View Full Version : Troubles of Mind (Jezreal)

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 4th, 2004, 11:08:17 AM
Jezreal's training mission was over, and it had been a few days that had past. Rivin now sits in the center of the training room waiting for Jezreal to show up. He didn't accualy arrange the training session, but he had noticed that Jezreal had signed this room out for the morning, so he did know she would be here.

Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 4th, 2004, 05:57:35 PM
Jezreal was heading to the training grounds to practice with her sabre. She had been disapointed in herself for letting the Jedi woman get away on Corascant. A strand of ruby red hair fell into her eyes. She had recently dyed her Blue hair a ruby red color

She pushed it out of her eyes and headed into the training room and heads inside but soon stops when she noticed Rivin sitting there. "uh, goodmorning Master" She said as she moved toward the Dark Lord "I was not expecting you."

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 5th, 2004, 02:44:01 PM
Rivin stands and faces His student.

"If you were expecting me to be here then that would have ruined my suprise. I know that you came here to practice with your lightsaber, and we will get to that, but first I would like to work on your mind defences. First of all, how much do you know about effecting another person's mind? Do you know how to probe their mind? Even if it is only at the outer layers?"

Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 7th, 2004, 08:46:28 PM
"Well, I can probe a little. But I'm really bad at it though."

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 8th, 2004, 02:54:14 PM
"In that case we will work on that a bit as well."

Rivin goes off to the side of the room and takes a cover off a cage that contains a young file clerk from the Offices of Mayor Vill, that will unfrotunatly be late for work. At least Rivin was nice to call the young man's work and tell thm he will be sick today.

"We will be using this young man as practice."

Rivin looks back at Jezreal, and then back at the young man who is quivering in fear, then back at Jezreal.

"Do your best to gather as much as you can from this man's memory. I will be assising your work."

OOC: Please be detailed in your discriptions, and you can NPC what is in the man's mind.

Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 10th, 2004, 08:36:05 PM
Jezreal walked forward and stoped a just outside of the reach of the clerk just incase he tried to grab her. She reached out a hand and started probing the Clerks mind. The man didn't have much of a resistance but it was still difficult for her

She went strait to his memory. She moved through the man mind until she located where his memories where kept. She started with older memories since they seemed easier to gather. She found a memory. She watched through the Clerks eyes as he sat at a desk reading something on a datapad. the date on the datapad indicated this happened two years ago

She moved on to a more recent memory where the Clerk was talking Mayor Vill. She didn't pay much attention to what they were saying though. She moved through several memories from the last year before coming to a one that happened just a moment ago

She saw herself and Rivin through the bars of the Cage. She saw herself move forward and stretching out her hand. Does my hair really look that good? She thought to herself but the lack of consentration broke her connection to the Clerk's mind

Jes turned and looked at Rivin "Was that good?"

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 16th, 2004, 12:17:47 AM
Rivin smiles at Jezreal's work.

"Well done, very well done. Though you getting distracted by what you saw in his mind was slightly disipointing, but you will get better with practice.

Now why don't you try to do other things to this boy's mind, that can be accomplished symply by doing what you did to probe his memories, but on other parts of the brain other than his memory centers."

Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 19th, 2004, 03:17:50 PM
"Ok, I will try" Jes said before reaching out again and entering the Clerk's mind. She didn't go where the memories are kept but instead went to the part of the brain that controlled movement. She consentrated harder as she tried to get the Clerk to move his hand. After a few more moments the Clerk's Hand suddenly shot up and smacked against his forehead and then the finger on his other hand twidled a little

Jezreal exited the Clerk's mind again and wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead.

Dark Lord Rivin
Nov 23rd, 2004, 01:05:21 PM
Rivin chuckles slightly. "Very well done for a first try. Now try it again, and see if you can go to the part of his brain that will allow you to feel what it is like to have somebody in your head. You will need to know that fealing so that you can find a person in your mind."

Rivin then goes to give some instructions on how to find that portions of the man's brain, and then watches to see how Jezreal does.

Jezreal Darkshard
Nov 28th, 2004, 11:01:54 PM
Jezreal searched through the Clerk's mind for the place that Rivin specified. It took her awhile but atlast she found it. She opened herself to the Clerk's feelings and soon felt what the Clerk was feeling. She felt what it was like to have someone in her mind. It was a strange unsettling feeling. It was like how she felt during her fight with the Jedi woman

"It is a strange feeling master" She said as she exited the man's mind "And I think I shall be able to remember it."

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 3rd, 2004, 02:01:46 PM
"Good. Now I will enter your mind, and we will see if you can try to block me from looking too much. I will be giving you instructions as we go."

Rivin then reaches out with the force and and enters Jezreal's mind and lingers in one place as he goes to give instructions on how to protect that part of her mind. After she has got a weak wall up in that part, he then he moves to a diffrent part of her mind and does the same thing, untill rivin is sure that She can at least do minor protection to all parts of her mind sepperatly.

Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 7th, 2004, 08:33:23 PM
Jezreal felt Rivin enter her mind and as soon as she did she put up barriers as Rivin instructed and soon She had put up a barrier, though weak, in almost her entire mind. after awhile Rivin stoped and Jez let out a breath of relief. The sensation of having a person in you head unnerved her a little.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 9th, 2004, 02:03:29 PM
"Very good. I'm not expecting you to be able to keep any knights or masters out for now, but with practice you may be able to. At least now you will be able to tell if a person is effecting your mind, rather than fall pray to their mental tricks. Now why don't you try to inflitrate my mind and I will show you what you will come across when you are blocked and pushed out of somebody's mind."

Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 10th, 2004, 08:11:48 PM
"Very well" Jez said as she closed her eyes and used the force to enter Rivin's mind. She had no idea what Rivin was going to do.

