View Full Version : Flight of the Phoenix

Nov 18th, 2004, 12:32:38 AM
First let me say that I've seen the 1960's version, but I barely remember it. I was probably around 11 and watched it with my dad one lazy weekend, so since it's been 15 years at least. My memory of it is fairly hazy - so I can 't really do a comparison .

That said - the 2004 version is a really entertaining ride. The plane crash is one of the loudest and most visceral experiences I've ever had in a movie theater. The chairs were practically shaking by the time it was over. Throughout the film the volume was cranked up - would not be shocked to see this sneak into a Sound category.

The story is good for what it was (I mean having a troop of folks stuck in the middle of the desert isn't Shakeaspeare) and the actors all filled out their roles well(especially the snivelling over the top Ribbisi). A pretty satisfying popcorn flick I gotta say. The crowd I was with seemed to enjoy it big time. Hope it finds an audience...but it opens in the heart of the crowded holiday season.