View Full Version : Time to Talk(Je'gan)

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 9th, 2004, 03:14:37 PM
Rivin had just gotten back from Chandrila. he took a round about route back, and checked in with his opperations on Coruscant before comming back. He had no doubt that Je'gan was already back at TSO, so when he got back, he checked with the force to see where Je'gan was.

It didn't take long to find out that Je'gan was in His own room. So Rivin went storming up to Je'gan's room. When he gets there, Rivin barges into Je'gans room without knocking.

"You Self-centered, Egotistical, Sorry excuse for A Sith Knight! What was the meening of distrupting my fun! Saving the Baby! Doubting my Jugment! AND Talking with the Jedi afterwards, making it sound as if YOU were better than ME! EXPLAIN YOURSELF! Or you will have my sabers at you neck!"

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 9th, 2004, 03:53:20 PM
The book in Je'gan's hands slammed shut, matching Rivin's words for violence and for volume. He didn't often mistreat books.

Whatever he was doing, though, his face, voice and Force-sense reeked of an icy calm that did as much for his connection to the Dark Side as did his peer's blind rage.

"You lost your superiority over me the day I became a Knight, Rivin. I can and will question your judgement, as you continue to question mine. You kill; so do I. But sometimes I deem it wiser to save a life than to take it. Confusion is sown not by clear-cut attacks, but by ambiguity with great force attached. The Jedi will testify that there were two Sith present. He was fighting one; the other was either saving an infant or causing mayhem among the troops. Many of those deeds - my deeds, which you speak as if you can censure at any time - were accomplished without a visible perpetrator. The true facts of what happened on Chandrila may never be known. This you owe to me.

"And those traitorous words that I said to the Jedi that you failed to defeat within the time limit that your own actions imposed upon you. I passed him on my way out of the area, and felt it less trouble to talk to him than to take the time to evade him and waste my time further. I'll quote myself: 'My ally has chosen to flee. My place is with him. You are most fortunate that I do not choose to finish you here and now.' From a point of view as twisted as your own, yes, that could be seen as an insult directed at you. But you'll just have to take my word that that was not my intention, because I'm sure as Kun not opening my mind to you, and you're sure as Kun not getting inside by any art that you possess." He stood, placing the book on the small table beside his chair. His eyes bored into Rivin's.

"As for 'disturbing your fun'. Go back over your memory. I did not impede your actions in any way. In fact, you owe me again: I gave you the time you needed to fight that Jedi and lose."

He stalked up to Rivin and stared him in the eyes. Unyielding will dominated; his mind was clear, his anger was reined and ready to obey his every command. This day, he knew, had brewed for a very long time.

"I am not your inferior, Rivin, and if you violate my privacy again the consequences will be entirely on your head. Perhaps you remember that I challenged you as an Acolyte, and you already a Knight. You gave me my first taste of Force Lightning that day. I don't recall being afraid.

"And there's the difference, you ball of filth." He spat the words, hand caressing the lightsaber at his belt. "The difference between you and I is that I like to face opponents who are miles beyond me - something that you no longer qualify as - and you like to face opponents who can't fight back. Or did you honestly think that your hobbies were private?"

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 10th, 2004, 11:30:07 AM
"I will always be better than YOU Je'gan! I have learned more about the force then you could ever dream of! You can go and play with you mind tricks all you want, But you will never match to me! And as for your comment of they will never know what truly happened there, I have only to say the Even YOU have no Idea what happend there!

Every bit of what you would call pointless viloence that I have done since comming to TSO, has had a very deffinate purpose! And Everything would have gone MUCH Better if you had not taken out those first few Starfighters! If it had clearly only been me there they likely would have not called in all those troops!

Ether way though I still completed what I went there for. Even with the petty meddling from a littly whelp like you! I did not lose to the Jedi ether, I simply chose that the risks of remaining out weighted the benefits. I had done what I came for and had no need to stay."

Rivin goes to walk around Je'gan as he continues to talk but now in a much more centered tone, as if he was now teaching an ignorant student.

