View Full Version : A Jedi's Path: Sense [Iauraearien]

James Prent
Oct 25th, 2004, 01:30:20 AM
James folded her hands together and tucked them into the long sleeves of her Jedi robes. She was wearing a long, beige, dress-like tunic that would have made her seem shorter than usual, except for the wide obi that emphasized her slim waist. The tunic wrapped in the front, as was the fashion for many human planets, and the Jedi in paticular. The five foot tall Jedi knight bit her lip, and tugged a hand through her short hair as she waited for her padawan to arrive.

Iauraearien... it was a mouthful of a name, and James intended to find out immediately if the girl had a nickname, or a shorter version she preferred to be called by. The new arrival to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant was seventeen, and had been described as short, but James would have put money on her being taller than she was. Nearly everyone was after all.

For their first meeting, she had planned a short introductory exercise in Force sensing... although James wasn't sure if the girl had any innate abilities, or habits that needed breaking. There would be time to figure all of that out. For now, James only had to wait for the girl to arrive.

Oct 25th, 2004, 10:21:36 AM
Iauraearien approaced the knight who was to be her master and bowed her head as she greeted her. Short as Iaura was, she was an inch or so taller. This surprised her a little, but didn't bother her. She had a lot to learn, and had no doubt that James would teach her well.

"I realise my full name is, at best, hard to remember and harder to pronouce," she said, a little shyly. "Most people call me Iaura."

James Prent
Oct 25th, 2004, 01:41:16 PM
James inclined her head in a small bow, acknowledging her padawan. "It's good t' meet you, I-aura." She grinned. "I told m'self I wasn't going t' stumble over it, and then I did. Please, come with me, and we'll talk about you." James gestured up the hallway they were standing in, and they began walking through the Temple.

Large windows gave breathtaking views of the skyline of Coruscant, and the many skylanes filled with speeders and small transports. It was morning, and there was always traffic on the city-planet. They were high enough in the building that there were few other structures blocking the view.

James smiled at Iaura, "So, tell me, where are you from, and what has brought you here, seekin' Jedi training?" Their steps echoed slightly as they moved through the halls.

Oct 26th, 2004, 05:03:10 AM
Iaura had been glancing out of the windows as they walked, but now she turned to James.

"I..." she began, and trailed off, "I don't remember where I'm from." She looked away again. "I don't remember anything... I found myself drawn to this place while wandering the galaxy searching for anyone, anything, that might be familiar. And once I arrived I knew this was where I should be." She paused. "I don't know what brought me here, but I believe it is my fate to become a Jedi."

James Prent
Oct 26th, 2004, 12:00:34 PM
"You remember... nothing?" How horrible not t' have a past. "We will talk about that later. For now, we will discuss the Force. Tell me what you know of it, and what makes you believe that you have what it takes to become a Jedi." James led Iaura onto a bench that sat opposite another large window.

Oct 27th, 2004, 12:30:48 PM
Iaura sat down on the bench.

"Of the Force I know little," she replied honestly, "but I truly believe that living as I have for the last few years has toughened me, taught me useful skills and forced me to learn them fast. I think something knew what it was doing when it brought me here." She paused. "I believe this is where I belong, James."

James Prent
Oct 27th, 2004, 08:37:43 PM
"Well," James smoothed her robes over her knees, "someone thought you had potential, and so I'm here to make sure you reach it." She winked to make sure Iaura didn't take offense to her words. "We'll do a few small exercises here, and then I'll show you t' your room and give you a run down of the rules around here."

The hallway they were sitting in had pretty steady foot traffic - it was one of a few main passages between the Archives and the Living Quarters. But at this moment, it was empty, except for the Jedi and the padawan. "Close your eyes, and reach out with your senses. Beyond hearing, sight, or touch... tell me if you can feel anything else." James closed her eyes with her padawan, and reached out with the Force. She could sense a slight ripple coming towards them: another Jedi was entering their hallway.

"People make indentations in the Force - not because the Force flows around them, but because it flows through them. Dependin' on how they interact with the Force, they may create ripples, like a duck swimming in a pond. Jedi interact strongly with th' Force, and so, in time, you will be able t' tell if a Force user is coming near t' you. If you have a talent in that area, you might be able t' tell over large distances."

ooc: Iaura, check and see if you have access to this <a href=http://www.sw-fans.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=56>forum.</a>/ic:

Oct 28th, 2004, 04:39:10 AM
Iaura closed her eyes and did as James asked her, and after a few moments she spoke.

"I can feel...something..." she said slowly. "The Force?"

(OOC: I don't... Should I have? ...And sorry for shortness of post.)

James Prent
Nov 1st, 2004, 01:53:49 PM
"Possibly..." James opened her own eyes and nodded to the Jedi who was now walking by them before turned her attention back to her padawan. Iaura's eyes were still closed.

