View Full Version : Something new everyday (Natia)
Shade Magus
Nov 17th, 2004, 06:46:31 PM
Shade stood in the Temple's garden, awaiting for the most unlikely person. Natia Telcontar. This was quite a surprise. He had not spoken to the young woman in quite a long time because she didn't seem to take that much of a liking to the Jedi when they first met, so her request was even more bizarre. She wanted him to take her on as a Padawan learner.
So now he sat in the gardens to find out what was going on.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 17th, 2004, 07:06:58 PM
*Natia looks at herself in the mirror and smiles. Things have definately changed for her. Her Grandfather Marcus had gone off to raise Arwenai. Her Mother dead. Her Father busy. It's about time she grew up. Yeah, she's changed alot, but in some things she hasn't.
So, now with Marcus gone, she needs somebody to take over her training. She wished she could have seen Shade's face when she sent him her message.
She takes a deep breath and exits her room and heads off to the Garden where she's going to meet up with Shade.
A couple of quick minutes later, she shows up at the Garden and heads through the doors into the Garden*
Greetings Shade, it's been awhile.
*Natia says as she approaches him, a smile on her face*
Shade Magus
Nov 18th, 2004, 12:37:36 AM
"That it has," he said and returned the smile. "I am glad to see you well. I got your message, and as you can guess I was rather surprised. Is there a particular reason that you requested me?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 18th, 2004, 10:41:52 AM
There are several reasons why I asked you. One of which is our interesting past back when we first met. I need somebody to continue my training with the Force. And I figured instead of asking somebody that I don't know, and don't know if I can trust, I figured I'd ask somebody I do know and might trust.
*Natia knows that it's common knowledge that she's been Masterless for quite some time. What isn't common knowledge is the fact that she has been getting training from her Master since he isn't here in the GJO*
Shade Magus
Nov 18th, 2004, 04:19:06 PM
"I see...well then, I hope I don't let you down," he said as he walked around the Padawan, sizing her up. He did have a little test in mind for her. "How much do you think you weigh?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 18th, 2004, 08:40:36 PM
*Natia smiles and shakes her head slightly*
I couldn't say. I don't bother paying attention to my weight because I'd probably find out I'm underweight because I don't eat alot and I'[m physically active.
Shade Magus
Nov 19th, 2004, 05:38:57 AM
"Well the only reason that I ask is because I want to see how well you use the Force for guidance," he said a moment before moving against her. If she didn't move quick enough then he would grab her and throw her in the air, but he would catch her to make sure she didn't get hurt. But hopefully she was in tune enough to sense him coming and would move.
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 19th, 2004, 11:32:13 AM
*Natia nods as she takes a couple of quick steps back, away from Shade the instant she sees him starting to move towards her. Unfortunately for her, she trips over her own feet*
Shade Magus
Nov 20th, 2004, 01:21:59 AM
Shade smiled as he walked over to help her up. He could tell that she allowed the Force to work through her and not the other way around. She had a lot of potential. "Are you ok?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 20th, 2004, 11:19:24 AM
*Natia accepts Shade's help up*
I'm alright. My legs still don't work properly and they never well.
Shade Magus
Nov 20th, 2004, 11:26:45 AM
"Well that's just something we'll have to work around. Now I do have a question for you. Do you have a prefence in the lightsaber form that you would like to learn when we get that far?"
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 22nd, 2004, 11:38:49 AM
Not really. Only request is that is a form where I don't have to do alot of footwork.
Shade Magus
Nov 22nd, 2004, 03:41:46 PM
"Alright then. I can teach you the basics of Form III, but you'll have to put in a lot of practice yourself. With it though, you should be unbeatable," he said looking at his time piece. "Ok, here's what I want you to do. Take some time and rest and relax and meet me in training room B81-A in four hours. We'll start your training then."
imported_Natia Telcontar
Nov 23rd, 2004, 11:39:29 AM
*Natia smiles and nods, happy to hear that Shade is willing to take on her training*
Thanx. Four hours, training room B81-A. Gotcha.
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