View Full Version : Use Those Muscles. (Jacen)
Rognan Dar
Nov 14th, 2004, 01:09:34 AM
On a bright, early morning the Jedi Order was beginning to wake up. It was yet another day of hard training; long, out of system mission, and just the normal things in the day. But before this moment there was a call that went out to Jacen's personal comm, nice and early to wake the boy. Rognan had left a message on it to meet him in the garden to continue his training. He made the message sound urgent, for him to come as soon as he could. This might be considered mean to trick the boy to hurry. But he was sure that he was wanting more training anyway and there was no better time for it then first thing in the morning before other important things came up. So he waited, leaning back against a tree for his padawan to arrive.
Nov 14th, 2004, 06:07:47 PM
Jacen's eyes opened slowly and very reluctant to the sound of his personal comm unit. How would want me this early in the morning? He wondered as his hand searched for it on his nightstand. Once he found it, he brought it close to him and pushed play.
"Jacen, get to the gardens now!"
The young Padawan junmped out of bed as Rogan's message sounded. Whoa! What could be so important, he thought as he pulled his robes on and made his way for his door, almost tripping once trying to get a boot on his foot. Once outside his room, he ran through the halls until he almost ran over one of the Jedi Knights who verbally repremanded him for it. After that he walked, atleast until he was sure he was out of the Knights sight and then took off again.
Soon he came jogging out of the temple and into the gardens, out of breath as he scanned the area for Rogan. He couldn't see him at first, so he opened his senses to the Force and felt that his Master was near. He walked that direction and found him sitting behind a tree. He stopped and bowed.
"Morning Master. Is something wrong?"
Rognan Dar
Nov 15th, 2004, 10:11:12 PM
"Good morning to you, too. Glad to see that you could make it."
Rognan got up and moved away from the tree to standing infront of Jacen as if he was about to give some bad news.
"Yeah, I guess you could say that something may be wrong. Like how you look like you just got up and ran here. Got to keep yourself tiddy." Rog reached out and straitened Jacens robe. "But since your already here we might as well start."
Nov 16th, 2004, 05:39:19 PM
Now he was really confused. First Rogan had sounded impatiant and now he seemed like he had all the time in the world. "Umm...ok...what will we be doing?"
Rognan Dar
Nov 17th, 2004, 05:53:02 PM
"Today you will learn how to use the Force to increase your physical abilities, as you requested. I hope you are ready for a workout," Rog said with a smile. He was looking forward to this time. He wanted to see what Jacen had in him. After their spar, he was expecting quite alot from him.
Nov 18th, 2004, 12:40:35 AM
Now, with all othr things forgotten, the Padawan smiled. He loved learning new things that involved using the Force. "Ok! Where do we start?"
Rognan Dar
Nov 18th, 2004, 08:36:51 PM
"Now, now. Lets not get to hasty. There is plenty of time...believe me. But we will start right away." Rognan started to walk away to a area of the garden that, though it was still lovely and green and all natural, it seemed to be turned into a type of gym.
"How much do you think you can lift," he asked Jacen, stopping in the middle of his little set up.
Nov 19th, 2004, 05:42:18 AM
"Umm...well I've never really tried lifting that much. I used to lift boxes at the cafe I lived at, but they weren't more than maybe fifty to seventy pounds each, but I am sure I can lift more than that cause I've picked up people before," Jacen said as he thought about it. This was new to him. He had never really thought about his limits. He had just done.
Rognan Dar
Nov 19th, 2004, 09:56:18 PM
Rognan nodded his head as he looked around his 'gym'. There was not to many things that would be really heavy around here. Except for those rocks, and a few chunks of durasteel that he found.
"Alright. First things first. You see that small rock over there?" He said pointing to a rock that was not really small. It was a good arms rap around and couldn't have weighed more then hundred pounds. "I want you to pick it up. If you can."
Nov 20th, 2004, 10:22:33 AM
He nodded, walking over to it. From the looks of it, it wasn't much bigger than the boxes he had moved working at the cafe, but he wasn't fooled. He knew they would weigh much more than they looked.
He knelt down in front of it and wrapped his hands around the rock. He could barely get his arms around it. It was just enough as that he could clasp his hands together to get a grip. Once he was ready, he tried standing up, but he just could not stand for all he was worth. The rock just refused to budge.