"The fact that you go for the heart of the lion, The strongest, and the most well defended part, only goes to show how stupid you are. One day you will not be able to escape then, and then you will be dead, while I'm still out there, plucking fist fulls of fur off the lion's backside, weakening it to the point where it can not take the pain any longer, causing it to ether submit to death, or burn out as it's anger consumes it."

Rivin stops in front of Je'gan again.

"You see, you can cause much more damage to the strong by culling the weak rightout from under their noses. And while they focuse on hunting me, the greater threat, small groups of my men loot plunder, rape, pillage, and kill the people that were once behind well defended lines, striking at the moral of the people, making them much easer targets.

I go to where there is the most gain for the least risk. I value my life, and as such my hobbies, as you put them, are far more complicated than what they may seem."

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 10th, 2004, 01:48:40 PM
As Rivin paced around him, Je'gan remained facing straight forward. He didn't make eye contact with the older Knight until Rivin was again directly in front of him.

"Those things don't make you intelligent, they make you a coward. From my point of view, at any rate.

"But let's cut to the chase, Rivin. This isn't a battle of ideologies, nor of methods, for which you should be exceedingly grateful. This is a battle of ego and of will."

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 12th, 2004, 12:15:23 PM
"Just because I know when there is no more gain of remaining in a fight, does not make ME a coward! I symply would rather live to fight another day! My methods are Just as effective as yours, or more so! My methods have gotten be a Crime syndicate that quietly streches to the far ends of the galaxy! I have my own fleet! And more people under my command than I can count! If you think that I will let my opperations be meddled in by the likes of YOU, you are sadly mistaken!"

Rivin knows that it is a battle of Ego, but he feals no need to comment on that.

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 12th, 2004, 03:30:03 PM
"And I," Je'gan countered quietly, moving over to a dresser on which a freshly delivered pot of hot chocolate was steaming, "have embezzled enough money from a crime syndicate that stretches across sectors to buy a private fleet here and now. I have put large quantities of that money into the coffers of TSO. I have trained eight Apprentices of our Order, one of which is now a Knight, and three others who are more powerful than I was when I fought you the first time."

He poured a cup slowly and cradled it in his hands, taking a cautious sip.

"I do not play with mind tricks as you play with Force Lightning, a technique that you are mentally and emotionally unprepared to use. I am a master of mentalics. I can control and change minds, alter the way they work. If you were capable of being more than an impediment to me, as you seem to think, I would long since have brainwashed you, and there would be nothing you could do to stop it.

"What's my point?" He sipped again, shrugged, and put the cup down beside the pot. "I'm more loyal to TSO than you are. I've progressed farther in the Dark Arts than you have. I've served my Order faithfully and been richly rewarded. I've won in combat...something that I've never once seen you accomplish, nor heard either. Unless, of course," and here his voice grew dry and became almost amused, "you count our little tussle. You unquestionably won that confrontation.

"But as an Apprentice, as an Acolyte who had all of a month's experience in mentalics, I was in your mind. I'm a stronger man than you, and I can do it again." He smiled cruelly. "And oh, before I forget. I've never allowed my emotions to weaken me, just to strengthen me. And as we both know...you have."

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 15th, 2004, 11:40:31 AM
"If you did not Recall, I have faced and defeted Zereth twice Southstar twice, and I have defeted Kes'La durring one of your training missions. Not to mention out quick little scuffle that you backed down from.

The only fight I have truly lost was was agienst Akrabbim, and he was a Jedi Master. All the other fights were left as draws or a small victory for me. I have faced Jedi Wei Wu Wei and got away with his lightsaber, I got away with one truck of explosives, and a Crate when I raided the factory. I admit you were there loosing to one of the Jedi, but not only did I get the explosives I also got a hostage, that her return got me a lot of money, and also got me a spy into the GJO that they know is on their side.

