View Full Version : The Gelgelar Civil War (closed)

Karthon Vanar
Nov 18th, 2004, 02:31:07 PM
(OOC: To get involved in this developing storyline, see the below threads as they will tie together.
Some Additional info:
http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37260 )

Gelgelar - Outer Rim Territories
Skull of Andon - Deep Marshlands

A dark cloud was forming over the outer rim planet Gelgelar. A cold world, its landscape composed of thick swamps and marshes, offering little luxury for the offworld colonist. The warlike Glarsaur, a reptilian race and twice the strength of any human, had always been engaged in constant strife and warfare. Throughout known history an uneasy balance had existed between warring tribes. None were ever allowed to get too powerful, the larger a tribe became, the more the other groups of territorial Glarsaur would seek to take from them. Of course there were more civilized Glarsaur, many whom lived in well founded communities but their days had become harder, the rising tide of violence was driving even the more reluctant Glarsaur to pick a side.

Past stories had told that every few centuries, a wave of epic battles would occur but that balance was always retained in the end. This was one of the times that would change history.

It wasn't the threat of warfare that worried great chief H'rack, for under his command were the largest tribe of warriors on the planet. A right he had earned through countless skirmishes with his neighbors and beyond. No the threat of battle hardly warranted his attention these days. It was the renewed ferocity that one tribe in particular had been showing, that was what worried H'rack. Those under the vile Seklar were full of bloodlust, where they should withdraw they fought, killing and maiming any who stood in their path to the point of insanity. He had seen whole communities slaughtered, women, hatchlings, any whom they considered easy prey. A neighbouring tribe had already fallen to their tenacity and a smaller one was on the way, hunted and extinguish like pests.

Then there were the offworlders. At one time he could stomach the colonists at Freeport, often sending traders there to barter. Those times had passed, the offworlders now brought great machines that ripped apart the ground, worse he had been told of great flashes of light cutting through the air. He didn't know what magics the offworlders were using but it wrecked havoc on the nearby land. His scouts had told him of many warriors near the offworlders machines being taken prisoner, never to be seen of again, of smaller tribes clashing with offworlders in the northern area's.

H'rack could not be sure but he suspected that Seklars tribe were behind the attacks, they seemed to be wanting war on all sides. Yet their stocks of warriors never seem to exhaust, no matter how many died. Seklar had even sent warnings to him, had dared to threaten a chief at his own council. H'rack allowed a smiled to cross his lips, well if it was war that was to come to Andons borders, let it be met with a welcome hand and a sharp spear.

H'rack turned back to his assembled council, rising to his full height, the veteran warrior was quite a sight. He stood almost seven feet tall, with arms that could crush a man like a rag doll and had been known to on ocassion.

"Again we are to war my brothers, the Seklar test our patience with their imputence."

A combined growl went up in support, few ever dared oppose his words, he had killed men for less.

"Sharpen your spears, send forth your scouts to gather our warriors and prepare yourselves for the most glorious war we have ever fought."

The group let out a mighty roar and chanted in shrieking unison. A drummer began beating the council's signature, rousing others to prepare for what was to come.

The Glarsaur civil war had begun.

Karthon Vanar
Nov 19th, 2004, 09:04:16 AM
"Bring my sons before me now, I have instructions for them."

"Yes great chief."
Mumbled an aid rushing off to serve his request.

H'rack scanned the horizon at the mobilizing camp. Over a thousand men and women were preparing, packing their belongings and clearing out their homes. A full-blown war would require the whole camp to move where it was needed. For the chieftans camp that was where ever he was, it was a symbolic part of his leadership. Though it would be unfortunate to leave behind the dwellings and force the youngest hatchlings to move so early in the season. The trip meant some would die of course but the weaker ones would only prove a burden later. A trip such as this would breed strength in the young that did survive, only strengthening his next generation of warriors. H'rack had long ago learned a wise chief must always look to the benefits when possible, especially if his orders ever dared to be questioned.

His oldest son was the first to arrive and faced him, directly looking into H'racks eyes. Ta'roth was like his father in almost every aspect, his stature, temperament and strategy mirrored his father almost to a fault.

"You called for me father."

The young warrior said, calm and bold as ever in his manner.

"Yes. It is time you proved yourself to the eldars of the tribes, time they learned to respect you as they do me."

Ta'roth continued to look at his father unflinching.

"You will move ahead to lead the first strike on Seklar, you will be the sword in my hand and I the wind at your back. With each blow you strike, let your heritage be confirmed."

H'rack smiled, he could see the eagerness in his son's eyes, it reminded him of his own youth.

"Now go Ta'roth, meet the council elders and their armies forming ahead. Take a thousand warriors and clear the way for me. I will join you when the time is right."

With that his eldest son departed, pausing only briefly to look at his younger brother who was just arriving. Both men sneered at each other in passing.

