View Full Version : A political statement.

Tiberius Anar
Oct 16th, 2004, 10:22:24 AM
I wish to publish the following statement on our forums. Its purpose is three fold.

1. It will serve to clarify the workings of our government.

2. It will confirm that we are a monarchy (albeit minus a monarch)

3. It will clear the way for the eventual restoration of the monarchy, should we ever choose to go ahead with it.

Before I publish it for any and all to read it seems prudent to submit it to you for approval. Please read it and state your opinion.

Statement on the Monarchy

The Imperial State is an absolute monarchy, conceived with the purpose of creating order. It exists as of right, gained and saved by the sacrifices made to win that order that society craves.

The monarchy is the arbiter and guarantor of that most perfect state of order.

The monarchy, though in abeyance, continues to be the highest of institutions within the state and is to be regarded as such, and is accorded highest honours and respect by all.

The absence of a suitable monarch, a situation created by the forces of chaos and disorder that now purport to be the true governments of the Galaxy, has caused the powers and responsibilities of the monarchy to devolve upon the lesser institutions of the state.

These institutions exercise this power in such a manner as to fulfil the functions of the monarchy in addition to their other, and original, functions.

This situation shall continue until such time as the monarchy is restored in the person of a being suited to that highest of offices.

In Council

[The signatures of one hundred and ninety-eight members of the Ruling Council follow]

Serena Laran
Oct 16th, 2004, 02:11:39 PM
We're a monarchy?

Telan Desaria
Oct 16th, 2004, 02:19:17 PM

Serena Laran
Oct 16th, 2004, 02:58:15 PM

Tiberius Anar
Oct 16th, 2004, 04:34:21 PM
This is what I meant by No. 2. Are you in favour of this Serena?

Jarek T'chort
Oct 16th, 2004, 06:13:55 PM
In favour here.

Serena Laran
Oct 16th, 2004, 06:37:00 PM
Well I just never saw the Emperor as a 'king'... he was more like a dictator.

But yeah, whatever you guys want, I'm just an Admiral. :)

Telan Desaria
Oct 16th, 2004, 08:13:17 PM
There is no such thing as just an anything. we are all integral parts of this universe. IThe position of Grand Admiral is worthless without the dedication of subordinates such as Jarek, Teleran, Travis, Tear - et al. None of us regardless of rank is just anything - - -we are all indispensible.

Tiberius Anar
Oct 26th, 2004, 09:58:18 AM
Do anymore of the indispensibles wish to dispence their opinion?

Teleran Balades
Oct 26th, 2004, 03:53:51 PM
No objections here.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 27th, 2004, 02:45:54 PM
I know im not a member of the soveriegnty or anything.....just a bit curious.

I may be wrong, its been a year or three since Gov't 101, but isnt a monarchy a form of government ruled by a royal family, whereas, traditionally, the heir to the throne would be an offspring of the current ruler?

Just curiousity, my opinion matter naught =)

Teleran Balades
Oct 27th, 2004, 03:34:09 PM
Monarchy does not necessarily mean that the position is hereditary.

Tiberius Anar
Nov 29th, 2004, 02:00:14 PM
Only just seen this last point. (How did I miss it?)

The typical monarchy is hereditary but there is a precedent in the Star Wars universe for a different kind in that Naboo was and elective monarchy. Obvioulsy we aren't going for that kind of monarchy. Ours would be one of two things.

The creation of a new one (i.e. Along comes someone truly brilliant and we install them as our Monarch).

The re-establishment of the one begun with Palpatine. (i.e. We put a Palpatine on the throne.) This was included more to facilitate a story arc rather than any real belief that it will happen.

I've left it deliberately vague, as Anar and his cronies would. He would do this so that it creates the opportunity for him to assume the throne or for someone else to do the same-without appearing to be disloyal loyal to the memory of the late lamented Emperor Palpatine who he and the present regime claim to revere.

Hope that clears things up a little.

Does anyone else wish to contribute?