I have the little living in fear for her life, I have Jedi Dar looking over his shoulder continuously, and Jedi Alton So angry at me she colud turn to the darkside easly. My fight on Chandrila went well, and everything I wanted to do was completed. As a result, a construction company on that planet that is owned be me has, as of yesterday, gotten a contract to rebuild the two towns I destroyed, and Jedi Dar was still unable to save the people, or stop me from getting away. All in all I would not call that a falure.

I have not once said that I am loyal to TSO, in fact there would be no tear shed from me if TSO crumbled tommorow. I Am loyal to myself, and my intrerests, and as long as TSO is still in my interests, I will say true to them.

You may have been in my mind before, but if you recall you were not there for long. I have gotten better at defending my mind, just as much as you have gotten better at attcking with yours."

Nov 15th, 2004, 04:16:57 PM
*This little bout of words is pointless*

From behind Rivin, standing in the doorway to Jegan's room was Malice. Clad in his usual white robes, the newly returned sith master had been listening to them argue since nearly the beginning of it. He had decided to leave his room and explore the complex, taking note of any changes they might have made while he was gone. But instead he ran into these two arguing like little children.

Letting himself in, Malice stood inbetween the two.

*You speak of your battles and posessions like silly trophies. But the both of you seem to forget, the force rules all. It matters not how big of a fleet you have, or how much credits you possess, the darkside can take it all away in an instant*

Not bothering to look either of them in the eye, Malice walked around the room a bit, picking a new spot to stand in before speaking once more.

*Further more, i remember a rule of there being no fighting between members. We are more then just an order, or an empire, we are a family here at TSO. So unless you are in training, any fights between the two of you are punishable by death*

As he stopped again, his eyes then fell upon Rivin. Those deep sea colored eyes bore into the knight. Though Malice's mind was not back to full force, and his powers not at what they were, he was confident he could still take these two on if need be.

*Take this into consideration sith knight, betraying the order is also punishable by death. As well as punishments far worse then death. Loyalty here is held as one of highest aspects here. To even speak of the order as you have just done can be considered treason. Do so again.....and i'll kill you myself. Is that understood?*

Though Malice was certain this sith did not know who he was, the demon sith master hoped his tone would get through to the knight. If not, then he would simply have to beat his words into him. It would be going against the infighting rule, he could always say it was a training session.

OOC: Hope you don't mind me entering. Figure it was the best time to make an entrance. And besides, Malice needs to meet his fellow members. He does not know you Rivin.

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 15th, 2004, 04:51:39 PM
Je'gan's face paled, just slightly, almost indistinguishable from the pale anger that was shining on his face. That Malice Draclau had decided to intervene...

And, for that matter, that the Sith Master had been unquestionably, one hundred percent right...

"Apologies, Milord," he said simply, the direction of his eyes leaving no doubt which one of them he was speaking to. Not that Malice, or he himself, would have had any doubt on that subject. "My mistake."

But Rivin was still in his room, uninvited and the target of a great deal of hatred on the part of one Je'gan Olra'en - once again, Malice had proven why he'd gained his title, and Je'gan knew he was correct - and how to rectify that seemed a bit beyond the young Sith. Black eyes flashed back to Rivin as Je'gan picked up his cup in one hand and took another sip of the cooling liquid.

"It seems," he said slowly, "that our differences must remain academic. Unless you'd care for a spar, of course...purely for purposes of practice."

He looked again at Malice. "Would you care to appoint an arbiter for such a match, Milord? Or would that be deemed necessary?"

Nov 15th, 2004, 08:30:55 PM
Malice looked to Jegan and merely shook his head.

*I shall let you decide that Jegan. A spar between the two of you is of no concern to me. I merely interrupted your "conversation" to remind you why we are all here....and why we are sith. Good day to you*

Not giving Rivin a chance to speak with him, Malice walked out of the room. He could feel the thick blanket of hatred and distaste those two had for one another. Malice once shared those feelings with many a foe, both jedi and sith it mattered not to him. But times have changed, and so had he.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 15th, 2004, 11:57:13 PM
Rivin goes to try and speek to Malice's comments to him, but only finds himself cut off by Je'gan. His anger building at now at both Je'gan and Malice. Even though he too knows that what Malice is saying is true.

