View Full Version : Code: Kagero

Nov 9th, 2004, 06:01:15 AM
aka the tentative tile for Tecmo's new Deception game, slated to be released next year for the PS2. And I thought I'd never have to buy another game for the system. :)

I got a free subscription to Game Informer and I was just flipping through the most recent issue when I saw a full page preview. My mouth virtually salivated when I saw the word "Kagero" at the top of the page, and I had to fervently read on to be sure that it was, in fact, what I was hoping it was: A PS2 update of the deliciously sadistic PSX games. There's only 2 real screenshots in the preview, but they look pretty good. I think it's safe to say that the gameplay hasn't changed much, which is completely a good thing by me. Give me more traps and pretty graphics and you've got my $50.
Described as an action/puzzle game, Kagero will charge players with the task of examining the layout of a room by zooming in and out. Once you have determined the best places for them, you will load the room with traps - inculding such friendly devices as explosives, spiked walls, falling rocks and more.

Some traps will have to be set personally by Kagero's protagonist, a young woman that has been accused of killing her father, who happened to be the king of the land. When pursued by hordes of angry folk, who want to see her brought to justice, she decides to prove her innocence the only way she knows how - by committing multiple acts of incredibly brutal and horrific murder!

Kagero will offer 40 to 50 types of traps, many of which can be used in combination. For example, a noble knight who is snagged by a bear trap won't be able to avoid a perfectly-placed spear through the head.

Morgan Evanar
Nov 9th, 2004, 08:33:55 AM

Nov 9th, 2004, 08:43:07 AM
This and all the DBZ games are the only reasons I'd ever want to buy a PS2. I love Kagero :D

Nov 9th, 2004, 08:49:09 PM
You two are about the only ones I expected to care about this, but I thought I'd share. :)