View Full Version : Structured English Question

Karthon Vanar
Nov 20th, 2004, 11:14:41 AM
A quick question for anyone familiar with structured english.

In Structured English terminology is it okay to use the verbs.

Increase and Decrease if you are forced to make assumptions on a particular value.


If (Condition) then

Increase variable.

Else If (Condition) then

Decrease variable

If not what can I use that's imperative?

I don't know the value to increase or decrease as that's abstracted and part of the assignment to notice. This being the case do increase and decrease fit?

This should be group work but as I know some programming I took one of the two assignments on to my own shoulders thinking it easy :).

I'll stick with my C++ code any day.

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 20th, 2004, 11:18:50 AM
Structured English? Bloody hell! I can't even understand your post let alone your question. :\

Karthon Vanar
Nov 20th, 2004, 11:24:39 AM
Oh it's an alternative to pseudo code. It's meant to be easier to read for the average user skimming through it. :)

An example would be, two easy to read variables that related to real life proceedures like:

Multiply Sub_total by 5 giving Final_Total

I say if someone can understand Structured English they can understand pseudo code and probably actual code, so why bother :D

Ah well

Karthon Vanar
Nov 20th, 2004, 11:36:07 AM
I'll try to clarify the question a bit and cut through to the point.

Summed up it was:

Can I make the statement -

Decrease variable

If I have no clear value to decrease it by, just a need to decrease it. Are decrease or increase appropriate verbs to use in Structured English?

An alternative I was thinking of, would be to use a second variable.
And GET the value, then decrease it by the second variable.

Any idea's?

Loki Ahmrah
Nov 20th, 2004, 04:03:56 PM
This sounds very much like you're studying how to butcher the English language. I'm blissfully ignorant of your subject. :p

Karthon Vanar
Nov 22nd, 2004, 01:40:04 PM
I wish I was ;)
I often think people invent methodologies and modelling techniques just for the heck of it :)

Decrease sounded imperative in this context so I went with that.

Its sealed and sent now anyway, nobody else in the group had a better idea.

Nov 23rd, 2004, 06:44:09 PM
Originally posted by Loki Ahmrah
This sounds very much like you're studying how to butcher the English language. I'm blissfully ignorant of your subject. :p

Same here o_O