"With your eyes still closed, can you tell me how many fingers I'm holdin' up?" James held up three fingers.

ooc: check again ;) /ic:

Nov 1st, 2004, 03:37:45 PM
Iaura kept her eyes closed and concentrated for a few moments.

"Four?" she said slowly. "Wait," she added, then few seconds later later, "Three."

(ooc: okay I can now lol)

James Prent
Nov 3rd, 2004, 04:01:26 PM
James grinned, "Yeah, very good. Now, how did you know? Could you sense anything that informed you, or did you see my fingers in your mind..?"

Nov 4th, 2004, 12:03:59 PM
Iaura opened her eyes and looked at James.

"I could see them," she said, smiling a little. "I saw them in my mind."

James Prent
Nov 4th, 2004, 01:06:31 PM
"Then the Force truly is with you, it's just a matter of gettin' you to be able to use it comfortably." James nodded cheerfully. "Not that I thought that you got past recruiting with the will and not the way, but some do. You certainly have some innate ability, but there may be more.

"When I first arrived here, years ago, it was because when I'd get very upset or stressed out, I'd unconsciously lash out with the Force, and throw things around. I didn't even know I was doing it. I got fired from my job at a diner when all of the dishes in the kitchen broke simultaneously in a fit of my rage at my boss. Needless t' say I was fired, and I ended up here, confused and wondering what I should do with myself... and my life." James smiled at Iaura, encouragingly.

"Have you suffered from strange coincidences in your travels, coincidences that have gone in your favor? Perhaps some people who were chasing you decided to leave you alone, against all logic, or maybe you can manipulate objects, like I could. I couldn't do it consciously until I came here and got training in it. Have you experienced anything at all like what I'm describing, or maybe something else that you think might have been due to the Force?"

Nov 5th, 2004, 07:38:07 AM
"Well, I've never broken plates." Iaura grinned. She paused for a few moments and thought.

"A couple of times when I was sneaking around trying to get out of some place without being seen, and I was absolutely positive I'd be noticed by someone I was about to pass, but something would happen that meant I could get by safely. As I remember it, they'd seem to see or hear something odd and just wander off... I put it down to luck at the time, but it could've been because of the Force, I guess."

James Prent
Nov 9th, 2004, 02:33:55 AM
"That certainly could be you unconsciously using the Force. We'll take some time on another day to try to unlock that specific ability." James pushed herself off the bench, and started down the hallway again. "Let's get to the living quarters, and I'll show you where you'll be staying while you're a padawan."

She motioned for Iaura to join her, and they walked through the passageways once more. "Have you ever had any experience with mediating?"

Nov 9th, 2004, 04:07:26 AM
Iaura followed James along the corridor.

"Not really," she said. "Or if I have, I don't remember."

James Prent
Nov 11th, 2004, 06:39:09 PM
"Fair enough." They walked in relative silence until they reached a long passage that had many numbered doors. "This is the living quarters, where many of our padawans and Jedi stay while they are on Coruscant. You will be in a room next to mine, should you need anything."

A few more minutes of walking through passages, and James stopped in front of a specific door. "Here we are... your room. Sort of a studio apartment." She handed her apprentice her card key.

"Go ahead, have a look." James smiled.

Nov 13th, 2004, 06:41:10 AM
Iaura took the card key off James after a moments hesitation, then opened the door. She stepped inside and looked around.

"The Jedi obviously know how to look after their apprentices," she said, turning back to James and smiling.

James Prent
Nov 14th, 2004, 03:20:37 PM
"Well, it isn't much," James walked in after Iaura, taking in the room that looked... just like hers. She hadn't been offered larger apartments, and frankly, didn't need them. There was a window overlooking the Senatorial district that was darkened at the moment, a daybed, a kitchenette... all the comforts of home.

"But, it'll keep you comfortable." James smiled. "Do you have any things you need to move in? I'll help, if you need."

Nov 15th, 2004, 04:33:17 AM
"A few things, yes," Iaura answered, "but nothing I can't manage. Thank you for offering though."

A lot of her things had got lost during the last few years. Now most of Iaura's belongings were with her all the time. This was generally because they were small and she rarely could be sure where she'd be from one day to the next - until now.

James Prent
Nov 16th, 2004, 03:26:28 PM
"Okay, then..." James backed out of the room. "Let's walk a bit more, and then you'll have free time for th' rest of the day, and tomorrow, too. We won't start your official trainin' until after you've settled into your new surroundings."

Iaura followed her out of the room, and used her keycard to lock the door again. As they walked through the halls of the living quarters, James gestured around them. "Throughout this building there are many beings, and objects that have no life in them. But the Force runs through everything, even th' artificial building materials that surround us. Understandin' this in your mind is an important part of being able t' wield the Force effectively.

