View Full Version : regaining lost memories(open)

Nov 4th, 2004, 06:54:02 PM
Malice had spent the past few days since his return getting used to the palace. Though it feeled familiar in a way, in another it felt foriegn. He had been away from the order for so long, his feelings on being back were split in two. One part of him was glad to have returned to his home, the other didn't know if he was meant to come back, or meant to stay away forever. Only time would tell.

Malice entered one of the many outdoor training rooms on the grounds. He had rented it out for the next few days. The sith master would need much training to gain back the knlowedge he had lost while in cryostasis. Taking a seat upon the lush green landscape, Malice closed his eyes and concentrated on his mind.

It was clouded, very clouded. Events of the past, and events of what happened while he was away flashed in and out in his mind, never staying long so that he may figure out what they meant. This caused him a bit of extra difficulty in clearing his mind and readying it to tap into the dark energy that flowed through this very planet.

Nov 6th, 2004, 04:56:55 AM
“The past can sometimes be more difficult to see than the future,” a voice said, breaking the placid silence that filled the courtyard. Warlock approached from Malice’s side, the solid thump of his staff against the ground echoing through the area.

Nov 9th, 2004, 01:23:44 AM
His eyes closed, and mind still deciphering the images, Malice spoke.

*True. But the past is the key to everything. One cannot truly live without the past*


Nov 12th, 2004, 03:36:25 PM
“We are nothing without our past,” Warlock agreed. “You seem to have misplaced your past, Lord Malice. Is there any way I can be of service in retrieving it?”

Nov 12th, 2004, 11:28:08 PM
Finally opening his eyes, Malice looked upon the elder sith.

*You may indeed be of some help. My control of the force still isn't up to snuff like it was before. I cannot seem to make out all these images that flash in and out of my mind. They move too quickly and i find i am unable to slow them down. Perhaps with your assistance, there can be something done about that*

The demon sith once more closed his eyes and again shifted through the images. With Warlocks help, he just might be able to make out what these were.

OOC: Now here's where we get to learn where exactly Malice has been all this time.

Nov 13th, 2004, 02:54:46 PM
“Perhaps, indeed,” the Warlock replied. He stepped forwards, passing his staff from one hand to the other, and lifted his palm so that it was mere inches from Malice’s closed eyes. Focusing his mind, then, he began to concentrate his energies towards the Sith Master, hoping that they would (in some way) aide him in his task.

Nov 15th, 2004, 02:56:51 PM
Malice could feel the dark energy from Warlock begin to flow into his body. The extra energy was exactly what he needed. Far more tempered then his own, the images that, just seconds ago were rushing through his mind came to a screeching halt. One image appeared, and began to play. As if the two were watching a holo vid.

The image was that of a planet. The view would be as if one were looking out the viewport from a ship. From space the planet looked both lush, and dark. The image then shifted. The next scene to play was on the planet's surface. This one showed the two looking through someones own eyes, and seeing what they see. Right now they were running through a forest. Trees and bushes brushed past them on both sides at a quick pace, telling them that whoever was running was using the force. Even though no aura other then their own could be felt.

Once more the image shifted. This time there was fighting going on. This being they were looking through was being attacked from all sides. It was a mixture of species attacking the individual. One species both Malice and Warlock would be able to recognize, and they were the noghries from Honoghr. The other species Malice did not know, but they were blue skinned, and had piercing red eyes. The individual fought valiantly, striking down their foe with both a lightsaber and the force. The figure shared a similar lightsaber with Malice, that of a duel bladed white lightsaber.

A fourth time the two were faced with a new scenerio. The figure they were with was layed out on a table. Surrounding him were more of those blue skinned beings. Two of the beings held a small, furry animal, this animal both men would know as Ysalamiri, a creature able to block out the energy of the force in small null bubbles. They were used to sub-due the figure. A mirrior was held up above the figure, so that he/she may look at whatever had happened to him/her. From this Malice discovered it was him that was the captive, and not a stranger. He was the one fighting against the noghri and these other aliens.

