View Full Version : Robbery at Coruscant (Open)

Karthon Vanar
Nov 24th, 2004, 02:11:31 PM
Since his escape from slavery Karthons life had been free of the routine and order he was so used to. He wasn't sure which way he would be taken next, where his next meal would come from. The outside world was a puzzle to him, one he wasn't ready for.

He needed credits and having no job or discernible income was becoming a problem to his survival. Having few skills and little experience except in manual labour and other menial tasks, Karthon was becoming desperate, his survival instinct had become his overriding motivator.

The Stennes shifter had moved to one of the lower levels of the city, security wasn't as tight here but there were still plenty of opportunities for a persistent mind. Karthon hated that he was reduced to this but who would willing employ one of his kind, especially a former slave with a bounty on their head. It disgusted him that he had to live like an animal.

He had found a little used alleyway, well hidden from prying eyes. It was traversed from time to time but concealed enough for what he wanted. Karthon watched and waited for the opportune time, hiding his face from passers by.

He spotted someone walking into the alleyway, they seemed to be well dressed enough. Checking they were alone, Karthon moved in behind them.

It was now or never....

Karthon Vanar
Nov 26th, 2004, 01:03:33 PM
The dark underbelly of Coruscant had a chill running through it, the dank corners of the sub levels gradually sunk you further into despair the lower you travelled. Though no matter how cold and unforgiving the atmosphere, the chill down Karthon's spine was what felt most numbing. The Stennes Shifter crept in behind his victim, footsteps falling into sink with his target.

Karthon silently grabbed a metal poll from the floor and raised it level with the strangers head. Then he paused, his breathing became heavy and he tried to steady his nerve. There would be no going back after this; He was about to strike this man down for money, for his own selfish greed.

He cursed at this crisis of conscience, the moment was at hand and he could not follow through. This wasn't about selfish greed it was about survival. The past few weeks had made him realise that he had to survive, no matter the cost, he owed himself that much. He had survived the cages, the beatings and prisons and he'd darn well survive his freedom.

His target had begun to quicken his pace, not having looked back but obviously feeling something wasn't right. Karthon ran after them and in one desperate but decisive move, he swung the bar towards their back.

Jesimae Phoenix
Jan 28th, 2005, 11:18:01 AM
She watched the man fall victim to the metal bar his attacker had hit him with, several times. No screams of pain echoed throughout the dark night, just that of the attacker who grunted as he continuously hit the man until he felt it was safe enough to take his money. Jesimae could only grin at the sick scene, vermin of Coruscant winning yet again.

She watched the tall and mysterious man bend over the lifeless body, searching his pockets for anything useful, the pace of his breathing beginning to quicken at every passing moment, panic taking over when he realized that this man might not have anything on him.

She shivered slightly as she leaned off the wall near the end of the alleyway, her moment of peace being disrupted by the horrid scene just feet away.

She pulled the hood of her cloak over her head, trying her best to keep her identity hidden just in case this man happened to know bounty hunters who were being hunted by the government.

Softly she walked towards the man who frantically searched the body only to find nothing useful to his dismay.

"Please tell me you aren't going to eat the evidence?" Her remark was sarcastic and soft but it frightened the man none the less. He looked over his left shoulder to see the dark object shrouded in secrecy, no features of identity could be seen.

Jan 29th, 2005, 12:26:34 AM
It was a sad scene to be saw.A man attaked because the other was not successful in his life.Vice thought about killing the robber but was not in the mood for any comotion that night.Not like that had stopped Vice before.

Vice decided to follow the man and the women secretly just incase anymore trouble was to be caused Courasant.