Dark Lord Rivin
Dec 11th, 2004, 03:32:49 AM
With in moments Rivin locks off the portion of his mind that Jezreal is in. He then quickly uses the force to block her mind from moving to any other place in his mind, and then with a sharp push on Jezreal's mental essence She is out of his mind. This would likely leave Jezreal disoreinted for a second or two.

"That is likely what you will get if you try to infiltrate a skilled, force using mind, There is nothing wrong with getting pushed out of a person's mind, but it is best to ether not get caught, or to learn from what the othr person did to get you out. By paing attention to how others best you is a very good way to learn. expecaly if you can figure out how to make sure they do not catch you with that trick again."

Jezreal Darkshard
Dec 15th, 2004, 06:34:20 PM
Jezreal was disoreinted when Rivin shoved her out of his mind. She almost fell down but managed to steady herself. She looked at Rivin. She was suprised at how easily he had thrown her from his mind.

She listened carefuly to Rivin's every word "Yes master" She said after he stoped speaking "What will we be doing next?"

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 4th, 2005, 11:51:14 AM
"I've given you the basics, now it is your turn to chose what you wish to focus on. Chose an art and I will teach you that art to the best of my ability. If there is anything else you wish to learn, let me know, If there is anything you think you need more instruction on, just tell me. Practice what you want, that is the only true way to learn. Instruction is only to get you started."

Jezreal Darkshard
Jan 4th, 2005, 09:35:40 PM
Jezreal closed her eyes and thought. Rivin had trained her how to use telekensis, use a lightsabre, and to enter minds and protect her own. Now she had to choose a single area to focus on. She but her lip. She couldn't decide. She was stuck between her joy of using telekensis and the exilirating feel of lightsabre fighting

In the end only one choice remained "I would like to train more Telekensis" She said at last.

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 5th, 2005, 12:05:21 PM
Rivin nods smiling

"Very well, We will move on with advanced teleknitics, but that does not meen that you should not still practice at everything else or try to learn more.

We do still have one thing that I touched on breefly in your lightsaber training that I just remembered that we should continue with today, before We move on to youe advanced training. That would be Force boosting. The art of excelerating and strengthening your body through the force. I will be back in a moment."

Rivin leaves the room for a moment or so giving Jezreal time to recover her mind and practice on the government clerk that was still in the room. Rivin returns shortly with one on the LARGE stone blocks that he was using in their Teleknitics training, it was not the bigest one or the smallest one. It likely was about 4 time Jezreal's weight. Rivin places it on the floor and waits for Jezreal to finish what she was doing. He then nods to the stone.

"I want you to try and lift that without the use of Telekensis."

Jezreal Darkshard
Jan 5th, 2005, 09:50:34 PM
Jezreal looked at the stone. It had to be over two hundred pounds, what was Rivin thinking? How could he expect her to accomplish such a feat. She walked over to the block and circled around it, observing it from all sides. She couldn't find anything out of the ordinary that she could use to her advantage

She walked up right next to the block and wrapped her hands around one side as well as she could and tried to lift it. The block didn't move. Jezreal took a step back at stared at the stone and after a few moments her gaze shifted to Rivin "There must be a way to lift this or you woulnd't have brought it in here" She said "Would this 'force boosting' be what I need to lift this?"

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 7th, 2005, 01:41:37 PM
"That would be a very good observation, and it would be a correct one. Most uses of the force Directs it's power outward, boosting yourself is a direction inward. Though you must understand the diffence between speed, strength, and endurance, and what your muscles require to acheave what you want them to.

To get what you want you must sympliy focuse on what you want to do, and let the force flow inward, fuled with your anger, fuled with what ever gives you pain. But when I say focuse on what you want to do I do not meen the task at hand, I meen weather you want more power in you muscles, more spring in your jumps, The energy to keep running, faster reflexes, faster responce time so you can run faster. Do you get the idea? if so give it a try, if not ask questions."

Jezreal Darkshard
Jan 9th, 2005, 09:17:22 PM
Jezreal closed her eyes and focused the force around her. He fed it with evil thoughts and dark memories and soon she was filled with the darkside. She directed this energy into the muscles of her body. She could feel herself growing stronger as the force increased her strength

She opened her eyes and grabed the stone once again and lifted. This time to stone did raise off the ground, Not by much. Jezreal set it down, slightly disapointed in herself for not being able to lift it higher "I guess even with the force boosting my strength I'm still not strong enough to lift it very high."

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 11th, 2005, 12:18:23 PM
Rivin smiles...

"But you still lifted it, thats what counts. You will get better with practice. why don't you try some enhanced jumping, or enhanced running. just don't over do things, boosting drains a person rather quickly."

Jezreal Darkshard
Jan 11th, 2005, 10:02:49 PM
"I'll try jumping" Jez said before moving away from the block. She withdrew the force energy from her arm muscles and into the muscles of her legs. Pesificaly the muscles used for jumpingShe could feel those muscles growing stronger. She ran at the stone and jumped twice as high as she ever had. She easily cleared the block and landed softly on the other side of it

"Wow, That was awesome. I've never jumped that high before."

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 12th, 2005, 01:06:27 PM
"Again, very well done. if you wish to try running while I'm still here that would be your choice. If you don't want to try that now, then I will go and let you practice, and plan out next lession."

Jezreal Darkshard
Jan 13th, 2005, 11:10:32 PM
Jezreal wiped the sweat from her brow. The mind stuff and the force boosting was really tiring her out "I don't know if I can do much more. This training has really worn me out master. I think it might be best if whe end now."

Dark Lord Rivin
Jan 14th, 2005, 01:58:42 PM
"Very well. I will leave you to practice at your lesure. I will contact you when I have planed your next lession."

Rivin then turns and walks out of the room.