View Full Version : The Davinci Code

Nov 2nd, 2004, 06:46:26 AM
I'm curious who else has read this?

I know a movie is in the works, I can't say 100% if I would see it in the theatre but if done right it could be really good.

As for the book itself(well I listened to it on Audio CD) I really enjoyed it, its fiction so I don't mind about the historical inaccuracies.

On that subject, the church is big and powerfull and I can see certain things being covered up to suit their purposes. You can't say their wasn't corruption there, being so long ago though we'll probably never know.

As for the cast, I've read a people's predictions and sad to say I didn't recognize a lot of the names and didn't have time to IMDB them. The main characters would obviously be key...please keep in mind I never read the book so I'm probably spelling the names wrong :)

Robert Langdon - age isn't terribly important, Ford would be a logical choice but he's a little too old and would draw too many comparisons to Indy. I was thinking maybe someone like Thomas Jane, Hugh Jackman, I think Damien Lewis would rule in this role(or oddly enough as Teabing).

Sophie Nevou - Sophie Marceau - nuff said!
Fache - Jean Reno or Gérard Depardieu - needs to be a very french actor
Lee Teabing - again Damien Lewis, after him no clue.
Jacques Sauniere - Patrick Stewart - He's old and can play a great educated frenchman!

After that I don't feel any big names are necessarily needed, Remy, Silas, Aringarosa, etc can all be nobodies or minor names that you recognize but aren't huge.

Jedi Master Carr
Nov 2nd, 2004, 11:10:59 AM
Never read the book, need to pick it up one of these days.

Morgan Evanar
Nov 2nd, 2004, 08:20:50 PM
I think you've casted most of the people pretty well so far. Since I'm decently well educated in grail lore, a lot of the twists and turns weren't twists and turns for me, but I did enjoy the book.

Nov 6th, 2004, 02:25:51 PM
I really liked the book. But so far I haven't enjoyed Brown's other books nearly as much. It'll probably turn off a lot of religious people, but it's a great story.

Nov 6th, 2004, 07:44:55 PM
I haven't read any of his other books yet, how are they?

Nov 8th, 2004, 01:33:54 PM
Well, Angels and Demons (I think that's the title) got a lot of publicity after The Davinci Code because it's the first book with the Robert Langdon character. It was basically another adventure concerning more secret societies and the Catholic Church, but the pacing was weird and it definitely wasn't as interesting as TDC. But it's still a decent book so if you want more Robert Langdon, I'd recommend it.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 15th, 2004, 11:06:33 AM
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6471862/site/newsweek/ Looks like they've decided on a lead - Tom Hanks.

Nov 15th, 2004, 12:49:41 PM
I saw that earlier. I can't say I was thinking of him in the role but after seeing that I can definetly see him playing the part. He's of the right age, can play just about any part and is a great actor. Should be fun!