"But understandin' it with more than your mind... this will unlock many things to you." James smiled as they walked through an archway that was lit with real sunlight. The passageway opened up into the gardens, filled with exotic plantlife, and trees, from many different planets. A little slice of home for the alien Jedi who lived in the temple. James was a native of Coruscant, which had very little native plant life of its own, except in carefully kept nature preserves.

"Here in the garden I wanted to work on some meditative techniques with you. They'll help you get in touch with everything around you, and learn the nature of the Force."

ooc: feel free to post in and explore the other forums. I'll be keeping tabs on you 'cause you're my padawan so don't worry about getting into trouble IC. The Bar and Grill is a great place to meet other Jedi. Don't be afraid to start new threads! If you have any questions, PM me! /ic:

Nov 18th, 2004, 02:36:06 PM
Iaura looked around the gardens and thought how lovely they were.

"So, the Force is in everything - people, plants, building, the lot?" she asked James.

(ooc: Will do, RealLife's trying to keep me from RPing at the moment but I'll show it...;))

James Prent
Nov 25th, 2004, 02:29:23 AM
"Yes, just as I said." James led Iaura into the garden, and the pair took their seats on the green grass underneath a shade tree. "Through meditation we open ourselves up to the Force, and then you'll be able to feel it more readily."

James shifted her weight and straightened her robes around her on the grass. "Iaura, I'd like you t' sit comfortably, and close your eyes... start relaxing from the top of your head, down t' your toes, relaxing your neck, your shoulders..." James continued on, leading her padawan through a beginner's meditation exercise.

Nov 25th, 2004, 12:17:21 PM
"Okay," she replied.

Iaura hesitated for a moment, then did as James asked. She settled herself on the grass, then closed her eyes. Slowly she relaxed, letting all the tension leave her, concentrating soley on James' voice and doing as it said.

James Prent
Nov 25th, 2004, 01:11:41 PM
When James judged that Iaura was deeply relaxed, she continued with the exercise. "Now, feel around you with all your senses except your eyes. The grass beneath you, the sound of the tree in the breeze, the smell of the flowers... the sound of my voice...

"Feel the Force flowing through the grass, the tree, the flowers... feel the Force flowing through me and through you." James was quiet for a few minutes, and then told her padawan to open her eyes.

"Tell me, could you sense anything around you during this exercise?"

Nov 26th, 2004, 10:40:09 AM
Iaura opened her eyes and looked at James.

"Yes..." She paused. "It felt like..." She searched for the words. "Like energy, I suppose..."

James Prent
Dec 2nd, 2004, 09:04:23 PM
James smiled, the sunlight hitting her short brown hair and giving it a brilliant red shine. "You've just had your first taste of the Force, Iaura." The Knight placed her hands on the grass beside her, palms down. "Now, I'd like to lead you through the same exercise, although this time I want you t' concentrate on feeling the grass beneath you. After we finish th' meditation, tell me what the grass thinks."

James grinned at the perplexed look on her padawan's face, and added, "Trust me. It isn't sentient, but through the Force you will be able to feel the life force within it."

ooc: Iaura, try giving me a longer post, and describe the meditation exercise, from the beginning, through the part of "sensing the grass' emotions," and up until you are done telling James what you felt/found out about the grass, if anything at all. Describe some of the surroundings, the smells, the feel of things... as you delve into the Force through meditation, your senses could/would be heightened. /ic:

Dec 3rd, 2004, 12:29:43 PM
Iaura looked at James again, still slightly puzzled. "Erm, okay," she said, after a slight pause.

Iaura then closed her eyes and bowed her head slightly, relaxing, going back through the previous exercise. As she did she moved her hands onto the grass beside her, running her fingers over it. She could sense the garden around them, feel the sun shining on her, turning her already mahogany-like hair a redder shade. She concentrated on the grass beneath her, feeling the Force within it, sensing its life.

After a few minutes Iaura opened her eyes and turned back to her master, telling her what she had just experienced. "I could feel the grass' life force, like you said, but that's about it," she added at the end of her account.

ooc: Sorry if that post was a bit off, didn't have long in which to write it. >.< I'll edit if need be - just let me know.

James Prent
Dec 8th, 2004, 05:13:39 PM
James watched and listened as her padawan meditated, and felt... relaxed. Sitting on the lawn in the gardens was truly a treat for one born on Coruscant, and she felt calm. Her recent stint on Yavin IV had something to do with that as well.

As Iaura opened her eyes and reported what she'd experienced, James nodded in approval. "Good job, Iaura. That'll be all for now, you're free to roam the grounds as you like until our session in two days. I'll contact you with the place and time. You do have a bit of homework, however. I'd like you to do this meditation exercise at least once a day, and get some practice slipping into meditation."

James stood to her feet and brushed off her robes.

Dec 9th, 2004, 11:32:05 AM
Iaura stood up and nodded to James.

"I won't forget," she said, and wondered what else she would do until then.