: The Federacy would not request help from the Sovereignty outright. It might be a good idea for the Sovereignty to encounter the Frihtel and for it to be brought to the attention of our ambassador (Piett). This would allow some sort of organized treaty to come about or verbal agreement or extension of aid and would be acceptable IC.

Again, this summation makes sense to me, as ICly, Khendon does not strike me as the kind of individual to go ask someone for help - especially when said someone happens to be the Sovereignty. Like most if not all Imperials, he has pride - sometimes to a fault ;)

Of course, before any treaties can be made one this really has to be resolved: the kidnapping of Kyry. This is one of the reasons Khendon stepped up military production and training. It’s also a reason we took more planets and expanded our total weapons and food production.

This cannot be resolved through talking, however, and will require some actual action. My current ideas revolve around Khendon taking a small squad of Storm Guard and tracking down his wife. I would, of course, also like to have a duel between Khendon and Tear over said person.

Understandable. I think that it might be interesting to see some initial friction due to the actions of the Inquisitoriate and their meddlings with the Sevon family, and a duel with Tear is a wonderful climax to such a conflict as this.

I’ll think more about this and see if I can make any more comment. I have to say, “GREAT JOB!” S’il for all of your work in organizing everything and for taking this initiative. ;) Very happy we have an admin that works with us “old fleeters.”

Why thank you :) I like to think that I do more than just sit on my duff, drink beer, and smoke my lungs black ^_^;

Originally posted by Telan Desaria
We could encounter the Frithel. They can interfere with our Solaarian operations giving an us even better reason to become involved. Since the Grand Admiral - me - -will be directly involved in the Solaarian war, he can go up against the Frither and witness their power.

Andrew and I briefly discussed making dedicated accounts for the Frihtel, and so if he is willing, the possibility to recruit new and fresh RPers as well as possibly some veterans could provide a way for people to become more involved in this union of factions, thereby creating more interest for the Empire as a whole. I know that I for one would definately be interested in creating a Frihtel account and RPing that character.

As an aside - -perhaps they can be handing the Solaarians their hat and when w go to assault say Sluis Van we encounter them instead forcing us to seek allies on the other side of their realm.

This is definately a possibility, as perhaps Terrisz'Voss could maybe impress upon the Frihtel that not only is the Federacy a definate threat, but the Sovereignty as well, thus spurring into action the aiding of any government or rebellion against the Sovereignty.

As far as Kyry goes, she was abducted without the knoweldge of Desaria or most of the regular Imperial government.military - -Khendon must find this out. It was an Inquisitoriate operation - - so when he duels with Tear, he must know his vengeance is against them not the Imperial Armed Services which would not do that - - -we believe in honourable warfare.

I've thought quite a bit about the reason for Kyry's kidnapping, and have concluded that Esalis ordered her capture as a means to not only toy with one man's [Khendon's] emotions, but toy with another man's [Tear's] well being. She's far from stupid, and knows that Khendon will do anything and everything to get his wife and unborn child back. Tear was sent to collect her as an experiment just to see how far one man will go to retrieve that which matters the most to him - at the possible cost of Tear's continued clean bill of health. I won't say his life, as I know that Tear would never allow his character to be killed. I believe initially she issued the order so as to gain an upper hand for the Sovereignty when dealing with the Federacy - to place them in the situation of being able to say "Don't try anything, and your wife will remain safe and largely unharmed". Of course as time went on, I believe her motivations changed.

On the matter of Anar - -he is an excellent roleplayer and a new breed, taking on spectres we never considered. I simply dont like his idea on the grounds that it takes far too long.

I discussed the "timeline" that Anar gave me, and it seems that I had read it wrong in places. Stages six through nine are apparently explanations for those that come before; not that they are actual stages. Even so, I honestly do not see the entire thing as taking an ungodly amount of time.

Hopefully this is a little bit clearer:

Stage 1 : Non-agression pact. Border recognition. Trade agreements, which leads to opening the border. Then cross border defence co-operation and policing.
Border recognition is automartic.
Trade gets going and the governments regulate it with a treaty.
Then the border is opened and we have free movement of ships, people, goods.
Which has to be protected- cross border policing
By then we'll be working on the idea that what is in our interests is in their's too, so we agree to protect each other.

This of course leads to the next stage -

Stage 2 : Alliance of mutual defence.

Stage 3 : Commission for Military Co-ordination As the Fritehl continue their attacks
Then we start co-ordinating out military efforts. A unified command structure emerges.

Stage 4 : A treaty of shared interest

Stage 5 : Treaty of unification.
The first one can be done after bestine.

By this point we are so intertwined that it is IC impossible to break us up and the OOC objections can go hang. It is inevitable after that unification goes ahead. Not to do so would be bad rping and no-one can stop us.

As I said before, something such as this can't be done overnight; we need to buckle down, hammer things out, then do this in stages so hat the foundation we build will not break.