"Ah yes Jaroth, I wondered when you would finally arrive."

H'rack call lookng his son over. Jaroth was agile and cunning but he was too cruel for H'racks tastes. Any errand he sent Jaroth on ended up turning into a messy affair and a prolonged one at that. H'rack was glad he was the younger of the two and unable to best his brother in any form of challenge. It meant the tribes unified future was almost assured, of course Jaroth would probably challenge his brother one day but H'rack knew he would lose.

Jaroth snorted at his father.

"What is it you want from me... father."

"You will ride ahead of the camp to the elders and gather four hundred warriors. Find out who is responsible for these attacks on the northern swamps and do what you must to protect the tribes."

H'rack was sending Jaroth out of the way, he wanted this to be his eldest sons moment and he could do without the complication. Besides he needed the matter cleared up, he wanted balance restored along all his lands borders and couldn't risk the conflicts near Freeport spilling over into this war

"As you wish."

Jaroth was not stupid, he knew his father's intent and it insulted him. He would run this little errand, if only because having four hundred warriors at his command was not to be taken lightly. There would be time still to find glory in this war and the affairs of the North might yet prove useful to his own ambitions.


Gelgelar - Outer Rim Territories
South Swamps – Alpha Mine Site, Operation Headquarters

"The next delivery of equipment and workers should have arrived by now."
Deep inside his well-guarded compound, Operations Commander Junga Monto, a pale skinned Twi'lek, paced up and down the loading bays, his face a mixture of anger and worry.

"There has been a complication."
His second in command, a short human by the name Dalkin, approached at a brisk walk. He was making last minute checks on a small data pad, clasping it firmly across his chest.

"What kind of complication."
Jungo look at up expectant and fearing the worst.

"A Cizerack raiding group intercepted our new equipment enroute from the core systems, we are not yet sure if the cargo was siezed."

Dalkin reeled off the information, unemotional as ever. To him this was just another task to carry out, a problem to be corrected.

"What? I told you it was risky to pass through such an open route, what if the cargo is discovered!"

Jungo was infurated by the news and even more so by his subordinates attitute. There was a silence as both men sized each other up. Dalkin was the first to speak, having carefully considered a response.

"Well we always have Dorvalla Mining, the blame will never touch us as long as the cargo is officially in their name. A good way to kill a competitor if you don't mind me saying so."

Jungo eventually nodded in agreement. Dalkin usually had an answer for every problem, it was one of the things that Jungo admired about him. It was also one of the reasons this venture was so likely to succeed, fooling so many groups at once was no easy feat.

"Yes, yes you are right of course. Realise though that time is not on our side. Our deception will not be concealed forever. The time we have bought with the Glarsaur needs to be captialised upon before our position really is threatened."

Karthon Vanar
Nov 21st, 2004, 08:51:13 AM
Gelgelar - Outer Rim Territories
North of Andon – Tribe H'rack gathering point.

Ta'roth, son of the great chief H'rack finally arrived at the forward meeting point, the assembling that would launch his army, would crush the Seklar and earn him honour in his fathers eyes.

He looked over the assembled gathering, the shouting, laughter and occasional brawl. Tree's were cut asunder, fires were being lit and weapons forged from whatever was on hand. No matter how much damage the off worlders had done to the land, it didn't amount to half the damage several thousand Glarsaur warriors would reek in their wake. He doubted any communities between here and the Seklar would be left standing, no matter who was in them. The land would be cleared dry as they approached, pillaged and plundered, as was the craving of a war.

Ta'roth allowed a smile to cross his lips, the damage could be reversed and would over time be forgotten. But this battle, this battle would live in song for generations and he would be the one they remembered.

As Ta'roth strode into the centre of the camp, he was greeted by a huddle of several veteran Glarsaur and their escorts, many of whom were arguing on the exact course of action. As with any event, this was a place to posture for position amongst your neighbours. He would do no different of course, no matter how reluctant they were to listen. He pushed his way past the huddle into the centre of the crowd and was greeted by disgruntled snorts and glaring eyes.

"My father brings instructions, you are to wait for him here while I move ahead with one thousand of your number and clear the way for him."

Ta'roth looked around, ready to rebut any challenge to his authority.

"You make a fine messenger boy."
Snorted one of the larger Glarsaur in the group. A few muffled laughs came from behind him.

Ta'roth's eyes flashed as he looked over at the instigator. He hissed a moment, his posture shifting aggressively.

"If you challenge my authority, stop waggling your tongue and face me."
Ta'roth didn’t want to kill the man who had slighted him, it wasn't the right time to be striking down useful warriors.

The large Glarsaur stood still for a moment considering his position, for all his mocking he probably felt the same way. For the Glarsaur war was a strange excuse to put aside disagreements, even those that would usually mean a corpse for an answer.