Rognan Dar
Nov 23rd, 2004, 08:42:25 PM
Rognan nodded his head and stepped forward, putting his hand on Jacen's shoulder so that he would stop.
"Ok, lets not over do it. We'll try something small."
And the Rog pointed to a much smaller rock. Though it was easily around fifty pounds, it would be much easier to lift because it was shape just right for good handholds.
Nov 25th, 2004, 09:17:14 AM
Jacen nodded and walked over to the rock. Though he was tired from trying to lift the other rock, he was able to lift the smaller one with little effort. He smiled as he turned to Rogan to show him he had done it.
Rognan Dar
Nov 25th, 2004, 03:12:24 PM
"Good, good. Pick it up and put it down a few times."
The boy was not strong, but he was able to do something. All he needed to do was workout a bit more. Like now. And later on when he's tired out, then we teach him abou tthe force, Rog though.
Nov 28th, 2004, 05:56:48 AM
Jacen did as he was told. After about an hour and forty lifts later he dropped the stone to the ground with a thud and fell beside it. His face dripped with sweat.
"I...I think I'm...done...," he said between gulps of air.
Rognan Dar
Nov 28th, 2004, 05:39:01 PM
"Very impressive. Take a few minutes to catch your breath."
Rognan knelt down next to Jacen and gave him a cantina of water.
"Ok, now I'll teach you how to increase your strength and speed. You'll use the Force, which I'm sure you already know. And what you want to do is focus on the Force and draw upon its flowing power, like if you were taking a drink from a stream. You have to use the Force on yourself, to flow into each muscle. You will feel strengthened and be quicker, but it does not make you forever strong. For once you are done, it will be your muscles that you were still using. You are just able to use them longer and be able to do more physically inclined things that most others cannot."
Nov 29th, 2004, 05:04:15 AM
Jacen listened to Rogan as he took a few sips from the cantine. The water tasted so good after his little work out.
"I think I understand the concept, but I'm not sure about how to let the Force flow through my muscles."
Rognan Dar
Nov 30th, 2004, 12:25:26 AM
"Think of it as you would anything else. Find the Force around you. Draw it closer. Then apply it as you need. It is not easy to understand how to use it at first. But once you know how, its like riding a hover bike. And with more practice you will be able to do it even more easily and do more things with it."
Dec 11th, 2004, 10:10:31 AM
"I think I get it now...," he said as he bent over to pick up the rock. He had to put something in practice before he really caught on most of the time. Before he did however, he tried to clear his mind, and as he exhaled on a breath he released his thoughts and on the next inhale he drew the Force into him. He sent it through his body, with an emphasis on the muscles in his arms. He lifted slowly It felt much heavier than what it did when he first started doing it, but as he allowed the Force to flow he felt almost lighter. "Like this? Wow I didn't think I would be able to move this thing again for awhile."
Rognan Dar
Dec 11th, 2004, 02:29:51 PM
"Yes, you are getting it. But not only are you still being physical, you are also having to be more focused on the Force then you would if you were just picking it up with raw strength. Though, once you have it down it is not so hard to summon strength through the Force. But for now I dont want you to push yourself to hard until you are more able to keep it under control."
Dec 12th, 2004, 11:59:55 AM
He put the rock down and stepped away taking a few more deep breaths. "Yes...that would be wise..."
He sat down with a thud on the ground. He put his hands behind him and leaned on them with his feet pushed out in front of him. "What's next Master?"
Rognan Dar
Dec 12th, 2004, 01:28:23 PM
"You want more? Then more you shall get."
Rognan took a moment to look around him, seeing what might Jacen might be able to do next.
"How good are you at running?"
Dec 12th, 2004, 08:29:19 PM
At this the young Padawan smiled. This was the one thing he prided himself on the most. Living on the streets one had to be fast and as far as Jacen knew, he was on of the fastest humans in the western part of Coruscant. But rather than seem like he was bragging he just said, "Good."
Rognan Dar
Dec 13th, 2004, 07:47:47 PM
"Very well then. We shall see how 'good' you are. You can rest for as long as you want before we get going. And make sure to be all stretched out and ready. Where would you like to go? We could go out into the city and run around or would you just prefer to stay here?"
