View Full Version : A New Creed...(Salem)

Zachariah Darmok
Nov 16th, 2004, 06:02:05 AM
Quiet was the night and Darmok was used to it. In the Underdark of Coruscant, despite the bussling city above, the underworks were amazingly quiet. Out here, in the countryside of Kirrek it was almost to reclusive for Darmok and being surrounded by Vampires did not help the situation ether.

It was always nearly night upon the planet and to be honest, Darmok, despite his hate for the light, somewhat missed it's warmth. Standing on the edge of a large vally hill he watched the small village below as its lights twinkled gently through the trees. They, down there, must be so happy.

Nothing much to worry about except the occasional disapearence of friends and family and loved ones, the Vampires Feast.

Vampires never took more than their share of people, a few people a month, the humans were happy enough. Frightned, but never scared enough to leave, they put up wth it.

The moon shone brightly in the sky and the stars winked happly, wrapping his jet black cloak around himself, Darmok made to leave the hill side and walk back towards the Cabals so called fortress to his quarters.

But on turning he felt a presence.

Zachariahs eyes shifted from one darkness to another in the trees. Something was watching him from the woodland and a small ruin within them, a broken tower.

' You might aswell show yourself, i can sence you, fool...'

Salem Ave
Nov 16th, 2004, 06:30:41 AM
Though it would have been easy to assume so, Salem was not following the sorcerer. Truth be told, he had come to the tower to explore it. There were a great many stones left unturned on Kirrek, and Salem had a mind to smoke out anything that was lurking beneath them. Although he had yet to find anything of interest in this particular ruin, his search had caused him to glimpse Darmok and so his curiosity turned elsewhere. At the sound of the man’s voice, a small smirk crept over his lips. Who was he to command the Sith Knight? After all, Zachariah was intruding upon Ave, not the other way around. Wordlessly, Salem continued his search. He would not be goaded out into the open, as many men surely would. If an audience with Ave was what Darmok wanted, he would have to come to the remains of the tower himself.

Zachariah Darmok
Nov 23rd, 2004, 11:11:17 AM
' Coward...' Darmok snorted and began to walk towards to tower. The tower looked to have been derelict for years and was perhaps some old gaurd tower that once gaurded the northan approach to the vampies fortress centuries ago, he senced there was something strong lerking within.

Something wicked.

Darmok was one for daring fate though and be began to journey over the threshold on the ruin and into the tower itself.

For once though, Zachariah stirred uneasily.

Salem Ave
Nov 25th, 2004, 02:56:49 AM
At a twist in one of the still standing corridors, Darmok was confronted with what he sought. Salem swung into view, dropping down from a crevice above with eerie grace.

“Sss-omething I can help you with?”

Zachariah Darmok
Nov 25th, 2004, 08:34:30 AM
Darmok took a step back quickly as if suddenly surprised by the Vampires agility before rearlization crept into his mind. It was Salem Ave. Although only hearing tales of Shadana's 'pet', Darmok had a instant dislike to this perticuler creature and it was visible upon Zachariah' face.

' Oh, its you...' Darmok said arrogantly. ' I was expecting a challange within the confines of these walls, i was, of course, incorrect...' he said gesturing towards the Vampire.

' I will leave you to your games...' With that, the Warlock about turned and began to walk back down the corridor he had came from.

Salem Ave
Nov 26th, 2004, 06:32:08 AM
“Asss you wi-sssh,” Salem replied, as he impassively watched Zachariah leaving. Darmok exhibited a kind of baseless arrogance that became tiresome quickly, and the vampire was more than thankful that he would not have to deal with his aloof self-importance for a moment longer.