Ta'roth was the first to avert his eyes, he didn't need all their support after all, a few loyal leaders would be enough.

"Who is brave enough to land the first blow. Who will walk with me to glory or death."

Several warriors banged their spears down signifying they would accompany him, war for Glarsaur was their only love and it didn’t take much to stir them to action. He nodded and walked from the huddle without a word. Several of the veterans moved away to ready their warriors and begin the march.


Gelgelar - Outer Rim Territories
Deep Swamps – Far South of Freeport

Jaroth had collected his warriors from the gathering and marched quickly, for almost two straight days now they had not rested. He had gathered his men covertly, not wanting to face his brother, his current task would only be ridiculed by Ta'roth. There had always been an obvious rivalry between the two Glarsaur, rivalry was not uncommon in chieftains sons but as the younger, Jaroth had always been expected to lose, that was what angered him. He was always seen as the weaker one, the one who wouldn't amount to anything. It was hard to earn the respect needed to survive on Gelgelar if you were always compared to the infallible Ta'roth. Jaroth would move in swiftly and join the war with Seklar as soon as possible. His warriors were exhausted but he pushed them on regardless, he still felt what was going on in the north around Freeport might prove to his advantage.

His thoughts were interrupted as the sound of blaster fire cut through the air, the swamps mists were at their thickest today and visibility was low. All he could see from his position was red light emanating from the distance.

Jaroth turned to one of the warriors next to him.
"Send scouts ahead to investigate but tell them not to get involved. Do I make myself clear?"

The Glarsaur nodded and moved away.

Jaroth pondered the situation, this had been quicker than expected, now it was only a matter of keeping four hundred men hidden from view.

Karthon Vanar
Nov 24th, 2004, 05:45:49 AM
Jaroth began moving his men into cover, although four hundred eager Glarsaur were near impossible to hide. They could blend in with the environment when they wished but as a warband they were more apt to hack the environment down than hide in it.

His scouts had only been gone a few minutes when one returned at a run.

"The Seklar are on our heels with two dozen warriors. They are in flight and headed this way!"

A blaster shot rang out, catching the scout square in the back, smoke rose from his body as he doubled over forward.

Several of the men gave an aggressive hissing sound, Jaroth knew they had been stirred and he couldn't keep them leashed long. The best tact was to appear ready to attack, to at least try and decide the moment when it would come.

"On my signal hold nothing back."

It would be a massacre but one that would see him claim the first prize in this war, that in itself was reason enough.

As the first of the fleeing Seklar were spotted, he readied himself, the Seklar still closed even after sighting the waiting ambush. The dark scales were unmistakable, the marshland Seklar were charging at him!

"Glory or Death!"

It was then the full force of a Glarsaur assault could be seen. Four hundred warriors surging toward their quarry, trampling anything in their path. Several shrieks went up as the first of Jaroths men met the Seklar. The small band he was attacking did not run, they eagerly charged the writhing mass of warriors converging to meet them.

It was a bizarre sight, any creature, even those of the lowest intelligence would of turned and panicked. Yet the bloodthirsty Seklar met death with open arms, they were cut to pieces and it was over in seconds.

The warband was riled now and Jaroth would push on to see what had driven these Glarsaur to this madness. He would now hunt their the Seklars assailants, convinced there was more to this than met the eye.

The youngest son of H'rack walked away, deep in thought


Gelgelar - Outer Rim Territories
Cauldron Marsh – Seklars West Borders

With over a thousand warriors at his back, Ta'roth, eldest son of H'rack had marched his men hard, equalling his brothers tenacity. Several small villages and a small tribe had been sacked, the spoils of war for those brave enough to take it. The plundering had controlled the lust in his men and there had been few problems in the advance. His force was almost completely intact as they approached the Seklars western border. Ta'roth's advance had drawn the most eager Glarsaur, those with most to prove or an unmatched love of war. This mindset would serve his purpose well, he wanted to inflict the most damage possible before his father arrived.

Ta'roths army began to line up, several groups began merging under common leaders. The size of the group represented the leaders relative strength in Glarsaur hierarchy, another method of posturing for the war-loving race. Ta'roth had about two hundred warriors at his back and would lead the charge. He wanted every ounce of recognition from this battle, he was greedy for every ounce of respect. He had chosen to stand on a hillside leading down a valley, the height would give them maximum impact but victory would depend upon how long he could hold his lines.

The waiting continued and the impatience to move was growing, he only hoped the reports of gathering Seklar were not exaggerated. He looked right and left, bodies stretching out along the valley ridge as far as the eye could see. Each warrior preparing to face the battle in their own way, some laughed and joked, others concentrated on their armour and a few just stood in silence, staring across the valley.