Dec 13th, 2004, 11:55:12 PM
"Hmmm....the city or here?" Jacen whispered to himself as he stood up adn stretched out his legs. He bent down to touch his toes as he thought about running in the city. It is more familiar to me...oh and there are more obstacles for me to use for practice.
He stood up and brought his left leg up behind him and grabbed his foot on the oposite side. But then again here is new and would require more attention and it would be spontaneous for me as well...where to run?
He thought for a few more seconds as he dropped his left foot and brought up his right foot for the same stretch. "Master I think...well in here for now since and I am just learning and I don't want to hurt anyone or myself."
Rognan Dar
Dec 14th, 2004, 04:55:37 PM
"Heh, then you'll have to not run into anyone. We'll be going threw-out the grounds of the temple and anywhere else that we might want to go."
Rognan saw that Jacen was thinking about where he wanted to go. Clearly he was wanting a little more out of this excercise then to just run and learn about the Force. It was a thought process that went for what could be the most efficient in what was being done.
"And your not learning yet. Your just jogging, running, anything fast then a walk. You'll be mostly in charge of how fast we go and how far. I'll lead the way through untill you think you want to try and lead. Ready?"
Dec 15th, 2004, 08:57:48 AM
Jacen moved his neck, popping a few joints. He then shook his arms out and nodded. He was ready.
Rognan Dar
Dec 16th, 2004, 09:42:27 PM
Rog returned the nodded. And, without any indication that he was starting, he was off. Turned around quickly he started out with a slow-ish jog, to make sure that he didn't leave Jacen in the dust before he had a chance to start.
Dec 17th, 2004, 12:03:56 AM
Jacen looked away for less than a moment, and before he could glance back Rogan was off. Jacen started after him and in no time caught up to his Master. He was going at a rather slow pace, but it was good if one was trying for endurance, but Jacen was trying to go for speed and endurance. He sped up slightly, all the time watching for on coming people and objects that might appear suddenly.
Rognan Dar
Dec 17th, 2004, 12:28:11 AM
Good. He's keeping a open mind to what is around him. But he is impatient.
Quickening the pace, Rognan started to move ahead and turned the corner down another hall. They were now in the Living Quarters. many people would be about now. And with so many rooms and halls, anyone could come out of nowhere and smack, you'd be on the ground. Jsut as Rog finished that thought, someone did come into view. As he passed the female Jedi he gave a short nod and continued on.
Dec 19th, 2004, 01:57:18 PM
Jacen was glad Roagn was in front as he moved to the side. They rounded another corner, and just as Rogan passed an open door, another student stepped out. He jumped in the air over the man and landed rolling. When he came up he was almost directly behind Rogan. He turned his head back. "Sorry!"
Rognan Dar
Dec 19th, 2004, 07:04:06 PM
"Dont worry," Rog called over his shoulder. "She'll forgive you someday."
Rognan continued on. Going through the LQ in a quick jog untill he got to a set of stairs, which was not the main way out of the LQ. He went head first into it, take as many as three steps at one time. He stumbled now and then, and decided to slow his pace to two steps at a time. After many sets down, he looked up and behind to see if his padawan wasn't falling down the stairs yet.
Dec 19th, 2004, 11:22:03 PM
When he saw the steps, for a moment he was glad because they would be going down adnn it would give him a rest. Atleast those were his thoughts before running down and stumbling. He regained his balance after sliding down a few more. He stopped before running into the wall as the steps twisted and it gave him an idea. He was always told to work smarted not harder, so why not?
He grabbed the handrail and using the Force for just a little push, Jacen rushed forward. His feet were bent at just the right angle so that he would continue to slide down. The only problem with this was that if he ran into anyone or moved his feet just an inch, he would send himself and whoever else back down the stairs. And he doubted they would be getting back up anytime soon. He was just wondering what Rogan would think of his idea when he rounded a corner to find himself face to face with his teacher. "Uh oh..."
Rognan Dar
Dec 21st, 2004, 04:27:31 PM
Rognan was taking one step at a time in order to let Jacen catch up and to see how he was. But as he was getting to the bottom of a set of stairs he saw Jacen slidding down the stairs on his feet and gaining speed. He was just about to say how clever he was when he noticed that he was coming up on him faster then expected. And the look in his eye's said that he was not going to be able to stop without some kind of conflict.
