View Full Version : A Day Anew

Devon Russels
Nov 21st, 2004, 01:57:09 AM
The day was young. The youthful sunshine passed it's way through the Coruscant city, hitting the high levels. It was rarely seen or felt as warm as in the low, where the scoundrels, smugglers and poor dwelled. Very few wandered into the deeps of Coruscant without being associated into any of the deragotory groupings, warranted always to stay away or be killed. The rich never went, they never understood the pains, just the stereotypes. The lowest realms of Coruscant could've been oceans apart from the high sectors for the culture, the language, even the types of beings were far different than that of their counters. Yet, there was two things that were universal to Coruscant, aswell as galatic. The New Republic ruled and the Great Jedi Order was it's mysterious supporters.

Numerous came to the planet for guidance from either of the two. Walking to the Great Jedi Order's grounds and coming out a better, stronger person. Some went to the New Republic, joining the ranks of the navy or on political ventures to change the galaxy. Coruscant was a place of changes and nothing repersented it more than the Great Jedi Order and the New Republic.

The buildings of the two towers of the galaxy laid quite close together, however suprisingly, the traffic in the area was small and seldom a center of the problems on Coruscant. In many ways it was the most peaceful and silent, with only the sounds of speeders rushing through. Yet, in the walk ways, there could be found on the sunny day. A man, walking in solitude down a pathway toward the Great Jedi Order grounds. The grass was parted by the conrete walkway toward the security camera laced door.

The man seemed quite different, from attire to even his face. Even though of the human race, his style was far different than that of an average Coruscant commoner. Dressed in the darkest of black, even his cloak was a ebony that would make the nights of Yavin IV seem like a bright light. Yet, in his face, he was a complete contrast. The bushy side burns and unbrushed hair carved out his sharp and youthful features. However, his eyes seemed of an age older than that of Yoda which was carved with numerous famous and unknown Jedi faces into the columns that shadowed the long pathway toward the Order's grounds.

Finally coming to a stop at the door, the man pulled off his glove and long arms of his cloak and placed his hand on the door. Detecting his Galatic I.D with a scanning of his finger prints with an ending flash and opening of the gates. A smile came to his face as he pulled back his arm and placed back on the glove, heading into the future; The Greater Jedi Order.

Stepping in he caught a nod from the twin battles droids that were placed as security at the door. A chill ran through his body, even though the tough hide of his cloak and military boots managed to keep him warm outside. He couldn't help but placed his covered palms into his cloak pockets.

Glancing about, he seeked anyone who would give some sort of guidance in this situation he was in. Finding a desk on the other side of the room, a young lady standing behind it, clicking away on some objects that were hard to see from his view. So, heading forth, a sly, attractive and seductive smile on his face, he introduced himself to the lady.

"Hey, Im Devon. can you help me with this application thing, baby?"

She suddenly blushed. There was certainty that she had gained very little attention in an Order that was about being calm, serious and curtious, so there was no question that a sly smile and a simple phrase wasn't going to redden her tanned, curvaceous body.

Quickly, she handed over an application on a datapad.

"Just finish it and give it back to me." She nervously said, giving Devon a shy smile back.

Devon Russels
Nov 21st, 2004, 12:32:33 PM
Datapad applications seemed far superior to the old methods of data-message that had been used frequently in most the job areas of the galaxy. Devon wasn't too fond of lega jobs, but everytime he ever tried putting his life on track he found himself banging against the problems. Even though born to a modern world, he never got the hang of the data-messaging down, it seem too advance for him.

Yet, the datapad was quite easy to handle. Just a simple this-n-that, and over. All he had to do was transfer his ID and bit of information on past and allow the rest to be done by the droids and the control panel. Even he couldn't hide from the facts that there were certainly going to be a few illegal habits on his record, but there were a few things that were positive aswell.

One thing, however, was awkward about the whole situation. He had to place his finger on the datapad, and caught a quick, but small cut that only paper could do. After turning the datapad in, he pinced at it, looking up at the young lady once again.

"What was that small cut for?"

"Oooh, just for midicolorian. It detects your level of Force Sensitivty. Well...come back soon, Im sure they'll accept you...even with this record."

A smile came to his face at that. Turning away, he walked toward the secured door, placing his hands into his pockets once more. A new day, a new face, a new way.

Devon Russels
Nov 21st, 2004, 12:55:15 PM
Days past as he waited about Coruscant and in his hotel for an answer to his application. He went from pacing about in his room to moving about the lowest sectors of Coruscant with the scoundrels and fiends. The whole world was still a mystery to him, even though he had seen the two different faces.

Yet, that would all change, in a matter of moments. Over his sleep back at the hotel he caught a quick bleep on his datapad. A message had came in, it was from the Greater Jedi Order. When he finally managed to get out of bed he almost tripped on it in his sleepy amble. Looking down, he found the holopad activated, the message broadcast before his face.

There wasn't much of a second of time seperating him to the closest taxi-speeder. He was off back to the Greater Jedi Order to get his garbs and clothing.

Times was changing. Things were anew, and before him was a painted destiny...a future.