Rivin knows that if he says anything more to Je'gan he will likely be getting himself killed by Malice. So Rivin simply turns and walks out of the room after Malice, sending Je'gan a telepathic message...

"This talk may be over now. But if you get in my way again, you may find yourself having an accdent on the battle field."

Rivin then walks up behind Malice saying.

"I don't know who you are, and I really don't care. But any true sith that stats that their loyalty lies in anything other themself first, is ether lying, a coward, or really not a true sith. The fact that I am honest about myself does not meen I have commited treason."

Rivin does not give Malice a chance to respond to him, he just turns down a side hallway and move off to his own room.

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 16th, 2004, 09:26:01 AM
Immobile, and with eyes half-shut, Je'gan stretched out through the Force to insert a small mindtap through the walls of Rivin's psyche. Rivin had faced Akrabbim Melchizan, and thus had at least some idea of how to shield his mind...but it wasn't enough. For a Knight to invest so much power in energy manipulation and telekinesis would be to leave oneself open in a number of other fields. Je'gan was the opposite: weak in TK and energy manipulation, but strong in the mind. Despite Rivin's words, the older Knight couldn't stop an intrusion.

Especially one like this, designed not to be detected even by an experienced Forcewielder.

Je'gan gulped down the last of the hot chocolate absently and began to read Rivin's mind, or at least the surface thoughts - any more, and there was a chance Rivin would notice.

The comment to Malice caused Je'gan to smile grimly, and to await the Master's response. With great anticipation.

Nov 17th, 2004, 10:49:28 PM
As Rivin headed down the hall to his own room, he would soon start to notice his little trek slowing down. The floor beneath him had opened up, sending small, sharp shards of concrete jutting upwards. From there, small vines sprang forth and wrapped themselves around the knights ankles, holding him tightly in place.

Through the force Rivin felt Malice within his mind.

(You can easily find out who i am young one. Simply ask a seasoned member of the order about me. But as far as your take on a true sith, you are far from it. Loyalty to ones self or an order does not make them a true sith. The darkside, and the darkside alone is what makes them pure. If you would recall your history Rivin, loyalty was an idea not even thought of when the true sith species roamed the galaxy.

But if you wish to remain alive, here in this order for very much longer, your loyalties better stretch beyond to more then just yourself sith knight. And don't ever call me a liar, coward, or a fake sith)

As his empathic words ended, so too did the grip of the vines. The plant life had sank back beneath the floor, and the spikes going smooth once again.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 18th, 2004, 10:58:32 AM
Rivin scowles back down the hallway towards where Malice is, then steps out of the vines after they let him go, and watches them sink back into the floor. He then goes the rest of the way to his room. where he sits on the floor and goes into a meditation, and notice Je'gan in his mind. Using the froce the then goes to throw Je'gan out of his mind, so that now he can be alone.

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 18th, 2004, 01:03:41 PM
More out of a lack of pressing business than anything, Je'gan decided to remain in Rivin's mind throughout the older Knight's return to his room. Rivin's thoughts congealed into new shapes, one of which was meditation. Thus, when Rivin began to approach a deeper level of introspection, of self-analysis, Je'gan was more than prepared enough to do anything he wanted. He could easily have sabotaged the meditation - thus preventing any chance of his presence being detected - but not only was that edging towards combat, it was an unneeded bother. He might as well let his influence be felt.

The Dark Side rules all, Rivin, he said telepathically as he took the brunt of Rivin's inexpert attempt to remove his presence. It did not, of course, work; Rivin's effort, while decent for a Knight, wasn't nearly enough to stop his specialized peer from intruding. We're equal in the Darkness - are we not better allies than enemies? The scorn with which his mental speech came across was amply enough to illustrate that he wasn't conceding their disagreement over who was superior. He was merely setting things on an even playing field so that they could move on. Tendrils of wisdom had engendered themselves in Je'gan's mind following Malice's interference. This conflict was a waste of time, both his and Rivin's.