Rog had to think fast. Now that Jacen seemed sure on crashing he might not be able to fix his position. Rognan thought that he could just jump down over the rail in order to get out of the way. Or he could just move to the side and let him go past. But would he freak out because Rog moved and then not catch himself before he ran into the wall at the turn. That would have to be up to him. He was able to take care of himself, and he should learn how to. So Rog just went to the wall and falttened himself against it.
Dec 22nd, 2004, 12:30:17 AM
Jacen slid right by Rogan and continued down the stairs. He was almost at the bottom and he was thankful, except that he didn't know what would happen when his feet hit the bottom. Would he fall donw on his face or stay standing? Would he break anything? There wasn't much time to think about it as he made his way around the last curve when he suddenly remembered his training. He had already used the Force to learn find things. Maybe he could use that to his advantage. He opened his senses as taught and the answer came to him almost immeadiately. There was a slight indention on the wall coming up soon. If he grabbed at it at just the right time, he would pull himself against the wall and slow his body down to where he could just jump down the last few stairs.
Gotta get this right, he thought. Now!
He reached out and his fingertips just barely caught the small indention. He pulled himself to the wall and just as the last few steps came he laughed himself in the air and landed. He fell to one knee for a breather trying to get over the rush he had just had.
Rognan Dar
Dec 22nd, 2004, 11:44:11 AM
Rognan came down the rest pf the stairs a little slower then when he started. A big smile was on his face as he desended. He came up to Jacen and slapped a hand on his shoulder.
"Well, well, well. Look at you, little grasshopper. You'll be a Jedi yet. Now that it looks like your all puckered out, now we can learn a little more before continuing. Unless, of course, you want to just push yourself to your limits and then learn while you can't move. Your choice."
Dec 22nd, 2004, 12:44:48 PM
Jacen looked up smiling. "I think go for a little breather to learn some more."
Rognan Dar
Dec 23rd, 2004, 01:17:24 PM
Rognan sat down on the last step and took a second to catch his breath.
"Well, as you have already done, using the Force to strengthen your arms to lift the rock, you do that same thing with the rest of your body. Now, the more you try and strengthen, the more its going to take to use. Because when you were just using your arms, there was very little else that needed help. But when your, lets say, running, there is a few more things that need to be factored in. Your not just using your legs. If that was the case then running would be far easyer for everyone. There is also the matter of breathing. Though, you would not think this to be a big matter, it is. For the more you use your own legs the more oxygen is needed to run through your blood. So if you can't get enough oxygen in your lungs then you will become lightheaded and will tire out sooner, even if you had the Force to keep you going."
Dec 24th, 2004, 01:33:34 PM
"It's the same as a racing speeder running low on fuel isn't it?" Jacen asked. It seemed the more he learned the more thing just came to him and the more he wanted to know. "But if it takes so much energy then how is it that we can do all the things we do? Is it the longer we do it the easier it gets?"
Rognan Dar
Dec 24th, 2004, 02:51:29 PM
"Well, everything gets easyer with practice. And the sooner that you are able to control the Force in such a matter as using it to boost up your physical nature the sooner you will be able to do more then jsut boosting. You'll be able to think up all kinds of different ways in which you can use the same basic way of using the Force. Control is the main thing. You may be able to feel the Force right now, but controling it is another challange."
Dec 24th, 2004, 03:08:27 PM
"But why do we want to control the Force? I thought it was bigger than us. How can we control it then?"
Rognan Dar
Dec 24th, 2004, 09:12:46 PM
" ask very good questions. But when I said control, I did not mean like one would control a X-wing or a speeder, where you are at the controls of the aircraft and if you do not use them then you will crash. Controling the Force is being able to use the Force in such a matter that would be under control, not in chaos. For you use telekinesis to lift a rock, but if you are not in control of what you are doing then you will lose your ability to move that rock or keep it in the air."
Dec 24th, 2004, 10:42:58 PM
"Ahh...I understand now," Jacen said with a grin as he stood up and stretched his legs so they wouldn't cramp up with him just sitting here. "We are like conduits then. We don't actually control the Force, but we just just regulate the use of it through our bodies. It's the same concept that conduits use to regulate electricity."