After what seemed like forever, a large group of Seklar appeared through the thick vegetation. There was a clashing sound and a drum beat as they assembled. Ta'roth looked across the valley as more of his enemy appeared, good they were a large force, this day would be everything he had wished.

The Seklar outnumbered them but not massively, their main army must still be assembling. This group was probably something akin to Ta'roths own warband, probably a leader seeking personal glory.

"Hold until my order."

Ta'roth hissed loudly, feeling the pull of battle himself. He wanted to lunge forward but knew to do so now would destroy the advantage, he had to hold until the opportune time. Others repeated the call down his lines, as all the men braced for the inevitable.

Both armies faced off, impatience was lingering in the air. The eagerness for a conflict on such a grand scale was almost tangible. The Seklar broke first, the lust for war they had been displaying proved too much.

A thousand bodies piled down the opposite side of the valley, blaster shots and primitive missiles shot forward of the advance. A few of Ta'roths men fell forward down the hillside as they were struck.

His lines wavered, the desire to charge almost too much.


He commanded again, summoning ever ounce of personal resolve. The warriors beside him did indeed hold but barely.

The Seklar had begun to reach the midway point of the valley, more impacts crashed into Ta'roths lines and more Glarsaur fell. The lines broke to the left of him, some of his number could not contain themselves any longer. Ta'roth snarled as at least a hundred of his men charged off alone. He had wanted a unified onslaught but he would sacrifice any number for overall victory.

"Ready yourselves!"

He called, snapping the remaining Glarsaurs attention back to his voice.
A large portion of the Seklars right flank had moved to engage the lone contingent. His men were fighting at least three times their number on level ground. Ta'roth drew his attention away, his remaining left flank could charge the already engaged Seklar in the rear, perhaps evening the odds.

As the bulk of the Seklar, reached the lower part of his hill, he raised his right hand. The time was finally at hand.

"Glory or Death!"

He cried out and bounded forward, central to the whole engagement, this would be his day!

A thousand voices rallied behind his and his lines surged forward down the hill, the dice of fate rolling once more.

Karthon Vanar
Nov 26th, 2004, 07:58:27 AM
The initial charge was devastating to the Seklar. Glarsaur were upended and sent flying backwards, others were simply crushed by the opposing forces. The intensity of more than two thousand bodies crashing together sent shockwaves echoing through the Marshlands. The downward motion allowed Ta'roths army to cut well into the Seklars lines. Spear upon spear clashed, blasters brought death to men from all angles and the ferocity of the Glarsaur claw ripped and tore as the melee developed.

Ta'roth plunged his spear into another opponent, the large reptilian fending off two more with a sweep of his arm. A Glarsaur at his side howled out in pain and was thrown flailing backward, a projectile lodged in his shoulder. Ta'roth hacked this way and that, instinct telling him when to duck and dive. Scores of Glarsaur fell at his hand, the practised warrior truly at home in the chaos.

His forces were slowly repelling the Seklar. All the warriors at his back were so eager for conflict that they threw themselves at it without hesitation. His left flank was failing however, the lone contingent that had charged early were all but decimated now. As the battle raged on losses were mounting on both sides but it was the dark scaled Seklar that were wavering. The bloodlust evident in some of their eyes was not enough to sustain the tide. A core number at his opponents centre was holding fast and together the strength of their army seemed to concentrate. There was a visible distance between the centre of the opposing army and the bulk of their number, as if the other Seklar were avoiding their brethren or had been cut down around them.

Ta'roth pushed on, hacking his way through Seklar after Seklar, leading the push through their lines.
He reached the centre of the battle, eager to face the challenge still blocking his victory. It was there that he saw the savageness his enemy had been well known for demonstrated. They stood out like crazed beasts in a river of blood. Men nearby from both sides were cut down, as the mad core of Seklar drove themselves forward. Ta'roth blocked another attack, cutting his opponent down in a single blow. With a roar he rushed to meet this new challenge, pulling a hundred eager warriors with him.

The Selkar were beginning to rout, some of their number turning from the field. Many still stood defiant but their bold attempts were faltering, the brave dying quickly as their comrades ran. Their lines were almost non-existent, all but the core, even his enemies right flank were sensing defeat. Slowly Ta'roths army began to surround those at their heart, spears, axes and blasters cut wound after wound into their number. It made little difference; These Glarsaur ignored all the most grievous wounds.

Ta'roth faced opponent after opponent as he fought for all he was worth. Their tenacity was overwhelming, he could see the primal need to kill in its purest in form. These beasts were desperate to inflict pain and the desire was not extinguished until all life had left them. For a moment it seemed as if these few Seklar might break out of the cordon but the odds were too great. Many of Ta'roths men sacrificed themselves in the fray, yet by sheer persistence and weight of numbers they wore down the animals.

It was then several blasts echoed from the Seklars ridge, he looked up to see streams of thick, red light falling toward him....