View Full Version : SWG: Players list

Chaos Alexander
Oct 27th, 2004, 10:32:41 PM
ok, me and my bro wanted to have a game we could play together and do "brother" bonding and stuff. Only took all 17 years of his life for us to like each other, but the last year has been cool. We both picked up SWG because I played it when it first came out, but had to stop due to sorry comp, and 56k modem.

Well times have changed and so have our gear.

I remembered that alot of people hear used the Chilistra(s/p) server, but had no names of people that still played. I would like to touch base with the ones that still do though. I just wanted to get your names and such if you don't mind.


Allexander Dawnstrider

Someone took the name Verse. I thought I was the only dude in teh World that used teh name Verse, but I was wrong I guess.

BTW: Hello all my friends. sorry I haven't been here ina while, I just feel out of teh RP thing due to limited time. and it only took 4 years.......

Lady Vader
Oct 28th, 2004, 09:57:30 AM
If I catch you on SWG, Chilastra server, then you can find me under the name Azurre Regalia. :)

Pierce Tondry
Oct 28th, 2004, 10:54:23 AM
You don't play, Rie.

Neither do I anymore, really. I did everything there was to do, and Jump to Lightspeed doesn't look interesting. There are some people in the GRU guild who intend to continue playing, though. If you head to www.coruscantcity.net and go to the "Galactic Response Unit" subforum, you will find the people who I played with. They're based out of the player city Khatovar, on planet Lok.

My subscription runs through November, though, so it's possible that I will be on doing a thing or two. My name on that server is Ivanrue Tondry. :)