Let's do it this way he said, more reasonably. We'll do what you did on Chandrila, someplace more out of the way this time, and we'll do it together. I'm sure we can find ways to work it into both of our plots. Sound like a plan?

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 19th, 2004, 10:54:57 AM
Rivin says back through telepathy.

Do you have any place in mind, Because Chandrila I had a reason to attack. It was helping out a construction company that had recently allyed itself with me, and Thus I chose to give it some work to do.

I Also recomend that you GET OUT OF MY MIND! you can speek telepathically without probing my thoughts!

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 19th, 2004, 11:20:06 AM
Actually, yes, Je'gan said as he acquiesced the territory he'd gained, and withdrew his probe until Rivin's thoughts were no longer visible. It would suit us both to wreak some havoc on the planet Phourra Minor, in the Inner Rim. I believe you have some interests there in security; ironic choice. One major 'terrorist' strike to a facility secured by a competitor would give you an opening in that regard.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 19th, 2004, 11:30:28 AM
Phourra Minor.... Rivin thinks back towards Je'gan in a thoughtfull tone...That could work, as long as we stay away from the mining towns of Calagala and Stillfall. I have some major Mining opperations on that planet as well

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 19th, 2004, 11:35:24 AM
I see. That leaves the major cities, which is more or less what I had in mind. Say, the Phorocorp office in Palupatal?

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 19th, 2004, 11:41:21 AM
That could work. Do you think we will require any other supplies? I could easly get any kind of explosive, or I could get some people to start a distraction or something. Or were you just thinking take only what we can fit on our person.

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 19th, 2004, 11:59:25 AM
Explosives would be nice. Mind control will get them inside and make the reaction worse. Then we can start sowing havoc personally - but without lightsabers.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 19th, 2004, 12:09:00 PM
In all the time we have known each other, what makes you think I will leave my lightsabers behind. They are my specitaly. I Might as well ask that you don't think! Wait... Never mind. You already don't think.

Rivin makes it clear that he was just poking fun at Je'gan with that last comment.

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 19th, 2004, 12:14:15 PM
Despite himself, Je'gan stifled a chuckle.

I'm quite attached to my weapons too, but to use them would be to say 'oh, look, there are Sith wandering around and oh, look, there's a nice convenient Order on Corellia that you can blame for all your Darksider troubles'.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 19th, 2004, 12:39:32 PM
So what are you subjesting we do, if we are going to try and not let them know sith did this?

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 19th, 2004, 01:53:10 PM
You like confusion. You know how to use it, as do I. Who would notice exactly where secondary explosions came from? A few subtle illusions? Telekinetic projectiles? Use of, say, your Knight-level Force Lightning? Any of these could be written off by investigators, if used the right way...

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 19th, 2004, 02:02:50 PM
The force lightning would have to be done ether near downed powerlines, or out of sight of other. but I can see where you are going with this train of thought. Thought I will still take my lightsabers, thought they will be hidden, just incase we have to fight another few lightsabers.

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 19th, 2004, 02:07:48 PM
By all means.

It makes no difference to my own plans when we do this. Does it make a difference to you?

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 19th, 2004, 02:09:52 PM
not today, and not tommorow, but other than that I will be fine with any other time.

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 19th, 2004, 05:16:24 PM
One week exactly, say? Time, Je'gan supposed, to give his Apprentices a little more instruction, and to learn a little more himself. Time to manage his money - and Alghieri's. Time to look up a bit more about Phourra Minor.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 22nd, 2004, 12:47:09 PM
Sounds good to me, now please let me meditate.

This will prove to be interesting. Who knows The two of them might be able to even get on good terms with each other. Rivin didn't know if that would happen, but he was willing to admit Je'gan was strong in places that He was not, and that Rivin was strong in His week spots. It does make sence that they would make a good team.

Je'gan Olra'en
Nov 22nd, 2004, 01:44:03 PM
Oh, you can meditate with distraction. Try it sometime. It's therapeutic.

With a mental chuckle, the young Knight withdrew his presence, until once more he was in his own room, surrounded by familiar furniture and decoration.

This should go well...