Rognan Dar
Dec 25th, 2004, 01:47:21 PM
"Yes. In a sense. The Force, though, is far more then just electricity, as you know. Even some of the greatest Jedi do not know its full power or how some are able to use it. Its like the galaxy. No matter how much you can discover out there, there is so much more then anyone could imagen. With each new age of Jedi we learn a little more. But who is to say that we even know what we think we know? We could have the whole thing backwards."
Dec 25th, 2004, 01:58:08 PM
Jacen stopped moving as he thought about this concept. "Hmmm....I understand what you are saying, but...well...that would make each generation of Jedi stronger than the last wouldn't it? You would it just mean that we learned something others in the past didn't?"
Rognan Dar
Dec 25th, 2004, 02:04:41 PM
"Its more like we have the chance to learn more. Think of it like this: here we are talking about the Force and I'm teaching you some ways of using it. Now, you can take what I teach you and perfect it, or you can learn how to use it better, easyer, or even take it to something that no one has ever done before. If you then try and make something different of it, then later on when you start teaching that you might teach him what I'm teaching you know. And then you can teach him what else you have learned since that time. And in a sense, yes, you could say that we become more powerful or stronger. But I dont think that does anyone any justice. The Force is always there. It doesn't change. So what happens is that you become more knowlege filled about the Force. For knowlege is power in its own right. Just matters on how you use it."
Dec 25th, 2004, 02:12:13 PM
"Ohh...I get it now," Jacen said as he stretched his left hamstring and hoppoed a few times. "Ready to continue?"
Rognan Dar
Dec 25th, 2004, 02:21:03 PM
"Lets step it up then."
With a smile, Rognan stood up and started off. They were now on the main floor of the LQ that connected to the rest of the Order. Rog wanted to get into a area big enough to have a kind of race. But such places without some twists and turns. So it was just whatever he could find.
Rog started out with a jog until he was once again use to running. Then went to the same pace he had when they started.
"Hey," Rognan called over his shoulder. "Do you know your way to the medical ward?"
Dec 25th, 2004, 02:27:04 PM
Jacen thought about it for a second as they ran he had been there before with his freind Ry-Obi and he thought he could remember the way. "Yea...I think so. I been there before with a freind."
Rognan Dar
Dec 25th, 2004, 11:57:47 PM
"Then we will test your memory as well as your speed. Last one there is the Emporers black bones!"
And then Rog pushed himself. He was not using the Force yet to boost his speed. That would all depend on how well Jacen did.
Dec 26th, 2004, 01:19:34 AM
Jacen saw Rogan take off and smiled. This might be interesting indeed. Th young boy pushed ahead at a full sprint. He knew he was faster than Rogan for now. It wasn't cockiness or arrogance, but just a feeling. He knew and he gained on his master. Living on the street for years and not having the biggest body, one learned to be fast, but he also knew that if Rogan wanted, he could use the Force to increase his speed, where as Jacen would have a more difficult time in this.
He pushed his thoughts to the side as a hall came up on his left and Rogan turned down it and not a fraction of a second later, Jacen did as well. He was catching on his master and he hoped his endurance and ability to use the Force helped him in the end. Soon another turn as coming up and just as they both made a sharp right turn, a few of his fellow Padawans came into view. Not wanting to lose time by slowing to go between them, he jumped in the air over them and soared, curling his body just at the last minute to roll forward on the floor as he landed. He didn't look back at his Master, knowing he would get through, but rather kept his thoughts focused and pushing himself harder so as not to lose his new lead.
Rognan Dar
Dec 27th, 2004, 05:34:09 PM
Jacen was spirited. And young. And was easily more use to running then he thought. Rognan had worked hard to get into shape. He ran just about every day that he could. Never had he raced anyone. And this would be a good test for the both of them.
As Rog came to the blockade of padawans he saw Jacen jump over and head. But he stayed going strait. And the look on the two padawans faces as he nearly ran into them. Right at the last second, Rognan used the Force to nudge the two apart and he ran right through. Both of them scowled at him and went on their way.
