View Full Version : All Shrine members..... Please respond.

Alana Stormcloud
Nov 22nd, 2004, 04:35:14 PM
Fw: Hello again

I have not responded to this PM, but I thought it might interest you to see it, and or share with other Shrine members, which you have my permission to do.

I see the request as baseless and in no way intend to honor it, unless you or Saurron tell me otherwise.


Boo wrote on Yesterday 08:40:25 AM:
Hello I know the man who owns the Shrine of the Damned. He purchased it for himself and then never used it. My question is if he doesnt repurchase it can I purchase the space and then change it to the Crimson Veil. Seeing how the Site will lose its existence on the boards. It would be a Sith board Mainly with Vampyre leanings. If this is possible let me know. Also Lord Gangrels only reason for being on this board is to harass me. So far he has kept quiet. His 'Soon' post that I think most people on this board knows was to attack me. He does this endlessly in real life and on the boards. Without going into detail I just ask that you watch and observe his behavior. I don't want to respond in any way. I will leave all such judgements to the Moderators who are not stupid. I am here to have fun and want to seperate real life from this game. It is harassment for this guy to be stalking around in the background. He's not a writer nor is he a fan of star wars.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dalamar...aka Trav

I have been given permission by Oger to post this pm that was sent to him by Dalamar or aka Boo. First off let me state by saying all of this is pretty much an out and out lie. Dalamar was banned from here under all of his names and still tried to make a new name Boo and infiltrate. Lord Gangrel does write with me here. But what matters is that Saurron, Mockadane, Lord Soth and I still own this board. Though we have all been busy and not been able to post we continue to keep it open in hopes we can all bring ourselves back to fans to begin again. Dalamar knows me with Martin aka Saurron and others own this board.

Lord Soth
Nov 22nd, 2004, 04:50:31 PM
Hello all here at Fans, members of the Shrine... It's been quiet some time sense I have posted here due to RL constraints. However Alana has brought this PM to my attention and I assure you after reading this, that Saurron (Who is one of my RL best friends) would under NO circumstances willingly or unwillingly hand the Shrine over to any other person or party, especially not Dalamar aka Boo or aka my x bro in law Travis.

It is my personal opinion that this is none other than another feeble attempt to stir trouble in RL and on this board and as well as Fans. I am confident that the Admin's and Mod's here at Fans are well aware of some of the circumstances regarding this topic and that of the Shrine's full ownership.

Thank you for your time / Sothie

Lord Gangrel
Nov 22nd, 2004, 07:07:04 PM
I would have to agree with Soth, yep just another feeble attempt to get at Alana. His X wife. Oh yea did I mention his X wife this is for everyone who really knows me. This is real nice I just get off of work and see this crap but what else do I expect of Travis aka Dalamar, or boohoo. waawaa Like I said just another feeble attempt, because someone has no legs to stand on, we all know who's board this is and that includes Miss Dalamar.

This is Alana's board, Aka my girlfriend, I know my rights here do you Dalamar?

Nov 22nd, 2004, 08:22:22 PM
In an effort to help those who may read this differentiate between what the PM, that I did give permission to post, contained and what was said by whom, here is the copy I saved:
SWFans.Net wrote on Today 11:38:51 AM:
I have not responded to this PM, but I thought it might interest you to see it, and or share with other Shrine members, which you have my permission to do.

I see the request as baseless and in no way intend to honor it, unless you or Saurron tell me otherwise.

Boo wrote on Yesterday 08:40:25 AM:
Hello I know the man who owns the Shrine of the Damned. He purchased it for himself and then never used it. My question is if he doesnt repurchase it can I purchase the space and then change it to the Crimson Veil. Seeing how the Site will lose its existence on the boards. It would be a Sith board Mainly with Vampyre leanings. If this is possible let me know. Also Lord Gangrels only reason for being on this board is to harass me. So far he has kept quiet. His 'Soon' post that I think most people on this board knows was to attack me. He does this endlessly in real life and on the boards. Without going into detail I just ask that you watch and observe his behavior. I don't want to respond in any way. I will leave all such judgements to the Moderators who are not stupid. I am here to have fun and want to seperate real life from this game. It is harassment for this guy to be stalking around in the background. He's not a writer nor is he a fan of star wars.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Dalamar...aka Trav

Nov 22nd, 2004, 08:32:49 PM
Now to explain my position on the issue; This request was not made as a person who wanted to have a forum hosted at Fans. At least that’s not how I read it. It appears to have been made as a request to try and wrest control/ownership of an already existing forum from someone else under what appeared to be false pretenses, and inflammatory statements.