Before they could see what had happened to him, the image changed once again This time, Malice was being placed in a pod of sorts. Noghri commandos surrounded the pods, two of them holding ysalamiri. Once inside, a door was closed down upon Malice, leaving him with nothing but a smal viewing window to see out of. From there, a gas filled the pod, a cold, forbodding gas. After that, everything went black, even the images.

Both Malice and Warlock were brought back to reality. Opening his eyes, Malice stared up at his fellow sith.

*So, that was what happened to me. These images are slowly starting to make sense to me now, and my memory begins to return. I....remember leaving the order to go on a journey to seek out new knowledge. After getting into a brief space battle with some rogue pirates, my shuttle crash landed on a planet. The planet was suitable for life and so i decided to explore*

He paused, trying to draw upon the images to recall more of what happened.

*Something happened. Something went wrong and i was soon being attacked from on all sides. Their numbers were too great, i couldn't kill them all. The rest.....the rest i cannot remember*

Malice went silent then, anger beginning to show upon his face. He now knew what happened to him, and who did it. Now he wanted revenge. Not just on the noghri and the other aliens that did this to him, but on their whole species. Once he was better, he would journey to Honoghr, and begin a genocide of the noghri race. And once he discovered what the blue aliens were, he would go to their home planet and destroy all of them as well. None of them would be safe from him.....the demon of chaos.

OOC: Bah i had a better thing planned out, but i'm too tired to write it all. so those images were the cliff notes of what happened lol sorry.

Nov 16th, 2004, 05:33:46 AM
No stranger to visions in the Force, Warlock was not as drained as one might have expected him to be after seeing the shimmer of Malice’s past. He took the time to regain his breath – it had been caught by the overwhelming flood of emotion from the apparition – and collect his thoughts. The aliens that they had seen, with their devil red eyes and blue skin, looked similar to the Chiss. He had only ever met with one member of their species, a young man who had joined the coven Warlock had lead, but he remembered his appearance well, and had marked it in the creatures in Malice’s dream.

“Perhaps in time these secrets will reveal themselves. Until then…”

Nov 18th, 2004, 01:00:51 PM
*Until then i shall train and sharpen my skills once again. When i am back to par, the galaxy shall once more feel my wrath*

Standing, Malice bowed his head to Warlock.

*I thank you for the assistance. Those images have stirred much within me. The noghris shall feel my vengance when the time is right. And the other, the blue aliens whom i do not know shall also feel my wrath*

The demon sith turned away from Warlock and proceeded further into the forest part of the outdoor training facility. There he would begin freshening the skills he once used freely. His powers were returning with each passing minute, but that still wasn't fast enough for Malice.

Nov 21st, 2004, 01:45:15 PM
Malice walked past a few trees before finally picking a spot to start training again. It was a small clearing, few waist level bushes surrounded the enclosed area. Sitting down, Malice proceeded to close his eyes, and open his mind. Immediatly the darkside began to flow through him. It almost felt foreign to his body. Having been in cryo stasis for who knows how long, and without the force it would take a minute or two for his body to get used to it once more.

As Malice let the darkside flow through his body, he began to meditate. Thinking back, Malice could remember he had a pretty good range of skills in the field of elementalisim. Fire, lightning, wind, even greenery was at his disposal. He would start refreshing his mind on those skills first.

Nov 23rd, 2004, 12:11:46 AM
Hours past as his mind drifted through the endless sea of the darkside. The demon sith was ready, he and the darkside were one again. Opening his eyes, Malice extended one hand. Palm facing up, he began to concentrate on the area right above his palm, letting the force gather and center there.

*Alright, lets start with fire*

His mind was now focused on the air above his palm. Letting the flow Malice concentrated harder. All of a sudden, as if his eyes were built in microscopes, Malice could see past the blank space above his palm, and spot millions upon millions of molecules and particles just floating around. Gazing ever further Malice was able to center his concentration on a few particles. Those that played a major part in creating wind.