Now Jacen was in the lead, running as hard as he could. Rognan jept up with him, just enough to be behind him, yet not trying to over take him. He wanted to see if his memory while running was any good. He might have even forgot about what they were doing and was just trying to get ahead. No matter what the case, he was going to tag along behind.
Dec 27th, 2004, 05:49:56 PM
Jacen checked his surrounding and smiled. They weren't far from the medical center and from the looks of it he was keeping the lead, but when he reached out with the Force he frowned. Rogan, he noticed was not using the Force. But why? He thought to himself as he ran forward. Does he have a plan?
Oh well, he thought shrugging off the thoughts. They would soon be coming up to the last corner and then he would see what Rogan was planning, and if he planned on trying to take the lead well Jacen had a plan as well.
Rognan Dar
Dec 27th, 2004, 06:02:54 PM
The medical ward was coming up close. It was not directly linked to the Temple. There was a long stretch that was opened up to lead to each one. SO they would be going outside for a brief moment before they would enter the Medical area. And right before the turn that went outside, Rog made a quick left which went to some stairs going up. He jumped up the first ten steps with the Force and quickly ran the rest. He then took another left that went into a opened up room with a balcany at the end.
Dec 28th, 2004, 06:59:27 PM
Jacen stretched out his sensses through the Force and felt Rogan run upstair. [/i]But why?[/i] He thought taking the final left and running outside. He didn't see Rogan anywhere as he ran outside and the sun beamed down on the small open area. As far as he could tell he was still behind him.
Rognan Dar
Dec 28th, 2004, 07:04:04 PM
Rognan kept at a fast pace as he entered the room and went strait toward the balcony. It looked out into the same open walkway that connected the two buildings. When he was a little closer, he then used the Force to boost up his speed. The balcony came up quickly. And right as he came out into the sunlight, he also used the Force to boost his legs one final time. This time he used it to jump as far and as hard as he could. Rognan was seen flying through the air, seeming to hang without any means of repulsors. And then he slowly, then quickly, dropped to the ground. He went into a roll and came back up running to finish the last small distance to the Ward.
Dec 28th, 2004, 07:14:09 PM
Sithspawn! Jacen shouted mentally as Rogan fly over him. He watched his master roll on the ground and come up running. Now it was all or nothing. If Jacen was to win, he would have to use the Force to enhance his speed.
He opened himself up and felt the warm liquid of life he called the Force flow through his viens. Just as he did using the Force to lift the rocks, he pushedd the energy down into his legs and felt himself speeding up. He was pushing himself hard now. He was even faster than he thought possible and maybe if they had both used that little stunt of Rogan's, he might win, but now, even though he was gaining fast, he wouldn't beat Rogan because of the distance alone. He didn't care however. The only thing going through his mind, was that he was using the Force and it felt great. It was like a warm blanket wrapped around his entire body and soul. He almost felt invincible.
Rognan Dar
Dec 28th, 2004, 07:27:26 PM
And then it was over. Rognan ran into the Ward with Jacen right on his heels. He had a hard time stopping without taking out some poor sick person or hospital personel. But he did, and when he did, he fell onto the ground and rolled onto his back. A nurse came running up to him and asked him if he needed medical attention. He briefly told him what was going on and she retreated with a sour look. He was breathing heavily and his legs were hurting from the extra use that they had jsut gone through, and was not yet use to.
"Jacen? Are you around?" He said through deep breaths and searching for where his padawan had gone.
Dec 28th, 2004, 07:35:38 PM
Jacen peered from around the corner. "I'm here Master. And doing fine too!" He said before dissappearing behind the corner again.
And true enough he was. He hadn't run into anyone or anything stopping and even though his legs ached, he wasn't out of breath. Since pulling the Force into him while running, he had kept it there and used it to calm his breathing almost instantly. But what had made him stop almost completely was something extraordinary. True it might be nothing to another person, but to him it was just plain amazing. He had stopped to watch a small theraputic waterfall that was flowing on a counter just around his corner. He had never seen anything like it and it made him relaxed.
Rognan Dar
Dec 28th, 2004, 08:50:47 PM
Rognan slowly came to his feet and walked over to were Jacen was. He leaned on the corner and looked him up and down.
