View Full Version : A Jedi's Flow (Invite)

Devon Russels
Nov 23rd, 2004, 02:45:27 AM
Devon had grown very little in the last few days as a intiniate, with only help from his fellow students. The problems were really in the basis. His ability to harnish, control or even pull out his arm of the Force, consciously was more difficult than any task he had tackled in all his life. He was so used to having things just fall into place that the situation had grown more depressive than observed as a process to grow.

However, habits had been built through the difficulties that had been seemed measured for decades. He was now frequently going to the Jedi Archives, checking up on information that stretched nearly 5 thousand years back, during the time of the Jedi vs Sith war. In that time there was a number of information revealed, that was presently providing just a bit of help in the process and procedures he was trying to go to.

Devon sat in a closed, small, area, his legges cross like the holographic image beside him. It had flashed out from the datapad that had been attatched to an Jedi archive message from long ago. It had managed to survive numerous years of unmeasurable destruction from the Emperor and possible Sith. The thoughts of the past had troubled his mind, however, and he had learned in only a few days how to manage to block them out just a tad bit. Atleast to the point that he could refocus back on the jibberish that was coming from the datapad.

He had yet to truly decipher every word. Even though it was Basic, it was a clearly, aged, form and only a few words he could gather. In this, he formulated concepts to going about doing his meditation and though process before hand. It was in all reality unorthodox, but if it worked, he could care less. Sitting, his mind ready, he began digging deep into himself, trying to escape the boundaries of his mind and focus on all. To simply feel, and feel in the simpilistic of feelings. The feeling of all, flowing through him.

The ability to at first see, feel, and know that the Force was all about was the first step. Then he would step forth into another void...a void of grasping it and using it to his advantange. Whether it would be to lift a rock or push a body back from him.

Behind him held a large walkway that stretched from the hall into the considerable large room. The thought of any interruption, however, never passed his mind, otherwise he would have gone through the procedures in the isolation of his room.

Devon Russels
Nov 23rd, 2004, 02:56:14 AM
The few words that Devon had understood from the recording of the holographic meditation played in his heart, his soul. It allowed his mind to stretch a bit more, like a rubber band it went. He had a hard time completely constraining himself from thinking, from breaking the focus of catching a full three dimensional view of the world and it's Force.

Yet, suddenly, as his eyes slowly peaked to glance back down at the side of him where the holopad lay, he could feel the Force. It was as if behind the lense of his optics he was holding anew vision. Sparkles shine about him like the world was amoungst the stars.

The Force, he thought, his hands slowly running across the ground to the holopad, though his eyes were wide and face confused. He was suprise to see such beauty before him, but he had no awareness where it come from. He had to blink, just to make certian it was real. In that split second, the focus left, the ideal of the concept following and the stars shined no more about him.

A snarl carved it's way onto his face as he fell back. He relaxed there for a moment, looking up at the celing of the box shaped practicing room. He had grown used to being in practicing quarters more and more, but not much was being produced out of it, like a zero and zero math problem.

Devon Russels
Nov 23rd, 2004, 03:07:02 AM
Something nudged him inside, allowing the laziness void in his mind to be supressed. He didn't like that, but he accepted it, because he knew that work needed to be done, because there was a slight chance that there would be a breakthrough in his work. Throwing himself up, his hair flapping behind as his body moved with a rapid thrust, the dirty blonde and black strands of hair swinging over his face for a matter of seconds. Letting his hands run up, he pushed it aside, away from his sky blue eyes, managing to smile at the sheer amusement of the whole moment.

He had probably looked like some weird spice-head, but he had no problem with that, atleast when in solitude. Then, suddenly, he clutched his fist, reminding himself of the problems at hand. Letting only a small chuckle out, he quickly firmed up. A intensity formed up in his muscles, tightening in resistants for only a moment, then suddenly releasing.

He was relaxed, his eyes closed, and his clothes dangling off his meditating stance. The leggings of his clothes brushed against each other creating a smooth sound that gave a sweet kiss to his ear. Inside, he could feel a warmth of comfort caressing his chest. There was something alot more enjoyable to hear the sounds he made, instead of the words he said in silence. The words fell on deaf ears, but his sounds...they came back to him and that sense of self and self...it felt like he wasn't so alone anymore.

"Hmm," he pondered. The thought of that was quite weird for him, but he managed to shrug it off and proceed.

Closing his eyes again, he went over the steps once again that he had thought would work the first time. Maybe it was just a practice round and this time around it'd actually help in reaching out and feeling all the Force that flowed through everything and all.

Devon Russels
Nov 23rd, 2004, 03:30:20 AM
The gates of the Force opened to Devon's mind, body and soul. The concept was hard to explain for him, for his mental felt likt it was a void of visions. It was as if his mind had taken a life of it's own and the Force was its mind. The ability of grasping it felt as though it took millenia to truly do, but at the most it took thirteen seconds.

It was an interesting thought to know that he had attained something throughout it all, but now he had to do something with his connection. Try something physical, that'd shown he had learned.

However that part would be the hardest...

Devon Russels
Nov 23rd, 2004, 03:37:02 AM
The hands of the Force guided him as he reached through, expanding his vision until the whole room was encased in his mind. The throbbing of his thoughts had grown more painful as the graphics uploaded into his vision. Slowly, he allowed his eyes to open, the newly felt feeling of life rejuvinating himself. A sensitivity was addressed at that moment. Every finger tip in his very body seemed to change it's fiber and fabric.

Even though it was only a few moments, it deserved the respect of being claimed as a infinity. He had seen a light through it all that illumated himself. The fabrics of the Force unfolded before his mind, his eyes reading through the scriptures of how he had attained such hand into it. Yet, he knew he couldn't control it yet. He would need more training for that....much more.

So, he rested there, letting his body stay seated, his eyes falling back to a shut. The visions of the room slowly drifted off and his inhuman capabilities were washed away from his body. He was once again human...

"Atleast it's gettin' better," he muttered to himself, pushing himself off the ground. He headed toward the entrance/exit, putting in a code that reserved the room for a later time.

Glancing back into the room, he smiled, letting the image and moment sink into his porse and mind. He would remember that day for a long time. The day as a Jedi he had attained, by himself, some sort of linkage with the Force, consciously. It was a first, and all firsts needed to be documented. So he did...but his mind was all the paper he needed.

"See ya when I see ya..."