The particles moved at an even medium pace, which created that soft, gentle breeze. Gripping hold of those particles Malice pushed them to move closer together. Once he got them to where he wanted, he then began phase two. Slowly at first Malice moved the particles back and forth, rubbing up against one another. Little by little he increased the speed of their movement. Faster and faster the particles moved, creating waves of heated energy that was gathering above his hand.

In a matter of seconds, a small flame burst to life inches above his palm. As soon as it sprang forth, the flame turned into a small fireball. Pulling back his intense concentration, Malice now stared at his creation. His mind still kept a hold on the fire, just not as concentrated as he had it before it was created.

*Well, that was still easy enough*

His attention shifting to a tree, Malice flung the fireball at its trunk. Upon impact the fire had spread, quickly crawling up the tree trunk and into the canopy of leaves. The tree itself was engulfed in fire within a matter of seconds.

*Now to try something else*

Nov 24th, 2004, 05:42:35 PM
The dark energy was strongly concentrated in the area, easily allowing Malice to draw upon what he needed for the tasks at hand. He had summoned a fire ball, deciding it best to refresh his skills slowly. He would see if he was able to still wield the elements before delving deeper into them and brushing up on what he did know.

Next up, the power of electricity. The most infamous skill a sith could know, force lightning. Malice had used this skill many times, and in many different ways. Extending a hand, Malice once more channeled the dark energy into the center of his palm. Unlike the fire, force lightning was created differently. There was no molecules or particles to grasp a hold of and manipulate. No, force lightning was created by pure, dark, kenetic energy gathered together. The result of this energy being concentrated into one point...was kenetic electricity. From there its only a matter of will and mind power for a sith to form it into lightning bolts.

The energy gathered and festered in the center of his palm. Malice could feel the dark aura engulf his fingers one by one, until his hand was covered in it. Within seconds sparks appeared, dancing from fingertip to fingertip. Willing the energy further, Malice sent forth bolts of lightning streaking through the air. They danced across the ground, tearing it asunder with its might. After a few seconds, Malice recalled the energy and the lightning dissipated.

Looking at the small damage done, he grinned.

*That's another one down. With each skill i recover, i come that much closer to placing the galaxy in utter chaos once again*

Dec 19th, 2004, 11:37:05 PM
OOC: Ok i;m back now and ready to finish. i'll edit this but hey, anyone willing to join and help Malice freshen up his skills is more then welcome

Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 24th, 2004, 04:45:08 PM
"Kun but I wish I could do that..."

The murmuring voice belonged to Je'gan, now striding past the flaming tree and into view. His gaze shifted from the lightning scars to the face of the Sith Master.

"Please, Milord, don't let me interrupt. I'd just like to stick around and see what else you do, if that's quite all right. Get a bit more motivation for my own studies and all that."

And, he continued in his thoughts, he'd be especially interested should Malice decide to work with Illusion, or mind control. After all, he'd always learned best by observation.

Dec 28th, 2004, 02:08:43 PM
Watching as Je'gan approached him, Malice simply nodded his head.

*Not at all Je'gan. I am merely freshening up my skills after the long period in cryostasis. Tell me Je'gan, what do you know of controlling the elements*

Malice would continue self training later. Besides, he knew as well as any trainer that you learn and sharpen your skills as you teach others.

Je'gan Olra'en
Dec 31st, 2004, 11:09:11 AM
"Only the basics," Je'gan said, blinking, "and perhaps not even that. I can bring my mind to the requisite level and scale of focus, and I can affect air and water particles - heat or cool a small room or a drink. I haven't really put much effort into it so far."

Jan 5th, 2005, 04:05:03 AM
*Well then, maybe we can work on those...at the same time i am fine tuning my own skills*

Moving his body out of his sitting position Malice stood to his 6'7" height and looked at Jegan.