"Feels good, doesn't it? Like a way of light going through your body, strengthening you, letting you be one with the Force?"
Rog was also amazed. His young padawan and taken to the use of the Force in this new way that the whole race was nothing. Maybe he was just better at running then he. Or maybe even better with the Force. Whatever it was, he was glad to know that he was doing his part to instruct the next set of Jedi for the days to come.
Dec 28th, 2004, 09:32:54 PM
Jacen closed his eyes and listened to the Force and the waterfall gliding gently down the rocks into the artificial pool beneath it. "No...not letting me be one, but...," he paused unsure of the word to use. " is more of what it is saying. Showing me how."
Rognan Dar
Dec 28th, 2004, 11:51:44 PM
Rognan nodded his head but kept quiet. Jacen was beginning to really connect with the Force in ways Rog would not have expect so soon. And the thing was, Rognan could feel that connection. He could feel the Force through Jacen and could feel how he was being surounded by it. He just opened himself up to it and let its power, its strength, flow through him and ease his physical pains.
Dec 29th, 2004, 12:01:56 AM
"Master...I've seen Jedi move thing with their" Jacen asked looking at the water one last time before turning to his master with a curious look.
Rognan Dar
Dec 29th, 2004, 12:19:32 AM
Rog raised a eyebrow at the question.
"Slow down, my padawan. There is a time and place for everything. This is not the time for that. You must be patient if you want to learn these things. If you are able to truly understand what has happened today then you will be one step closer to being able to control the Force around you.
"So, tell me what it is you think you have learned today?"
At this time Rognan sat down next to Jacen and also looked upon the fountain as it seemed to keep a kind of rhythm, even though it was just continuesly flowly down. Such could be said about the Force as well.
Dec 29th, 2004, 12:34:02 AM
Jacen leaned back in his chair. "Well...I learned how to use the Force to enhance my natural strengths and also that I have to learn to open up myself and be more receptive to the Force. Like when you went upstairs and I could feel you, but I couldn't enhance my abilities. I guess I need more practice..."
Rognan Dar
Dec 29th, 2004, 12:38:38 AM
"Practice makes perfect. But why do you think that you were able to feel me, and yet not able to boost yourself?"
Dec 29th, 2004, 12:45:38 AM
"Because I don't know how to divide the Force and do two things at once."
Rognan Dar
Dec 29th, 2004, 12:56:42 AM
"Good answer. With time you will be able to use the Force in one matter easily that you shall be able to do something just as easily at the same time. But this is not always true. Many things take a great deal of concintration to do. Anything with the Force does. But its like learning to play a beautiful muscial piece. Over time you learn where your fingures go and slowly, after doing it many times over, learn little bits of the sound and dont have to read the music to play it. After that happens, you will be able to play the whole song with nothing but memory. So will happen with the Force. If you just take it one step at a time you will finally get to where you want to go."
Dec 29th, 2004, 10:04:35 PM
He nodded. It made sense what else could he do. He stomach rumbled and he reddened. He hadn't had time to eat this morning and now his stomach was letting him and everyone in the vicinity that it wanted food now. "Is there anything else for today or is that it?"
Rognan Dar
Dec 30th, 2004, 12:06:28 AM
"If you think that you grasp all that I have talked with you about, then you are free to go. And if you think y ou need to do a little more, then thats great. Its up to you."
Rognan then looked at him questionally. Did he think he knew enough about it? Was he not sure of himself and wanted to try a little more? There was no real way to find out the answer before it came. Unless he was somehow able to read his thoughts.
Dec 30th, 2004, 11:28:49 PM
Jacen thought for a minute. He really wanted to eat, but at the same time he knew he wouldn't get better if he didn't practice. He turned to Rognan and smiled. "More practice if we could."
Rognan Dar
Dec 31st, 2004, 11:33:17 AM
This made Rognan smiled. He thought he had Jacen figured out. But in such a short time, that would not have been easy to guess.
"Very well. Is there anything we did that you want to do more?"
Dec 31st, 2004, 02:54:42 PM
"Well...I kinda want to do something that would make me use more than one talent at once. During the race I could feel you above me through the Force, but I couldn't use the Force to enhance my speed. I just wanted to practice trying two things at once."