I myself do not take well to flaming on these forums, thus why it is in our FAQ that such is not allowed here. This PM was inflammatory which led me to believe the PM not worthy to be responded to.

If the request had not mentioned the Shrine forums and had not been disrespectful of a member of this community, whether they RR or not is inconsequential, then perhaps the situation would have been different.

Nov 22nd, 2004, 10:33:12 PM
In my initial PM which I did give permission to be shared, I hinted that it be done in a more private way than being posted in this forum via my statement: “share with other Shrine members”. I only hinted and was not specific, my mistake.

Being that I made a mistake, the situation has become a forum drama and for that I apologize for the part I played in contributing to it becoming such. I will not use my administrative powers to wipe it under the rug and hide the mistakes made by myself or others, but my own morals do require that I make a gesture of decency to Dalamar.

Dalamar has been banned from the Shrine forums and is unable to make any posts to this thread in defense of himself and his words above. He has no opportunity to clarify his meaning and true intentions behind what was probably a PM sent in haste, possibly without thorough consideration of the consequences or perceptions one could draw from it.

As such I have made him an offering of fairness, and in doing so will also make a request here.

Please be respectful to all members of this community and adhere to the SWFans.Net FAQ in any posts that may follow this one. I have made the same request of Dalamar in what I am bout to present.

I am posting Dalamar’s explanation to this thread on his behalf so that he has at least one chance to clarify his meaning and come to his own defense. In doing so I am making a personal request (not a demand or administrative request) as well. I ask that this thread be closed and the issue moved past as soon as possible after this post.

I am not saying that no one can post a response to Dalamar’s words, but I am asking that we all try to move past this situation and not let it continue to be a source of stress for all of us that are involved including myself, everyone at the Shrine, Dalamar, any other SWFans.Net member, or unregistered guest who may read this topic.


Dalamar’s words follow:
Vampyre Dalamar wrote on Today 09:15:32 PM MST:
About 4 or 5 months ago Kelt and me where trying to create a new board called the Crimson Veil. I don’t want the Shrine. We spoke to swfans who at that time. He said that there wasn’t going to any new boards joining at this time. I was asking about the space of the Shrine. As its dues are coming up at the end the year and didn't think Martin was interested in coming back since his long absence. I was going to buy the space only. For my own board the Crimson Veil not the Shrine of the Damned. I was speaking to him about starting my own board. The same thing that I spoke to him about before. Leaving out that pm in the past. Makes this look like a grab for the shrine. I think this is unfair of Swfans also to send a private message I sent to him. He is suppose to be impartial. I was not jumping the gun but trying to go thru proper channels and was asking if I had to deal with Martin aka Saurron to do it. That or just wait for the place to cease to exist. It clearly says crimson veil in the pm. NOT the Shrine.

I briefly spoke to Vega and Mockadane about opening my own board. SWfans now knows this also. He is posting my response for me clear the air on this. Khendon, Kelt, Silvo and a few others where interested in making a Sith Board. You can Pm any one of these people to verify this.

Saharia also knows about this. IT was not a secret idea but something that I discussed openly. I repeat I was only looking to buy the empty space that the Shrine was going to become not what it is now. It could never be mine it was Mara design, Alana and Soths idea and I helped very little. I dont want there board. Never did. I thank swfans for helping me clear up this misunderstanding.

P.S. This is a great place to rp and have fun I only want it to stay that way. I have nothing further to say about this. I know more will be said but my side has been stated and again I thank the mods for allowing me my say.

Thank you, Dalamar:)