*I'm feeling generous today so i'll let you decide what we can work on. I can aide you in electrics, fire, air, and wind. You pick*

Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 5th, 2005, 12:48:55 PM
He blinked again, not so much because Malice towered over him by a solid eight inches but because he wasn't quite sure what to do with the offer. Much as he'd love to learn to manage electricity, it was probably beyond his abilities. But he had some hard-won skill in the other areas, and to develop that could be quite interesting.

"Is there a distinction between air and wind?"

Jan 7th, 2005, 01:12:57 PM
*Some would say there isn't, and some would say there is. I seperate them by an easy saying. Air is what we breath, and the wind is what moves things*

Stretching his legs the demonic sith began to move around. It had been a very long while since he last trained anyone, so it would take a bit before he got into the right mind set.

*Now i know anyone you say this to will say that wind and air are the same, in a sense they are. But, with a simple skill you can show them how truly differeny both are*

Closing his eyes Malice concentrated. In seconds his body hoisted up into the air. His body did not stop moving till he reached 5 inches up. Opening his eyes, Malice looked down at Jegan and spoke once more.

*This, Jegan i what i like to call wind. The ability to move, relocate, and lift objects or yourself*

OOC: Oops my bad. I didn't mean to say air and wind lol. i meant just wind. Ohh well i think i covered myself up pretty good lol.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 7th, 2005, 01:23:01 PM
He nodded, understanding, somewhat in awe of Malice's power. Not since the melee on Tatooine had he really seen Malice in action.

"I'm certainly interested."

Jan 10th, 2005, 07:31:40 PM
Lowering himself back to the ground, Malice nodded to Jegan.

*Very well. We shall take this step by step. To begin, you must clear your mind. Concentrate only on the objective at hand. A focused mind is the key to pulling off such skills. Now i will assume you know how to delve beyond the physical plains we see with our eyes, and into a place where we cannot see.

Feel with the force, sense it out. Everything, even you and are made from smaller particles. These are what i want you to find*

Malice paused, deciding to let Jegan feel for these particles.

*Now i want you to concentrate on the particles, or molecules which make up the wind that blows around you. Once you can see and feel them with your mind, grasp ahold of them. But, do not interrupt there movements. Simply, redirect where those molecules are traveling. Grasp ahold of enough of them and you will be able to move the very wind*

Now he waited. He would see what Jegan could do.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 10th, 2005, 09:45:13 PM
The necessary point of view came easily to Je'gan due to long experience. The hard part, he knew, was going to be the manipulation of the particles. His variant of firestarting involved a simple injection of energy, not the more complex and ultimately more efficient method that Malice used. Je'gan rarely moved particles at this level in any degree of power.

With a quiet sigh, he began to sieze control of the particles. That much was instinctive; it took him a decent half a second to remember the particulars of Malice's instruction. He wasn't to interrupt, merely to influence - make the paths of the particles bend into curves rather than angles. After two false starts, he had it: the necessary mindset to let the whirling motion create a unified effect.

Slowly, the hems of his clothing began to flutter, and then the untrimmed edges of his hair. He didn't have any goal in mind other than to simply control the wind in some way. But it was growing on him, and after about a minute his hair began to stream out from his head, whipping in the slight whirlwind effect that he had created with himself as its apex.

Jan 12th, 2005, 02:36:39 PM
Malice watched as Jegan took a shot. It did take some time, but then again it was never easy learning something new. Watching the current of wind begin to grow around the young sith, Malice nodded.

*Very good Jegan. In time, and with much practice this skill will come easier and easier to you. Now, whenever your ready to move on, we can*

Malice would not rush this makeshift training session. It still was his moment to freshen his skills, so he would move at his own pace as well.

Je'gan Olra'en
Jan 12th, 2005, 02:54:55 PM
The wind swirled to a halt. Je'gan's eyes came open, staring up at the far taller Malice.

"Ready. What's next on your agenda?"