Rognan Dar
Dec 31st, 2004, 03:59:05 PM
"Alright. I dont know how we could aplly that to what you have already learned, but we'll try. I guess the easiest way to do this is with something that doesn't take as much of either aspect of the Force to do. So lets see...ok, how about this bench," Rognan indicated as the one he was sitting on. "This is a light bench that doesn't take to much to left. And just to make it more of a challenge, lets have me stay setted in it. Now, lets start by focusing on the Force and the things around you. Stretch out your senses...What do you feel is around you with out using your eyes to do so?"
Dec 31st, 2004, 05:41:21 PM
Jacen took a breath a reached out. He could feel the people around him along with inanimate objects, but it was only in the immeadiate area. Stretching out farther eventhing became dulled. He could feel the things around him and to a certain degree the people directly above him. It was easier to feel out the Force users, but that was it.
He stood up and tried to channel the Force as he had before, but it was harder. The bench wasn't heavy but adding Rognan and stretching out his senses it was becoming a bit harder. He lifted it a few inches off the ground, but that was about it.
Rognan Dar
Dec 31st, 2004, 08:15:15 PM
"Slow down. Dont rush it. Become one with the Force. Let it fill your senses. Let it enter your body. Focus on your task but not do it. Wait until you are ready."
Rognan hoped that these words would help Jacen. It was easy to tell someone to do something when he was so use to it. But to tell someone something that could help them do what was hard for them, that was not so easy. Rognan also stretched out himself, trying to give Jacen reasurance through the Force, but not physically help him.
Jan 1st, 2005, 09:40:39 PM
Jacen put the bench down and took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves. This time when he reached out with the Force, he didn't reach as far with his senses. He let the Force fill his body and mind, he pushed the energy to his arms and lifted again. This time it raised slightly higher, but nowhere near as high as he could have if he had only been concentrating on amplifying his strength, still it was an improvement as far as he was concerned.
Rognan Dar
Jan 2nd, 2005, 11:16:20 PM
"Very good. You've just taken your first steps into a larger work. Dont worry if it was not something great. Being able to use the Force in more then one area is difficult. If it was not, then Jedi would be using the Force to increase their strength and speed while also moving things to where ever by sensing so far away. You see? Not everything can be done at once. So much concentration is needed to you the Force. But in time, some things will become second nature to you and you will be able to do more. Now, was there something else you want to do?"
Jan 3rd, 2005, 12:08:31 AM
Jacen put the bench down slowly, so as not to break it. He was panting and dripping with sweat as he shook his head.
"No...I...I think I couldn't move another muscle if I wanted to," the Padawan said as he dropped to the floor and sat down.
Rognan Dar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:03:14 PM
"No? I feel ready for another race." With that Rognan stood up with a hop and looked down to Jacen. "But then again...maybe a shower and some breakfest would do better then some more jogging, wouldn't you say?"
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:09:44 PM
Jacen nodded. He wouldn't be doing anymore racing unless it was to a shower and breakfast. "I think so..."
Rognan Dar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:20:24 PM
"Then we are done for today. You did very well. Now, listen to me. In your free time I want you to be practicing what you have been taught. It doesn't have to be for long, and you dont have to do it every second you have free. Just take the time now and then to try and develope your skills.
Do you need help getting back to your room? You look like a slimy hutt that can't move."
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:25:14 PM
Jacen smiled, but shook his head. "If I'm going to have to get better at this then I might as well use this as a little exercise."
Rognan Dar
Jan 3rd, 2005, 09:50:16 PM
"Well said. In that case, I'll be seeing you around. Mind what I have told you."
And slowly Rognan made his way back the way they had come. Back to his room where he could really use a shower.
Jan 3rd, 2005, 10:33:40 PM
Jacen stood up soon after Rognan left and he walked slowly towards his room. His body ached from the race and the lifting. More than he had let on, but some of his pain eased as he reached out with the Force. It allowed him to walk more in a normal state, but he was still sore and he would feel it for the next few days. He tried to shrug it off as he walked in the main part of the Temple and groaned. He had forgotten all about the stairs leading up to the Living Quaters. He slowly lifted one foot and put it on a step before doing the same with the other. He sighed knowing this was a long and hard path he had chosen, but it would be well worth it in the end.
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