View Full Version : Sticks and Mud

Oct 25th, 2004, 11:16:32 PM
"First we start with a little circle...then we draw a little bigger circle...add one more huge circle and we've got me!"

A tiny little person, maybe three and a half feet tall, has found himself a big stick and is drawing his portrait in the mud. To give himself enough height to use the stick properly he's standing on a park bench, doodling away and singing the steps to draw himself.

"Draw on a little cape thing, add a broad hat..."

He finishes the portrait up and stand with his fists on his hips, tapping the branch against the bench.

'"What an amazing likeness! You'll find no better mud artist than me, no sir! Why, if there was another mud artist out there so good, I'd hafta...well..."

His head tilts to the side, banging his broad hat on his shoulder and pushing it far to the other side, exposing a silver metal helmet that encases the whole of his head.

"Well, I dunno what I'd do, but you can be sure that it'd be bad!"

Severen Morkonis
Oct 26th, 2004, 09:32:10 AM
' Would it?' Said a slightly bland, uninterested sounding voice from behind the midget, its very tone dripping with sarcasem and the smell of a retorical question. ' Why i cant imagin that at all, an artist, doing something 'bad' to another artist? Why thats proposterious!' A grin spread across the mans lips at the sound of his own voice.

Whoever he was the hooded figure circled around the back of the midget untill he was to the left of the creature but a few meters away, his arms folded behind his back and his eyes covered by the shadow of the hood.

' I'm a better Mud Artist you know...' The figure mused looking over the picture etched within the mud.

Oct 26th, 2004, 08:10:31 PM
"Oh are you?" cried the smaller man, pushing his hat back up onto his head and folding his arms. "Then fetch thyself a stick and duel with me! There's a patch of mud here by mine that I was saving for another masterpiece, but you can use it if you want it."

All of this is said with pure confidence in his voice and plenty of arrogance in his stance. He's the best mud-artist around, and he's sure of it.

"Go ahead. Get yourself an implement and hop to!" he challenges, spinning his stick around like a fighting staff.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 29th, 2004, 07:12:13 AM
' Oh, no no' Said Sieken calmly ' I'd rather just kill you if its all the same to you, eliminating my fellow artists gives me a more...potant approach to being famous for my art...right?'

Oct 31st, 2004, 05:34:20 PM
"Oh you're no fun. Who wants to be best by default? Besides, if you're the only one and you suck, nobody's going to bother anyway."

The little guy shrugs and jumps down, holding the stick out to Sieken.

"Now compete the way art competitions say you should. If you suck at it you can hit me for being better if you want, because if you turn out better than me, I'm definitely hitting you."